Anno 1800 TOP 5 Tips & Tricks to Help You Get Better!! || Part 1

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what's going on guys no.18 is quite to the large and lair game there are hundreds of different layouts for your buildings expeditions you undertake that can get you some unique items and specialists dealing with ships and naval combat and watching as your ships or even the AI ships come into port to buy and sell and drop off goods new players or even those of you have been playing for a little while but may still be struggling with things you often get overwhelmed by everything going on so in this series on the channel we take a look at five tips every week or so that might help you with understanding a little bit more about this game so let's jump right in and see if we can't shed some light on a few things you might not know about so starting off let's take a look at building layouts now most people go to the anno 1800 wiki or to the website and no layouts dot de links to all that is going to be in the description of course and they go there trying to figure out how to best layout their industrial complexes or their farm lands and everything to make the most use of space how or you may not even know how to even set things up in the first place and you need a little guidance but here's a little trick you may not know not everything has to be connected by roads everywhere so let me explain what I mean by that a little bit so here we have a very simple layout for beer you have three grain far three hop farms you have two grain farms a malt house two breweries and a warehouse it's a very simple layout it's a very basic layout and you get you everything you need everything is nicely connected by roads and everyone can deliver their goods but here is the trick check this one right here out it's a little bit different because this one I'm only using two road tiles right here or I could even use a single row tile if I move the warehouse up just one to connect the breweries only to the warehouse the grain farms and the hop farms and the Malthouse are on their own separate road network going only to the brewery right here the mechanics of this are very simple so long as something in the chain is connected to a road that connects to a trading post in your harbour everything else is considered connected as well this works really really well for simple inputs like a 1 to 1 or a 2 to 1 ratio kind of like the 2 grain farms to one malt one malt house to two breweries you can even do something as simple as a lumberjack on a sawmill we'll take a look right here you can see I have the the Lumberjacks Hut connected directly to the sawmill which is now connected to the warehouse and that's it I don't have to have roads going everywhere this saves you a little bit of coin and it saves on some space now of course you won't stockpile any of the raw or intermediate goods such as logs or malt or grain or hops you won't stockpile any of that but if you're constantly using them up to either supply your people or you're selling them on trade routes for money then you would not be stockpiling those things anyways so it's not really a loss now it's not always the most efficient way out of course but it is a neat little trick you can do if you want to not have roads going everywhere I just discovered this one a few weeks ago and I've been using it a lot for things like the sawmills right here and for my schnapps sheep farms different things like that I've been using it on it's a great little trick and I really hope you find some fun little uses for it in your cities so moving on let's talk about those expeditions these adventures you send your ships out on can be a little nondescript if you don't take the time to check them out many times people are trying to find very rare legendary animals like the snowflake sets or something and they struggle finding one well there's actually a really helpful way you can try to find out what you're looking for easier whenever you get a notice about a an exhibition to pop up you'll see them over here in the expeditions tab or the expeditions button right here where you can see them all what you can do is you can actually go to the world map and look for those markers on the world map so you can see are here we've got an archaeological expedition in the rainforest we have one over here in the dry plains we have over here in the southern Woodlands the temperate forest the winter forest and one up here in the polar those are very specific destinations temperate forests winter forests polar dry Plains southern woodlands and the rain forest certain animals like the black Jaguar for instance only come from a place like the rain forest polar regions give polar bears winter forests give things like caribou or some of those other more northern animals like that so but now as at the time of this video being made no one has made an exhaustive list of all the different rare animals or even the museum pieces and where they can come from on the world map so unfortunately I cannot go into more detail or even link something like that but just know that if you're missing a certain animal for a set think about what type of animal it is and where it could come from realistically in the world you wouldn't find a you know an animal that could normally only be found in the rain forest over in you know maybe the temperate forests things like that you have to consider where it might come from don't forget you can search for items you are missing in the item tad of the stat screen or by clicking ctrl T just be sure to select all Islands and tick the unknown box then type in the name of the set you'll see the ones you're missing you're kind of grayed out a little bit so happy hunting and at some point maybe we can get a really good list of where all the different rare animals can be found in all of these different locations is something I am clamoring for maybe if I have time I'll work on that list and I and share it with you all for the third spot let's uh stay on the same boat if you will and let's talk ships specifically our precious trade ships our cargo ships and clippers and schooners without these haulers our economies would collapse in a fiery rebellion and we would lose all of our money and we would get that awful you lose screen the biggest threat to our ships is from other people pirates and other AI are at war with will love to chase and try to sink your trade ships denying your people the things they need and the things you need to make money one of the more common solutions I see for this is to protect your trade routes with fleets of ships patrolling around and of course just take out the enemy and be done with it but what if you're not in a position to do that or what if you want to farm their ships for valuable specialists or items well we have a solution for that which can keep our ships safe at the same time it is called the white flag this beauty of an item comes in two varieties epic and legendary which has an added bonus of minus 15% trade prices on it the epic version can be purchased at old mate or rarely it Isabella you can find it by diving with a salvager on pirate or rescue missions or expeditions or if you have Willy wibble stock in the game he can give that as a quest reward sometimes or even be found on his ships or on his islands if you take them over the legendary one can only be found as a random quest reward from Willy or Isabella or on a hostile takeover of Willy's Islands rescue or pirate expeditions open diving or one of three different diving Maps Willy's wondrous - Isabella's emergency vault or Vincente a sunken ship of the line so what the flag does is it sets the ship that is equipped on to be in a permanent peace mode and it can never be attacked it is literally immune to ever being damaged by anyone when you have three to four cargo ships constantly bringing in precious coffee or rum or even chocolate like mine right here is that you need to have to keep that income going losing those ships to enemy attacks can be devastating as soon as I can I start rolling at night doing expedition and diving as much as possible to find these things they first of all go in my high-priority loop high-priority routes like the coffee or rum ships and then I start equipping them and others depending on how crucial that route is to me my goal in any playthrough is to have as many if not all of my trade ships equipped with a white flag this ensures my trade routes can never be hindered and it takes so much stress off me they are a huge huge lifesaver so my ships don't need lifesavers when they get sunk yeah I'm here with the puns today I'll be here all week guys so huh keep an eye out for white flags and get those in your ships if you're dealing with aggressive neighbors and never worry about losing a route again and speaking of income let's get that chocolate delivered and get this peaceable ship going back to the New World to pick up some more Hershey's for us fourth on the list today we're staying with the ship theme here and we're talking about loading speed this is a somewhat mysterious and misunderstood stat which is asked about often and there has been very limp little information about it so let's take it apart a bit because I spend the time or researching it let's start by saying what loading speed is not it is not a stat that is based on the type of ship being loaded or unloaded I see a lot of people claiming that airships are better because they unload faster or schooners unload really slow this is completely wrong what loading speed actually is is based on the building the Trading Post or the pier it works like this your basic small Trading Post that you first build has a loading speed of two tons of goods per second with a minimum of five seconds to be spent to the dock do know that this is game time not always real time so if you have a game sped up it's going to go faster so if you are loading or unloading a cargo ship full of 300 Goods on a trade route it will take 150 seconds or two and a half minutes to load or unload all of it at a small Trading Post the worker tier medium post slightly increases this to three tons of goods per second so 100 seconds or a minute and 40 seconds for 300 tons of good the large trading post in engineers is a much nicer 5 tons per second so only 60 seconds for 300 tons of goods the new grand warehouse that came with update 8 has no change in the loading speed though it's the same as a large trading post the main benefits of the grand trading post is more loading ramps for carts and storage space the pier building is unique in that it has a constant speed of 2 tons of goods per second regardless of the harbour level it does not change at all it always stays at 2 tons of goods per second no it does not matter what the harbour level is that it is a part of so now that we know how loading speed works as a base level let's check out how items and specialists that affect loading speed works now that's a simple formula that takes the base loading time and divides it by the sum of the percent plus 1 yes I know math let's just take an example using an item that many people get from sunken treasures that would be Hogarth here Hogarth the harbor master a veteran of Trelawny he is obtained by completing the main quest for crown Falls he increases loading speed by 100 percent so if we had a grand trading post right here which has a loading speed of five tons per second which means a base loading speed of 60 seconds then we are going to take that and divide it by two that to is you have to you know do the decimal moving things so the 100% you move the decimal to the left two spaces so it becomes one and then you add one to it then you divide 60 seconds by two so you get 30 seconds that is how long Hogarth let's the grand trading post and a large trading post unload Goods now it's actually very easy it's not very complicated there are quite a few items and everything that affects loading speed you can find all of those in the item item search tab so will I keep you had an item that did 60% and a 45% slotted into a ship ships typically are than ones that have the loading speed items in them you equip some of those in a ship then it's going to be reduced to 29 seconds that's 60 divided by two point zero five I'm gonna have examples pin in the comments below so you can get a better idea if you need it just because it can be a little weird but I will have examples pin in the comments just so you can get a better idea of how to do the math and everything but that is how loading speed works and I found this information very very handy when I learned it and I really hope it shed some light on a kind of foggy mechanic in the game so we're getting out of the water for the last thing today I want to talk a bit about island attractiveness and why it matters attractiveness is the sum total points of how nice or how ugly your island is you can see your total attractiveness rating and get a breakdown of everything affected affecting it by clicking on the city attractiveness button that is this one right here on the right side of the main center you I and it brings up this menu right here for your city attractiveness this thing right here tells you where all how many points you have in each category and you can click the car to see a breakdown of how much you're getting from different sources those being culture nature festivities vulgarity pollution and instability things like the World's Fair can give a festivity bonuses when you're doing exhibitions festivals give festivity bonuses but you do lose that of course whenever that ends so I tend not to pay attention to what's under festivity I only look at these right here the instability also should go away as long as you're not you know being terrible but these four right here are your main ones and everything that you want to pay attention to now most things are obvious of how much it adds since it shows you right on the building that it will add X amount of attractiveness but nature and ornaments we don't have any numbers associated with them in the game but we do know those numbers because of the game files one tile of nature gives 0.0075 points of attractiveness but it does have a base amount of at least 50 points so no matter what you'll get a minimum a bare minimum of 50 points of attractiveness on a brand new island before you start developing it ornaments have a value of somewhere around zero point a point two zero seven two point zero nine per tile the amount does seem to vary slightly I've not been able to get a good read on exactly that amount but it's somewhere around there uh so you know nature and ornaments they're not going to give you a ton of attractiveness but they do add up over time as you place them your main sources are obviously going to be your culture your culture stuff is going to be the big things your world's fair your museums zoos and botanical gardens as well as if you have to see the power you can get attractiveness from the palace and certain policies and everything there are also a specialists on items that give attractiveness there's lots of different ways to get attractiveness now negative things such as pollution vulgarity riots illness and war all decrease your attractiveness again you can see all of that right here at the bottom now pollution and vulgarity are the two that I see a lot of new players ask about constantly they want to know things like should I keep my factories away from the population so I don't have pollution and unfortunately that's just not how it works pollution and vulgarity are island-wide does not matter where you place those buildings you're going to get the negative the negative penalty on your island no matter where you build that thing the the only way to really negate these effects is either by moving them to another island or by clever use of items and specialists and trade unions that remove their negative ratings but I don't really recommend doing it that way since it's to me it's a waste of a trade union just move them to another island if you have to so why does all of this matter to answers money and the palace if you have sita power of course the public mooring is a once per island artisan tear building that you need see trying to get my thoughts in order here the public mooring is a once per island artisan to your building that lets visitors come to your island and they give you money in the form of tourism income the amount of income is your total attractiveness multiplied by three point six so you figure the maintenance cost of the mooring and you need at least a hundred of twelve one hundred and twelve attractiveness and the old world and seventy attractiveness on an island in the new world in order to start making a profit from the poet mooring since they don't cost any influence to build you could build these on any Island you have that has over those numbers and get some really easy income from them it updates about every 30 minutes to take into account any changes in your islands rating so if you did a but if you bumped it up a whole lot with like new zoos and all sorts of things it's not going to be instant you're going to have to wait for the next visitors to come around about every 30 minutes and they will update how much you're making from it then the other purpose of the other purpose for attractiveness is the palace so the seat of power added the palace as we all well know and the palace has different policies associated with it based on your attractiveness level as you can see right here I have unlocked everything the final unlock is the naval logistics which is unlocked at I believe it is 9000 attractiveness unlocks the naval logistics policy and then after that you get prestige levels the prestige levels are what's really really cool here the every one thousand attractiveness after nine thousand you can upgrade into these prestige levels what these things do is they upgrade the base the base default effect for each department you can see right here the base default for the apartment administration is plus 50 workforce on the islands mine is at plus 80 because I'm at prestige level 3 so I get an extra 30 I'm getting an additional 12% increase visits from specialists I'm getting an additional 6 percent productivity another 6 range for public buildings and in an additional 120 storage so all of these increase every prestige level the highest I have seen someone get to is prestige level 28 and it was absolutely absurd the bonuses they got from it it is really really cool attractiveness is such a huge huge asset to your game and you should dedicate your law our just island whether it be crown Falls or an island an old world whatever you want to put it on and get the most space and get as much attractiveness as possible to get money coming in as you saw down there mine was bringing in I believe it was like 40,000 was that then the number I had yeah I'm making 40,000 off of mine with 11th out with 11,000 attractiveness it is absolutely obscene it's a great way to make money the palace is the palace boost are amazing with high attractiveness so definitely think about doing that and that's it folks those are my five tips this time for an O 1800 I hope you found something useful or something you might not know about might not have known about do you have some tips you want to share you know leave a comment down below and let me know and be sure to subscribe and hit that notification bell so I you always know when I upload a video sorry for the a bit you know losing my words here and there ran out of water about halfway through and cottonmouth is so such a bad thing I'll fix it later so anyways guys thanks so much for watching and take care
Channel: Taka
Views: 68,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anno 1800, anno 1800 gameplay, anno 1800 tips, anno 1800 guide, anno 1800 top tips, anno 1800 tips to make money, anno 1800 guide campaign, anno 1800 guide advanced, anno 1800 sandbox, anno 1800 tips to succeed, anno 1800 tips for beginners, how to play anno 1800, anno 1800 new player guide, anno 1800 takarazuka, anno 1800 beginner tips, anno 1800 beginners guide, anno 1800 beginning, anno 1800 layout, anno 1800 loading speed, anno 1800 white flag, anno 1800 attractiveness
Id: aQIwFiltALg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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