Ankara Sabbath Celebration Service / Singles Conference - Single & Satisfied (Day 3

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we connect as friends because we click and we connect as communities because we care seventh-day adventists are people who connect in communities called congregations which in turn connect to form conferences who connect together to form unions divisions and the general conference why do we connect it starts with a connection to the creator who invites us on a spiritual journey when we journey together we can help each other along the way this journey is a journey of a lifetime and as we learn and grow life becomes filled with meaning and purpose our greatest joy is in helping others along the way wherever you are on your journey we believe that we have something to offer that can make your life more whole so the next time you see a seventh-day adventist remember you're not looking at someone who stands alone they are connected to a world church that has 17 million members gathered in 13 divisions comprised of 122 unions formed by 600 conferences serving in 140 000 congregations in 208 countries who worship in 924 languages and they all want to connect with you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] acknowledge god one more time as they do of all good things in our lives father we appreciate you let's thank him i thank him and let's thank god father we give you all the glory and the praise we give you all adoration thank you and thank you lord be that exalted father in the name of the lord jesus christ ask god and lord god as we go into your word as we discuss your word briefly now you give us understanding in the name of the lord jesus christ let all things work together for our good amen thank you father we appreciate you thank you holy ghost let this place be open let the heavens be opened in the name of the lord jesus christ let the earth heal that increase in the name of jesus i wanted to say father i come before you and i plead the blood of jesus over my conscience thank you holy spirit of god working me what to do what do we learn to do your good pleasure thank you father for hearing us for we pray with thanksgiving in jesus name we pray amen praise the lord you can have your seat in god's presence one more time we welcome you to this very special cyber service um it's our singles week and we've had a wonderful time throughout this week so right now begin the service with our support school lesson and we're in lesson 13 and god has helped us thus far lesson 13 wraps up the lesson on rest and so we'll just be doing a brief summary of what we've learned so far this quarter but let's entertain say is the ultimate rest i'd like our teachers to be handy so doesn't have a brief discussion can have multiple mics because now it's going to be a discussion because we expect that throughout this quarter we've all learned one less scene or the other so i'll just do a brief overview and i want us to discuss on our from our point of view what we've learned thus far so we're talking about ultimate rest and you know there's one scripture that makes me um that intrigues me literally the bible says that what there are three things that matter on the earth and he called them three principles of the kingdom life he says faith hope and love but what did you say the greatest of them all is what is love even if i ask an average person what i understand by faith we've been taught so much on the alter face the substance of things hoped for when we say what is love we've also done a very good study on love but a lot of times we don't understand what hope is and paul said that if in this world our hope ends here then of all men we are of miserable so the thing is now we're talking about ultimate rest ultimate rest throughout this quarter we've discussed how um in a world that was um ruined by sin how god's perfect rest was destroyed from the fall of adam and eve god had made the world in six days god made everything perfect god has instituted the sabbath man fell from grace now man is forced to toil try this quarter we've explored all the consequences of the fall of man we've seen how right now in the world man does not know true rest if we are living in a fast-paced city people are struggling um people are struggling for survival they are trying to make ends meet and it seems as if that god's perfect rest has somewhat been tampered with but we thank god that throughout this quarter we've studied that from this spiritual rest given to us by jesus christ to our weekly observance of the sabbath we can in some way understand god's plan and god's intention for us to have perfect rest in him praise the lord praise the lord you know when god called abraham he said abraham was declaring that he was looking for a city whose builder was god and that's why he obeyed the covenant let's take a memory text first corinthians chapter 2 and verse 9. as it is written i has not seen nor heard but i've entered into the heart of man the things which god has prepared for those who love him praise the lord praise the lord so i have not sinned meaning what god has planned for us these end times for the end of ends it has not entered into the heart of man it's a glorious destiny sunday lesson talks about a vision of the end and from the lesson here we see the story of john the beloved this john was the oldest apostle recorded alive and at the peak of his point of his life at the point the roman government sentenced him to an island called patmos so i want us to course here um with extra mics now so we can discuss this particularly i don't want to do too much talking how do you think um [Music] john was feeling and the book if you can help me here how do you think john was feeling having seen his contemporaries there are 12 apostles peter james some of them have been killed some of them had my tired hung on the cross upside down and now we even heard from history that now this drone was also trying they tried to kill him they tried to fry him in a hot oil and now they couldn't kill him and they banished him to an island and i remember god just when i told him that what behold i'm with you always in that kind of situation could they believe that promise please say comment yes so what do you think was a state of mind was it at rest can you just give us a picture of what you think was going on there well i want to say from human perspective naturally every man will be in the state of confusion but from what we study from the depth of the lesson we saw that the hope of john was rekindled immediately he had a vision because the holy spirit brought to remembrance all the promises that christ gave before he left he told them that in the world you have tribulations but be of gucci have overcome the word and even remember exactly what you you the memory takes that um i will be with you to the end of the world so in as much as um john was faced with a lot of tribulations his eyes was fixed on the promises of god and that was what kept him going and the same call we are having today that jesus won in the cosmic in heaven and we it can be trusted if he promised that we should be of good chair that he has overcome the word god can be trusted with this in his words and we are called to trust god absolutely irrespective of what we are going through okay praise the lord so i understand that it's it's one thing to read about about john in our own personal lives when we go through challenges i want to ask the audience maybe i don't know if um sister who can help us here how do we practically this is john's life it was facing tribulation but john's life is not our life when we go through challenges um what can we do in line with what john also did practical tips now we're going through challenges by asking god where are you things are going away what can you do at that moment to encourage yourself because sometimes you have alone like john and like david also the bible says he encouraged himself in the lord so what can we do practically when we're going through that kind of challenges you know all these things are written for our own instructions so that we'll see the way the um men of faith lived their lives in the past so boring from the example of john and david and other men of faith when i'm passing through tribulations passing through trials i will know that the lord that delivered john the lord that delivered david the lord that gave john the vision of a better life i will key into that vision i will trust in him i will have faith that the lord will see me through what i am passing through praise the lord so you must hold on to the anchor of god's word when you are facing that tribulation you must hold on to it because that word that revelation that god gives you you know let me let me put it this way when we're going through challenges brands and sisters i want you to listen very well now the goal of the enemy is to be cloud your mind to cloud it with worry and not fear that's why you notice whenever any of god sent an angel sends a messenger the first thing they say most of the time is what fear not praise the lord praise the lord the bible says that what if you get the saints of mine and dwelt it what does he say i would like you on to a man that builds his house what on a rock but the issue is that when we go to challenges our minds are so active they are we are worried we are fearful and all those things when we do that we are dancing and we're in enemies territory praise the lord job said the things that are feared have come upon me that's why the first step is to stop we are going through a challenge stop stop and why it says what be still and know that i am god because why the solution is in your ability to hear god in that particular situation and if you are too worried if you are too fearful even when god is speaking you can't tune in to his frequency praise the lord while i can read your set there's a challenge quite all right but the solution is not perfect it says the word of god is what near you even in your heart and your mouth the word of faith that we preach but what fear what worry does is try to be cloud us so we don't hear we can't pick that voice of god that can lead us out of that challenge for the first time to stop and say lord god i know you are here you said what i'm with you always when we can quiet our mind then we can hear god for his instruction that's why john said i was in the spirit in the lord's day yet the credit is mine and then i heard and then god can lead us forward i think it's going to help us in jesus name so let's move quickly now to monday lesson talks about the countdown this is a very imaginative in the form maybe we've read a few scriptures matthew 24 48 quickly i'd like if martinez can help us here or if someone in the crowd can help us read that'll be good matthew 24 4-8 okay he says and just answered and said unto them take heed that no man deceive you verse 5 for many shall come in my name saying i am christ and shall deceive many verse 6 and ye shall hear of wars and rumors of war see that he had been not troubled for all these things must come to pass by the end is not yet okay for nations shall rise against nation kingdom against kingdom and they shall be famine some pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places verse 8 and all these things are the beginning of sorrow so why not ask what's nice this is transformative talks about the signs of the time so to ask from our point of view can we really know when christ is coming can we exactly know when it's going to what does return what is this quite loud monday is trying to teach us is it trying to say that we can uh calculate the dates of when christ returns or why is god giving us some um timelines why is he trying to prepare us i don't mean mr to help us with this part of okay yes okay fine praise god hallelujah okay yeah i didn't say the countdown what i captioned mine to be is the signs of the coming of jesus so because reading through the lesson i got to find out that the countdown means that only norms when you want to have a program you'll be like 100 days to victory sanctuary conference so the 99 the 88 so like you said there is no specific day it was even written in the bible that no man knows the time nor the heart that jesus will come but there are some certain signs that he has given to us to observe so if we carefully go through these signs and we are very observant we will know that okay i might not say that the day is coming already but at the long run it's seeming like it is coming near already because they said at a point he said there will be matthew 24 verse the whole of matthew 24 is actually talking about the signs of christ coming so note that the savior jesus christ didn't give us a specific date for his coming but he did told us about the signs that would allow us to know when it's his name specifically matthew 24 4 to 8 says talk about the persecutions and the troubles that i would would observe or would even face but i said like these are like when a woman is about to give birth you know that there is first i think they said first myself i can't remember accordingly but then just like labor there's the doctor would say yeah andy it's supposed to be like 10 centimeter doctor would say like 8 7 all of that so that's just how it is there is no specific time we only need to just carefully look at the signs around us there's a part that also says that there will be false alarms people will say things that jesus is near this is that this is that but then as christians and adventists that we have an advantage over others we should know that when it is near we will certainly know so it's just like the counter is like the signs of jesus coming thank you so much sir you did a very thorough study so thank you i still want to hear from eldar here sometimes we get lost in prophecies not remembering that it has a purpose what is the purpose exactly for jesus christ giving us such a vast amount of information concerning is coming hallelujah the reason god has given us so much detail so that would not be taken unawares and who will be taken unawares he's the person who does not know the signs that god has given um she mentioned the word of god says that the coming of the lord shall be like a thief in the night why is it so is because the person sleeping and enjoying was not expecting that a thief would break in but if one knows like in some streets thieves will write a letter and say we are coming and the vigilante will mobilize will the thief come to them like a surprise no so god has given us all this information so that we will be ever ready the specific hour or the day nobody knows be the season we know and i want to say that we are in the season the prophecies point to now the events point to now so so so um everything points to this moment and so what are we to do to be ever ready knowing that it could happen in a moment and jesus christ will come thank you sir why do you sit down sir let me still ask um during the time jesus has compared these times the days of noah when during the day of noah only eight people were saved and that sometimes that's like eight out of i don't know how many millions were in the world at that time sometimes i become a bit fearful and some people have this notion i'm talking about jesus and i'm watching others some people say okay what will be will be just as i said all these things will happen so i'll just build myself i will not bother doing anything since what god must come to pass either ways but what does god expect us to do in our matching orders i'm talking about uh from revelation chapter 14 that the three angels message and all so i want us should we just as christians what should be our response okay now we're expecting christ what should we be doing right now yeah um what we should be doing is to go about the master's commission um the three and just message is a message for us and we are to carry on that message to utter most part of the earth yes you said in the days of noah only eight people were saved and no one made his efforts to speak to people and although they did not believe but today the bird of the word of god says that the god is not slack concerning the promise of the coming of the of of jesus christ but it is patiently waiting for everybody to get this message and anyone that gets this message and repents will not perish but leave so it will it will not be satisfying for only all of only few of us that hear the message to go to heaven if we know that there is vast majority of people outside there that could have been saved if we share the message with them so god has given us this long time so that we will be the wing that the message of the three angels will fly to the uttermost part of the earth but remember he says you are my witnesses starting from your immediate neighborhood of jerusalem judea and the samaria and then to the uttermost part of the earth thank you so much sir god bless you i think we're running this short of time but then um do you want to say something about this lesson okay i want to also you know please i want you to also join it with winnes and talk about rest in peace okay um we we are called to like elder said to be the the around the good news let's not forget we said jesus one and he wants us to be be with him he wants us to be in the new jerusalem but what do we need to do like erdogan said we need to constantly go out there and not just keeping quiet in a loud voice just like the three angels message said you know he shouted babylon is falling and we are encouraged to to come out of babylon and you know we know that the ultimate rest we cannot have in the world until jesus comes so if we are going through tribulations and trials and let's say someone dies we have the assurance that ultimately we are going to we are not going to be part of the second days but we are going to rest in christ we have peace within us irrespective of what we are going through not because the reality of tribulations and trials around us they are not real they are very real but we have the hope in christ that no matter what happens christ will give us rest through all the tribulations because even though they are flesh dies but our spirits will reign eternally with him amen praise the lord so what we've said now of course we are we have an end goal the ultimate rest but we can't avoid the fact that we are still on the earth and will still go through challenges jesus christ says in this world you will have tribulation but take heart i have overcome the world and the bible says what he that is born of god overcomes the world and this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith philippians 4 46 says be anxious for nothing but in everything even in the challenges through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known unto god and the peace of god that surpasses our understanding shall guard your heart and mind in christ jesus so in the midst of your challenge find the time to stand still and know that he's god thank him in that situation and before you know it you'll hear a voice behind you saying this god bless us in jesus name let us pray father says thank you for your word thank you for this quarter thank you for giving us your rest in these diverse forms thank you for your eternal rest in your future thank you for that we are born again thank you for the sabbath that we can rest from our regular activities but i will ask allah as we begin the service that will find true rest in you in the name of the lord jesus christ thank you father for hearing us for we pray with thanksgiving in jesus name we pray amen hallelujah let's be in the mood of worship as worship the king of kings the lord of lords the one whose love never comes to an end amen please let's be upstanding [Music] [Music] all the lord never sees us [Music] there are [Music] new every morning is [Applause] is is [Music] you every morning [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] my god [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh jesus [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] i still believe in god oh even the devil knows know [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] know [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] please [Music] know [Music] oh is you are the mighty god the great i am yes [Music] hallelujah [Music] what shall we do [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] what shall we do know is [Music] is oh nobody nobody [Music] nobody can fire is [Music] nobody everybody everybody everybody everybody [Music] what is is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] um let me see you guys [Music] yes [Music] when you know how thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right right where are you we love you jesus i am is where are you great are you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody is have you heard what the law has done [Music] that's why we'll see [Music] i am [Music] hey [Music] foreign [Music] you are my [Music] oh [Music] oh foreign foreign ah [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] are you good [Music] hi i am away foreign oh foreign foreign foreign [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh oh oh [Music] foreign [Music] i hey let us [Music] oh oh foreign everybody are you on fire oh oh oh [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh for me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah please do this song for me hear my cry oh lord unto my prayer we're going to sing that song together from the end of the earth will i cry out to [Music] lead me is [Music] [Music] [Music] my friends [Music] i [Music] [Music] please leave me to the ground [Music] is [Music] that song says when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than i when my heart is overwhelmed and this morning i want the singles all the single people i want you to be sincere before god and open your hearts before him when i was preparing for this the lord said something to me he said most of the single people are not sincere with me it's like living a double life with god which doesn't make sense because everything is open before him but most of the single people they are not sincere with me they don't open their heart to me they don't tell me exactly what they want so this morning we're going to kneel down the single people please kneel down married if you are led to do the same thing please let's do it before the lord let's kneel down and let's be sincere with god open up your heart to him and tell him what you want some of us are dating people that we're not even interested in some of us just want to get married for getting married sick let's be sincere before the lord let's take that song again very solemnly praise him [Music] do you not excuse me do you know the second verse for thou hast been i shall turn on to me [Music] a high tower lord against the enemy and when my heart is old [Music] please lead me to the rocks that is hallelujah praise the lord he says for thou has been a shelter unto me a high tower against the enemy there are people that are not looking for your good not everybody is happy for you but do something for yourself this morning pray genuinely so that god can cover you even if it's just two minutes be sincere with god open your heart to him let him know what you want if you are in that relationship and you are not happy in the relationship you are you know that you can do better tell god god i in this relationship but i know that you can do better for me if you want god to choose for you just like i prayed several years ago tell god god i want you to choose for me i don't want to choose by myself if i choose by myself i will use my own wisdom so choose for me lord choose for me lord every single please be sincere before the lord open your hearts let me have psalm 32 verses 1 and 2 please in jesus mighty name we've prayed amen let's be on our feet psalm 32 [Music] [Music] psalm 32 verse 1 and 2 blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven whose sin is covered verse 2 blessed is the man unto whom the lord imputed not iniquity and in whose spirit there is no guile guile is guilt in whose spirit there is no guilt when you are guilty you are you are not sincere before god you can't open up to him but when you plead the blood of jesus please put your hand on your chest and say i pray the blood of jesus i pray the blood of jesus on my conscience i pray the blood of jesus father forgive me because of the blood of jesus no matter what you've done when you repent genuinely before god god will hear you i want every single to say father by the sacrifice of jesus on the cross of calvary show me mercy today and change my story for good by the sacrifice of jesus on the cross of calvary show me mercy and change my story for good let's open our mouth and pray father in the name of jesus by the sacrifice of jesus on the cross of calvary show every single message every single mercy today show us mercy in the mighty name of jesus change our story for good in jesus name show us mercy today and change our story for good in the mighty name of jesus singles you are not praying this temperature is low the way you are praying you may not get anything please don't come all the way for this singles conference and go away empty-handed be sincere with god this morning father show me mercy not because of who i am or what i have done but because of the sacrifice of jesus on the cross of calvary because of the blood of jesus that was shed show me mercy and change my story for good in jesus mighty name we've prayed and god is faithful i tell you even if you woke up on your boyfriend's bed to come here this morning god can change your story he can give you a new beginning and it shall be so in jesus name amen we're going to pray those of us who are in courtship or have a relationship we have few more minutes father can we shout father help me and my partner to have a pure courtship to cut without sinning help us to have a pure culture in the mighty name of jesus even if you are not in any relationship pray when you are going into a relationship let god lead you father help me in the mighty name of jesus to have a pure courtship in jesus name direct my steps in the mighty name of jesus that i will not do i will not sin against you i will not do the things that are displeasing to you in the mighty name of jesus in jesus mighty name we pray i bind every spirit of broken relationship of broken god sheep in the mighty name of jesus you see some questions we go for five six seven years and then you will break you start all over again we're going to bind our spirit in the mighty name of jesus father in the mighty name of jesus i bind the spirit of broken courtship broken relationship in the mighty name of jesus open your mouth please i bind every spirit of broken courtship spirit that will make people jill to me pray against it in the mighty name of jesus i will not be jilted in the mighty name of jesus i will not be disappointed in jesus name some people they get to the altar the partner doesn't show it's not the will of god for you choose for me now that's why we're saying god should choose for you from the beginning in jesus mighty name we've prayed father make a hedge of fire about me and let your blood cover me every stage of my courtship in the mighty name of jesus singles open your mouth and pray please this morning if we have children that are about that age also let's pray for them make lord make your head your fire around about them and let your blood cover them in the mighty name of jesus throughout every stage of their courtship every stage of their dating life let the spirit of god cover them the blood of jesus let it cover them in jesus mighty name in jesus name we pray father i reject every form of disappointment and frustration that the devil wants to bring to my marriage let every married person pray i reject every form of disappointment and frustration that the devil wants to bring to my marriage in the mighty name of jesus who will not be disappointed will not be frustrated we pray the grace and the mercy of god upon our homes in jesus mighty name we pray amen father finally let's pray i come against any spirit of sexual immorality that the enemy will use to pollute me in the mighty name of jesus once you are polluted you are not acceptable before god so let's come against i come against any spirit of sexual immorality that the enemy wants to use to pollute me in the mighty name of jesus by the blood of jesus who come against every spirit of sexual immorality that the animal wants to use to pollute us to pollute the church be consulated the mighty name of jesus you shall not stand in jesus mighty name thank you father begin to thank god for what he has done for you thank him that this singles conference you will not be a waste of your time in the mighty name of jesus let's pray that the holy spirit will lead out as we go into the service our time will not be wasted in the mighty name of jesus lord open my eyes open my ears in the mighty name of jesus somebody came here looking for a partner the lord will say to you in jesus name the lord will open your eyes you will not go empty-handed you will not choose wrong in the mighty name of jesus i pray for every lady here the right man will find you in jesus name the bible says here he finds a wife finds a good thing every man you will find a good thing in the mighty name of jesus you will not miss it in the area of marriage in jesus mighty name we pray amen [Applause] happy sabbath everyone are we happy to be in god's presence okay i welcome you all to today's service you're welcome to victory sanctuary seventh day adventist church and our mission here is to help you fulfill god's vision for your life you're here for a reason you're here for a purpose you're not an accident not a biological accident our goal is to make every member a leader remember your future is great get ready for a wonderful visitation today amen i want to welcome singles especially if you're single wave your hand [Music] the lord will visit you and in due time he'll perfect all that concerns you in jesus name those worshipping with us from praise outreach testimony outreach even those that are joining us online you're especially especially welcome and the lord will bless you in jesus name now we are going to take our call to worship from the book of isaiah chapter 58 13 and 14. please let's be on our feet isaiah 58 13 and 14 let's read together foods from the sabbath from doing thy pleasure on my holy day and called the sabbath a delight the holy of the lord honorable and shall honor him not doing thine own ways nor finding their own pleasure not speaking thy own words then shall thou delight thyself in the lord and i will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth and feed thee with the heritage of jacob thy father the mouth of the lord had spoken it amen let's take our confession [Music] [Music] amen [Music] [Music] please let's be on our feet i will invite special encounter now for their special song [Music] he had the voice of jesus calling so [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is oh [Music] you can tell the love of jesus offering life and peace [Music] you can do whatever food [Music] amen please be seated thank you [Music] praise god if you are excited to be in this conference shout out to the sound and hallelujah if you know that you have been visited already shouted his sounding hallelujah and if you know you are next online to be visited that you haven't tired of god's visitation shouted a sunday hallelujah the bible said we have been given a name that is [Music] he said we have been given a name that is above all name doesn't mention the name of jesus every name must bow and there is only one name which a man can be saved and that is the name of jesus that name is so powerful that it can secure and deliver you from all manners at the righteous fundraiser three of these nations but the potency of that name can deliver you from all manners of obstruction listening on the blessed atmosphere [Music] anybody happy to be in the house this morning to jesus [Music] [Music] there is only one name there is only one name with power to say with power every knee will bow down every tongue will confess jesus christ [Music] you are alone there is only one day [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] of jesus [Music] love you oh [Music] forever [Music] there is only one name only one name there is only [Music] you are you are [Music] [Music] is now that our ghostbed will sit in jesus name [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] breakfast is [Music] [Music] let it break down [Music] oh oh good morning hallelujah celebrate cheers [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah hallelujah god is good i want to we welcome the holy spirit here today amen it's going to be a good time a great time in the presence of the lord hallelujah this is a special weekend for the singles singles conference especially our weekend and i just wanted to know that god is said to do something in your life yeah your amen did not stand that somebody is ready to receive something new i said god is said to do something new in your life [Music] as a lovely vets all of you see 2022. somebody just told me that there's a lot of problem that people are dying but i want to say that we shall not die this is death free could have us free sickness free evil free church in the name of jesus because you have entered here the covenant of long life is upon you you will not die suddenly you will never be wasted your family will not be wasted in the name of the lord jesus christ just before we continue we have a special guest who is going to minister to us uh in this first segment there's a lot of package that the singles have put together for this weekend they're not just stopping at 12 there's going to be a i mean brother terry will announce those parts but for this session we want to invite a guest artist who is coming in are they ready ask them he's going to be here for this first segment and then he's going to do a full-time performance this evening this afternoon after for the second the afternoon session he was specially invited to come and partake out of the singles conference his name is eru jj where is he [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen amen praise the lord every people more like emotions i every time i come here amen amen to jesus and so you will help me do something help me talk to your neighbour say neighbor have you before your answer have you seen god [Music] what's the answer okay say neighbor we are about to catch you now yes oh yeah do something for me look at your neighbor somebody look at that neighbor to your light are you looking at that neighbor okay me i will ask you now have you seen god before [Music] answer now [Music] you are looking at that person beside you and you are saying no amen [Music] you are seeing his handiwork beside you and you are saying you have not seen god before look at that person that fantastical individual that you are looking at that person that has been specially handcrafted by the awesome hands of he who sits in the heavens and makes you hurt his footstool hello that's the reason why we treat ourselves anyhow because you don't know that that person you are looking at is he not the one that said you in time of judgment he will say i was sick you did not come to see me i was feeling down you did not come to see me i was in prison you did not come to see me and they asked him why when were you in the prison that we did not come to see you in as much as you did not do this to if you understand that that person beside you is god incarnate is the person in the who god himself he made him and he breathed his breath into him and created something that will amaze creation talk to him say neighbor i am special beyond belief i have been made fantastically said never do you know that you are addressing an intercontinental ballistic missile i'm special you amen so today we have been called to we're ready to minister in the afternoon but he said we have to come in the morning amen would they like your money amen so we are here but uh fortunately i'm not the one that we sing this on amen i have come with two people who live in my house they will sing this song amen amazing forward mass [Music] amen [Music] remember when this one came the last time she was a amen oh yeah about to come this one to us he thinks we are meat now amen so they're going to sing a song it's titled amen amen so but because there is it is a bit of tongue twister in the latter part of the song i'll quickly teach you say this open your eyes to see the things that god has done for you and me [Music] only he created all the things that we can probably see [Music] you better open your eyes to realize to actualize and magnify [Music] [Applause] because at the end of time he'll be the judge he'll be the lord and king the last part says he go better your matter [Music] ego secure your worker never leave you alone lasting long life ego gave to you engineer sorry instrumentalist hey c sharp new artisan julie fisher no no c-sharp not engineer instrumentalist c-sharp c-sharp okay [Music] everything you want is possible all you got to do is [Music] [Music] when you trust me [Music] let's see [Music] [Music] amen amen [Music] amen amen [Music] [Music] jesus christ [Music] is [Music] amen [Music] amen [Music] [Music] is is [Music] hello amen amen [Music] [Music] my people money service will you help me okay let us hear them oh yeah open your eyes and see the things that god has done for you and me only he created all the things that we came to see [Music] you better open your holy [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] give it a good [Music] [Music] okay now we asked the question the last time just before we went that when we get to heaven are we going to have more men in there or more women answer me now okay let me see who will win this one now whether he's a woman or the man man we must win what did i say man we must win what did i say okay we start with the men first men we will sing out and sing very well are you ready all the men yes are you ready man oh yeah yes women you think you can beat that one ah you did not hear the man man can we do it one more time all the man are you ready all the men rise up on your face now let's just wait man jesus all your brothers sit down sister stand up [Music] you agree you want to say you can beat us happy okay now get ready oh yeah only drums [Music] only drums [Music] three bodies and basses you are menu amen women are you ready [Music] is [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] we announce who won [Applause] [Music] what you started finish it [Music] don't push it to me work it started finish it back up because i want to eat when i get home you will be the one to we announce it [Music] said he wants to eat when he gets home so i should be the one to announce it i myself want to eat when i get home so women has won [Applause] [Music] you know last week we talked about do you want to win or do you want peace so the men said they want peace some people say they want peaceful winning so me i want peace so women as one so we can have peace amen praise the lord let's put their hands together for everyday and esteem [Music] they will actually be here for a full session in the afternoon after after the first service after this service um we have a short break and then this thing will continue so we are all invited he said he wants everybody to be here um so let's get ready um today's encourage about for the singles i mean everybody should wear the ankara the things what we are doing is that we are celebrating nigeria amen nigerian made product hallelujah i know somebody will spot me when i was saying it says a lot of the akara i mean in china now well the truth is that this is an original from horse amen so although the chinese nigerians have taken it to chinese they are trying to steal it but we should get back our industry hallelujah we can make it very colorful we have very colorful prints and the lord is going to bless us in jesus name so this morning [Music] we're supposed to share a topic with you [Music] and i have a guest speaker who was saying something and i would just run it up after she started the family month with us and she's going to close it hallelujah put your hands together she started with us and she's going to close it the the single says to me that pastor what you did she's one we have in mind to do our weekend for us you brought her the first week i said don't worry about the grace of god she's going to come back hallelujah and tonight i said tonight this this morning we have us reverend christie baturay oguefou she's back let's put her hands together for her [Music] [Applause] now she said something yesterday that i think the old church should have had there was a strong debate yesterday here you know um [Music] what was it should we masturbation is it sin sex toys and pornography you know is it a scene you know and um i've had heated arguments on the internet people saying as long as you're not having a relationship with another female or another man it's just you alone that uh it's not the same you know but she debunked the whole thing yesterday just say about five minutes what you think if you missed yesterday please go and watch it you can get the full gist but i wanted to mention it because it's a comment it's the thing that is coming on now you know someone said sex same sex marriage is it a sin [Music] hello same sex marriage is a sin because god did not make adam and steve he made adamant evil or he did not make eve an evelyn is eve an atom so same sex marriage you know if we're in america now we'll be very careful to people be very careful to give the answer but yeah in nigeria still feel free same-sex marriage is what is the same was asked what do you think about same-sex marriage he said i don't know all i know is that when i go to the foil station did not put the nozzle of the petrol in my exhaust that's what ryan bonkey said powerful isn't it they don't put the nozzle for petrol in the exhaust you put in the tank praise the lord whatever praise god we were looking at the topic or the subject of these things that have crept into the world that are threatening the world most of the battles christians are fighting now is about sexuality in the western world they they are shutting down people's businesses for refusing they shut down a bakery because they refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple because of their beliefs and my point is it's okay for you to believe what you want to believe why must you force me to believe what you believe or to live as you believe it's supposed to be a free world live and let live isn't it but why is it not okay for you to just believe and live your life why must you encroach on what i believe and how i want to live so the freedom is for them but it's not for us praise god these are the days when you have to take a definite stand because jesus is coming jesus is coming and the signs are everywhere everything that is happening is a script being played out the script was written two thousand years ago in the books of ezekiel daniel matthew and revelation they are happening in chronological order he that has an ear let him hear and see that the signs are up there and out there that jesus is coming again praise god amen and jesus doesn't promise that it's going to get easier he actually promises that he's going to get harder it's going to be tougher it's going to be increasingly difficult to take a stand as a christian but this is what god is calling us to praise god holy spirit holy spirit touch through me holy spirit touched through me let your hands reach out to others touch through me there's a lonely soul somewhere needing just one friend to care so touch through me sweet holy spirit touch through me and live through me holy spirit love through me i will be my brother's keeper love through me hearts are bleeding deeply inside love can dry their whipping eyes so love through me holy spirit love through me and flow through me holy spirit flow through me just like a river in a desert flow through me springing fountains flowing streams those living waters cool and clean flowed through me sweet holy spirit flowed through me [Music] my hands will be your hands reaching out to others and my lips will not be slothful lord to speak and i will be that good samaritan to someone else in need i will be your house to dwell in live through me and i will be your house to dwell in live through me thank you jesus live through me hallelujah amen this is what god calls us to the topic for this morning is living a successful single life through kingdom service but i want to remove the word single there all of us are called to leave our lives in kingdom service in kingdom service and so it's not limited to the singles alone you serve god in a different way on a different platform as a single and you serve god in a different way on a different platform as a married person but paul already said to us that it's better for you to serve god while you are still single because then you can be fully devoted to the service of the kingdom because once you marry he says most of your attention will now be taken up by wanting to please your husband or please your spouse that's not a sin there's nothing wrong with that it's just that once you marry priorities will shift and god calls you to the first ministry of your spouse your wife or your husband once you marry that's your primary ministry the first person in your life is god and the next person is your spouse and erudite just told us that you have seen god if you have seen another creation of god so god is in your house as your spouse after him it should be your spouse african culture african tradition has to bow to what the bible says and how the bible says it praise god god first and then your spouse praise god we have to go back to that but i see something in the book of ecclesiastes when we say living a successful life through kingdom service i must first of all ask what is your definition of success because that will underscore what we're talking about if for you success is what is gripping our young generation now where they want fame and money at all costs before they are 20 then that's not what the bible is talking about what is your definition of success having money so that i told you before in this church that the day i heard what they called the one kva generator i felt pain in my heart how many of you know what they call that tiny one kva generator i passed my neighbor and i'm asking the question if god has blessed you enough to buy a generator why does it have to be about your neighbor do you understand why does it have to be about your neighbor the bible says we are not wise if we compare ourselves with ourselves so what will the man who has the 100 kva generator in his house see i passed my country do you get my point so the definition for success will bend the meaning of this topic this morning if what you want is all of those how many of you saw that video of people lined up in a river naked for money rituals and they were being videoed and they didn't care i saw two men walking stuck naked in abuja on the street and it was part of a ritual to do that they were not mad if that is your definition for success you will fit into this um topic that we're talking about success from the perspective of god is doing exactly what god sent you to the earth to do what did god send you to the earth to do to enforce his kingdom how by the gifts that he puts inside of you when birds swim in when birds fly in the air they're doing what god called them to do when fishes swim in the sea they're doing what god called them to do animals do what god calls them to do human beings will always attempt to rebel [Music] so we must first of all underscore the meaning of success before we delve into the topic of living a successful life through kingdom service praise god money money i say this if all you have is money or let me put it this way um you are very poor if all you have is money [Music] hello you are a very poor person if all you have is money yara dua was president of nigeria he fell sick and all of nigeria's money was at his disposal did the money save him no may god have mercy on you the day money will fail you then you realize money is nothing and melafia obadiah just died powerful voice in christendom it was a hospital that refused to care for him and no matter how much money he had he died he lost his life hello there are times you have your money and people will refuse your service [Music] if all you have is money you are one of the poorest on earth praise god so i see something in ecclesiastes well let me start from psalm 90 psalm 90 verse 12. it's a powerful powerful scripture right there psalm 90 verse 12 everybody read again so the purpose of counting birthdays is not to prove that you have been around a long time the purpose of counting a birthday is so that you can apply wisdom on earth the purpose of every year you have added to you is to showcase the wisdom of god that he has put in you yesterday pastor mentioned the two young men who graduated from babcock university who started a a company called paystack and they did such a fantastic job of that company a foreign company came and bought it over and paid them 200 million dollars they are both 34 years old and they they got in fact they didn't sell it at 34 i think they were 32 or so but they didn't start what they were doing at 32 they started as young men expressing the wisdom of god in them through technology they didn't start at 30 they started winning awards as children going to a christian university played a role in helping them to be streamlined and so kingdom service serving in the house of god makes you streamlined in your life and that will give you success but i love how the bible puts it in joshua chapter one verse it said this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate there in day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written daring for then thou shalt make their way prosperous and thou shalt have what oh it is said thou shalt have success he said thou shalt have it means that there is bad success this bad success oh when you see a man who's got so much so many thousands and millions of of naira and dollars you think he's successful until you trace the source of what he has and realize it came out of the pain of others you can never build your happiness on other people's pain i say that to young ladies too who are breaking up marriages thinking i'm smart i'm powerful that's why i could take the man the woman in the house doesn't know what she's doing and if you don't know how to take care of your man i've taken him you can never build your happiness on another person's pain and go scout free there's a law that governs life it's called justice nobody needs to pray about it the law of justice will catch up with you you and the generations following you this is why it's so important to be careful i know of a young lady in portugal whose only job was to sleep with married men that's all she did and when she starts she ensures that the man treats his wife like trash so it's not enough that you are doing that you ensure that the man does not have time for his wife and one day a lady was so pain she stood up and stripped herself and spoke in this life at the brink of your joy your life will waste without value she spoke it in pain he said i bear get out waiting whenever i see that count empty talk and then she now settled to marry she wanted to get married and the young man who came to marry her didn't know the history and they fit the wedding on the day of the traditional marriage one leg just started swelling and of course she was in too much pain to do a marriage they postponed it that's how the leg rotted away the second leg took over she rotted from the legs and she wasn't dying she was smelling flesh was falling off of her till she eventually died it always catches up always [Music] you shall have good success the success that god calls good is the one that is based out of the law that proceeds from god so what are you doing with your life [Music] how many people are seated here today who belong to no department in the church you just come at the expense of others you sit down there's ac how the camera men are working you don't know how the instruments are fixed you don't know how they sweep the church is not your business whatever they ask you to volunteer can you be in the protocol because you you look good and you talk well and you can meet our guests and give a good impression of us as a people no i mean people like me where to uh whatever to do that kind of work there is no work that you are bigger than in the house of god it's called service we serve jesus the king of kings and the lord of lords took the time to bow before his disciples and wash their feet dirty feet you don't understand what that means though you know that there were no cars then so people used to just trek up and down and it was dusty can you imagine how dirty fit will be especially if rain has fallen they do not used to wear a shoe like because it's thunder so potapota dirty rainy water on the legs the job of washing the feet was left to the lowest of the lowest of servants in any house it was the ones at the bottom of the ladder that washed feet and jesus stripped his clothes off tied a towel around his waist and knelt in front of 12 disciples and washed their feet he said if you want to be first in the kingdom learn to be the servant of all i praise god that god helped me to start early i don't know why his mercy reached out to me but i just know that i wasn't satisfied with the family life i had i wasn't satisfied with the way my father called god on sunday but lived differently other days of the week i wasn't satisfied that my mother would call jesus and yet her soul was heavy all the time because she dwelt on the pain of the things that were happening to her and so i began to look for an outlet and i found it in service you won't believe it that my voice was a point of shame they used to laugh at my voice and abuse me with the voice because it's bigger than a regular woman's voice up until two weeks ago somebody called me on the phone i said hello please can i speak to your wife i said who do you want to speak with sarah christie i say i'm the one on the line no sir sir please i mean your wife so most times i have to end up saying hello then they'll say okay reverend christie good morning my voice is big and they laughed at this voice i just found myself saying to god god why would you let some people know how to sing very well but me when i open my mouth people tell me shut up shut up don't sit do sing that's how bad it was i'm not lying if i open my mouth or they will say just move your lips don't let your voice come out and i kept crying out to god from from the junior church choir i joined the choir but i never used to sing out because once i sang out everybody went off-key [Music] so i joined the church you know church choir and i'll be singing under my breath then i went to senior church choir because i wanted to sing and i was still in primary school when i did that i was the smallest person in the choir so the choir used to match out of the vestry i was in an orthodox church so of course being the shortest and the smallest i'm the one that will match out first i will come out the church will see somebody coming out moving they will not hear anything until the second person comes out because if i raise my voice everybody's going off key and i heard a song glory hallelujah that's what grandma sang she had to be the happiest person that i'd ever seen she'll sing a song and praise the lord and she'll leave times and praise the lord and whatever and the lord didn't mind that my grandma sang of ki [Music] that's the song grandma was the happiest person but she always sang off key but the lord didn't mind so when i heard that song i decided and then i had another one bull frogs butterflies both been born again bull frogs butterflies both been born again so bullfrogs are the ones that go the ones you hear shouting and i'm one of those and all are born again so when i heard those two songs i decided i'll be trying with the song and i kept praying then i went to secondary school sitting down in my class one row next to me one seat behind me was a girl called mary david i have never heard an alto like that in my life up till now and we had this french teacher that will come and teach us songs when this girl sung i just went quiet it sounded like heaven so i'll be saying to god ah see how you gave this one so much me i'm just here like this they are abusing the voice why would you do that i just kept saying it but i kept singing [Music] one day one of my seniors in school said to me christy do you realize you have a good voice ah i was angry i thought she was mocking me which good voice the one that they're abusing in my house let me tell you my father heard me sing for the first time on my wedding day and i saw my father's eyes go like this you couldn't hide the shock it was like this so after the wedding he asked me what happened to your voice i said papa god happened to it hallelujah same loud croaky deep voice but god just inhabits it because it has been presented as an offering hallelujah [Music] i started ministering to children when i was 14 i joined child evangelism ministry and i was a teacher not a child [Music] i was 14 and i went into ministry i look back now i've told you before that all my siblings died except one even the one that led me to christ has died because of certain choices that she made and i'm wondering why did i survive i was raised in the same house i'm not the first i'm not the last i'm right in the middle what is it that preserved me and i realize becoming a servant in the house of the lord is a preservative [Music] it preserved me not only from the thing that was eating up my father's house it also preserved me from following the line that young people followed because my sisters and i began to grow up and my sisters began to have relationships with men that they were not married to most of the children they died and left for me were born out of wedlock not in married relationships only my oldest brother's children were born in wedlock but the last one the day they were burying him i saw one and they said this is also your brother's child he had him outside [Music] that one is 12 years old he's also with me now i met him on the day they were burying my brother so the the service that following god and wanting to do his will is what kept me from making the same choices with my sisters which is why i'm still here today and i'm not just here existing i'm here making a difference praise the lord it pays to serve jesus people it pays to serve jesus this morning my son from england from dublin sent me a screenshot of something he saw on the internet and he just says that beautiful woman that carried you and nurtured you for nine months may she live long and healthy he just sent it to me nothing added do you know how i felt that my son is rising up to call me blessed to call me blessed i'm not afraid to talk about meal it's not a matter of pride but you see when we talk about esther and deborah some of you will now zero your mind to oh that is something that happened a long time ago there are present day heroes and we will sing of them so that they become inspirations for others to also follow paul said follow me as i follow christ i have served god and i have seen him in my life i can't explain to you some of the things that happened in this my life i raised two daughters that had illnesses that they told me were incurable and they would not survive both of them one is 24 the other one is 25 now i was told they would not live to be 10. god has preserved them why the altar of service is powerful and service is not only coming to bend down and sweep cornelius never went into any temple he wasn't even a jew he was a gentile who didn't know god but he began to serve by loving people as long as you have not done this for any of these ones you haven't done it unto me cornelius was obeying scripture without even knowing god and you you know god but you won't obey [Music] cornelius was a giver and god had to obtain the theology of peter an apostle that was with jesus he said peter kill and eat peter said these are unclean he said don't call and clean what i have cleansed get up there are some men at the door follow them there's a man by the name cornelius his giving has come up to me as a memorial the bible talks about us cutting a covenant with god by sacrifice and this man god could not let him die and and be be damned for for eternity god sent peter grumpy and his whole household came to the knowledge of god because he was already serving god even before he knew god why there's a spirit in man and the inspiration of the almighty giveth him understanding is that same spirit that checks you when you're about to do wrong is that same spirit that checks you when you should be doing something and you are not doing it is that same spirit that checks you when you want to open your mouth and gossip on the holy spirit say you hear that check but you go ahead why the flesh loves the pleasure yesterday we talked about hedonism hedonism is the pursuit of pleasure at all cost is the belief that the pleasure is the highest goal in life that's what people live by these days in fact nike nike has a slogan what is it just do it tobaway just do it if you feel like slapping your principal just do it you feel like sleeping with another man's wife just do it you wake up today and you feel uh i was born a man but i'm actually a woman do it go to the hospital let them remove your ppa and give you a female one and plaster breast on your chest and pump you with female hormones so that you will pretend that you are a woman i heard a very confusing thing yeah so this so let me use antebellum and people i was born a woman her name is herzbala he was born a man but abuki he now said that he is a woman in a man's body she too she now says she is a man in a woman's body so two of them went to hospital they changed antibodies physical look to a man changed physical look to a woman then two of them married time about two of them married but no matter the changes they made outside they couldn't change what was inside so badabooky looks like a woman antipalla looks like a man but his antiballer that is pregnant because she's the one with the womb can you do you understand the confusion i don't even know so when they burn that up who is father or mother or i don't understand that's the confusion that is going on around the world now because man wants to pursue his pleasure by all means at all costs in the book of ecclesiastes psalms says teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom ecclesiastes chapter 12 and i want to read that chapter in the message translation it doesn't need much interpretation if you read it in the message translation all right let's go honor and enjoy i like that see because some people think that following god is drudgery how do i explain drudgery boring plodding along tedious no you don't know how i love jesus i wake up in the morning and the first thing that hits my face is a smile because i remember jesus is with me it's so exciting for me to follow jesus the way he lives let me tell you one of my nice experiences one man sat beside me on the plane i was going to minister in abuja and the church that invited me bought me a business class ticket so i was in business class and of course once you sit in business class people give you a certain class that nonsense he sat beside me and you could see that this man was very accomplished very rich man big man 60s maybe close to 70. i was reading a book and it was a christian book and the guy began to talk and i knew he was an occultist and he began to tear down to shreds the christian faith he was challenging everything he was talking i was listening to him i realized i didn't have the intellectual capacity to argue with him and the bible tells us not to argue so in my heart i began to pray this is one of the reasons i love jesus how he will bring stupid ideas that will just baffle the world so he was talking and i was saying to god what do i tell this man lord i need to shut him up what do i tell him i need to challenge him he was talking and god said just keep god letting me talk he talked and his argument sounded possible when he finished i heard god say to me ask him jesus said i am the way the truth and the life he spoke with authority ask him on whose authority he's speaking hey when i said sir i've heard you i said my jesus had the temerity the arrogance if you like to say that he is the way the truth and the life i speak on his authority on whose authority do you speak the man shot he could not you saw his brain thinking furiously trying to think to give me an answer and he couldn't he just went quiet this is how exciting is it it is to serve jesus he can speak to you at inauspicious moments and deliver you from the clause of the best the man couldn't talk till we came down i saw him struggling to find an answer and he couldn't on whose authority hallelujah honor and enjoy your creator while what before what [Music] the arrogance of youth is that youth believes that he will always be like this see when i was younger if i want to cross main road i'll see a car coming with speed i'll calculate the speed look at myself i'll run road don't finish now look at the same car with the same speed in my mind i am still that 14 15 year old that can sprint then i start running and the road is not finishing the car is coming error nobody tells me sister you are not 14 anymore your vigor will wane it's the way of life [Music] there's no i don't care many anti-aging creams they make you're gonna age sister bro you're gonna lose your hair like badabooky when i knew what a book he had plenty here now i look at him like yeah closer it's the way of life you can rub all the creams but when it is time the sagging will suck your br do you know what we call breasts that are fed babies that have we call them fallen heroes [Laughter] they are heroes now they fed how many generations falling heroes your heroes will fall these are the things that should keep us grounded that no matter the path god has chosen for you one day you will look and across board you are the same with everybody else please let's go on verse 2 before what you'll see this time carrying up and down you think he's guy when i was about 40 i went to the doctor i said something is wrong with my eyes i can't read i can't read normally normal i find that it's blurry i think i have an eye problem you say you don't have eye problem you have age problem i said what do you mean he said how old i was i'm 40. he said i'm 40 look at my glasses let me give you he just put his glasses on my eye and i could read everything clearly he said my there's no eye problem his age the bible acknowledges that before there are exceptions to the rule i've met a 75 year old man that doesn't use glasses he reads clean those are the exceptions to the rule generally your vision will deem and the world will blur and the winter years will keep you close to the fire when i read this i remember my grandma because i'm from the north and it gets really cold my grandma always had a fire in her room not outside in her room and you see her with a blanket all the time covered she was once a vigorous young woman whom my father told me used to pursue him and beat him now she can't run next verse in old age your body no longer serves you well [Music] muscles will slacken your grip will weaken your joints will stiffen ah i tried to bend down and doing exercise when i did like this something did i stood up by myself i just heard my knees go the pain nobody told me stand i used to wear high heels six inches one day i wore high heels nobody told me remove it when my leg did like this i removed the two now i'm i they respect myself see they can't heal where they are it has to be fat because it has to carry the bones the shades are pulled down on the world next verse you can't come and go at will things grind to a halt the home of the household fades away because everybody will go to work and leave you hey everybody will go and pursue what they're pushing and they will leave you once in a while they're just peeping mommy how are you you say fine they're gone again why your company is not stimulating the only time they sit around using the night so you can tell them stories the moment you finish the story they are gone look at that you are awakened now by bird song next verse hikes to the mountain a thing of the past even a stroll down the road has its terrorists have you seen old people trying to crossroad and then the drivers will say oh yeah pass then you will see them they are running in their mind oh boy like their legs are in the same place do you see that [Music] it says your head turns apple blossom white don't mind my own i'm using them lily do you know henna henna the thing they used to put on the hands in the north that's what i put on my hair so that's why it's red in front i'm covering the gray hair but i have plenty your hair turns apple blossom white adorning a fragile and impotent matchstick body yes you're well on your way to eternal rest i hope yours will be rest not eternal damnation while your friends make plans for your funeral hey next verse life lovely while it lasts is soon over life as we know it precious and beautiful ends next verse let's do this quickly i i'm rounding up in one minute the body is put back in the same ground it came from the spirit returns to god who first breathed it it's all smoke nothing but smoke the question says that everything is smoke that's vanity all is vanity be besides being wise himself the questor also taught others knowledge he weighed examined and arranged many proverbs next verse the quest that did his best to find the right words and write the plain truth next verse the words of the wise brought us to live well the words of the wise teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts towards wisdom the words of the wives proud us to live well they're like nails hammered home holding life together they are given by god the one shepherd next verse but regarding anything beyond this dear friend go easy go easy on chasing after money go easy on chasing after fame go easy on chasing after relevance in the wrong places he says there is no end to the publishing of books and constant study wears you out so you are no good for anything else so those of you that are pushing three phd i don't understand finally verse 13 and 14. the last and final word is this everybody read and do what do what it tells you and what and that's it summary of life fear god keep his commandments do what he tells you and that's it eventually god will bring everything that we do out into the open are you ready for people to scrutinize the things you do in secret are you ready for the eyes of the world to see the things you are doing in secret because it will happen he says he will judge it according to its hidden intent whether it's good or what god bless you [Applause] hallelujah that was a word let me just conclude it by saying a few things and then we pray luke 22 22 to luke 22 verse 24. can you put it on board let me see luke 22. i'm always excited whenever christy ministers because she's got a word hallelujah let me conclude by what sources and there was also strife among them which of them should be accounted the greatest the disciples were fighting and they were saying who should be the greatest the next verse and he said to them the kings of the gentiles inside lordship over them they that says authority upon them are called benefactors 26. that's verse [Music] ye shall not be soul but that is greatest among you let him be younger and he that is chief as he that thought 27 for whether it is greater either seated that meat or either sovereign is not the either sitting at me but i am among you as either what the server is you know i was reading that [Music] and jesus the disciples are saying who is the greatest as we are saying who is the greatest you know jesus told them if you want to be great then you should serve your covenant assets to success to greatness is what is service i'll say that again your covenant access to greatness to success is what a service that's what jesus said in the business world is the same thing the richest man in the world today pregates the reason is the richest man in the world is serving the whole world he made a software that is serving everyone here you know but in the kingdom i mean so if you see any business any all those who have made it rich i mean i didn't talk about those who stole money he found out they were they are serving they did something that is serving the people but what i want you to see this money is that jesus said if you want to be great your covenant assets to greatness in the kingdom it's not how much money you have it's not how much it says it's true service to god through service to god and i just want to challenge you singles and married your greatest access to the miracles of god is when you are in constant service for him i started serving god when i was i mean young yes but when i went to do my youth service i remember that i had the opportunity to go to israel this other way but i choose to serve god and that makes a difference in those days quite a lot of my friends that went to you service died by accident but i served god a band together yes as teenagers when one band together and what did we even use to sing but we impeded niger state that's where i met badabooky 1985 86 yeah so he has been serving god for a long time he didn't just become pastor overnight some of you think he got this place and the jaws given [Laughter] amen [Applause] you know and during my youth service everything changed everything changed i saw the best so several years after after youth service and i went to work in the north and i came back to lagos trying to get a job in lagos i just want to say this for the sake of a few people you see i i i came in when i got to lagos there was no house no car no job no food no clothing everything was dry not not that i wanted i i applied i was applying pasta per se and nobody was accepting my application i was invited to come and work for a conference and something happened and i was not a long story i was not a place where i left the north and i came to the south and i was not the job was offered before i came and then i got there they said because i believe in certainty they don't want me blah blah blah so i just found myself in a loophole in such a way that there's no job nothing i didn't have a house i didn't have anything i remember going to to somebody's house and the husband was telling the wife that i don't want this kind of boy to be coming to my house so we coming here he's not doing anything we're coming here to use style to eat that i know he's a hungry one says we're coming here too and i genuinely came to visit he says you'll be coming to that yeah i know it's because of food you know so i mean what's a nasty situation you know i sent an application a friend of mine once tell me says so don't you apply have you not been applying i said i applied nobody is taking me you know when god has a plan for you one day i yesterday i was staying home i began to read my bible i began to study and then i studied i read john three and then he was talking about since they have a six plenty but workers are few that that i mean then he said whosoever harvest will get wages i said wow so i began to read it and i saw from that scripture that if god promised to pay me if i go into the field because service is two mains there's in service there's out service there's in service there's house service in service what you do in the church like my sister is talking you serve in an area but that is not enough i was i was serving in the church but god says he says he says the adverse is plenty but the workers are what i feel and that day i also read proverbs that says whosoever wanted a soul is what is wise i said wow what is the wisdom go out and win a show and if you will take care of my business i will take care of your business and when i read that john i said lord do you really mean this word you know it was it was very very very real to me john chapter 4 in verse 36 since the sacrifices do not do not say to yourself there are four months then come the harvest i see until you lift up your eyes are the feeds they are already white for harvest he who reaps he who reaps receives what's wages and gathered fruit for eternal life that is that both evil souls and ribs may rejoice what together this is for this insane one souls and other ribs i sent you to reap that which you have not labeled others have labeled you have entered into your labels hallelujah and then in other places the liberal is worthy of his wages there i saw my wages he didn't say this so you remember it's someone that is liberal he didn't say the one that is controlling that is telling them when i saw it i said so he who reaps his wages that day i made a decision i said every day i will go out and win souls and let god say to me i said i don't have a job i said this is a job here he says he says investors are few what workers are very limited so what do i do i will go out and work for this kingdom and as long as i'm working for the kingdom that you know what who said to me i said he said it here god i said you mean said yes so every day i will go out i will pray in the morning in the afternoon when it is around 12 i go out and i begin to look for walk not looking for work but to begin to win souls for god we need to win souls for god we get to win souls for god and god began to change my story little by little one day as i began to do it i said to god i said lord you know i'm going out i don't have clothes the only clothes i have because i was doing that during the night i said the only clothes i have i just die and die i said god i'm going to the corporate places i need church i need shoes i need this and god said to me don't worry you res you reaps this is what wages not after two three weeks i started praying someone traveled came back i said god told her in london to buy me 13 brand new shirts how can you buy somebody 13 brand new shirts he just said all the chefs just pick them pick them pick them pick them buy me shoes buy me this you rips receives what it is then i realized that i began to pay tight without walking home that was the month i paid 25 000 tight you know how much that has come to my hand i was going about but i was walking and that's what i said don't ever say i don't have a job as a single person don't ever say it everybody here has a job there's something you can do that you type into the miracle of heaven when you begin to fulfill god's purpose when you begin to do god's work god will change your story you know the day i read in the book of joshua chapter 10 how they gather together ten kings get out together against joshua and they wanted to destroy him and god stole joshua go ahead and fight and the bible says as you were fighting the battle went into the night the battle went to the night and joshua said ah and as the son was going to say the enemy are going to escape and the bible says and go pray to god and god says joshua speak and you are say god stop the sun don't let the sun set and gentlemen and the bible says that night the sun did not set until joshua destroyed all his what enemies and then what's what's you to go to the verse what's what what kept my what start to be most it says god had never happened to the voice of a man like that before that means god stopped the whole universe for joshua to fulfill god's purpose and allah says say lord why would you do that god said because it's doing my work it's fulfilling my purpose when whenever you're fully god's purpose you're a candidate for a miracle there's no way there will no hope for you there's no battle that will not fight for you he thrilled me i said wow i mean we are struggling too much matthew 6 33 is the kingdom of god that is a covenant every other thing shall watch shall be heard unto you we are struggling for those other things he says see all that is will be added i was teaching my daughter yesterday on sick for the kingdom of god and every other shall be added so i said do you understand that and that thing she said so i was trying to say how do i explain to you and say etoir so she said to me i said daddy if you remember that story i said yeah that story you know the story of a man that wanted to die and told his son my son just take only one of my property every other thing is going to my chief servant my chief survivor owns every other thing he's serving all these years and i love him you are my son he's okay i'm gonna give you just one of my property the boy was so distressed he was so troubled so he didn't know what to do how come i found out he's so wealthy give me just one of my property unless every other thing will go to street servant so now that's why he was going to the elders so he went to the elders for council ladies and gentlemen so the others told him what to do he say don't worry don't fight your father don't worry your father wants to test you so on the day seven days again seven days because on the seventh day when the father was there he wanted to share the property he says you are free to take anything you want out of my property but my chief servant the chiefs leave my house guess every other thing the one said okay no problem daddy i have made a choice i want to make a choice he said i choose slave i chose the chief slave as my property what does that mean yes every nothing that goes through the sleeves becomes his own was added to him as i taught my 10 year old stone on how to understand matthew 6 there's one thing you would take that every other thing shall what shall be heard unto you ladies and gentlemen god i understood that and god changed my life if i would make god's business my business there is no situation god cannot do for you and as i got changed my life i said god if god can give me if god you can give me oh fine i said lord you can give me suits god gave me suits six suits somebody gave me brand new suits six after that i said my faith grew i said god you can give me a car i was not to the people where i was not working every day i go and say lord you know to go to these places because i need a car within space of three months somebody dashed maker dashed me a house i mean rented a house i got the house you see if you seek first the kingdom of god nobody is an employed if you would work for the kingdom there's work for us and i'm saying is your greatest access to what's to the miracles i read another story in the bible study of jonah i was screwed you know god sent jonah go to navy do not say i won't go why he says i know god i wish i had time to preach about that today he says i i i know god i know you you're a good man you change your mind but jonah left we have god that sent him and then he began to go to another place i want to say something here you may be a single here you may be like jonah you're in the wrong part doesn't need for you to turn to the right place there's a need for you to make a u-turn if you're not in your purpose you're outside you're going to the wrong place you know i says i'm going to go he knew this is what god wants him to do like as i was speaking this morning the lord said to me my prayer that some people here god has even called you to ministry that's why we are going to call to ministry so we are god has called you to the kingdom but you have not if not you has called you to be a minister that's what i'm going to talk about not to the kingdom everybody's called to the kingdom but you have not accepted jonah went the wrong way as he was going the wrong way what happened to him he they bought he entered there was what that was stone and while the storm was going on he was asleep because the devil wanted to kill him while he was there sleeping will you not enter the wrong boat in jesus name will you not enter both with someone that has been tamed for death in the name of the lord jesus christ before he got out at the middle of the ocean ladies and gentlemen at the middle of the ocean they they found out they tried everything nothing was working they knew there was this this battle this storm is not natural ladies and gentlemen let me say something to us here in few a lot of the battles you are fighting are not natural they are not physical they are spiritual the the one of the greatest truths you can ever learn in life is that the fist is the spiritual that controls the physical and certain young people i mean i mean singles i want to let you know that satan does not want you to know that truth is one of the things he has to hide from us that it is a spiritual that controls what the physical most of the most of the things you see happening in the physical has been certainly the spirit that is why you shouldn't be sleeping too much before you wake up somebody has already done certain things i'm sitting over here you're waking up at seven o'clock yeah going for the same interview somebody has commanded ever before you woke up so take care of it in the spirit so those people knew something was wrong and he told jonah jonah everybody called upon their god eventually they found pastor jonas sleeping say where are you they said is what is happening then i just laughed he said don't go too far i am the source of your problem you know sometimes some people know that the source of the problem and then finally they said no no no no you can't result says look if you want this thing to stop just throw me into the thing he was ready to die i wanted to sacrifice his life folks they said to him they said no no we won't do but when they saw that that the storm will not stop see satan was ready was ready made up his mind that today jonah must die in disobedience you will not die in disobedience in jesus name so if you're in wrong relationship you're going the other side you're not die in that relationship in jesus name you know you're not supposed to be doing what you are doing and you are still doing it satan wanted you to die kill you in it you will not die in jesus name jonah satan said today i will kill jonah so if he fussed them put prayer it wasn't god god didn't cause god didn't send the storm no but at the end of the day god used the stone they took jonah and he watched and it says the only solution is through me and they threw him right into the ocean in the middle of the atlantic ocean he was thrown in hell there was a rejoicing we have called doing that yeah let's started laughing he said i was happy you don't say ah god this is the end so the dream and he went to the bottom see but i said suddenly he realized i'm dying and at the last minute he says i repented original chapter two you know when when when when when in kindergarten they tell us that a sheep is a fish over his mouth that's what that's not true that's not bad liquorice chapter two you know i said i was thrown down god didn't force you into the mouth of a fish no he was stronger i said i got it down really put there verse six seven and eight he says he says when my life was being taken away from me when i knew i was out of you i was about to die i cried to the lord i said lord save me at this woman lord have mercy on me lord i'm ready to go and serve you i'm ready to go and fulfill the purpose i'm ready to go and witness with that city lord save me as he was crying there was a meeting in heaven and god says how would god go how we're gonna get jonah saved every time you cry to god god there's a meeting in heaven god wants to save you god will not live in this rock hallelujah some of you at the bottom of the sea god is not going to leave you in that situation god will rescue you god will not leave you you will not die in this situation in jesus name he he cried and he said what are we going to do son of man says look the best thing is to just send a fish and a fish so there's a big fish around and the fish was commanded a whale was commanded and that will came and then everybody was because the two had gone there was no way jedi was going to escape but god sent the fish god controls the universe he controls the whale it controls the animal he controls the sun the whale ran i saw you and swallowed him then i was already unconscious swallowed him at a point when he was about to die help came help is coming for you i speak to somebody this morning your will is coming i say your will is coming i said the whale is coming your help is coming the enemy thought they have finished you but god will is coming for you hallelujah you are coming out in jesus name you will not be put to shame you will not die in this you will not become a laughingstock help will come from above they thought they have finished your god we send a wealth for you you are coming out alive in the name of jesus as i conclude my story the lord said to me listen son he says those the fish went and vomited jonah at the seashore but listen it didn't say i mean those people look at look at this story didn't defeat him take him to nineveh you know 14 million but this is what i want you to see those people that throw jonah into the middle of the atlantic if they see him as if he's already do they they will take off must be a ghost that no it can be this is your god will surprise your enemies you will be a surprise to your generation they will see the thought is over here but you are coming out in another place in the name of the lord jesus christ and the word of lord came to me and said to me says son your case is never too late for me to handle there is no case your case never seen my case it's never too late for the lord to handle say my case is never too late for the lord to handle no situation is ever too late for him to handle that situation they thought it is over there shall be a resurrection there shall be a resurrection there shall be a breakthrough there shall be a shouting of hallelujah somebody here will testify you will testify you will testify you are going with a testimony god will resurrect that case the word of the lord came to jonah and said to him the second time jonah go to the navy did you see that god didn't force him to deliver he chose but god gave me a second chance i've come to announce this afternoon the god of second chance god will give you a second chance god is giving somebody a second chance you won't die in this situation god will give you a second chance you could have messed up yes you did mess up yes you did messed up believe god will give you a second chance you might even be pregnant afterwards we're going to give you a second chance you messed up and you lost that job god will give you a second chance it is not over it's a mercy for god for the lord is good and is what mercies endures for what forever and ever and ever and ever god will give you a second chance we serve a god of second chance i don't know what it is maybe you aborted god will give you a second chance don't believe the devil that's it's over for it's never too over it's not over for the lord he's the god of second chance he gives you a second chance second chance that's the second chance the world is for somebody second chance it's not over god is a second chance it's never too late abraham messed up or god gave him a second chance even he was 75 years old when he may stop at 89 god gave him a second chance if you return to the lord god will give you second chance you will serve god god will give you a second chance you know i went to navy prayed ladies and gentlemen what i want to see what i wanted to see is that what qualified jonah for a miracle because he chose to go back and watch and serve ladies and gentlemen the first submarine idea came from the book of jonah this was a creature submarine anything any miracle you see in the bible it can be repeated there we have submarine and i mean sheep under the wall but what qualifies jonah why would god send the will to carry someone because he knew bob says the workers are few he knew that the workers are few so if this one has chosen and decided to go i must do every miracle to preserve them and i'm saying to us this morning this church be qualified for your next miracle if you just take god's business sirius and begin to go out and win souls ladies and gentlemen you see how much miracle you have in your life and this thing works it changed my life i understood it anytime i'm in the pit i go on witnessing and god changes my life i want to tell you that he works a friend of mine he works everywhere i walked in nigeria i was in america a friend of mine went to america with his wife they got married they finished school they didn't have their visa i was expiring their visa was messed up he didn't know what to do it was going to be a fugitive there was only a fight i mean immigration problem there was no way they could get out of it because if you have overstayed you overstayed as a problem he said the only thing he knew the only the only thing they've asked he knew they would the only thing he could do was look he began to serve he went to church and fully obtained himself to serve as assistant pastor began to serve and serve and serve ladies and gentlemen in the physical suddenly after he has done that seriously for about six seven months the president gave the waiver and said all those who are serving so so so they can apply for them and ladies and gentlemen that is how the weaver came they put them in and they applied for them for a green card and they were given automatic green card the wife who was even a doctor he couldn't get a card yet he was on his own his platform that the wife got it because you see when you serve god satan cannot hold you down there's no way there's no there is no situation that the enemy can pull you down god will create a way the greatest way to escape in this life any situation is going to service i've seen it happen over and over again i shared a testimony of the lady that shared with me she was here young person she finished school lost her she finished graduated no job working and then she was oh my name she's having type of mind i look instead of sitting there everybody looking for your application i'm not going to do it anymore she said every day she'll go out and just use tracts go out and witness on the street tell somebody about jesus and she was doing this garlic he lived for about seven eight months doing it faithfully and god was blessing hallelujah too why she was doing that ah ladies and gentlemen well you see god will prove you as he was doing that somebody saw a cv cut out took a series to accompany kenya and they employed her and paid made her ac i mean like his ceo paid 10 dollars gave her a fish account did everything because you were serving god the only qualification was that was she was serving god going out to witness you serve in reach enrich is what you do in in church but the most powerful one is what you do what outside the kingdom of god going out the kingdom of god you will never be stranded anymore you will never be standing anymore you cannot be stranded because if you make my business your business he says i'll do what i will take your business i make it worth my business today i see door hoping to you i see i see door open to you i see those open to you i see help come from above i see those open to you i see help come from above finally let me say this as i said god you know any of you know my story i shared my story how i tried to get a visa out of nigeria i couldn't get it every opportunity to get the visa was futile they snapped my passport several times and i come to the conclusion that look there's a way out the first thing i saw that put sparkle on my face says if you would serve me joke that is 6 11 can you put it there jupiter 6 11. job 36 11. can you play there everyone let's see what do you say if the what if they obey and serve them they shall spend their days in what in prosperity and in their years in what implies you they obey and serve them just whether there is in prosperity and then yes i see service so i made up my mind instead of trying to get out of nigeria i'll begin to serve god and then the second verse that god gave to me is our call to worship isaiah 58 that was what broke the back isaiah 58 put the call to worship there the day i started in this god said to me let's put it together i want to it says if you turn away your fools from what from the sabbath from doing your pleasure on what on my holy day and call the sabbath what is the light the holy of the lord honorable and shall hold on him not doing your own ways not finding your own pleasure not speaking your own words yes then you shall delight yourself in the lord and i will cause you to write on what high heels of the earth high places of the earth and feed you the heritage of jacob your father the master daughter spoke when i read that says i'll cause you to write on high priest of the earth i said i places of the earth it is the high priest of nigeria that means i can never be restrained to locality anymore i said today i become an international person i said today i become what international i will not die in adulthood hallelujah i will not die in obscurity today i become international i said nothing is going to stop me as i began to serve god and i was keeping the sabbath i said nothing will stop me in fact people will come to our house my wife remember people come to my house they're going to american embassy i would take them at 4 00 a.m to go on queue but i'll tell you guys said the day i'm going to go and get my own visa i won't kill you they're going to invite me because i saw it i was serving god god open the international door i'll tell them don't worry i'll drop you but today i'm going to get my visa i'm not going to kill you i'll just do that and i've been rejected several times so there was no hope but ladies and gentlemen caught my long story short the day i was going to get my visa my visa for the first time i've ever traveled want to have a daughter and i was going to go go and join i did i was going to go to get my visa i didn't have to kill the american basket wrote me a letter to come he said please because you're a very valued customer please don't come on the regular day come on wednesday when people are not queuing so we walked to the embassy gracefully we didn't have to go through all the things we sat down and the vessel was granted hallelujah that they got open international door through service through going out to seek god there is no doubt the enemy has closed around you that your serving god cannot open it doesn't matter how long it is how bad it is if you serve god god will open the door if jonah if god will send way to save john out of that place because he made up his mind your will is coming hallelujah i say your will is coming let's dress up on our feet i'm not out of message when i'm out of time i've come to challenge you the voice of jesus calling who will go and work today [Music] who will bear the shears and loud the master call it read three words he all fast free [Music] oh i [Music] [Music] [Applause] if you can not speak you can tell [Music] [Applause] [Music] now listen listen we're going to pray but listen you may not be able to preach like reverend christie will not be able to preach like pastor ebukun or hello no you may not be able to everybody can tell someone what god did for them that's what witness says he told that that that demoniac says i want to follow you just don't follow me just go and tell them what what's what i what you doubt i did for you and they rejected jesus in that area but this man went back was a decapitate deck of police i mean yeah decapolis there are ten cities he went around and began by time he just came back they were only everybody accepted jesus in their cities go and check your bible because you want to you're witnessing how do you witness don't you don't need to preach friends someone just say once i was blind jesus healed me once i was stuck jesus did this for me you can say he died for all you know i mean if you cannot preach or you can tell the love of jesus you can share your experience what jesus has done for you told us can you put the thoughts next verse next verse put the next verse if you can not be the worst man [Music] [Music] whatever [Music] oh now listen witnessing is into two three places you can go to preach but you can pray you can pray for salvation of souls it's as powerful as even going out to pray you need to see them before you go out to prickly to pray for salvation also everybody here can pray you should spend at least one hour that one hour or 30 minutes a day praying for salvation of souls before you go and speak to them about god pray to god about them right names this week in church we we last week in the workers meeting we decided to go winning teams the winning teams we teams of three who will go out and win three other people to themselves and we are using seven steps to absolute victory to win souls for god people in the middle class who can read you can understand you know you can do it it's not difficult pray pray pray pray he starts with prayer pray pray pray and then mention write three names that who you want to see in the kingdom three names that you want to get the word of the message of the word to three names and then begin to pray about them pray pray every day on those names and then after that give them just a copy of seven samsung victory that's all and you get to pray and you see what god is going to do i'm making a call for people want to serve god people are saying look i want to maintain to come out with god to serve him if you are like i mean i just want to make a while we are singing the last song with the last stanza of this song i just want to make a call that god i want to serve you serve him for three months or four months and see what is going to happen if you don't have a testimony i will drop this mic because i know he's faithful you can't serve god and fail it's not possible [Music] if you if you're that's a lot i want to entertain you i want to serve you with all my heart with all i show i want to be involved in evangelism is so winning i wanted to take a step forward as we sing this last dose while the souls of men have died if you want to serve god with all your heart please come forward come forward i want to pray with you [Music] it keeps is [Music] and the master calls for you let none hear you highly saying there is nothing i can do everybody can do something everybody can watch can do something there is no middle ground everybody can do something everybody can do something at your place of work you can do something how many of us remember that little that's how's help of neiman she was just an house elf but through our name and the greatest army the greatest captain know the lord because you witness see there's a prophet in israel i want to say to you singles if you serve god you end up well [Music] i know people in this church when they started their salary is not up to two hundred thousand today per month today they collect over five million per month because they are serving god because they are serving god you can serve god and fail there's nothing i'm a house mother fool i'm a housewife that place you can serve god let them hear you there's nothing i can do everybody can contribute to the second coming of the lord jesus christ [Music] may i say finally as we pray if you want to join us join us mercy finally as we pray do you know that there is no middle ground there is no middle ground if you are not serving god you are having the devil if you are busy and not serving god you are being under safe under satanic that's what busy means you are too busy ah we are busy the day you get sick ladies and gentlemen then you get sick then you know that you are not busy if you die you realize they replace you [Music] almost you enter into covenant to serve god with all our heart with all our soul take a tool do that in front i just want to say lord i commit my life to you to serve you with all my heart with all my soul with all my strength i can't do it by my own self the reason i ask you to come to pray with this because you cannot do it you can't stop go by my own strength the few people that are watching if you're home please join us stand up wherever you are to show your indication that i will serve god come and see our doors will be open to you our life become easy how things will change how your needs be met [Music] keep myself away [Music] so you can use me let's just raise up our two hands to the lord and say with me say lord with all my heart stay with me say heavenly father [Music] commit myself to you today to serve you with all my heart with all my soul with all my strength i will reserve nothing i will save you thank you lord i cannot do it by my own power but you can help me to do it and to do it right help me lord to serve you with all my heart with all my soul with all my power in the name of jesus and as i do it [Music] lord honor your word in my life take care of my situation i give my business to you i give my career to you i give my life to you oh lord take it over open new doors new opportunities new greatness new power in the name of jesus only you can do what no man can do as i serve you do it for me in the name of jesus open your minds for one minute another please come open your eyes for one minute the lord said to me listen you know when elisha said to elijah [Music] listen to me when elisha i want you to prove god what i'm saying when elijah said elijah says so what do you want elisha said i want a double portion of the anointing of the spirit that was what upon you how many of us know that story but what was the answer of elijah elijah elijah you have asked for what a hard thing this afternoon god will do a hard thing for you god says to all of you that have committed yourself to serve me ask me for a hard thing he asked for what you know if god do something just urinary you will say it just happened god is going to do a hard thing for you you say ask me for what a hard thing a hard thing a hard thing and then you see the election get it he got it you are getting a heart thing now everybody will know that there will be no controversy that is god that did it that's what is going to happen that's what is going to happen how many of us are ready to ask god for a hard thing here [Music] that covenant of service just before we pray i want to have it in mind i'm just going to i'm going to see the prayer which you talk about just for three minutes about what we are doing evangelism two to three minutes and then i'm gonna pray for your heart thing have that happen in your mind but you you do it first and that's what god is gonna do there's no there's no shortcut there shall be testimony praise the lord i know that everyone here is serious about your decision to serve the lord in soul winning and so we need to run with it immediately pastor talked about the kingdom winning team and we want to inaugurate it now so that you can you know hit the ground running i'd like for you to look around and find two more people that is let us be in threes just group yourselves in threes the basis of the grouping will be the people you can work with better if it is men together but if it happens to be men and women is fine but what will you be doing your duty you meant to mend preferably your duty will be to pray together share the names of your prospects the people you are presenting to god as your object of labor so you pray pray and pray and then god will give you the grace to reach out to the people you don't go to them without praying so and then you will also be accountability partners so you will check one another if someone is one drawing back somebody will pull the person up so this is what you're going to do now please look around find people you can walk with turn around and then we integrate the winning team [Music] if you haven't done it before workers those who were present in the workers meeting on sunday did it so i mean stay with your group stay with your group so if you don't have minimum of two bets preferably three okay and this is somebody you will meet with you pray with every week it can be on phone you can be you can be physical physically and then you share your you show your prayer points and then report to each other how you are doing with the following [Music] all right all right you know the service is still on just hold your accountability partner immediately after the service we are going to inaugurate you and pray for you and then we place in your hand tools that you will start using this week because when you decide to witness you ask yourself what will you do will you just carry the bible and hit the road would you need some materials we'll make some materials available so that this week you'll start being fruitful may the lord bless you so immediately after service please do not go away remember that we're going to pray for you i want to pray with you for one minute the service is now i'm going to do offering after this service alone but ask god for a hard thing what he has said is that immediately after the service please wait unless you know great this let's give you tools it's not going to be about 15 minutes meeting 10 15 minutes you get all the things you need your group your team but god says to me pray i want you to ask me for her thing all that bowels all i stood everybody rise up on the prophet everybody rise up as we pray tell those of you in front i don't know what it is you have asked for a hard thing i don't know what it is but say lord i'm entering to a covenant with you and i'm asking you for a hard thing a hard thing right yes a hard thing oh yes [Music] say lord i will keep my own part of the covenant help me to keep it and i know lord you're gonna keep your own part of the covenant oh god i want to begin to say oh lord say what we say oh lord do a heart thing for me so that everybody will know that you are the one who has done it say oh lord do a hat thing for me so that everybody will know that you are the one who has done it one more time say oh lord by your mercy do a heart thing for me so that everyone will know that you are the one who has done it and i will serve you i continue to serve you the rest of my life in the name of jesus let's gonna talk to god let's go thank god father we thank you if you are here you need a heart and from god yes father [Music] in jesus name we have prayed please place off your two hands as the lord father your children have raised up their true hands to you they say carry them god of hearts things that you did for elisha lord this morning do a hard thing for them i don't know what it is that they think are but the bible says is there anything too hard for the lord because there is nothing too hard for you lord visit them number one give them grace to serve you grace to work with you grace to go out and win souls lord we have struggled ourselves too much but you give us a way that you had if you're nothing to us so lord give us that revolution flood our hearts with light help us to go and win souls for you about to go out and serve you and let people know that we serve you and then lord begin to do our things for us i decree every heart thing as for today shall be done in jesus name the power of the lord shall come upon you the lord will give you a testimony you shall not be put ashamed god will fight your battles for you you are going higher to prosper i decree open doors open opportunities open grace that battle dies today in jesus name that battle finishes today in the name of jesus every witchcraft attack on your life dies dies dies dies dies in the name of jesus because you stand for god you shall never be ashamed you will not be ashamed your family will not be ashamed your business will not be ashamed you will not fail in life you will not fail alive you will never be wasted you will not die suddenly nobody will be wasted in your home you won't die now your children will exhale your children will know god in this time hard times will not be hard for you nobody everyone here shall see 2022 any person you know shall die in the name of jesus as you serve god you are going higher you are going higher you are going higher you are going higher you are going higher in the name of jesus i speak divine helpers your life covenant help us your life because you are serving god help us to locate you oh your boy has to locate you oh your boy has to locate you in the name of jesus the lord will give you a heartache for you and so shall it be we thank you lord for answer prayers from this mystery there shall be testimonies great testimonies mighty testimonies glorious testimonies you are next online to testify thank you father because we prayed by faith in jesus name amen let's give someone hallelujah amen let's go back and say we are closing the service now [Music] praise the lord somebody shout out hallelujah if you are glad to be in ghost prince shout out hallelujah again praise the lord we thank god for that powerful message reverend christie thank you for that message pastor thank you so much and right now it's time for our tithes and our offerings come up in our bibles quickly to ii corinthians chapter eight [Music] the bible says once has got spoken [Music] but twice have we heard that all power belongs to god second question chapter 8 was one to five i want us to take very seriously what your pastor has just done because as i was sitting down there the literally kept speaking to me and it means business and he said something to me he said he's tired of his people [Music] merely giving him money i'll say it again instead of his people merely giving him money second question chapter 8 1-5 let's read quickly moreover brethren we make known to you by the grace of god based on the churches of macedonia verse 2 quickly that in a great trial of affliction their bonus of their joy and their deep poverty are bounded in the reaches of their liberality verse 3 for i bear witness according to their ability yes beyond their ability they were freely willing but for employing us with much urgency that we would receive the gift and the fellowship of the ministry to the saints and verse 5 and not only as we had hoped but they first gave themselves to the lord and then to us by the will of god praise the lord god is more interested in you than your seat he says my son give me your heart and somebody has said that what i have more than a song to give you today today i bring myself i am that worship the bible says except a grain of wheat is planted to the ground it abides alone but when it has been planted it bears much fruit so god is telling us today that apart from your offering he wants your heart he wants your service he says submit your body as the holy sacrifice as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto him which is your reasonable servant so what's trying to tell us today that why don't you turn yourself into the seed you know you are giving him received your hands but turn yourself into the seed yourself in matthew 10 peter said we have left all we have left all and i've followed you i said no man has left or unfollowed me but in this world you will get what a hundred fold branches as we commit to god by our service then our offerings will make more sense and god's going to give us a multiplied advert in the name of the lord jesus christ in the world system they pay in percentages but once you give yourself god pays us in full so why don't you rise up to your feet right now and forget what befits god give him a sacrifice give him your tithe giving your offering but give yourself more importantly to him and as you give give joy having cheerfulness for god loves a cheerful giver [Music] is [Music] holy is [Music] the lord [Music] ready to be [Music] [Music] however you ready [Music] ready to be free [Music] [Music] listen [Music] i am is we give him foreign i have a question give me the answer i have a question i have a question together [Music] amen let's be honest and pray father we say thank you in the name of the lord jesus christ thank you for your faithfulness the psalmist says the lord all my soul and forget not all your benefits but i've remembered all your benefits thank you for your provision thank you for your protection thank you for your word that has come to us at this point father we give ourselves to you we submit our bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto you to those who have brought their tithe i pray in the name of the lord jesus christ according to your word that you open up the windows of heaven and put them down a blessing in the name of jesus for those that have sown their seeds i pray in the name of the lord jesus christ and a hundred fold will be the apportioned in the name of jesus but more important than father we receive the grace to be good stewards of you in the name of jesus the grace to worship you and to serve you in spirit and truth to receive as a church right now in the name of jesus and therefore i command every one of our heavens to be opened in the name of jesus because we've worshipped you and we've praised you said let the people praise thee then he hurts with you that increase i command in the name of the lord jesus christ of our businesses our workplaces i command the earth is going to yield increase in the name of jesus shares of blood shall pull upon us in the name of jesus so shall it be father for we pray with thanksgiving in jesus name we pray amen [Applause] blessed visit praise the lord praise the lord so after i'm going to just make a few announcements and then we'll share the grace but um let's listen carefully first of all all singles please wait behind now this service is um after us after we share the grazing service will be over those who don't want like our parents fathers and mothers you can go if you don't want to join us but it is um we employ that all the singles to wait behind because our day is not over yet amen who are going to have of swell time till you know the later part of this afternoon um we want to give special thanks to our facilitators so far uh we have some of them in our midst for those of you who have not been able to join us the truth is you've missed so i would advise you to go to all our channels online and you know watch all you've missed ranging from personal finance management to entrepreneurship all the way to physical well-being our health and our facilitators we thank them so much solar destruction dr bola olusola and ruben umbiko and even revere christie that broke down the that topic of masturbation sex toys and pornography we want to give them special things let's put our hands together for them thank you very much doctor all right good then uh just to let you know for the singles we have plans for you there's food and water like so priority is the singles but we try to make enough provision so once we've served the singles for those of you wants to join definitely extend a hand of love and care from the singles all the way to you and then we are going to come back by 1 30 exactly 1 30 we are going to have a rooja jj and tim start this the afternoon session and they will spend about 30 40 minutes to you know you know elevate ourselves so start that afternoon session and then later we're going to have reverend christie come back up and she's going to shake tables amen the topic she's going to handle is what do you bring to the table is a very powerful topic on social media most guys say i can't marry she doesn't have anything to offer question is what do you have to offer so i want to actually look at you know this and she's going to shake the table so hard that if you don't stand very firmly you will fall then after that we are going to have a heated debate and the debate is going to be between ladies and gentlemen we want to know why adventist guys don't like to marry adventist girls and the white adventist girls do like to marry adventist guys let them tell us we want to hear it ambassador will be here as the umpire when we are done i guess pastor would then say word or two you know to see how we can balance that then after that towards them part of the program we're also going to talk about side chicks and sugar boys it's becoming very common we want to know what is the reason behind it why are people doing it and then if it's wrong why is it wrong sometimes there's a disconnect before between the older generation and the new one because they don't waste a lot while they just say don't do it tell us why i should not date a married man yeah [Music] yes now there's a list going on if you've not written down your name we need you to quickly reach out to the other ushers and drop your name and then finally i want to welcome all those who are worshiping with us for the first time today if you know this is your first time you are a special guest we are happy to have you in our church today please rise up rise up if you are worshiping with us for the first time today please just though we are many let's rise up we are worshiping with us for the first time [Music] all right shy i know that a lot of you are there so don't be shy thank you very much for those of you standing up now let's point our hands and pray for these ones we prayed that you would come today and god brought you here so we pray that god will bless you say a word of prayer and bless these ones among us father we thank you for their lives it's not by accident they are here today lord impact them may they leave here with a blessing in the name of jesus holy spirit open their hearts so that this will not be the last time they will come here rather they'll be with us subsequent sabbaths and other celebrations will have for in jesus name we have prayed amen i'm going to invite pastor keep standing as pastor blesses you praise the lord okay if this is your first time you're not here yet we have a gift for you it'll be nice for you to just raise up your hand and join them there are people who are here for the first time entering this church please raise up your left hand quickly so that we can pray with you and then you can we have a place where we have packaged some gifts for you if you're first time please put your hands together for them you can join them god bless you god bless you god bless you just just walk with them church can you continue to clap if this is your first time please if you are here as your first time please join them just go walk in there and the lord is going to do something hourly for you so it's been a wonderful week weekend immediately after this the next program like he said is hero jj so you don't you can't wait yeah they said there will be food but if you know you are not going to wait don't eat our food if you eat our food and you didn't wait you are a sinner [Music] say and then your aunt food is for singles and those who are waiting if you know you are not going to wait you are not going to wait and come to eat our food don't let me see the other side though [Music] you know then after i reject reverend christie so those who want to say i again should be here this week this we are entering to a new month and that next month is our month of dominion hallelujah [Music] [Applause] amount of dominion by the grace of god there's some very interesting that's going to happen this coming month next saturday is our movie sabbath is our what movie shabbat so you must be here we're going to have movies hallelujah invite your friends to come and watch movies it's going to be you will be shocked we have your females here powerful by the time you see what we are going to show we are talking about dominion there's going to be a movie you know in fact we're going to start with on wednesday there's going to be another movie you know but the sabbath movie is what i wanted to come and see you know on there's baboon school leadership training online tomorrow at 11am so those of you that already know about it please make sure you attend 11am please be part of that leadership training program at 11am um next month we also have a prophecy conference october 20-23 that's an opportunity for you to invite someone to church and then let god be with you we are closing our praying for the family this month i mean by prayers to save guide your homes prayer to safeguard your homes ellen white wrote in the book great controversy she said we put gods all over our houses we put doors barriers physical but we don't put spiritual so those people we are talking about can enter your homes without without those demonic forces but there are prayers you pray that to save god your what your homes so join us on monday as we do prayers to save god your homes and the lord is going to bless us in jesus name let's rise upon our faith as we share the grace and fellowship maya announced to us those of us that came out please we have some tools to give you just wait for about 10 minutes here just here right there we just want to give you to show god you are serious because you are your addiction you've made you're asking god to do a hard thing for you and god is saying i will do a hard thing for you but at least do a little thing for me you know take my business seriously so we're just going to you know grade the group team about 10 15 minutes and they are gone and those who want to wait you wait for the next program which is going to start and the lord is going to bless you how many of us have been blessed by this singles program today hallelujah amen so it continues to continue to evening side cheeks and sugar boys i've never had sugar boys before i don't know what that means sugar boys oh sugar daddy okay [Music] sugar boys okay interesting reject your cowboys in jesus name please raise up your hand as you go may the lord go with you you will see no evil no corona will come near you no iguara will reach you know where profession against you shall prosper i declare that the next one we shall be great for you god will open doors for you you will see divine help in jesus name the next one weeks you shall have miracles in your home miracles in your businesses miracles as your in your career in the name of jesus the lord will increase you the lord will promote you the lord will make history shine upon you you will not whip her you will not mourn in the name of jesus as you go you are not permitted to be robbed you are not perpetrated to be attacked you are not published to be kidnapped no evil will reach you in the name of jesus the lord will surely visit you he will cause his face to shine upon you god will surprise you receive your surprise package receive your surprise package recive your surprise package and so shall it be in the name of the father of the son and of the holy ghost in jesus name we have prayed surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and we shall dwell in the house of the lord forever and ever amen go to atlanta you say god bless you and i love you by fault just tell them god bless you i love you by force have a happiest happy day god bless you we'll see you at the end of the service god bless you [Music] we are people and we love to get connected we connect as families because of birth we connect as friends because we click and we connect as communities because we care seventh-day adventists are people who connect in communities called congregations which in turn connect to form conferences who connect together to form unions divisions and the general conference why do we connect it starts with a connection to the creator who invites us on a spiritual journey when we journey together we can help each other along the way this journey is a journey of a lifetime and as we learn and grow life becomes filled with meaning and purpose our greatest joy is in helping others along the way wherever you are on your journey we believe that we have something to offer that can make your life more whole so the next time you see a seventh-day adventist remember you're not looking at someone who stands alone they are connected to a world church that has 17 million members gathered in 13 divisions comprised of 122 unions formed by 600 conferences serving in 140 000 congregations in 208 countries who worship in 924 languages and they all want to connect with you
Channel: Victory Sanctuary SDA Church victorysda
Views: 266
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: WCjIiEeZE2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 17sec (14357 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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