Anna Kendrick & Blake Lively Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED

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Somehow I assume that is a very cleaned up version of the web's most asked questions.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2018 🗫︎ replies
hi I'm Hannah Kendra and I'm Blake Lively's and this is the wired autocomplete it's her first time on camera oh she's gonna be okay ready is Anna Kendrick scrappy Dappy yeah scrappy af I'll tear your face off is Anna Kendrick Squirrel Girl okay what does that one person asked me if I want it if I would ever be a superhero and my brother had sent me the Squirrel Girl comics and I said oh yeah I'd like to be Squirrel Girl because I assumed that would be one of those answers that just like goes away instead of saying something that becomes clickbait boy was I wrong I know that was actually a thing yeah then it was like Anna Kendrick first Squirrel Girl and I was like oh I didn't know I appreciate the effort but I didn't need you guys to start a whole campaign is Anna Kendrick Olivia oh my god I've tricked people into thinking I have a good personality no I'm not Canadian I'm super made but you would be surprised how many people think that Maine is a part of Canada read a book is Anna Kendrick in go Smith no but there's a girl in the band echosmith who does look a lot like me which is why I know what the band echosmith is shout out to you echo Smith is Anna Kendrick related to catch or follow no way that anybody thinks that there's no way I don't know um I feel like I'm on dangerous territory answering this no we're not related but also what yeah it's his first name yeah I can't that's the shot this is sugar so so what's the answer Ben no I wish I win would that be cool how does Blake Lively work out how do you work out my gosh is this so interesting I'm so glad people are interested in my career I work out with Don Saladino trainer to the stars how does Blake Lively dance they think there's gonna be a video cause if they thought that was a video surely they would Google like fleek lately dancing how does she dance like very question about how you dance tell us in words maybe maybe it's because like I'm I'm sad or my husband said like I use a lot of elbows in life so maybe like they think it's just like a very elbow we dance and if they thought that they would be correct oh how to Blake Lively delete her Instagram so on Instagram they have it's not really deleting your Instagram because you just hide your post and then you can get them back if you want but only pop stars do it and you know I meant you're in the Illuminati campaigning to become a pop star yeah so um I thought it would bring me one step closer okay how's that working no not very well good how did Blake Lively get her name my grandmother's brother was named Blake oh but he was murdered so thanks for asking Google she's so dark it does Anna Kendrick actually sing let's just do it right now should I show um boss actually um bleak Miley's song it's actually yeah I have a note thing well the pitch pipe yeah no but I always want to be really waka okay go ahead do you actually sing yeah beautifully she really does does Anna Kendrick use autotune how dare you how very dare no that is rude no I don't have I had to do more than one take yes have I used auto-tune yes does Anna Kendrick have siblings I do I have an older brother named Mike who is responsible for all the cynical awful parts of my personality cuz he beat me up almost daily and he's responsible for the squirrel girl that's true okay roll girl rumor girls class back um is Blake Lively [Laughter] my lack of trying everyone I've ever met ever it's offensive I like people that I haven't heard from and so long yeah it's like somehow they have a route to my even company appreciate it invite makes it seem lovely it's an invite no Lincoln is just fine it's a parasite herpes yeah is Blake Lively's ooh hair naturally curly that's a nice question it is not it's wavy it's naturally wavy is Blake Lively oh this is a long one Wow on the Hollywood Walk of Fame oh yeah I recently got a star on the Walk of Fame whoo in El Maria Spain a little town no ceremony it was like it was in the cafeteria the ceremony on a lunch break do they call the real Hollywood okay there's like no actual walk but they did shoot Indiana Jones The Last Crusade there and the Lords of Arabia so I'm sort of like thinking of myself in that yeah like Peter O'Toole Harrison Ford way yeah for sure what Anna Kendrick what Anna Kendrick what Anna Kendrick character are you what oh is that like a quiz mmm that's cool I'm Stephanie from a simple favor and there September 14th what is Anna Kendrick's number nice try boys and girls I see you know what is Anna Kendrick's Vietnam what is my like what is my personal Vietnam I haven't had one that's so harrowing what does Anna Kendrick play it oh I hate that I hate when people freeze it like did you plan w what movie did you play in yeah some time to answer that what is Blake Lively's zodiac sign Virgo what's that what's that is super attention to detail and and very like fastidious I'd tell that about Leo but the Leo thing is like sort of this yes same thing what is it like what are we doing now really that's a really weird thing to go like oh noes but I feel like Siri would be like oh by the way here's what she's doing right now cuz she listens to everything that's been she's standing yeah what is a Blake Lively ring well she's got a couple today clearly not a nuvaring oh she's got children
Channel: WIRED
Views: 13,781,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anna kendrick, autocomplete, autocomplete interview, blake, blake lively, wired autocomplete, wired autocomplete interview, anna kendrick interview, blake lively interview, anna kendrick autocomplete, blake lively autocomplete, anna kendrick funny, anna kendrick funny moments, anna kendrick interview 2018, anna kendrick singing, ann kendrick wired, blake lively funny, blake lively anna kendrick, ana kendrick, a simple favor, wired
Id: xmo8-Bh98fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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