Annalynn's First Solo!

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it's a big day today i've been working with a student named analyn she's a local i've been flying with her for a couple years now did her discovery flight a couple years ago today's the big day today is her solo day and we are going to go out and do a couple laps make sure that she's good to go and then we will turn her loose so here we go if you want to see what a solo flight is like for a brand new student come check it out [Music] okay color area clear okay clear she's alive homer radio 67 lima has information delta we are holding short at bravo for runway 4. mohammed traffic helicopter just departed off the south rim northbound one minute ago all righty let's do it all right one two three foreign a little bit of wind pushing me around [Music] there oh i am really slow yeah down a little bit a little touch of power [Music] ah he'll do better next time so if you see that you already pulled the nose too high just let off a little pressure okay come back down in nothing wrong with finding the sweet spot and correcting yourself that's the whole idea okay okay so much on the roll [Music] number traffic 67 lima final four [Music] that was fantastic how did you feel about it i felt good actually this is perfect oh really okay yeah so you got good energy and you can kind of roll in your power it's different than the tight patterns that usually have you do yeah okay so now if you're rolling just a touch of power you'll keep that nice quite slip all the way down oh yeah [Music] didn't quite raise it enough but that's okay okay don't take off go ahead and take me to alpha all right [Music] okay um you're catching what you're doing yep wrong so um just rely on your training okay and make smart decisions okay okay so i mentioned that i've been working with allen for a couple years now and really that clock started when she did her discovery flight at 16 years old which i'm proud to have taken her on [Music] we're down you actually helped me out she's been working hard since then to get her ground school done to do the research and what she needed they ended up buying a family airplane this great little 152 and really we've actually worked really hard this summer to get her to this stage where she's ready for this solo flight hey y'all a real quick message here check out our online ground school pass the written test prepare for flight training and become a safe aviator and you get to support this channel at the same time join today at all right back to the video enjoy have fun you earned it okay thank you [Music] homer traffic six seven lima departing runway two two i will be staying in the pattern all right she's gonna climb like a rocket ship she doesn't even know i didn't warn her [Music] [Music] oh a little emotional that's amazing all right watch your speed ain't not bad not bad [Music] yes that was beautiful [Music] oh my traffic on the roll [Music] yes oh my gosh this is so fun having such a good time oh i'm not on center line at all [Music] over traffic success so i'd like to get a really fun conversation going in the comments section so if you haven't soloed yet when do you plan on doing your solo maybe that lines up with when you plan on going through your training and if you have done your solo say you're already a pilot what was that like what is your solo story i'd love to see those in the comments i think it'll be really fun for people to read [Music] oh my gosh that was a nice one [Music] full stop [Music] all right that's it you're gonna be clearing it out i can clear up bravo that's easier for you roger yeah that's your discretion it's hard to see if you consider not but congratulations on that and how does the airplane feel without all that dead weight sitting next to you [Applause] it feels good it's fun congratulations thank you yeah the second one was like buttering the bread i guess so that was very successful i think analyn was just super excited that she finally soloed after all this time and preparation and she did a fantastic job um it's just so cool to see people achieve that dream and after you solo it just gives someone so much energy to keep going through all the other stuff and it's all downhill from there so we're going to be working on cross-country stuff and a handful of other things before we start check ride preparation but she's really not far off now um and and now has that motivating energy to keep going so hope you really enjoyed this video make sure to like this video if you did like it subscribe if you want to stick around i hope you do and make sure to turn on those notifications if you want to get notified of future videos thanks for coming along give a big congratulations to anilyn in the comments and until next time throttle on [Music] you
Channel: Angle of Attack
Views: 2,751,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first solo, flying, aviation, pilot, student pilot, CFI, private pilot, private pilot training, solo, flight training, flight lessons, female pilot, female aviator, aviatrix, flight instructor, solo flight, cessna 152, traffic pattern, takeoff and landing, landing, takeoff, aircraft, airplane, pilot training, learn to fly, girl pilot
Id: qUGatTASsuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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