Joshua Maponga

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you know there's a sweet sweet spirit in this place and I know that is the spirit [Music] and I know they feel the Oh [Music] we all sleep with filling us with your lovely thing together we lift our heart his friends without the guy with home but we live in free bar where we shall in this leg there Rob Blake see you can not breathe he'll you know him in his home let's add you're the new promise when you say I am going to walk with all the way we [Music] [Music] with feeling on we live now without the town we come but will wear hallelujah thank you very much I know we do lots of nice music but once in a while I think we need to sit down and just as a moment of good reflection is that okay is that okay when the words of the music you know kind of sink into our spirits and I was here two years ago three years ago and I challenged you as a band that practice also some basic hymns you know you can't be fumbling if you mess me up out of the waiting are waiting to be messed up here for this morning I want you to take your mind and keep them on the upper side we're going to be doing some quite some interesting stuff this morning very engaging slightly on the deeper end but I hope that I will not lose any one of you as we sail along or long on the Word of God together with you till neighbor think with me yes then about think with me because remember one thing is we think so we behave one more time as we saw we for this morning I want to do what I call a paradigm shift what we call it not only a paradigm shift I want to upgrade your software so that the hardware can respond properly no matter how beautiful the hardware is if the software is cockeyed if the software is wrong there is no way you can work with a hard drive when there are viruses up in the software up here so allow me for this morning to not to worry you much about doing some stuff I want you to sit down and I will take you back to the hands of your maker as we deal with your software software issues come on tell neighbor software issues one more time software issues and we want to deal with particle levels levels and upgrade levels and I got an opponent and s7 here I got so disappointed the other day branding you when I switched it on within three hours it was already saying software upgrade is it how do i upgrade a pretty useful because what they are doing in the production company and software company is way ahead of what they are doing on the hardware side so even with a brand new hardware you still need to do a software upgrade so that by the time you are buying it may be of one is already one year old on the market it needs to come up to the speed of the modern equipment and I think the purpose of this convention we are not only preparing you for this week were not preparing you for next week what are preparing you for next year we actually given you a software upgrade into the future that you are dissipating Thank You poster booking for for bringing the house some of the information that we share on this convention you might not think that it's important now until one day when you are in that future and in that position in that situation then praise the Lord when you look in your bed you will find that you have the necessary software to deal with your issues tell me about it software upgrade one more time one more time software upgrade and I want to why am i spending so much time in reduces in reducing this subject because I want to speak to your spirit and say please cooperate allow somebody please there are some of us who are too smart when the phone say is software upgrade we say later not now you know or remind me tomorrow or after seven days or after one week and by the time they remind you you need an upgrade of an upgrade of an upgraded game so what a challenge doesn't say while we are going through the software upgrade please put your finger on the now button come on Rama time under when I was upgrading we are grading now the pasta was here last night something very important that when the Lord is blaze is blessing you and is about to release a blessing in your life do it immediately one more time do it when immediately if you delay responding like planting seeds for example you will not harvest at the right time if you plant at the wrong time so harvest is very critical also to timing too and I want to tell share with us like John the Baptist and say this is the appointed time for your upgrade firstly on down software then the hardware will you will not enjoyed this until I take you further you see when the Lord is about to give manoa a son you don't just wake up in the morning and you're pregnant the angel comes and says you will have a son we negotiate no it was the boogie is looking at me and you're going like this you know you don't want the professing is inside you you will have a son and when that prophecy is given it begins to prepare the person or what the Lord is about you do when Mary is about her son a message is given first you will have a son and Mary begins to prepare something with Abraham you will have a son and abraham begins to prepare Technol God is in the business first to upgrade them and after the software has been upgraded the body begins to respond accordingly some of you might be slow let me take you somewhere else in the book of Matthew when he is healing the paralytic man who was brought from the roof or someone who live the faith that breaks the roof summers a man out there when the roof was opened and the man was lowered on the ground the Lord before he heals him he says to him your sins are forgiven but why sins are forgiven deal with this deal with the software sense after sins are forgiven so that you may know that the Son of man has power over diseases and life and everything else arise pick up your net and pick note if we had healed the hardware vest without dealing with a sin issue the manual have still walked away physically healed but spiritually crippled God is in the business to upgrade our that's why Paul says by the renewing of the man or let me make it even easier the Bible says the world perishes for lack of faith come on one more time knowledge let me be a bit tricky here and it will be tricky if you find a person that you know like pasta G you got your wife here and my closest friend so I get uses in illustration Papaji can sleep at night next to his wife ask me why because he knows where there is ignorant very suspicion you need lots of faith when you don't know I'll go slowly where you don't know what you need to understand when Paul says faith is for non-believer oh I wish someone can find that very quickly and shoot it on their own they're stealing their faith is work or I would make it easier for you when job is sick he does not say I have faith in God because I know my redeemer leave now follow me carefully when the Bible says they just shall live by faith it means never that your knowledge that you have about the person that pertains you when he is silent your faith must carry you therefore we walk not by sight but we walk by faith which is living on understanding how will you believe until you are taught how will we repent until someone preaches the gospel where our faith is founded on knowledge in the correct Greek context the word faith is true or persuasion or business means to only depend and trust on the other Kamiya balaji - holy depend and trust on the other simply put in an illustration I will put my weight on pasta G and if my principle moves I will for faith therefore is holy leaning on the other but with knowledge come on with knowledge but this end oh come on come you young ladies coming young lady come here quickly sternly apology come quickly young lady I have two illustrations here I know this one I know this one if you ask me to trust who do I trust here with my weight I need a full cv of this young lady that she has ever had capacity to have someone my way lean on her and sustain that person so that by the time I am looking at her to lean on her I need loss of faith but to lean on him I need knowledge oh come on guys when you read when you read in the Bible therefore the Bible is not a collection of biblical dogmatic material so that as we read the Bible we are looking for how to formulate doctrines upon doctrines hear the preacher this morning the purpose of the Bible is to show us that the human being frail Motul as he is in harmony with God he can do the supernatural one more time the simple definition of the Bible is to tell us that in the past God has been trusted other people have leaned on him he has not shaken he has not fallen you - therefore can trap him because other people who were balanced trusted in him those that were poor trusted in him fools that had no land trusted in him fools that way love trusted in him some will love their wives and children trusted in him and in all these situations they are giving you a knowledge base the Bible there is a knowledge base on which you can put your faith upon because he has done it in the past you also do it for you the permission as I said before we must not always look for more faith when we are not informed about what we believe in faith is not jumping into the duct when you don't know who is there but when you know your father is in the dark pit and he says jump you don't have to worry how you lend your knowledge you will take you through the valley of the shadow of death or someone is not here with me today and you know that when you reach the bottom someone is there waiting for your arrival my professor then looks at me one day is a young theologian and it is to me young men do you like going or do you like coming it's an excited young boy I said no chip means me I like going it is where are you going because we are not waiting for you we have not invited you this young man you have lots of energy you must like coming cause when you come you will find us waiting at the door for your arrival so don't always be in the process of going even where you are not invited please come and you'll find that invitations are waiting for you and your arrival is expected our faith in God therefore is not just a business of going to God going to God with all petitions with all requests without knowledge of what God can deliver health deliver will deliver on our behalf on the things that we are asking for the theme that we chose for this year is rather a powerful powerful team allow me job to deal with verse five one word that is on the best vice and I think the week is quite long I broke my own record this year I came early no I came early I was the first one here bye-bye by Friday hours yeah praise the Lord some chapter 8 verse 6 particularly verse 5 go confess yes verse 5 this earth you have made him a love embrace you have a little lower than God a little lower than heaven leaping a little lower than angels I don't mind which translation you can go with him but the word I'm just interested in there is you have made him the word I'm interested in is made you have so come and tell me but I am made one more time do you hear what you're saying I am mate you see you need to know the person who is designing every element who is designing it why are they designing it for what peppers are they designing it so that by the time you see it don't fight with it if it is not of your creation I've lots of friends no quarrel with me over the processes of my thinking and some of them write me horrible stuff and say man I am disappointed in you my reply to them is that you can never be disappointed by what you never appointed I am none of your business I am NOT your creation I am NOT your product I don't come out of your factory I don't have your stamp on my head telling me this is what I made you to be and this is what I expect you to achieve if you have a problem with me go back to my designer come and tell neighbor talk to the designer himself the fifth commandment we find in the entire Bible ah when God is beginning to deal with elements of nature the transition between the design story and the human story is Genesis 1 verse 26 the first commandment in the Bible of beginning off with the conclusion so that when we lend you know exactly where I'm going and the Bible says let us make man just apart let us make man not word comes to us in a plural form let us make men the first definition of the letters made man some people have come up to explain that this is the divine plurality that explains to us the Trinitarian concepts of God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit bless bless those that translate it like that let us make man means God in his totality made man definition number definition number two let us make man as written in the book of Job chapter one and also in the book of Isaiah chapter four five and six whom shall I send and who will go for us the sons of God came to worship and the devil was in their midst so we already have an in session that wherever God is the son of God and the daughters of God are also there so heaven is talking to its totality let us make men definition number number three let us make man in all houses of royalty even a singular person is blah true of off-duty addressing a king you don't address them as singular you your dress lemaise you but in the plural you know English we are either single men sitting but any talk to him is like they are many I wish I knew how to do that in in Yoruba oh in you book then you'll understand what I'm saying but when you're addressing divinity you're addressing royalty you don't address it as a singular you always address it as a plural because in the one in the one the nation is represented when you meet one you have met all of them therefore in his singularity he actually represents the plurality or is that English is that English the definition number number four but the one that I'm interested in is rather is rather an interesting one that God creates nature the heavens and the earth fountains of water the bird the fish everything that we see the heavenly bodies puts all the elements as we have them and there's only one thing missing on the face of the earth and that thing missing is man then you need to do what I call an expository thinking which gives you an understanding of how God is rolling out chapter one of the book of Genesis he says let there be light there is light let the light be separated they separate it let the waters be separated they are separate let the be elements in the end and they're there let the beasts oil at the big trees little bit grass will be fish everything when everything is bad then he says let us make men English that right there let us McMahon then God is not bringing material from outside to make this which will dwell on earth he uses oh come on guys don't be scared don't be scared anyway are going he uses material from to make that which will dwell on let me start right there and give you some tailor she doesn't mess up your heads a little bit men must not be in a hurry to disappear to heaven the material we are made out of some of us ina hurry for the second coming of Jesus we have almost developed what I call escape theology we can't wait to disappear from this world and get to heaven you forget something very simple heaven is just a holiday for a thousand years we are going to be bette here again because the material which we are made out of is from the earth we are talking total dominion here we are created in the space with the material that can survive on the space Thomas a man out there but just in case you did not understand that let me unpack it slightly and the Bible says let's make man in our own image after our own likeness please follow carefully in our after our own and when he says that guess what his cooks come work with me work with me he starts by saying let's make man in our own image after our own likeness so we think that God must know good now please go to heaven Oh find something in heaven that is like you those who are following I didn't see you some of you has likely lost when God said I'm making something that looks like me we expect him to disappear into and look for things that are outside there I look like him so that he can make something that looks like him I have good news for you there is something in the ground that looks like God number one say something and uh that looks like looks like God because there is nothing that you can put in the ground if it is a nice seat and it will not come out there is something in the ground when you put it in there something else comes out you put your singular seed you don't have a singular seed you get a multiple of seeds so there is production in the ground or you didn't hear me you didn't hear me and that's what you are made out of Matthew 13 then says when the Jesus is preaching the gospel he was parable of the sower the seed fell on earth and the seed fell on the rock the seed fell on the ground the seed fell on good ground now you understand the interpretation Jesus then says your heart are the ground when you hear these words of mine and you keep them in settle ground they will yield some 10 fold some twenty fold some sixtyfold some a hundredfold there is something in you that is safe which what is in the ground that is same with what is in God himself but there is no way you can receive a good word and it does not bear fruit out of you here the prophet Isaiah my word will not go out of me in vain until it has achieved that which I have sent it for therefore there is something in men that is similar to what is in God now you can preach yourself you can treat yourself this dust that you're made out of is not just ship dust it is actually saying with what God is made out of huh can I dip a little bit just a little bit there for everything that you're looking for life that's what you are made out of the dust is the gold the silver the wood everything everything that you're looking for the clothes the materials everything that we are looking for we are actually made out of it you didn't hear the preacher therefore when you have dominion you must have dominion over the substance of your creation you cannot be subdued by materials when actually you are made out of the same materials gold is less than you and diamonds are less than you materials are less than you because God made you out of himself oh come on someone say Allah we are there glory to God first things first man is made out of the cast of the earth not only out of the dust then God also take note when you pick up dust you cannot just work on dust by itself I'll come back there you need dust but you need some water what you need then you mix dust with what then you begin to form something that takes shape therefore that which gives us shape that which makes it easy for God to work with our our path is water firstly on the physical size please please drink lots of water lots of water it's healthy hello it's better than chapman drink lots of water water is healthy better than malt drink lot off because what I self is what God made you Adam what I they emotional side what are the transportation and I sometimes I sit around my own house and think and my mind wants to run away with me we need formulas of how to manage the things that God has given us power over follow carefully some people get worried when they hear that which is go under the water for six months for three months or whatever to do whatever they are doing there but we all started from there nine months away in your mother's womb you have an oxygen mask on your back if you have an oxygen bottle when you're in your mother's womb but you survive underwater for nine months so it means that the witches have a formula that we have forgotten how to run I wish Jonah was here I'd ask him how did you survive for three days and three nights in the belly of the fish and you were not suffocating and Jonah did not have an oxygen mask when he was in the belly of the fish so can I say something man can have dominion over water or you didn't hear me nicely the storm is raging on the sea and the port is about to sink being popped from side to side Jesus is fast asleep the only vest that tells us that God sleeps that's for another day fast asleep but he does not sleep in a peaceful environment he sleeps in the tempest therefore peace is not the absence of trouble but attitude inside the problem someone did not hear me out there don't tell me I am peaceful peace is not the absence of trouble and I want peace in my life no this is not external this is the attitude in the midst of the problem and Jesus stands up in this man of little faith why why do disbelief why I am throwing all things and stuff and scooping water out of the boat he stands up and he looks at the waters and he says peace be still almost I like if he was a schoolteacher you wish quiet please quiet quiet and the divine voice has power over the elements of water you will not appreciate this until you understand that Moses had a problem with water also how do you cross over a sea how and the Lord says lift up your rod speak and move forward and the waters parted and they walked on dry ground Elijah hit a problem with water I mean if you cannot miss it one of the greatest most notorious elements in the Bible is water and God constantly shows human beings that water must not be a problem water can be managed you can have dominion over the elements of water Isaac had an equal problem with his wealth with his brothers l know a time for Paul had problems with water also and Jesus even turned water into wine this business of water even Paul on his last missionary journey had a challenge with the same water and yet the Bible says you as a human being are also made out of water and you have dominion over there over the water and the loved one of course you take dust you mix it with water then God stood there and breathed into the nostrils of the dust combined with water and the human being became a living soul ha so we have dominion of a dolt of a materials we have dominion over the waters our notorious enemy but 70 percent of us is what actually we also have dominion over the wind come on can I become a bit of a scientist can I become a scientist a bit everything that we see on the face of the earth is a combination of those three things water a and dust one more time all these things from cars to houses to food to clothes everything is made out of those three elements and God says I'm coming to definition number five let us make man allow somebody let us and therefore past is plural water is brewed up spirit is brutal the three things combined together make you in your totality as a human being you have capacity to link up with divinity Oh am I going to burst am I going to burst the human being in his very essence well combined three elements put together he actually does not only have a physical life he has an upper side of the spiritual connection with God himself that's what the Bible is all about Elijah is sitting in his house one day and people come to him and says can we have a prophecy it please are we going to quit not good for war are we going to win are we going to lose the battle and Elijah looks at the message don't worry me why bother me but because they've come with good Joseph at one of my own men I will share a profits with you number one quickly please find me a musician a musician is called let's play some music the musician plays some music then the Bible tells us Elijah you scared now Elijah went into the spirit some of it we don't know where that plane is had a conversation with God there's a problem downstairs what must we do know please go tell them to do one two three four five in tomorrow morning I will fill up all the holes with water the battle will be one few moments later Elijah comes back and says I have a word from the Lord he says he says he says and the battle was won sato pian eunuch is going home one day and while he's going home he's reading the Word of God does not understand what he is reading and Philip is in Jerusalem and the Lord picks up Philip what witches do actually in the night picks up Philip much at night during the day and while the toplane unit is sitting on his on his chariot there was a man sitting next to him do you understand what you're reading say no I don't understand what I am reading no there's a man named Jerusalem his name is Yeshua HaMashiach Jesus who died over the weekend he is erected and because of his resurrection all of us enough forgiving in what and what they took me like this yeah I believe here is the water here's you the pasta what can stop me from being baptized and they went down together into the water and Philip baptized a is hope in you not when they came out of the water they supplamine of looks around look around Philip had been taken back into Jerusalem on the wings of the cloud a human being therefore when working with God is able to have power even over the wind am i talking someone there materials are limited the spirit is unlimited they want bread and they are all hungry instead of Jesus saying let's go to the field and plow week let's organize bakeries to cook the bread let's organize transport to bring the bread to the wilderness he takes the little bread that he has he lifts it up into the heaven we didn't hear me nada he joins the physical with the supernatural when his hand comes back he is connected he breaks the bread he multiplies by divide or by dividing he add by subtraction five thousand people are fed with twelve baskets of leftovers when you as a human being having ability of putting your hand into the supernatural your materials are not limited somebody's not here me again can I say that slowly a human being in harmony with God is company unlimited let's I make meth in conclusion the business of making men therefore is the first commandment I look is the first can I start off with all the women can you stand the other day I made all the men stand all the women in the house can you stand I have a word of the Lord for you simple wait please memorize this as long as you live let us make men one more time not destroy them let us give a brother you're the husband you have a son let us make men because when you make one men good we have made one woman happy you've made one family happy you have made one community safer if you destroy one man you have vandalized a chain of life God in Genesis 1 verse 26 I want to believe he is talking to all the women let us make man asked me why I say that because men come out of the ground as men come out of women you is it make sense men come out of that as men also come out of and the first assignment you have as a woman if you want to cooperate with God the business that you have for the rest of your life left us McMahon you didn't hear me nicely there it is God in cooperation with you building men can all the men agenda this one is for you if there is any business we must be doing as men what must we be doing let us make men it's not your business as a fellow men to to press other men down and push them away reduce them and etc your sole business in partnership with God it is to make men if there is a young boy in the community who does not have enough clothes that young boy out there who seems to be getting lost and you know him well and he's within your circle come on buy him a pair of shots put some nice shoes on his hands on his feet with the nice little trousers on him dress him up and dress him up put a little shirt on him and make him stand like a man make a man make a man don't sway at them and cut them and kick them off the day uses be in the business of making man but this is a divine commandment let us make men it is illegal for you as a man to be found with frail broken little young boys living around you and their subject of your discussion their subject of your work let us make man as men ultimately I call for the church as a whole a call for the government as a whole that if there is anything we must be doing as a church is the business of making man for when we make men we are actually not only preparing these men to be for themselves but we are also giving them total I declare total dominion over the waters I declare total dominion over the grass in the soils I declare total dominion over the wind's the words that are spoken I declare total Dominion as God faith let us make man you also be in the business of making man
Channel: Victory Sanctuary SDA Church victorysda
Views: 52,392
Rating: 4.7570095 out of 5
Id: zXNcbSDlZkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 23sec (2603 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2017
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