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proverbs 22 and verse 6 train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is all he will not depart from it hear this and you may not like it i was sent out to pastor my first church at 25. no father no mother no how did you eat i left my house my my home at the age of 21 my wife met me alone for your father 21 to say now you can go i've trained you well you should know that i went through rigorous training so the true success of parenting is when they leave your house not when they are still there when he is old he will not depart from it the message translation says it this way he said point your kids in the right direction so whether you know it or not you are pointing your children somewhere now point your kids in the right direction when they are old they won't be lost okay thank you for that one good news translation teach children how they should live and they will remember it all their life no matter how much weight you can't kill him because i am him if anybody says i don't like how this pastor talks you don't watch bishop if what i'm teaching makes you angry you don't watch peter banaca train up a child in the way that i should go he didn't say train a man one of our elders in abuja used to tell me he said sir you know i love you so much there are people that can never change i believe the bible but um this man is in the 70s on the way to 80. he says anything you teach no problem but as an adult there are things they can't learn again he told me and i believe it how will you bend a fish that is already dried and say no thank god i don't have children you also have one so once i'm not yet married you'll soon marry me and if you are way younger listening to me this will help you know where there may have been mistakes in raising you up and how to correct it in raising your own number one key biblical wisdom key for successful parenting is catch a vision for successful parenting catch it as a vision catch a vision for successful parenting in proverbs 29 verse 18 he said when there is no vision the people perish genesis chapter 13 verse 14 and verse 15 genesis 13 he said and the lord said unto abraham after the lord was separated from him convict has taken many people away from us so it's a good time to catch one ephesian lift up now thy eyes and look from the place where there are not what's out what eastward and westwood that's genesis malachi matthew revelation for as far as your eyes see it i will give to you and i love this i've printed this many times but for the first time my eyes was open to the 17 after you catch the vision what happens place verse 17 on the screen now i rise walk through the land and in the land and the breath of it for i will give it to you what you see is what you get you can walk in what you have not seen catch a vision of successful parenting it is impossible to walk in the light of what you haven't seen a vision is a picture from scriptures of your desired future catch a vision don't allow the society teach you how to raise children is a wrong picture catch a vision from scriptures on how to raise your children hear this and i heard the holy ghost anyone can breed children but very few can train children you can breed children just like animals have children that doesn't equal training children and let me quickly submit to you that you are trained well doesn't automatically pass your training to your children a trained dog doesn't give birth to a trained dog the dog has to be trained by himself that i am trained doesn't mean my children will automatically be trained if i do not go through the pains of training them and that's why many of us make the mistake we tell our children how we're trained but we are not training them how we're trained the reason why god gave you an eye children is not to multiply and replenish the earth alone but because he's looking for a godly seed malachi 2 verse 15. and did not he make one yet he had the residue of the spirit and where of one that he might seek a godly seed god wants his presence in every generation so he gave us children to pass what we know to them so that they can carry him with them to their generation i'll share many things i learned from my father and mother this scripture is from my mother a godly seed one day she looked at us and i can see that day and almost weep now because i could see the joy of a mother not hearing in heaven what the children are doing but seeing it now that's the difference there is rest on every side for my parents on every side number two biblical key is we must understand that god owns our children god what owns them be careful how you raise them psalm 127 3 children i heritage of the law the owner give him back does it mean lord should i tell them okay efficiency what is service are you ready for light children do what it's on your screen children what a parent doesn't know this one how you train your child children obey your word for this is right look at verse two horner come obey your appearance honor your father not your parents you have been reading it obey who obey your parents right for this is right honor your father they gave birth to you their father they gave that to you that your mother honored them for giving back to you but the only ones you should obey are those who parent you i have not thought this before read it in the bible verse one put it back children obey your parents who is a parent one who parents but honor so don't look down the one who gave birth to you but the one you should obey is dependent so if only your mother trains you this message again and again and again then you understand it this is too deep for many who is a father one who impregnated the mother who is a mother one who gave birth who is a parent one who trains giving birth is not the issue god have mercy so god owns our children psalm 127 verse 3 children a heritage of the lord the fruit of the womb is his reward jeremiah 1 5. before i formed in the valley i knew thee he's the owner apostle faith where they put said a child is a gift from god a blessing to the family and a unique blend of husband and wife if you are honest you see yourself in one way or the other in your children i know the one who carries most of my dna so i know how to deal with him because i know how i was dealt with my second bond is exactly the replica of i was so i understand he said one say hey i know you because you remind me of me that's how i was so god has put them in our church as caretakers let's take care of them well please don't mishandle your children if not they will grow up and mishandle you and when i say don't mishandle i'm not saying spoil them no train them well so that they can give you rest in hebrews chapter 13 verse 17 he said obey them that have the rule over thee and submit yourselves to them for they watch over your souls is that what parents do as one that may give account funnily enough god won't just ask you did you fulfill the calling i gave you as a pastor mighty messages people healed and delivered miraculous healings it was one of your children and i wonder how many will pass that test today my secret i pray for my father every day and every my mother every day but when i was growing up at some point i asked is this truly my father but now i know where and now i'm giving him rest rest on every side it's better they hate you now and love you later than love you now i'm blame you later they come to us for counseling and saying my father didn't dream away and you can see it in them that truly they were not drained away number three we must model jesus to our children model jesus to our children now hear this you are either carnal or spiritual and you know that like begets like first corinthians chapter three verse one two three is i could not speak to you as unto spiritual but as canal even as babes in christ they are adults who are babies they are adults who are cannon now please hear this carnality doesn't mean you are a sinner you can be a child of god that will end up going to heaven but yet cannot how do i know that he just told us you are not growing i fed you with milk and not with meat for hedato you were not able to behave an adult misbehaving in church how would they raise the children at home another facing the council in church for misbehavior how will they teach the children at home another suspended for stealing how will he raise the children not to not to steal in genesis 1 24 to 25 you know that life would always be get like so we must be aware of what we do before our children first corinthians chapter 11 and i believe verse 1 be followers together of me even as i am of christ philippians chapter 3 and verse 17 if you have that that's philippians 3 17. now first corinthians 11 1 says be followers of me as i am of christ philippians 3 17 says be followers together of me together of me amok them which work so as he have us for an example model jesus first timothy chapter 4 verse 12 he said let no man despise thy youth but be an example of the believers in ward in conversation in charity in spirit in faith and impurity deuteronomy chapter 11 open there if you can with me verse 18 and verse 19. and then in fact we read two verse 21 therefore shall he lay up these words in your heart and in your soul and bind them for a sign upon your hand that they may be as frontlets between your eyes look at verse 19 and ye shall teach them to your children speaking of them when thou see tests in thy house and when they are walkers by the way and when the lie is down look at this when you sit when you walk when you lie you are teaching aha and i will write them upon the dopos listen to me men and brethren watch what you post in your house as decors in your house you have naked women what will your child become and you tell me it is art what you put in your house remains a sign put scripture the picture may be great but what is the scripture my wife and i miss with without us knowing including yesterday my little boy joshua was a direct replica so i know how to handle him he was walking down the stairs and was reading the signs in the house they stick there watch what you put in the past of your house and at your gate that your days may be multiplied so there are people who don't die they live through their children that your days may be multiplied go and review what you have hanging in your house mother jesus oh my god model jesus to them modeling talks about showing them even to our bathroom without scripture that's one of the reasons i said lord i can't be renting i can't be renting because when you are renting it they don't post this doom but no i can't when you have your own house you can post anything you want as many as you want anywhere you want without permission if you are renting say this is how you can catch a vision and god will give you a house now that i just want a big room what do you want to put there to help your generation mother jesus show jesus to them recently at a family devotion that we had it will surprise you i do devotion with my children every day before covenant hour [Music] before we learned about i do i do literally in that devotion and my daughter quinesta was so happy and excited she said before we stepped out of here i said daddy i really understand this topic i said really she said an idol is not just any thing that we worship but anything that takes god's place i say hey seven-year-old child and then i looked at her and i said like video game i hear this the most humbling my wife was there and she looked at me and she said daddy also like phone and i said but you know daddy is on his phone to walk i'm on my phone to pray but then as i stepped into the car i said even a child is watching yes they are watching you i say here for my daughter to think phone is an idol ha the one that you are on social media 24 7 they are watching they are watching church will not train your children school will not train them i won't go too deep because i don't know if the person is watching when when children's church together there was a family all of us were pastor students if you touch those children the parents will spark today all of them are spoiled including one that has gone to prison they called me one day from school and they say hey we don't know your son misbehave we don't want to talk i said please beat him beat him in this country one day i was displaying my my son here they say miss babe i brought him i said come to the you by the time i finished with you you followed me there as i was listening my wife said they may be watching on camera i said let them watch i gave birth to my son you will not tell me how to reason and when i discipline them they are marks number four take it we must accept responsibility to train our children that's what i just said church will not train them school will not train them who will train them there are people who have come to me today pastor my son is will be misbehaving train him i can't train him i have my own i'm my own take priority over anybody i will not train your children no modeling talks about showing training talks about instructing i'm auntie my generation and that's why the difference is clear abraham did not pet his children are you aware and you think abraham's blessings are mine find out the works of abraham he didn't pet them he commanded them any culture outside the bible is wrong including american culture very wrong outside the world don't clap you know me i'm here and i'm gone so i'm telling you the truth you are the ones who are going to live here for life in acts chapter 1 and verse 1 oh my god the former treatise i have made all theophilus of all that jesus both began [Music] to model and to instruct that is real training in case you are showing them the right way when last did you instruct them when we banned video games in our house as an adult i've played video game before so we banned it meaning that before it was banned i couldn't have been playing you can't ban what you are playing i told my wife and the kids i said now would rather give you skills and talents to work on than youtubing and games right now you have a six-year-old as a youtube star and influencing your children under your roof so as we canceled video games we bought basketball rim but trampoline if you have energy use it in those areas then ask them what other skills do you like oh this one i like this i like my song would you be hearing me for the first time now we've just bought him his saxophone has arrived as a gift he's better than ps5 you know why you can't do me like this even in choir i am still in the unit i grew up in the unit i still play drums so i'm not the one the average person that i said what are you saying is what when my parents saw i was kicking things around the house as drumsticks i would cut the branches and use them as sticks and and get buckets and be hitting them they said let's buy him a drum he has the energy for that and he has a gifting what are you leaving your children with they will tell you that i love you now tomorrow they will report you that you didn't train them away accept responsibility children's church will not train them the school system will not train them who will train them you abraham did not pet his children so which bible are you reading oh in our generation can't you see how messed up our generation is he didn't practice children he engaged in commanding them genesis chapter 18 verse 17 to 19 in verse 19 he said i know abraham for he will command his children and and look at how isaac turned out abraham isaac and now we won't pray the god of abraham but he didn't end with abraham the god of isaac and the god of israel what a lineage what a lineage but it began with commanding his children when last did you give your children commandment anything they want please let them do it okay i accept responsibility in our family in america by 4 am everybody is awake from father to mother to all the children wake up israel wake up queen esther wake up joshua wake up peace the days began at four oh you are harsh that's how i was brought up and that's why i'm correct i am correctly correct without please don't clap please don't clap that's not the essence i am correctly correct with how i was brought up the people of the other faith when do they pray 5 a.m are you aware of that then when do they wake up then we who are believers we are sleeping at four o'clock our bodies have become used to it and i step into the bathroom where i do my personal prayer no distraction my wife steps into their rooms begins to wake them up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up the day i started the day i started it would be unfair for my children to be at your level when you are not paying the same price no matter the hand i lay on them or the leg i lay on them you are not putting the same sacrifice it is responsibility in genesis chapter 14 verse 14 war broke loose and they stole lot an abraham armed his strength servants born in his house he didn't go to outsource military the military was under his roof and he brought back his brother and his wives and all that were taken i told them a classic example when i was coming here 2018 i'm not the first to come here and i'm not sure it was ever the plan for me to come here but they looked and looked and looked and looked and looked when we discharged by a property when would they buy property and they found and say okay we have tried everybody now let's get isaac i've given everybody a chance let me get my son that's the meaning let my son come they pulled me from my last station i said okay sit down i know god has embraced you in several areas nobody would doubt that church has grown under you nobody would doubt you carry the grace of god for healing but i'm sending you because the church there doesn't have a home in other words that was an abrahamic move i have tried those trained outside my house but now let me send one train in my house he said go come back with a property the church owns god bless you receive grace and i left 18 months after touching ground property was bought clean five minutes from here trained and born don't you like to be able to send your children and come back with proofs yes it takes training it takes training there is no prayer is training there is no prayer all night prayer is not all all life training there are different things after you pray and pray train and reign when my assignment is done here i'm out don't know what i've come to do is it this year it may be is it next year it may be i'm not one of those who are looking for a place to come and hang out when you see any tasks when you have been trained your senses will come alive so covet came and the lord showed me that there is a way to train in bible school now as a disservice we have about 900 registered which this branch and the whole north america to get since inception has never had in one month 450 plus for bcc 450 plus for lcc in our house there is no excuse for failure i'm the only person that has passed on the one leg without pandemic one leg in pandemic with proofs how did that come training training and training so accept responsibility don't be like a lie prophet ally bigness ally in every church service you need leader ally pastor eli pastor mrs eli and dick and eli you carry a lot of anointing but nothing can be seen on your children ask eli a prophet giving a prophetic lineage but will not train his children he will tell them my head you are doing this it is wrong please stop and the two of them died in one day first samurai chapter 2 verse 22 to 34 first samuel chapter 4 verse 17 to 18. don't be prophet somewhere do you notice you can greatly succeed in ministry and willfully fail in parenting look at someone his words never fail to the ground can i show me to you come come look at me bring the camera here i would rather succeed in raising my seed than be a successful pastor yes sir that is my first calling somebody's words never fell to the ground first somewhere 3 19. but in fact samuel chapter 8 verse 1 to 7 his children failed and his sons walked not in his ways but turned aside after liquor and took bribes and perverted judgment he was too busy which is priestly robe and blessing people forgetting his children let me humble you church cannot train your children school cannot train your children who will train them but look at the perfect example we have abraham god said i know him that he will command his children and his household of time i'm one of the most difficult people to live with because if we do devotion you can't claim to be sleeping in my house no children i work at four you are now sleeping at four not in my house do that in your house people don't like sleep in my household you hey because children will expose you they are the ones waking you up auntie please wake up we usually pray oh man my house if you are children of abraham john 8 39 then do the works of abraham 4 am we are awake even when i was growing up we didn't wake up that early because there was no covenant i have prayer there one of the things god taught me corporate prayer doesn't equal family prayer be angry if you like do you know my children i've not missed covenant our prayer since it began this year not once the only time they don't come is on saturday so they can sleep if you see that scripture is going slowly it's because one of them is probably the one changing the scripture all of them are below 10. that's how we were trained i've been in the service unit of choir since that's how i was trained and you can't detrain me i was trained to serve in any church where i pastor i am part and parcel of the choir if i tell you you are not doing it well take it i've been there before you got there i don't know why this man likes music so much he's from small it's not maryland we have to retune maryland to where it should be what number we find take responsibility in giving timely instruction correction and rebuke to your children but before we leave that go to number four because i promise you i'll give you something extra here in this part of the world you don't believe in the road where is the bible if any scripture i show is not in the bible then don't do it second somewhere chapter 7 verse 14 i will be his father and he shall be my son if he commit iniquity i will chasten him with the rod of men and with the stripes of the children of men is your bible so there is the road of men and there is the road of god take another scripture proverbs 22 i believe and verse 15. proverbs 22 and verse 15 foolishness is bound in the heart of a child but the road of correction will drive it far it is too late for me to be foolish the road has chased far foolishness when i look at adults behaving foolishly they lacked the road the kind of rod we had you didn't have a choice to be foolish proverbs chapter 23 verse 13 and verse 14 with all not correction from a child for if thou be test him with the road he shall not die thou shalt beat him with the lord and deliver his soul from hell i don't want my children to end in heaven i love you so much but in this case i will beat you so well please listen to me listen listen listen i'm not one of the people who came here to settle i am here to give you the truth if what i'm saying would check me out of this nation so be it i didn't come here to settle the road the road i gave birth to my children you can't tell me i can't touch them it's not a public child when it turns out right you will clap for me don't tell me you pack your load i'm ready i've packed it's not today the lord of men will not wake up i have personally said a lot of our pastor's children go away word a lot in this commission a lot a lot you serving god doesn't equal your children turning right you better hear the truth and then of course you have the word of god that shall come for the wrong out of the stem of jesse proverbs 23 the road and the staff they comfort me real comfort comes from first correcting and in the process directing psalm 23 verse 1 to 6. so now we can jump to number five we must take responsibility in giving timely instruction why ecclesiastes three one and two there is a season and any time to every purpose under heaven including parenting this is a caution it's almost becoming late for somebody who is watching i remember my small daughter peace trio telling me no but daddy i want it i said it's not what you want it's what i tell you you need i want it i want it i want it i want it i said bend down bend down and take some to help your future please hear me anybody that knows me closely no i love my children i love hear me my wife and my children that's why when i see a woman doing like this funny around me the devil you because it's not here i started please don't try it i love my wife and i am warning you if you are hearing me i am warning you the warning of god don't come close to them i love them that way but that won't take me from disciplining them including this money two of them got some strokes i'm not teaching you anything to excite you i beg you please don't clap if you get what is being taught it will help you if this is the last message i preach before i leave you in this branch i think i've done what god asked me to do timely instruction you are trying to correct a man it is late train a child in the way that he should go and when he's old they will not depart so there is a time to train when they are young when they are old leave them to the mercy of god it is too late hallelujah i had one of us pastors in the ministry were all growing up as students together if you touch in this church those days their children you will hear it from them they were pastors that bishop with people not bishop with people but if you beat us we couldn't report because you will be asked what did you do that you were beaten that's the first question so when you are beaten you keep quiet and clean your eyes because you can't go home and mention that a teacher beat you that is the second round waiting because why were you beaten not who beat you this pastor will deal with the teachers show me who dare touched you while another parent will say why were you beaten so we couldn't i was beaten even in school and could not report because no matter who you are in society if anybody corrects your child is a privilege timely corrections before it becomes too late and so in our family no child plays video games from 2020 can i not afford it i can't afford it without thinking my daughter told me one day she said daddy i just enjoyed playing roadblocks many of you know it i i so enjoyed playing roadblocks i played with somebody in my school i said you could communicate with somebody in your school on roadblocks that's the end of roadblocking because you can't tell what your children will be introduced to now i can decide to buy any toy i like because i've been trained where that was where it ended timely timely timely correction number six so daily into the future of your children oh wherever my wife is i love you darling myself and my wife it is available heavy label the way god will reward on people who don't have titles you'll be shocked heavy labor one day she had walked and walked and walked i needed rest you will remember recently i said don't worry i'll take care of them brought them to church i've had to take them to the shower to shower them label sow daily into your children it's not once and for all it is daily what are some daily spiritual seeds because genesis 8 22 says as long as the earth remaineth see time and harvest and cold and heat summer and winter and day and night shall not cease galatians chapter six verse seven verse eight and verse nine place it please if you have it be not deceived god is not mocked for whatsoever a man saweth that shall reap look at verse eight for he that sweat onto the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that swear to the spirit shall of the spirit rip life everlasting and let us not be witty in well doing for in due season we will rip if we faint not so a the first kind of seed you should keep saying so in delhi is keep sowing spiritual seeds he that swear to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption keep sowing daily seeds if you don't yet have one if you are wise start devotion tomorrow morning keep sowing spiritual seeds place my family devotion schedule on the screen 20 minutes only opening prayer two minutes praise and worship four minutes prayer points for the church for family for friends for school for work etc four minutes the word or the lesson of the day seven minutes and closing prayer three minutes twenty minutes this is our routine daily this our devotion books devotion book for 2020 you can see this is not something i bought to teach you is what we use 2021 place those books please on the screen the first one you see to the left is the book by mance morrow i remember the first day we began this devotion me hating the devotion because god said to abraham i know he will command so it's not something to delegate so we began to look and look see our notes inside the devotion book the first lesson there was the wealthiest spot on the earth first lesson where's the wealthiest spot the graveyard all our children knew it like the back of their hand you don't need to crack your brain too much what do i teach them find a devotional and begin from there this one is jesus 365. this one will help your children fall in love with jesus i'm watching them fall in love at an earlier age than i did till last week daddy can't we go to church to help i said help to do what help them with whatever they need at what age but it comes with label we will not leave our house no matter how late we are without family devotion let church run but let's train children keep sowing spiritual seeds we have in our family what we call you can take that off place on there now the isaac family creed we as members of the isaac family believe our mission is to fear god obey his commandments be heavily relevant because like you hear me teaching in church you're not the salt of the church you are the salt of the world i'm beheading bound and will accomplish this by the following look at your screen that was established in 2019 it's not because i'm doing teaching and i quickly formed something what would we do honoring god and always put him first holding god's word in high esteem as the final authority reading our bibles and praying every day deeply caring for one another looking out for one another and loving one another with the love of christ being thankful to god first for the abundance of all things and next appreciate one another genuinely and be grateful for every act of kindness praying for one another and being genuinely happy for each other's successes and accomplishment is from childhood train them to say when isaac does where jacob don't be offended yours is coming it's from now being respectful and compassionate towards everyone you come in contact with whether young or old privileged or unprivileged rich or poor so we have taught them don't look down on anybody based on what they have if you and i have anything is a privilege you are not better than them is from now not walking in selfishness unforgiveness hatred murmurings complaining gossip slander miley's envy strife and every walk of darkness and negative character traits can you imagine if our adults were trained this way how sweet will church be being content and happy with anything we have part time not converting anything that anyone else has so now that they have stopped playing video games they go to a friend's house they say mommy they have a ps4 daddy they have a ps4 that is them this is us what more living out the fruits of the spirit towards self family and everyone dealing what are these fruits love joy peace forbearance kindness this is 2019 that i'm reading to you living godly lives and denouncing sin daily working hard and working smart being diligent in all we do and how we live choosing to finish whatever is it is that we start don't start and abandon start and finish lending out to the needy around us part time as god permits to the world at large so when the pandemic started because we had already done this creed you saw that on social media even my babies were knocking on the door of houses saying we have a tree of water you kept your children afraid of the virus we went out not celebrating past or current successes or glory beyond the wire so there is a time you stop celebrating what happened look for something next to happen pressing four towards the mark the price of the high calling of god which is in christ jesus 2019 here are the rules and regulations for our family place it on the screen as a privileged son or daughter of isaac and i will meet you today i will leave by the following rules number one i will pray and read my bible today i will not watch tv during any school week i will read a book daily i will help around the house i will obey our parents without complaining i will honor respect my parents always in all things i will make the right decisions today whether my parents are watching or not one of the first scriptures we taught our children is that the eyes of the lord is in every place beholding the evil and the good i will go to bed early every day i will go to church with joy and enthusiasm every week you are not permitted to frown i will keep my room neat and clean always i will greet people respectfully today without my parents or anyone else reminding me to do so i will care for my siblings and help them today i will finish my healthy food because it is the right thing to do and it is good for my health in our household chick-fil-a mcdonald's is once a month we are not chick-fil-a once a month i can't love my children and have them go through the health risks that i went through in the name of i can afford it i understand that there are consequences for every action every decision every step i take some consequences are bad if i take bad steps some consequences are good when i take good steps therefore i will take only the right decisions write actions and write steps so help me god signed israel jay wiedecko we are not lucky there is a principle so spiritual seeds be so educational seeds and i'm going to hurt you in this point and the reason is to help your senses come alive is free education bad no absolutely not but if you can afford something better pay the price your car is not free if you have one your house is not free even if you didn't put down payment there is monthly payment so you pay for a car you pay for a house but zero on your children who are you deceiving if a man provided not for his own house he is worse than an infidel and has denied the faith yes if you can't afford no problem but if you are driving drop your car first and put the children in school first that's when you know if you really value them daniel chapter 1 and verse 17 these four children were smart in all knowledge and skill if you find out that your children have any interest in any instrument or to develop any skill pay for that rather than paying for a video game my son joshua is exactly like me so the only thing he wants to learn is the drum we bought one for him and i've gotten a lesson teacher for him another one says he's a saxophone he wants to learn he just collected the saxophone today it's not because i'm preaching something i've been discussing it since there's a teacher for him i don't do like this if i don't do it i won't teach you another one said is keep what she wants to learn get those things rather than games i don't want to raise skilled youtubers i want to raise skilled worshippers that's my desire instead of the video game let's give you a basketball court let's play sports together let's take a walk together let's do activities together if you do what they do your children cannot be different from them see so emotional seeds i still am struggling to finish ephesians chapter six and verse four and ye fathers provoke not your children to wrath don't be the reason they say i will not serve god because of how he has treated me in deuteronomy chapter 3 verse 28 he said encourage him encourage joshua encourage him for church joshua and encourage him don't allow your children's emotions to go down the drain d sow healthy seeds in lifestyle what they eat they are watching what you eat they are watching e soul leadership seeds start giving them leadership tasks around the house you take care of these you take care of that you take care of this so financial seeds what does that mean cater for them as you are able and as they need not as they want in case you are not aware the more children you have the more financial responsibility it is ask me i have four salary is not the dot of what i spend monthly g so giving seeds raise give us the reason why some adults are stingier than stingy is because the giving seed was implanted in them pastor david pew man taught me that any time you are going to see your spiritual fathers and your children are there even if you pretend that they shouldn't come he said never give seeds on behalf of your family give seed for you and your wife and from the reservation of the children let them give you are teaching them how to give now this is from our family this is from my wife and i and my children said i should give you these ten dollars it is worth more than the ten thousand dollars you give them because you are helping them so easy allow them to love giving so one time after the hoover board of one spoiled and we repaired it and he began to walk you know what we said this cannot be here you can't have two hoover boards you are one human being which one of your friends do you want to give it to is from now it begins if you bring god people as givers you will give cheaply please hear me i'm not here to excite you your children are watching you you never give to anybody when they now grow up and they are blessed why are you wondering why they are not giving you they watched you please listen to this and listen listen listen listen i gave my first one million naira seed in 2015 in south africa this is the first time i'm saying it openly to bishop uh at what age everything god blessed me with in the wonder double i packaged it and gave it to him and wrote him a letter there is a way you give a seed that may not be noticed but at least to my little extent something dropped in his account and he did beam and he saw isaac he called back he said you sent me this i said yes sir and he vomited blessings i can't be poor it's not that what are you saying what are you i've been giving sins giving sin your children cannot share toys you are you are raising stingy children i'm not stingy you know why i've been giving sins the reason why some of you are very stingy even from school you were not giving when i went to file my taxes recently the whole giving i did last year if you put it with my income that church church church paid me it's about the same the taxpayers say is this possible all the income was given [Music] don't i'm blessed to very dangerously blessed and not from this branch not from where he's not members him so nobody has an idea even covenant room my sauce is not here no i know what is get you don't know ah you have no idea covenant room here in this branch doesn't know i'm just so angry hearing it where's the truth start teaching your children to give my wife's sister was having birthday the children said we cannot go there without a seed so they went into their piggy bank to get one one dollar i said auntie this is for you she said from where she said they said from us all of them below 10. h so purple's seeds so what purposes begin to show them the importance of discovering their purpose there are adults now who don't know their purpose number seven we must model a godly family before our children it's not the same that you had more than in jesus is not the same as modeling a godly family in acts 1 verse 1 he said o theophilus i bring to you all that jesus began both to do and to teach training therefore is not complete when you are just telling you must move from telling to showing why are marriages today having issues among others is because most of our parents particularly from the african heritage never modeled affection before their children they do affection in the bedroom not in the open no they shouldn't see it ah they should see it because no child in his right mind knows that anything is taking place in the bedroom what they can't see in the living room don't expect them to catch visions of the bedroom you have never hugged your wife you have never kissed your wife you've never held your wife you've never told that my wife i love you don't say the way i say though i love you no you say it softly i'm preaching now so that's because some of you too you won't use wisdom you're not gonna say i love you is that sense that's not the kind of i'm just you say baby i love you you are sweet but according to the word of god in psalm 39 verse 6 i should love you so i agree you think that's i believe now here this is where if you claim your family is godly then your family should be loving and if your family is loving your family will be caring and you can't claim you are caring without showing affection before your children finally number eight we must bless our children continually father thank you for giving me parents that kept blessing me even when it didn't look like i deserved a blessing continuously so my brother and i we were the last to pick up academically all the girls very sharp when i go to take my results those days before looking at it i will open it because it's written in black and red black means past red means faith so i will put it to the sun and see what reflects back if it is red i know that i am going to face the music again but hear this in no case did my father mother ever tell me you adore and in the same school where i came third to the last i ended collecting prizes of excellence before graduating why the blessing i beg you please bless them if you curse them god will hear if you bless them god will also hear look at this with me to show you that this is scriptural in genesis chapter 25 we see how isaac blessed his sons it was an automatic way in the kingdom of the old testament we will not just live an inheritance of houses but we live an inheritance of blessing blessing blessing in genesis chapter 49 maybe we'll read this one genesis chapter 49 verse 1 and 2 genesis 49 verse 1 and 2 and jacob called onto his sons and said gather yourselves together that i may tell you of that we shall befall you in the last days that is come let me bless you the blessing is the telling the blessing is the telling and then you begin to vomit blessings upon them and bless them and bless them and bless them and bless them what you tell them and show them is not a substitute to what you release upon them bless them from your heart i've been blessed i'm blessed i'm blessed that it is too late for me to be caused keep blessing them you will do where you will be greater than me in my lifetime i will see you sitting on thrones in my lifetime i will be taking notes from you bless them i was shocked the day my mother told me i watched your messages my own mother bless them i was shocked today bishop hinted that he has checked our service bless them you are blessed you will succeed you will go forward you will not be delayed you will not be derailed you will not be with wrong company you will stand these are blessings you give them daily no one ends up great accidentally it is intentionally so bless them intentionally i am not a product of modeling only or training but i'm a product of blessing there is nothing else i will leave of course live inheritance and all those things for children but i must live the blessing you are blessed you are blessed you are blessed and you don't need to be a pastor to bless your children you are the prophet of your own house bless them bless them and bless them i submit to you a few things that we do it's not all if you want them to turn out right start from now yes they are still children but let's start from now may the lord give you understanding and grant you grace say with me it is hard work listen to me i drive my children to school daily i am your pastor but i drive them daily can't somebody else do it for me no somebody else cannot train my children 35 minutes from covenant hour of prayer so when you come here i say i don't know where pastor is pastor is training his children 35 minutes to school because i must get them the best school that my pocket can afford they've been in school since october somebody said there's virtually any let me submit to you virtually is not the same as actual when they get back to school you will know i'm telling you the truth it's not the same someone doesn't know abc it's not in virtual class it's not bible school i'm talking about here bible school you are walking you are doing other things i learned that from george pearsons there are people i watch said because a time will come you will need to take your children to school again you miss this stage you have missed it so every day when you see me when we're doing zoom and i say god bless you i'm out i don't know why this man will not greet us the man is driving 35 minutes you are sitting at home hard work so when you hear that i'm resting i really need it don't say what is he doing what like this week now some days you will see me when i say i'm resting i really need it thank you once again for watching this video remember faith comment by hearing and hearing by the word of god i'd like to encourage you to please subscribe to this channel so you can be fed with faith menu from time to time um if you haven't yet done so tell a friend about this encourage them to join us every sunday and every wednesday we have amazing content being released to bless you spirit soul and body hope to see you again next time bye
Channel: Official Winners Chapel Maryland
Views: 94,746
Rating: 4.8058496 out of 5
Keywords: how to raise godly children, how to raise godly sons, how to raise godly daughter, christian parenting, christian parenting toddlers, WISDOM SERIES, PARENTING, raising christian teenage sons, raising christian sons, raising christian daughters, raising godly children, raising godly daughters, raising godly sons, Winners Chapel Maryland, domi inc, living faith church nigeria live service, living faith christian church, wcimd live, wcimd
Id: -c-uQrsQFOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 25sec (4645 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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