Anime Theory: Live Action Done RIGHT! (Death Note Theory)

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the Death Note live-action film is a really fun well made movie I mean sure it's got his issues here and there and sure it's occasionally a bit cringy but you can really tell when watching it that the creators made the film out of love wait wait a minute that's not the right movie keep that trash off the screen perfect [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to anime theory so I'm curious how many of you have watched the Japanese live-action Death Note film I mean I remember when the Netflix film released everyone was like but funnily enough everything that fans wanted the Netflix film to do was already done in this film and yet I never hear anyone talk about it I mean it's like this film was here the whole time and it's actually really great but nobody cared at all they were too busy complaining about its drunk deadbeat brother to even notice so all that aside though wasn't going to watch this film I wanted to know one thing why exactly do these two films have such a different reception why was this one enjoyed get forgotten while this one was despised while being common knowledge and after watching both films again I think I know exactly why mess it down grab some snacks because it's time for some comparative analysis yeah that doesn't sound as exciting as I feel like it should well anyways let's dive in shall we so to make this a bit easier I'm gonna call the Japanese live-action film the 2006 film throughout the video it makes it a bit easier to read anyways both films use the exact same cast of characters for the most part they both got light l ryu the detectives and they both have Misa though she only appears briefly for like one second in the 2006 film the problem already starts here however as the two movies have an entirely different plot the 2006 film decides to mostly follow the original manga with some small deviations here and there more on those in a bit the Netflix film decides it wants to have its cake and eat it too we're using the same cast of characters for a completely different plot and when I say different oh boy do I mean different ladies an edgy teenager who decides his first use of the Death Note should be on a generic bully and after a brief period of trying to be Kira he suddenly wants out because he's being a little baby this kind of approach was never gonna sit well as a Death Note fan base so first I'm gonna say that different is fine in fact have they gone for an entirely unrelated story involving the Death Note that could have been really sweet the Death Note itself allows for so many possibilities for potential plots so in theory would have been fine the problem here is twofold one that the plot we were given pales in comparison with the original story and the other is that they still use the same freakin characters and this wasn't actually light it wouldn't be as bad but no they just wanted all the money so better use a recognizable name so no matter what they did here people were going to draw comparisons between the two characters which would never work in this film's favor under any circumstances so already here we have a case where a movie follows the original anime story and as far as I'm concerned manages to pull it off pretty well and then we have a case where we were given a lackluster plot with look-alikes from the original series only being related in name alone it's like a month old cherry on top of a cardboard cake and heck they didn't even keep the names exactly the same either Light Yagami became like Turner Mesa became Mia it may be a small detail but it feels oddly disrespectful to the original story the same story they're hoping to profit off of but oh boy the knaves aren't the only things wrong with these characters so when looking at the 2006 film things stay relatively faithful to the original cast light himself is mischievous and charming but still manages to display some of the darker aspects of the character as well there's a particularly brutal scene leader in the film where light loses his girlfriend and it seems like he's broken down from it and when everyone leaves well I just doesn't really care it's a victory to him not a loss I mean a dead body still better than normal am i right it's the little things like the way he talks in acts and his fake smile the darker side with him that the actor for light manages to portray beautifully Ryoka still his goofy old self being just about as weird as he was in the anime could go without the horrible CG though because wow like wow el Elsa was done perfectly as well he managed to keep all of his quirky mannerisms and speech patterns without it ever feeling ridiculous and faked the actors all around do a pretty good job even some of the reactions throughout the film can be a bit yeah the 2006 film remains true to the original and it feels like it has much more respect in reverence for it you feel like the actors really wanted to do the original justice and they managed it pretty well the Netflix film though no these guys may be named the same but this this isn't like he's whiny he's weak willed he's edgy he's not really all that bright the character is nothing like light at all he's just a cheap imitation Netflix this version of light is just bad flat-out no defending this I'm ashamed of they even used the same first name and sadly light isn't the only problem here well I'm impressed that the actor still tried to make el quirky and weird it never feels very real el in the Netflix film is also weirdly emotional which the original el was never like he was cool and calculating and hot he'd never get to the point of chasing light down an alleyway on the plus side though ryokan this films pretty great welcome to foe was pretty much the perfect actly to pick for this role and while he was a lot more ominous and a lot less goofy than the original reek I don't think it works pretty well I don't care what you all say fight me Super Smash Brothers regardless though the 2006 film unlike the Netflix film seems to actually care about portraying its character as well sure they aren't as good as the originals the film is two hours so it'd be impossible to beat that regardless I think he does a pretty great job but this isn't just about what's the same here you see this is a new medium which means a new interpretation unless there's room to add things that perhaps the original series neglected well both of them add on to an aspect of the original that I wanted to see more of in the anime and manga one does it so much better that it's not even funny the 2006 film opens on a shot focusing on the new threat Kirra but interestingly it doesn't do it like the original at all instead it decides to look at things from the public eye which i think is a really interesting way of approaching it we don't even see light himself for quite a bit of time because the film is showcasing one of its main themes the public spectacle of the battle the anime was much more focused on the inner workings of both Ellen White's minds as they both fought each other while this was easily the better way to go I found myself wondering several times throughout what's the general public thought of all this the 2006 film shows me exactly as the entire battle is made out to be this big public spectacle these two warring individuals the God trying to rid the world of crime and the ace detective trying to stop a false god of course this would have been huge watching the arguments between individuals about Kira's methods and the way the media attacked both sides of the fight it made for a really interesting addition to the story this is one of those cases where knowing the film could never match the original punch or punch they decided to add a layer that was previously ignored to an extent which makes the film much more interesting as a separate thing from the anime and manga the thing is that these editions feel like they were finely crafted to fit so well that they add to the story not take away from it the climax of the film is also really different and actually never occurs in the anime Naomi ends up threatening to kill lights girlfriend while Elle watches from a camera seeing if light will take the bait not only does this add a new dynamic to Elle but to light as well Elle just watches as Naomi actually hints up killing lights girlfriend who was entirely innocent to lights crimes by the way this shows the lengths Elle's willing to go to as long as he can catch Kira and it paints him in a much darker light on the flip side light is showing up planned the whole thing out including the slaughter of his own girlfriend just like the arc with Naomi in the anime this arc manages to show how genuinely screwed up light is and it manages to do this despite the fact that this wasn't in the anime at all the film has the ability to add things that I only feel true to the originals tone but also that add new layers that the anime didn't add or in Allen lights case it showcased it in an entirely different way the Netflix filming however sure in vaguely focuses on the public spectacle but only barely so and it's other editions its characters feel poorly written it seems lack the same intellect that the original had and light is the worst thing ever there is one saving grace or at least one thing the film did write in regards the original and the graphics that's you know that's really what this is all about visually speaking both films managed to replicate the originals grungy tone the Netflix film feels dark and brown and it seems to really be focused on keeping the tension high it's not exactly the same but I think presentation-wise the Netflix film does look a lot like a Death Note likewise the 2006 film also looks grungy and dark so it also feels in line with the original series points for both if I give the Netflix film one leg up here it's that Ryoka looks a lot less music-wise well no the Netflix film goes for a much more modern feeling soundtrack it's honestly kind of jarring but I'm not gonna say it was horrible or anything it just doesn't feel very death notice the 2006 film sounds decently close to the anime soundtrack honestly though neither of these two can hold a candle to the Death Note musical that soundtrack of some good stuff I'm not being ironic the music is actually shockingly good I think the analysis should have made it fairly obvious but let's reiterate the 2006 film is really good because it feels like a Death Note film it feels like the creator's actually genuinely liked the series and thus the film feels more respectful of the series as a whole the characters are really well done and managed to not only portray some of the more surface value aspects of the characters but also the deeper elements that make both el and light such interesting individuals the movie does add and change things but it never feels like it doesn't fit instead the additions add an interesting dynamic and feel a smartly written as the series itself the 2006 film succeeds because it knows what to keep and what to change without ruining the core of what Death Note is sure I'd rather still watch the anime but it makes for a neat little addition to the Death Note experience the Netflix film by comparison failed because it doesn't seem to respect the original series at all it took the same characters and threw them in a plot much less interesting than the original story they may be the characters a name but it's clear that not only did they not watch the original anime but that they didn't even know how to write in general the characters are flimsy knockoffs and nothing more the Netflix film doesn't feel like Death Note it feels like a cash grab that's why the reception ended up being this way the Netflix film became notorious while the 2006 film became liked by the few who watched it the few is the phrase that bothers me here though no matter what way you look at it one film faded into obscurity while the other became notorious yes but also popular the sad truth is that a lot of the people who watch the Netflix film and hated it the ones who said they wanted something closer to the original they're never going to watch the Japanese film the one that does what they wanted the internet loves negativity so of course the Netflix home was going to get a lot of attention but maybe that can change maybe some people watched the movie after watching this video and maybe the film finally gets some of the credit it's deserved all these years it's a really good film so if you've got some time to spare why not give it a look over you may just find what you were looking for all this time or maybe you could go watch the Death Note Musical instead musical hype and hey if you like this video why not subscribe I guess and click the bell since that's the thing I got a patron you should go check that out and I mean hey you got videos it's deathtome one kind of go watch him not much else to say besides it see you later [Music]
Channel: DuoReview
Views: 91,640
Rating: 4.9167504 out of 5
Keywords: Anime Theory, Death Note, Death Note Theory, Death Note Live Action, Netflix Death Note, Japanese Live Action Death Note, Death Note OP, DuoReview, Live Action Done RIGHT
Id: bZmZ4SZjYRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 04 2018
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