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I went to VidCon and cool things happen and I'm terrible at taking pictures so I made an animation instead because let's face it cartoons are just better so here are some of my favorite highlights from my trip to VidCon 2018 hey so there was a lot that happened this year too much in fact to cram into one video I took a poll in the majority of you said you wanted a two-part special so that's what we're doing also I had to structure the video differently this year to get everything in so I'm sorry to all of my lightning round fans we're still gonna have fun so here we go my first two-parter VidCon recap day 1 my brother David and I arrived on Wednesday and immediately went to lunch with daneboe and The Annoying Orange gang it was great to see them all again but Dane was starting to feel a little blue that he wasn't going to VidCon this year I kept telling him he could still buy a ticket but he just shrugged and said nah we said goodbye to the Annoying Orange gang and then later went over to the Cheesecake Factory to have dinner with James Adam and Ryder everyone but me and David was late tisk tisk this won't do it all so yet again I put our names in for the table I'm still so helpful they all eventually arrived and we sat down for dinner at the table Ryder exploded his soda everywhere and James let me see a copy of his new book after dinner we all wanted to see The Incredibles - I was sitting in the theater beforehand while the guys were out getting us all slushies and that's when Dane texted me and said he bitten the bullet and was gonna get a ticket for VidCon and I was so happy I then watched The Incredibles - sitting between James and Adam which was hilarious because both of them have the best reactions ever and afterwards we all geeked out about the animation and lighting day - the second day the plan was to meet as many of you as possible and then go to the big animation community lunch being put on by Alex Clark and his animators David and I walked around the expo hall all morning meeting you guys specifically getting caught up about an hour and a half at James booth later while I was in the main hallway talking to a fan I got blindsided by Adam and a giant wave of people following him but it turns out it was the animation community or at least most of them we all talked for a bit and then Ryder texted me to come find him I was power walking over to him when a girl in the crowd did a big ol lateral slide in front of me to block my path apparently I was being a dumb butt that day because I didn't recognize her at first and I thought she was a fan she gave me a weird look and showed me her badge it was tabs I'm sorry she had chilli Panda and Billy but better in tow so we all went back into the expo hall to catch up with the rest of the animation community like cypher den and ginger pail we were all gathered together in front of the Nickelodeon booth so we began to draw a bit of a crowd while I was happily meeting fans a girl came up to me wearing an employee badge in an earpiece uh-oh hi I'm Kristen with VidCon are we in trouble you're not in trouble yet but we have called security oh we can either set up a space off to the side for you all to do a meet-and-greet or we have to escort you out of here well as it turns out it was almost time for us to go to our big Animation lunch anyway so we ended up getting escorted out by security we kind of got kicked out of the expo hall in a nice way outside as we were all calling lifts and ubers to get to the restaurant Dain texted me to wait for him because he finally got his badge and wanted to go with me to the lunch oh yeah I just gonna casually bring a youtube legend with me no biggie we got to the restaurant and so many animators were there Rebecca Chan sugar dumb life noggin ginger fail slaver didn't abs chili Panda everyone here's a picture look how cool we are when it was time to go David Dana and I got into an uber I was in the front seat with a window rolled down but Alex wanted one last goodbye before I left he reached into the car window to give me a hug and I offered Lee reached out to return it but in doing so I hit the side of his face with my hand kind of hard I accidentally punched Alex Clark in the face he tweeted about it later that night was the YouTube party and this year I had an invitation Dana also had an invite thanks to iJustine so we went together it was very loud and by the end of the night it was super crowded but I did meet some cool people I met Kathryn who was Marco pliers editor and is now the crank gameplays editor she and I talked like we were old friends but we were literally screaming in each other's faces because it was so loud and I finally met Matt Patton Steph I introduced myself and their eyes lit up they said they already knew so much about me because Ryder told them everything thanks writer and now Matt follows me on Twitter they were both so cool day 3 after a morning of walking around the expo hall and meeting more of you I had a business meeting over at the hotel where all the youtubers are staying at then I was going to the animation community Meetup event at 2:30 after the business meeting David and I were riding on a shuttle back to the convention center at about 12:45 when I got a text from Ryder he said he was already at the animation community Meetup the room had reached capacity and they'd closed the doors and there was a line forming outside he basically said you got to get here now so I rushed over to the meetup room and sure enough they closed the doors and there was a line outside Oscar animates who arranged the whole event with VidCon was talking to the lady in charge and I tried to tell her I needed to get into that room Oscar was like yeah let her in she's one of the animators so they became Lea opened the door for me I took two steps into that room and got tackled on both sides and a crowd started forming around me mas rushed up to me and said go sit next to Ryder okay I had no idea what was going on apparently this casual meet up in a room meant for only 80 people had turned into a very large signing event everyone had set up tables along the perimeter of the room where the animators would sit and a line of people would go by and get photos and signatures we started the event an hour early and as we met people and sign things the light outside kept getting longer and longer at one point David went outside and took some footage of this line it was insane periodically mahse the unofficial emcee of the whole event thank you so much much for being responsible would get on a mic and tell us to hurry up and that we only had 30 seconds with each person at the end of this event that we started an hour early we got through 500 people and had to turn away 1500 we were blown away oh my gosh thank you to everyone who waited in that line and we are so sorry that so many of you didn't get to see us no one was expecting that kind of turnout it was incredible and you guys made us feel so loved and supported also the whole room of animators had to be escorted out the back by security later that night was the studio71 party Ryder and I had invites and I got a wristband for David too we stayed there for about an hour and a half but David and I were just so exhausted and our feet hurt and there wasn't anyone there that we knew so we kind of got bored and decided to leave although I did get to talk to Anthony Padilla and Pat from life noggin on the way out not a total loss though the real highlight of the night was when we were standing in to get in a little girl who is also in line for the party recognized me and asked for a picture that was pretty cool all right so that should do it for the first half of this VidCon recap it feels really weird making this into two videos but hey come back for the thrilling conclusion to hear the story of being backstage at the infamous animation squad QA panel thank you for tuning in explainers and i'll be right back [Music]
Channel: Let Me Explain Studios
Views: 6,412,887
Rating: 4.9571805 out of 5
Keywords: Vidcon, 2018, recap, animation, animators, community, meet up, Let Me Explain Studios, Rebecca Parham, theodd1sout, somethingelseyt, Domics, MatPat, itsAlexClark, Anthony Padilla, Life Noggin, Daneboe, Annoying Orange, Footofaferret, Tabbes, Studio71, YouTube, party, crankgameplays, Kathryn, Shgurr, TheAMaazing, CypherDen, GingerPale, Oscar Animates, cartoon, part 1, animated storytelling, animated storyteller, storytime, panel, signing
Id: vFekpxUF9KE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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