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one of the main aspects of ano 1800 is learning how to manage or trade routes now I do have an entire trade route guide over on the channel and everything but it is a couple of years old and it's a bit lower quality because I wasn't that great at making my videos back then and I do drone on and on for a little while so I thought I'd make a shorter and little more direct and to Theo video uh with about five things about trade routes that you kind of need to know and that will help you get your trade routes up and running and working properly so let's jump in with our first one so one of the biggest things about trade routes that's going to be super critical and be very very important to your continued success with managing your trade routes is understanding trade route travel times now this is something that is available in the game what you can do is click on your Trading Post and click on the statistics button down here this will bring you to the storage Tab and what you're looking for is right here under all Goods you'll will see trade routes if you click that down on whatever trade route you need to see the time on what you're looking for is the difference between all of these right here as you can see I have fish that was picked up 28 minutes ago 19 minutes ago 9 minutes ago 1 minute ago so it's around a 10 minute roughly 9 to 10 minute turnaround time for this trade route picking up fish and taking it from one Island to another now how is this information useful to you I know a lot of people are always trying to figure out exactly how much they need to be taking back and forth to an island and everything well that's actually really really easy now that we know this right here all we have to do is go to the island that is needing the goods in this case fish at the moment it's going to be Ker's Landing for me we go under production and we look and see how much they need per minute we can see that they need one ton per minute of fish and it is taking this island about roughly you know 10 minutes on average to bring the fish back and forth I need to be bringing over a minimum of 10 fish per trip since I am bringing over 50 on the trade route I'm bringing over enough now you could micromanage this if you wanted to and set it at 10 but I would go ahead and just set it at 50 the reason being is because of minimum stock the next thing I want to talk about so minimum stock is your internal trade routes and how much you want to keep in stock on the island now you can set this however you want uh I normally like to do at least 25 in the farmer worker stage and then go up to 50 in Around The Artisans and then from there I kind of scale it and everything so if you're moving goods from one Island to another but you need to keep some of those goods on that island use the minimum stock I'm going to set this for 50 what this means is that trade route will take everything over 50 ttimes G in the warehouse over to that other Island and drop it off I'll always be able to keep at least 50 in the warehouse so that is how trade route travel times will work for you you figure out the time between the routes just by looking again at this little button right here and you look at your times going right here again about 10 minutes from me you multiply the 10 minutes by the consumption that the island needs in this case for me it's one and that number is how much minimum needs to be dropped off on the trade route so it is that simple how do you know when you need another ship on the route or a better ship on the route simple it's if it ever goes over the amount of cargo that the ship can hold if you're using a Clipper a Clipper can hold up to 200 tons of goods if you need more than 20000 tons of a particular good then you need to either add another clip ER or if you're in the engineer phase build a cargo ship and add that to the route and then if that's needs more just keep adding more ships to it basically don't worry about trying to space them out and have them timed perfectly in between it trust me doesn't matter add more ships or upgrade the type of ship if you need it to be more than the cargo space of the one ship that you have on the route it's that simple so next up we're going to talk about loading and unloading various Goods on an island and transporting them on a multi- island route now what I mean by that is I've got three islands here I've got Grace I've got Ker's landing and I've got luden Dorp over here I'm not going to try to pronounce that new New luden Dorp how about that now new lorp could use some fish now fish is a weird example cuz yes I can build fish anywhere but it's an arbitrary example okay so let's say I want to take the fish from Gracie and Supply that fish to both of those islands well what I want to do is I want to add New luden Dorp over to this now I could also unload the fish here but it's going to unload all 50 here and then it's not going to have anything for the next part of the route until Ker's landing's Warehouse fills up with fish so what I can do is I can go over to Ker's landing and set a minimum stock we know that we need at least 10 tons from the example four uh within the 10-minute time period so let's say we just keep a minimum stock of let's just say 25 we'll use that as a first figure and see if it works we'll set that minimum stock at 25 we're going to go back under our trade routes we're add in new ludorf whatever it's called now he's going to go from grace to kerner's landing and now he's going to drop off 50 fish or however much he possibly can but then I'm going to tell him to load the fish back up and and then unload it again at New luden Dorp and that's it we're done that easy the minimum stock feature right here is going to ensure that I only pick up anything over 25 and I take the rest of it to New ludor and then we'll hit accept now what you just have to do is let the route run at least two or three times and go check all of your timers like we talked about in the first part and make sure that your stocks that you're dropping off in your minimum stocks is enough for everything that's all you got to do it's that easy just like the first part it's not complicated it's not difficult you just check your timers and your production values between the multiple Islands set your pickup and drop offs within the same slot and go from there and if you find any of this video helpful at all do me a big favor and leave a like and a comment down below if you have not already subscribe to the channel for more ano1 1800 content I know it's a little cheesy to say but it does help the channel out tremendously and I can cannot do this without you guys support so big big thanks for everything so far so this next little tip of mine kind of has multiple parts to it in a way now let's take a look at our trade route here again now this trade route is going to work perfectly fine as is it's going to be great not going to have any issues out of it it will function just like this however eventually at new ludorf I might fill up on fish and then the uh trade route will actually just keep overflowing and eventually the ship will full of fish it will just be absolutely full of fish eventually what you can do is set one of the neutral Traders that's going to be Archie kahina Eli in the old world or an one of the Pirates if you have a trade agreement with her you could do that there you can do Isabelle or Jean the pirate in the new world again if you have trade agreement with him in the Arctic you could do this with this the init kumak and in imasa you can do this with katima so what you can do is set a final destination on the trade route to go to any of these neutral Traders usually just whoever's closest on the trade route and unload the goods to them that's going to sell any excess goods so now any excess fish I have left over on the trade route is going to go and be sold off to the neutral traders that way you can make a little cash eventually once your warehouses fill up you could unload the excess goods and just go ahead and sell the and it's fine make a little money off of it now this little thing is actually going to come in really handy if you were to do something like this now if I did not have Eli on this particular route like this what's going to happen is eventually all this is going to start spilling over I will eventually get fish filling up in all of these cargo slots right here and the trade route will break down because it won't be able to pick up work clothes anymore this is just a natural function of how the trade routes work it's just it's just one of those things going to happen they will break down eventually like this and you will get fish overflowing now there's two things you could do you could use discard cargo uh that just dumps the cargo overboard and it just floats in the water for about 10 minutes and then it disappears easy enough or you could do like we did a minute ago and go to worm wa prison or whoever else you want to and sell the goods you don't need to pick anything up we don't want to pick up any excess we actually do want the storage on the very last part of the trade route to fill up and then the excess that cannot ever be unloaded will go and be sold again makes you a little bit of money keeps everything running smoothly and you don't have to worry about any of your stores ever completely filling up and you're going to make some money off of it I know some people love to have their storage buildings completely full and have you know see 5,000 of whatever but it's just good sitting there doing nothing for you you know especially esally early game you need money you're really really crushed for you're really really cramped for cash so doing things like this to sell excess goods off on a trade route at the end of it is really really good way to make some money so another big question I see a lot is which ship should I use for a route now in the base game there are basically four types of trade ships there's the Clipper the Schooner and the cargo ship there's also the Great East if you do not have the research institute from Land of lions DLC then the Great Eastern is available one time after you finish the World's Fair you'll get a Quest from Archer ball Blake to get a permit to give you one great eastern and that is it if you have the research institute you can research permits to build more great Easterns if you have the passage DLC you have access to airships specifically one type of Airship and then if you have Empire disguise you have aorus Board of airship ships you can build but we're just going to talk about the four basics and I know I keep saying four but there's only three on the map because the fourth one is a charter route and we'll talk about Charter routes specifically in just a second but let's talk about these three guys right here first your three basic types of trade ships now they all actually are useful even the little Schooner is very very useful now obvious of the cargo ship is going to be your main hauler this is going to be your main ship for going between regions for hauling your high consumption Goods your coffee your rum your chocolates all the cigars all that kind of stuff from the new world coming in to the old world this is the ship you're going to want to use for that when you get access to it and your consumption starts really really ramping up on a lot of those goods in the engineer and investor phases the Clipper is going to be your I actually like to consider it kind of my Workhorse a lot of times yes the cargo ship is amazing and I use it for a lot of my big routes but for some routes where it's just between two islands and it's just transporting a certain amount of goods that I'm never going to need a lot of I don't need to waste the expenses on a cargo ship when a Clipper will be just fine for it if the route never has a need for more than 200 tons within the time frame of the route just use a Clipper I see so many people as soon as they unlock the cargo ship they replace all their Clippers with cargo ships and cargo ships are very expensive in comparison to a Clipper and it's just not necessary really there's no need to replace your entire fleet of Clippers with steam cargo ships just because you unlock them if the carg if the Clipper is doing the work then it's perfectly fine upgrade it when you need to and that comes and that brings us to the little Schooner the little bitty Schooner here is actually a fantastic ship it is great for transporting uh basic small materials between a couple of islands I really like to use them in the new world for transporting stuff like bricks around to the islands I'm getting ready to work on I don't want to have to build Aeros and have Clay pits all over my islands and have to build up an arero population and everything to support multiple brick factories and Clay pits and stuff like that instead I can just set up one island in the new world with multiple clay pits and brick factories on it and then use a couple of Clippers to move some construction materials around I can use the Schooner on a small route between two islands that I just need maybe a few hops brought around on the Schooner is actually a really really versatile little ship for those simple quick easy routes that you're not ever going to need a lot of stuff being moved around on or just temporarily have a few things moved around so using the right ship for the job is actually really important an and eventually you may phase out a lot of your clippers and Schooners and replace them with cargo ships but you don't have to do it right away if those other ships will work just go ahead and keep using them or make some more of them and use those and from an aesthetic point of view I kind of like the sailing ships a little bit more and I like to see a variety of ships sailing in and out of my Harbor and everything so don't go overboard building a bunch of steam ships when you don't really need them keep those sailing ships around they actually are useful and you can still use them if you still if the route will still support them and that brings us to the last one the charter route I know so many people always ask what good are Charter routes I don't know why they're any good so Charter routes are a little unique okay Charter routes can only haul one type of good between two islands only and it can only support up to 80 tons that's it it can only support up to 80 tons now the charter route is a little more costly than a schooner it is 50 cost but you do get three Charter routes for free okay and that's free is that influence cost you get three free influence Charter routes before they start costing you five influence each so why would you ever use a charter route over a schooner and honestly the answer is you usually won't ever use a charter route over something like a schooner if you need a route this basic just use a schooner however you might not have Schooners available when you need to get the route up and running so a charter route can be a good temporary route essentially until you have your Schooners built until you have some clippers built and you can actually start moving stuff Charter routes are very slow they are slightly slower than a schooner they carry the least amount of goods for a trade ship in the game even a schooner can carry 100 tons of goods whereas this is only 80 now they are cheaper than a Clipper so they're kind of a step between Schooners and Clippers the one thing you never want to do with Charter routes is go between regions use these only for your inter Regional in inter Regional or intra inter intra whichever it is the the routes in the islands within the same region you know what I mean only use them for that don't try to do a charter route for rum between the old world and new world you will always run out of rum you will be scratching your head trying to figure out what you've done wrong and what you've done wrong is use Charter routes for trying to haul high value Goods never ever ever do that so I'll always take advantage of the no influence cost of the first three and use those for some basic routes and everything but beyond that I won't ever use Charter routes for anything else always use at least a schooner or better but you use these three free ones for something simple and everything else so that's really the only purpose Charter routes have they're very inefficient you're not going to be able to supply your high consumption Goods like coffee rum things like that with a charter route it just can't hold enough so make sure you're using your actual better ships like Clippers and cargo ships for those types of goods all right and that's it guys I just wanted to make a more Compact and direct video about trade routes and everything else cuz I do see a lot of questions still about trade routes and how to set them up and how they work and how you need to do different things with them there is a lot more to trade routes so if you want some more uh indepth droning on about trade routes uh the video is linked down in the description below for that so give that a check if you are interested all right guys thank you so much for watching I will see you in the next video Until then take [Music] care
Channel: Taka
Views: 23,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anno 1800, anno 1800 tips, anno 1800 guide, anno 1800 tips and tricks, anno 1800 gameplay, anno 1800 takarazuka, anno 1800 beginner tips, anno 1800 tricks, anno 1800 how to, anno 1800 trade routes, anno 1800 trading, charter routes, beginner guide, anno 1800 trade routes tips, anno 1800 how to trade, anno 1800 top tips, trade routes, anno 1800 tutorial, anno 1800 trade route, anno 1800 tips taka
Id: MjUt1pWzENU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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