Anno 1800 Ultimate Money Making Guide - Get to Engineers WITHOUT Going Broke!!

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Need money? Sell soaps to eli....

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/braeive πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Roughly paraphrased - Starting at 5:40: A lot of people go to the wiki [to look up optimal production chains] and then end up with six furnaces and wonder why they end up broke

That's a really good point! Perfect ratios are something for much later.

Great tips all around!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/2VetOP πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

My trick in every game is buying gold from the pirates and selling it to Nate and what even more profitable is buying pearls from Kahina and selling them to Nate. No production or anything needed

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Napoleon-Born4Party πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

How long does it take you to make a video like this?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NormanSeeDis πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

What’s that little spiral thing beside your reddit name

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PouetSK πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow. Great guide. I always find it a pain to get the Canned Beef going for Artisans. Did not consider skipping it entirely. Definitely gonna focus on the Beer first. Also, I never thought about making money by selling soaps to Eli. But its definitely something I'm gonna try!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Euzio06 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched it for fun, pretty nice video. I like that you ignored specialist and such.

At what income difficulty setting this was?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fhackner3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Another profitable thing.. Sand.. I was surprised at how much I could make just selling full loads of sand. One building. No chains, just sand.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CalculatusEliminatus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I went with a different approach in my last game.

I tried to build most things at the start on a single island, until I would get specifically to engineers to start producing battle cruisers for expedition running. In the artisan part I had a little dip in money so I did occupy an island for hops, that also had fur I would need later.

While I did discover the new world, I never did go there thou. Instead, because I was using the mod that traders have more items for sale, I kept looking for the clothing designer so I would not need cotton, and ended up getting lucky. I did later on take over a third island for zinc, copper and lime already available on my second island.

So I reached engineers, provided them with glasses, and all the rest of the brass is going into steam engines, along with advanced weapons I replaced my previous expedition fleet.

I also did all this, since now I have 3 islands, 1 big and 2 smaller ones, capable of installing my upcoming farms with tractors and also producing all of the construction materials.

I do usually use the 15% income propaganda, sometimes when income was low, I had both the 15 and 10% ones in.

Used up most of my influence on zoo and museum, and my visitors are paying my something like 9k.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/summoner_90 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's going on everyone welcome into another guide for no.18 hundred-some one of the most common questions I see asked is how to get to artisans that aren't engineers without going broke your income is fluctuating wildly supplies are dropping and you just cannot figure out what to do well hopefully through some tips and tricks and showing you how I built this particular city up I can help with that so this is our current city right here of pawn to do radon giuse we have a global population of six thousand seven hundred and forty and an income balance of 3454 we just entered the engineer tier recently and we have about just over 600 of them unlocking these steam motors and the fuel production chain that is if you have the bright harvest dlc now before we get took it take a look at engineers a bit more and how to handle their all of their stuff let's look back at the city some earlier stages and talk about some tips and ideas to help you manage your economy while working your way to this point so let's put the rewind on and let's go back in time to when the city was first founded alright so welcome to the quaint port town back in the early game this is what I like to call the pre-industrial face we only recently unlocked the steel production at 300 workers so most of our people are still in their very basic jobs like farming framework knitters slaughterhouses little things like that maintenance costs are fairly low at this point so things don't cost very much and it is still very easy to maintain a positive balance we have a very small population just under a thousand but we are making 584 so small population still a nice balance though the biggest key to that is to not over build don't over build any of your production buildings now how do you know how many production buildings you need well there is a handy in-game tool that you can find call the statistics screen you can get to that several different ways you can click on a building and click on statistics you can click on your balance right here or you could hit ctrl Q to bring it up now I'm not going to go into great detail tell as I have an entire video guide on this topic available on my channel the link is in the description down below but the very basic idea is to keep that green supply bar equal to or higher than the demand bar a couple of examples right here our potatoes are actually perfectly balanced we're creating we're where we have a production of four and we have a demand of four so they're balanced right here we have a current potential supply of four and we only need three so we're actually making a little bit of extra that's it that is the very basic idea of it if you see the demand is higher than supply build one building or chain as needed this will help you not to over build things if they only need to fisheries don't build more than two fisheries the same goes for all other basic and luxury goods that your people need at this level and on into the game with a few exceptions there is never a reason to build more than what your current needs are it costs money that you're not making back in taxes and goods piled up or goods not being consumed in factories become idle costing you money for again no benefit if you have full warehouses of a good in you're low on income turn some of those off you could turn off a factory by pausing the production right here you just pause it now depending on the difficulty level it may cost you none or there may be a small running cost but you can pause the factory to stop the production and save a little bit of money just don't forget to turn them back on later that's that's kind of a key turn them off to save money don't forget to turn them back on so you don't run out of those goods that you need now one of the early exceptions to this rule of don't build more than needed is the soap factory eli bleak worth will pay around three hundred and eighty four coins roughly yeah three hundred eighty four coins per ton of soap and it is just a great way to make some nice cash early on we'll talk about that more in a bit in the next part so let's just go ahead and jump ahead a little bit to the next stage of our city's development here all right here we are at the end of the worker tear all basic and luxury goods good needs have been met except for beer at the moment and we are actually rebuilding our schnapps production I had one that caught fire and I didn't realize it and it burnt down and so I had to rebuild it we're not at beer just yet beer is a slightly more expensive chain to set up so I typically don't build beer until I get to artisans at this stage your income is going to be fairly low unless you've been spamming farmers and workers just to try to artificially boost your income that's because the steel chain is fairly expensive set up and you're not going to and you're gonna need a lot of steel beams to both upgrade artisans and for just about everything going forward but so steel beams are going to be a detriment to your income early on it will fix itself and you you'll get the money back eventually you'll start making plenty of money to support it but for right now it is a very expensive chain you'll notice though that I only have one steel works and one furnace a lot of people especially newer players they were trying to figure things out go to the wiki or look up a production chain diagram and see that it says to build like one iron mine to charcoal kilns to furnaces and three steel works and then they go over to the weapons and they see you know to make I forgot what it is over there it's even more it's it's like people end up with like six furnaces on their island and they can't figure out why they're going broke and that's what the mistake is happening those diagrams are giving optimal zero-waste layout chains it's not meant to be taken as this is what you have to build when you unlock it so what it means is that that's the maximum number of buildings for the fastest production in the chain can provide for so in this case it's the iron mine at 15 seconds or yeah Ironman in 15 seconds sorry about that you don't have to build three steelworks or you know four to six furnaces and stuff to supply all this you don't have to it's totally not necessary I build one steelworks one furnace and then one of each mine or a kiln and that's it steel production is very expensive and it can you if you build too many one furnace can support two steel works but each steel work is another 200 coins and maintenance can work force it's a large investment in something you only need a little of at the very moment and you can get more from Sir Archibald Blake he is the guy at the crown icon on the map you can buy steel beams from him say if you if you need more go grab him you can also set up a supply a buy order at your trading post here go under construction materials or whatever you want to buy and you can set up a buy and sell sell or a buy order and tell it how many you want to keep any time Archie comes by he'll sell you some your main goal honestly in the worker tier is to hurry up and get artisans that's that's really your goal get to get through the artisan tier get the basics down and get them supplied get a little bit of a surplus of workforce so you can get dim into artisans even as fully supplied worker house pales in comparison to even a partially supplied artisan house and you need to get word to where the money is speaking of money let's go back to my mention of soap actually as you can see I actually have my soap with a minimum stock set of 30 and I have a schooner picking up the excess soap so it's picking up any soap over 30 and it's selling it over to worm ways prison to Eli for extra cash it's definitely a good idea to do a lot of people i also recommend maybe building an extra soap chain soap is very cheap it's very simple to build it doesn't take a lot of work and you can make a ton of money off of soap so definitely a good idea to do that early on get you some extra cash coming in my tip for doing that method though is as soon as you hit 300 workers Archy starts selling steel beams go buy some from him as soon as possible then you go grab at first you want to go grab a couple of more islands you need one with at least hops and or red pepper on it or two islands if you don't have one nearby make sure they're nearby as well don't go you know all the way over here to try to find an island like you know don't go over here to get it try to find islands that are close by - you definitely want to use the nearby islands that way it cuts down on travel times so once you have a couple of islands take the extra steel or go and pick up a little bit more from Archy bring it back to your main island and get soap up and running before you even have your steel works down that's a great method to do you can do that for the beer as well if you want to go ahead and get beer going before artisans get by the steel from our Chi set up a couple of soap set you up a brewery and get that going before you even have the steel works some people don't even build a steel works until much later on in the game that's totally viable way to do things just keep buying steel beams from Archibald and set up a buy order he'll sell you some I think Coquina will also sell you some on occasion it's a great way to save workforce and the maintenance cost here on the island so with everything set we have all of our basic needs met we have almost all of our luxury goods met will we'll deal with the beer later we are ready to move on into the artisan tier so let's jump ahead and see what happens there all right in artisans the tier are a lot of people start to struggle it's my first biggest tip for the artisan tier is skip that cannery skip the cannery early on don't try to build it just yet canneries barely break even on the taxes versus the expense caused and they require a rather large workforce to maintain all of that what I suggest to do is to get two rum and sewing machines as soon as possible get you some artisans bill upgraded and unlock the sewing machines it will also unlock the variety theater which also provides you with a little bit of income from the from having variety theater access but you definitely want to get those sewing machines and the rum as soon as possible oh and don't forget to maintain that stock of beer as well sorry about that I'm reading off of my notes over here got a little lost IV yeah don't forget to maintain that stock a beer beer they pay almost double what a worker house pays for beer so yeah artisan is definitely where you want to get that beer flowing because they pay a pretty penny for it in the new world though we do have two colonies set up in the new world one is for cloth and plantains right here and the other is for our rum production and now your mileage may vary of course depending on fertility distribution but plantains which is the banana icon a lot of people have trouble understanding what the plantains are that's the plantains they're bananas so look for the banana icon that's your plantains the plantains cotton and sugar cane are so are the three most important ones early on those are the three you want to find if you can find a single island it has all three perfect if you can't grab a couple of islands it's not gonna hurt grab a couple of islands set up a couple of small villages and get those going for my set up here particularly plantains are being produced here at San Duran yo they're being brought down over here to Bonita Bonita Lucia to be consumed and in the excess is being sent over to Isabela sarmento to be sold for 337 per tonne it is a very nice profit it's just play Taine's again simple cheap easy thing to produce might as well sell some it's not going to hurt you whatsoever as you can see right here I'm picking up 15 I'll drop off a few over there and the rest goes to Isabella and it's gonna make me a ton of money however that being said the new world is never gonna be a big money-making place outside of those traded goods you might make a couple thousand on a really heavily populated island of a Brer O's but it's not gonna be a lot it's never gonna compare to the old world where the real money is at speaking of the old world as well one boost a lot of play newer players miss is the public mooring now they do have a higher maintenance cost which is probably why people aren't sure about they're like oh geez what does that think it costs 400 coins but they make money based on the attractiveness of your island now I currently have an attractiveness level of 365 and I'm making 1314 take out the 400 I'm spending on maintenance and I'm getting about 900 yeah about 900 profit from that so that's not a small amount early in the game so you definitely want to get a public mooring put down you could put public moorings on any Island as long as they're over I'd say about 250 attractiveness you're gonna make a little bit of money stick them down in the New World sticking them the old world wherever you want put them all they cost is money and you're gonna make a little money off of each one I've also built a small zoo right up here this little zoo right here is you made using cheap items from Madame Katina I've got things like you know I've got a balloon fish I've got a chicken a cat pigs some gulls and pigeons and a all it's just cheap quick items from Madame Katina just to boost the attractiveness of the island every point counts every point of attractiveness counts and you make money for every point of attractiveness so you want to keep boosting and making those numbers climb steadily with zoos museums and eventually you want to move off things like these vulgarities items such as the slaughterhouses and pigs and soap and you do want to think about moving off anything that pollutes from heavy factories as well so you could reclaim those lost attractiveness points so by this point if you have maintained a steady expansion as you can see we have expanded the city over on to the other side of the river over here we have kept up with all of our productions all of our consumer goods are almost perfectly balanced we have exactly what we need of everything no massive overproduction of anything no crew nothing crazy it's just exactly what we need to keep our citizens happy with all of that in place which we're in a good position to move on to engineers so with that let's jump back to where we started this video all right and here we are back with the current state of the city we have a nice little population right here of just over 600 engineers being supplied with spectacles already they already had their spectacles going which they provide us 25 coins just for having that supplied so it's a decent little amount I did have to import copper and zinc from another islands that I had to set up a little just a very simple basic village on we've got workers over here but I don't even have them getting sausages right now because I don't even you know lie I don't need them to have it if they have it that's just more workers than we all of a sudden turn and go into bread and everything just expands I don't need to give it to them they're fine with what they have at the moment I'm taking the copper zinc and I also have cement over here being brought back over to our main island right here for reinforced concrete and to make the brass for the spectacles but as of right now everything is fully supplied to our citizens other than the recently unlocked penny farthings and everyone is very happy as you can see right here we have a pretty decent happiness we have an average Island happiness of 24 that's not bad at all for earlier game no items no specialists and just supplying them with the luxury goods that they need now this is a relatively small city in terms of how a lot of people build in plate I did this on purpose I purposefully did not build a huge city spammed with tight blocks of 2 by 3 and 2 by 4 and you know 2 by 2 square blocks of housing I also did this without the use of any specialists you can see right here I have no town halls no trade unions anywhere no harbormaster's no items are specialists I did this to show that even building mostly just what you need to get by is enough to maintain a balanced economy we have a small overflow of workforce right here 50 of each of those is actually from the influence bonus for expansion which is the Conqueror effect it gives plus 50 island workforce so some of these are some of the 50 of each of these is just from that other than that we have a small over overflow of workforce which is not bad it's fair it's not a large amount but everything is stable and I'm ready to keep expanding so where do you go from here I know you're looking at daunting things like like the steam motors or even you know some people even panic over the penny farthings you know things like that the what the pocket watch chain later on is a little bit more involved everyone starts to panic over these big chains but here's the thing you don't need them right now like I don't need to produce steam motors right now I am able to fully sustain my economy off of these trade routes I have one two three four five six trade routes one two let's see I think yeah two of them are just clutch are just schooners and then the rest are Clippers but I'm able to fully sustain my economy off of a few Clippers and a couple of schooners that's it I don't need to build steam cargo ships these things are this thing is massively expensive you know it and the ships themselves are very expensive to build and maintain the steam motors chain is very expensive I don't need all of that right now I would argue that I don't even need cargo ships until investors and you start needed to transport a lot of products around because investors take a lot of stuff from a lot of different places and you're going to need the expanded cargo capacity at that point but not right now it's you're you're not going to need that at the moment if you do need them at the moment you can go buy some from Archibald and from Isabella he will start selling them I don't I don't remember the exact trigger at the moment but he Isabella and Archie do sell cargo ships it does sometimes that they don't have a pup event immediately you might have to there's a little trick you can do where you can like buy and then sell it right back to them you don't get their full full amount of money back from it but you get some and it read and list them forces them to refresh their stock so keep a check on them if you need a cargo ship but until then Clippers are fine cargo ships are for to me mid late game when you're transporting a lot of goods around your biggest challenge with engineers is honestly going to be getting to and I it doesn't even show here because I don't have it I need to unlock coffee first but your biggest challenge with engineers is going to be getting to 3,000 of them to unlock the bank getting to 3,000 unlock the bank yes it's a luxury need it is not a regular need it's a luxury need but it pays so much money I would honestly try to get to 3,000 engineers before even trying to go into investors that's what I sometimes I've done that many times I just go ahead and get the bank unlocked and have a massive massive income base before even get to investors banks are huge money makers and the faster you get to that the more money you're gonna be making by the time you get to the investor tier you should have a large income base 20 30 40 50 60 or thousand plus however much depending on how tightly you build the city and how much you expand and you should have several million if not tens of millions of coins in the bank already yeah and available to you in the you know in the bank technically I guess investors are just pure moneymakers after that then while their chains are a bit more complex and they can cost a lot more money that they pay you is absurd but you always follow the same logic that you did when you only had farmers and workers you monitor your production statistics you build only as you need in order to satisfy demand and you consider the impact of building something might have on the economy for example you know instead of six gold mines in the new world because you're gonna need a lot of a barrel workforce to supply all that so that's even more production chains in the world in the new world and even more logistics you have to deal with can you sustain your need for gold or from Eloi Eloi sells gold or it's not terribly expensive could you sustain yourself on that will it be financially is it financially smart to do that just gotta think about these things there are so many ways to go about doing various things in this game the possibilities are really just endless it just depends on your play style how you want to do things if you want to use items and specialists change up production lines boost productivity x' everywhere there's so many different ways to play this and to figure out the best way that works for you but once you get to investors you're gonna have so much freedom to just throw money at things to see what works best for you you keep up the expansion keep up with your goods using this production statistics screen and can you know be cognizant of as you're building to be sure that you're maintaining all those supplies and the coin will just come to you now I hope this little guide has helped you out a bit I was going to originally show me actually building the city over time but it just did that method did not work out so I figured that might be easier to go back and talk about it but hey you know if you have questions or there's something you're still not clear about go ahead and ask me down in the comments or you can feel free to join our discord server the link to that is also that in the description it is my discord server we have a lot of great people in there I'm in there often as often as I can be to help answer questions and to get feedback on stuff so you know if you're looking for help reach out there's plenty of plenty of assistance out there to help you with everything like and subscribe if you have not already I'm a dedicated a know 1800 channel I do Let's Plays I do guides I'm always available to help out with everybody thanks for watching guys and we will see you in the next one take care
Channel: Taka
Views: 152,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anno 1800, anno 1800 tips, anno 1800 guide, anno 1800 top tips, anno 1800 tips to make money, anno 1800 tips for beginners, anno 1800 new player guide, anno 1800 beginner tips, anno 1800 beginners guide, anno 1800 engineers tips, anno 1800 engineers guide, anno 1800 engineers, anno 1800 artisans guide, anno 1800 artisans, anno 1800 money making tips, anno 1800 how to make money, anno 1800 tips and tricks, anno 1800 money, anno 1800 best start, anno 1800 tutorial, engineers
Id: DkBapjqq6aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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