First trying Manor Lords, how poorly can it go?

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hello there everybody today we will be checking out Manor Lord for those of you who don't know what Manor Lord is uh it is a strategy game Real Time Strategy well basically it is set in Medieval Era you're basically building your own village uh set in that period And I believe it is focused mostly on uh Slavic countries I I really do like the way the game is Set uh you can basically adjust everything to your play style for this round we will be going with a mixed play style that is the city building and some military uh side of it too and we are in the game I don't really know how to play it yet but I must say the game for a RTS Style game City Builder game looks really really Magnificent the detail here is immense so this little encampment here is our starting position and I guess we should start with building some uh resource Gathering stuff I guess for the start we don't want our basic resources to be too far from our uh encampment so I guess we should be be building it here and we do have to connect everything by hand so this is the aspect of the game I really really do like the um the roads do not feel so square like they do in like games like uh City Skylands and so but still I want it to be somewhat realistic and uh back in the day most cities were founded on a German L that is at least in Poland and this one's required to have a city Square in the middle of them the buildings were built the uh housing was built around it the church and so and so forth and that is my aim here the city Square will be here and other houses and buildings will be built around it everything in this game has to be transported by hand well in this case by an ox the way you are setting the residental plots in this game are quite neat although I don't fully understand them yet uh yeah I don't have enough Goods that is that is true but still I can design them and as you can see uh this plot here would give me place for two residental buildings I just did that right there so I don't think I need anything more for now and uh the next goal would be to set up some hunting and gaing maybe to make them uh make food for that we've got additional resources on the global map as you can see there are wild animals and some bury deposits so I guess we should set the hunting camp here yeah it even it even tells us where we should uh put it we can't make it too close or the animals will flee but I will start with some uh forager hatut cuz it's quite a bit uh closer than the than the animals we also do have the enemies to worry about mostly the bandits there are some uh camps of brigands nearby I don't know if they will attack us hopefully not cuz as of now I don't think we are in a position to build any any army it would seem that if we make these plots a bit bigger uh the division a little bit different we get additional buildings near the housings sorry uh but I don't really know what they do so I guess we should check it out but we have to uh wait for Timber anyway and that will be a while also yes I do know that game yells at me that I've got exposed Goods I should build storages I can do that anyway I guess I could now uh but I am I am too taken away by watching them cut the Tres down in meantime when they are building this uh housing here here I guess we should set up the uh field and uh we will need them cuz if Winters are like anything in real life this can be harsh on us and we might not survive them right when I wanted to do some commentary it started raining I guess it doesn't matter either way so yeah I've set this Farmhouse and free Fields with crop rotation in mind so uh one field is always left follow uh why is that you might ask well I am making it so our Fields do not lose fertility and I guess I really need to build that storage I really do like how this game is set up in terms of uh historical little curious like take this Shrine here uh for most part in medieval Poland this were quite common there were set up in on the crossroads like this one it is partially a remnant of Slavic religion it was adopted by Catholic Church to and well it was mostly meant to protect Travelers because C Crossroads were considered a place where bad spirits reside and can lead people to their demise so yeah shrines like this were very common back in the day and in some parts of Poland mostly rural rural they still are there you can still see them them but uh they are quite rare nowadays for the most part I think I am set up I just need to finish building The Farmhouse and I can assign some families to the fields so they can work there uh we should sew everything before before summer anyway uh we've got still some time and then we should move on to the other amenities that we have to provide to these people cuz like you can see they are quite a there but for that we will need another resources we need planks we need Stone and these ones are behind other buildings that will take me some time to build and also I don't think I have enough living space and families to provide workers there so that will be quite fun logistically I feel like it's only raining in this game I don't know if it's Poland erl or what uh but anyway the houses are built and now I know what can I do with them I guess I should make these plots a little bit bigger cuz we can add backyard extensions and they seem to be quite useful so right now we can get vegetable garden chicken Coupe and goat shed we can't take or chargery right now for some reason but I guess we will get to it and these ones are are locked behind the higher building level so I guess I should use some some of our regional wealth and uh we build some of it as of now we can only afford one upgrade anyway I guess I could go for uh the vegetable garden too but I don't know what else is it spend on so yeah I don't want to waste everything I've got the game gave me quest to form militia so yeah that is uh that simple at least for this part of the game they gave us Spears and large Shields so that is we need for for militia still we don't have enough uh recruits to make this um this Battalion full but I guess we should try to take out these Bandits here uh whenever we can that is when we get more people to uh join our ranks these animations need some work I don't know what they are picking and where where are they picking picking it from but yeah yeah I think I somehow broke the game cuz everyone wants to transport large Shields now I don't know where are they carrying them but okay at least one person is building The Farmhouse that should be our priority I even set it to be so and it's a brave anes that is building our our Farmhouse well we are in May late May and the summer is coming and we still haven't so anything on the field guess you have to wish me luck on the winter here okay finally we can set some farming to be done I guess I have to assign some families there and we should be good I will change the the field priority here too cuz well we are late and we haven't saw anything as I said just a while ago and we don't really need flux right now so if we have time we will uh plant the flux too that's quite satisfying to watch from afar I guess I should set up hunting camp too cuz uh well we are getting light into the air and we still have issues with food so yeah let them build that and I will assign one one family to hunt some animals oh I didn't know that something guess we were robbed by Bandits just now and right about right about when I was starting to fill up the firewood storage that's a shame dudes dragging this deer behind him and whining every 5 seconds and heavier than it looks yeah that's what I'm talking about good news is our field is plowed and mostly sou so we will see some crop growing there in no time and very likely we will be able to harvest some by by winter what does this button do visit mode press to walk around your town in third person mode okay W this looks this looks awesome so basically you can go and in inspect your Village from well not first person but third person you can look at everything up close from the villagers working building the Huts doing their everyday jobs to inspect their housing how they lived wonder if I can go inside of one of these probably not yeah that would be too much and we can't see anything inside it's pit black there's slowly something starting to happen on the fields that is quite neat the design is I mean this one is uh freshly plowed and salt so nothing had a chance to grow but here this uh this plot has like a month and already we can see some green in there we are constantly robbed by these Bandits uh I don't have enough people to attack them though uh well at least with we've got enough resources to build the church already so I guess that's good should I place it near the city Square I guess so finally something someone new is moving in so I guess in no time we will be able to get rid of these Bandits that are harassing me but I don't think we'll do it today I've been playing this game for a while now and I think it's is good place to live it as you can see we will have some yield on the fields we are moving into Autumn so the harsh months are ahead of us and we are starting to build the church so the people don't feel so depressed so yeah let's finish it off here I hope you like it uh if so leave a like comments so I am open to suggestions on what I should name this a village cuz like you can see I haven't changed it at all so yeah thank you for watching and see you in the next one
Channel: F4LL3N
Views: 106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Manor Lords, citybuilder, medieval
Id: z-1OOxTH6CI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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