Anitta Doesn’t Cry Over Boys (Extended) | The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

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-Thank you for being here. I want to talk about the new song. I know in Brazil, you -- the biggest star, the massive -- I mean, it's insane. You went platinum. It's crazy. I mean -- -Yeah. -And how does it differ from the U.S. and what's happening, 'cause it's happening here now. -Yeah, I started singing in English and in Spanish. Spanish, like, four years ago and English like one year ago. And in Brazil I have, like, 12 years of career. And everything started to grow up very fast. But then whenever I got really big there, I was like okay next step? I wanna do something challenging. And somebody told me that for Brazilians it was impossible to break up, like, to break out of Brazil to cross over. And whenever I hear the word "impossible," I want to go for it. -That's what I'm talking about. [ Cheers and applause ] -You are making history. I know that you are actually -- you're performing at Coachella. -Yeah. -Which is massive. [ Cheers and applause ] April 16th and the 23rd. Great line up, Billie Eilish, Megan Thee Stallion, 21 Savage. What can people expect when they go to see you in Coachella? -I'm -- I mean, I want to bring Brazil to the stage and all of the favelas. I come from a community -- do you know what a favela is? -Favela? No. -Have you ever seen the movie "City of God?" -Yes. [ Cheers and applause ] -That's a favela. We just party really hard. It's just a different energy, you know? Like, whenever -- if ever you come to Brazil, you've got to bring a little extra energy maybe. -You do? -My friends all like to party. -So it's going to be wild? -Yeah, I think so. Yeah. -I love that. Why not? I think everyone wants it right now. Everyone feels like they need it, come on we need this love. We need this energy, let's go, let's have fun. -Yeah, by the way, I wanted to ask you something. I love the puppies here 'cause this -- the puppy's really smart. The Cincinnati one, the Bengals. He's the right one. I want to bring it home. [ Laughter ] Yeah. -You want to take that little -- -'Cause the Bengals going to win for sure. I know for a fact. You can bet all your money there. All your money you can bet on Cincinnati Bengals. [ Laughter and applause ] -I feel this. You're in my head right now. Because I've never taken financial advice from you before -- -Yeah. [ Laughter ] -But tonight I feel like I'm actually going to do it and put all my money -- honey -- -You know I'm also a director of a bank in Brazil? I do that. But do you know how I know I'm going to win -- they're going to win? I win together. 'Cause one of my men is playing there. One of my men is. -What do you mean? -'Cause I have in each different city -- I'm traveling a lot. -Oh my God. You are -- Anitta -- don't you -- [ Cheers and applause ] -Listen. It's a lot of countries. I was, yesterday, in Brazil. Day before, I was in L.A. I've got to have options. So, one of my men -- [ Cheers and applause ] -How do you end up in Cincinnati, okay? -So I was in a strip club in Miami and I saw this guy, he was super hot and I said, "Yo, if you don't find anyone to have sex tonight hotter than I am, you just call me. And if I don't find anyone hotter than you, you call me, I call you, too." -Wow. -So, in the end of the day, we both found. [ Laughter, applause ] -Is that how? Is that how it works, is that how it works? -Well, I'm practical! Some Brazil energy. I wouldn't say all Brazilians are like that but I am. So, after that I ended up going to Cincinnati and, I know they're going to win because I'm going to make sure he has a great night before. [ Laughter ] I'm going to make sure. -Alright. You guys heard it first. There you go. Peyton Manning didn't say that, you know? [ Laughter ] -I didn't know anything about football, I actually thought it was soccer because we call soccer football in Brazil. -I know. Exactly. -So I didn't know anything, I needed to search, but now I know everything. He's going to have a great night, and he's going to win next day. You can bet all your money. -There you go. Right there. "Boys Don't Cry." It's a jam. I love it. Everyone loves it. You're going to perform it for us later. You were saying backstage that this is not what it started out as, this song. It was going to be more of a, like, a disco type of jam or -- -Yeah, it's more like, when I was a teenager, I liked this rock vibe. This kind of -- you know? -Yeah. -And I wanted to bring this back, I loved Panic! At The Disco, so that was my reference for this song. -Love Panic! At The Disco. -Yeah, I love it. -And it turned into this -- -Yeah, 'cause here's the deal, I started doing a rhythm in Brazil. It suffers a lot of prejudice, it's funk -- it's kind of like hip hop in '90s for America. Suffers a lot of prejudice because it comes from the ghetto and the poor people in the communities. So, people used to think, "Oh, she shakes her ass so she's dumb." And I wanted to show a different side. Like, yeah, I shake my ass, but I can be smart. And I can do other rhythms. You know? [ Cheers and applause ] -Absolutely. You know what you're doing. I can sing rock. -Yeah. I think you know what you're doing, buddy. I really do. The video, by the way, I loved, you directed it. -Yeah. -Which also I love that you did that too. You're like, "Oh, no, I'm not just going to put a video out. I'm going to direct it." -Yeah, 'cause whenever I cut the song, I had so many ideas for it. And I love movies, all my reference I bring from movies, because I think it helps me to not go through a place that other singers are going. So, I just got reference from movies I love I love, like, "Runaway Bride," "Harry Potter," "Beetlejuice." -"Beetlejuice" I love that you did that. But I mean, all, like, gorgeous versions of everything you just mentioned, but yeah. -Yeah, that's "Titanic," that's "Beetlejuice." But then I do, like, the ex-boyfriends run away from me in the other scene because I have, like 50 ex-boyfriends and they were all chasing me. [ Laughter ] -Oh, my God -So I wanted to reproduce my real life. -Uh... -I say "Boys Don't Cry" just in the title, but in the song they cry 'cause that's how they feel. -That's right. That's exactly right. That's how they feel, yeah. -Yeah. -'Cause, yeah, you would cry, too, yeah if you -- -I don't [bleep] for a guy. -What? -I don't cry for the guys. They cry for me, I don't cry for them. [ Cheers and applause ] -You're making me emotional. You're making me emotional right now and I promised I wouldn't cry. [ Laughter ] I'm so happy you're here. Congrats on every single little new record breaking smashing thing you keep doing. Just don't stop. Don't stop. Keep doing everything you're doing. I love you, and please come back whenever. Anitta, everybody. [ Cheers and applause ] "Boys Don't Cry" is available now.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 1,921,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Anitta, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Coachella performance, Me Gusta, Desce Pro Play, Tocame, Bellaquita, Downtown, R.I.P., Combatchy, Some que ele vem atras, Ta com o Papato, Rave de Favela, Anitta interview, Anitta on Jimmy Fallon, Anitta on Tonight Show, Super Bowl LVI, Panic! at the Disco, Boys Don’t Cry
Id: dDrZmTGOIoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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