Vidcon fun times wow so fun excitement 10/10 would vidcon again

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(Jaiden) Where are we going? (James) We're going to VidCon. (Jaiden) YAAAYYYY (James) WOO! (Jaiden) We wanted to record the... the sign of "Welcome to California" because we're in California now. But we were busy watching Treasure Planet (James) Yeah. We just looked up and like "Ohh there it is..." (James) What's up? , practicing. *Jaiden laughing* (Jaiden) Playin' Tetris in the car. Even on a phone he's still- (James)Still pretty boss. [Both snicker] (Jaiden) Wiiinnddd miiillllll fooorrreeeessst. Look at 'em go. Keep it up friends. You're doing good. ( Both laughs ) lowkey... (it's FunForLuis) Oh, hello. Just got in the hotel... (James) What's up! (Jaiden) This is pretty cool. And then they gave me a bag I don't know what's in it. A bag, and it says... Tumblr, even though I don't have a Tumblr. (laugh) Ohh I got a camera? Wait, what is this??? :O Yeeahh (James) It's totally not for me. *laugh* (Jaiden) Look, here's the camera. (James) You should film on that now. xD (Jaiden) So there's like stuff in here too. There's a Tumblr hat. Here, wear this for me. (James) Cause' I have a Tumblr. (Jaiden) That's- Yeah. You deserve it more than I do. Alright, we just-we're gonna find people! (James) We're gonna do it! (Jaiden) James is wearing my hat. (James) Yes. (Jaiden) Because I'm not worthy of it. We're gonna find the squad. This is gonna be awesome. (James) YES. :D It's haaaappeniiing. (Jaiden) Oh my god. We got our passes. Fancy fancy~ I'm not supposed to be in this area because its public but... I mean... Whatever. (James) Shh don't tell anyone. ( The shushing of the shushiest ) (Jaiden) We're trying to find Tony! We're on the phone with him! ( sound of vidcon crowd ) This is hi- We're so close but so far! ( more vidcon crowd sound for you lovelies ) (Tony) Guys! (Jaiden) Tony! (Tony) Are you guys vloggi- (Jaiden) Oh my god, I AM vlogging. ( the most excited of ''oh my gods'' ) (Jaiden) Just found us! Oh my god! What's your name? (Theo) Theo. (Jaiden) You're the first person we ever met here! (James) He just got here like five minutes ago. *laugh* (Jaiden) This is so real. (James) YESSS. (Jaiden) Tying his shoe. And we found DEEN. Yaaaaaay! (u can read) Don't walk away from us. (Tony) I looked right in the sun and now I can't see anything. (Jaiden) Oh there it is! Perfect timing. That's for you guys. I already ate. Let's go find somewhere to sit. We couldn't find a spot to eat. So we're sitting grass. Like peasants. *laughs* This is James' room. (James) Yeah, there's VidCon over there! I can see it. (Jaiden) You can see VidCon from here. James, explain- Oh, you can see someone in the, in the, thing there. (Tony) Oh god. (Jaiden) Ooh. Spooky. James, explain what just happened in the elevator. (James) So I- I was bleeding out of my hand. Just 'cause you know... Being a weirdo. Just messing around. And then, Jacksfilms, like, just went in the elevator with us. And, like my hand was all bloody. It was like- "Hey, I really love your videos." Y'know, I was like "I make videos too, its whatever." I told em. And I was like, really worried if he would like, try to shake my hand and I'd be like *uuhh* Y'know. We didn't do that. (Jaiden) Yeah. So, we, like, talk to Jack. And Tony wasn't there. Sorry Tony. (Tony) I don't like these people, man. *James laughs* (Jaiden) Are these things $1500? (James) The world may never know. (Jaiden) The world may never know. Look who's here! (Alex) YAAAAAYY (Jaiden) YAAAAAY, we're in James' room. And we got the bags. *inhale* The bags. ( Vidcon background music ) ( People ruining the film of the century ) (Jaiden) Just talked to the people and now he's (Alex) gonna juggle with them. (James) This is crazy. I wish I was Alex. (Jaiden) I wish I knew how to juggle. (Alex) His name is Alex too. (James) What! (Jaiden) Ooooh! (Jaiden) Leaving the Animation Squad for the Alex Squad. ( dank music ) Go Alex! (James) Ooooh! (Jaiden) And when I say Alex I mean both of you! (Alex) Is Tony here? (Jaiden) We don't know where Tony went. He's gone forever! (James) what. WHAT. (Jaiden laughs) (where'd the dank music go) ( crowd cheering and clapping ) (Jaiden) Explain your emotions. (James) It was- very weird view. Haha. (Jaiden) Confess your love for your favorite YouTube star. (James) CaptainSparklez. (James) I love you Captain. <3 (Jaiden) We're all taking a break. Because we're really tired. We actually just saw a follower. (Den) You should like, have it, the one followers that are actually there. (Jaiden) That'd be kinda weird. I feel like that's really awkward. ''Oh, hi. Nice to meet you.'' Shoves camera in face. I'm gonna film you. And then I'm gonna film... Mark and Jack. Well, we're getting food. We're getting food. (James) To the cool kid lunch table. (Jaiden) Yeah, we're in the back stage because we were able to get in. No ones allowed back here but... uhhaoefn people so only some people. (James) Kinda wanna like, go to Jacksfilms. (Jaiden) You're not bleeding this time. (James) I'm not bleeding this time. (Jaiden) Look at this fREAKIN LINE. What're we dOING?! This is craaazy! Oh my god I don't know what I'm doing here! Oh my god! Who's that dashing asian? Oh my god! Oh my god. (James) Oh my god. (Jaiden) Oh my god. DOM. What do you have to say? (Jaiden) That's me. Hi, its me I'm Jaiden. (Alex) Face reveal! Face reveal! (Real Jaiden) Jaiden face reveal. (Jaiden) We're taking a break from VidCon. (Alex) We got out. (Jaiden) That was crazy. We signed for like 2 hours, almost. (Alex) Yeah. (Jaiden screams ) (Jaiden) Oh, its slippery. This is ALL ICE. ( Ride by Twenty One Pilots in the background ) ( finally a good song amirite ) AAAAh there ya go. Yaaaay! WHO LET US IN HERE We're playing a bean game. But no one knows how to play except Alex. (James) Yeah. (Jaiden) He's trying to explain but no one understands. Tony's bean boozled. Bean boozled. Double bean boozled. *laughs* Yeah. Tony's got the Fizzy Drink Bean, and the, and the Blue Bean that he traded. And it was a- It was a bad trade. (Tony) But I'm pretty proud of my DECK. (Jaiden) You're proud of your what? (Tony) I'm proud of my deck. (Jaiden) Yeah. We're still playing and I kinda get it now. But look at all my Wax Beans. I'm the Wax Bean master. (James) Okay my turn. BOOM. (Jaiden) We're- We just walked into the Meet & Greets because we have good passes. James is on the hunt. For CaptainSparklez. We're gonna- He's having a meet and greet, sign thing right now. (James) I don't know who, I don't know which number he's on. (Jaiden) We don't know where he is. We just walked in and people let us. (Jaiden to fans ) Oh hi! Oh. Hello! Uh, we're gonna find CaptainSparklez. (James) One of these days. We probably might even walked past 'em. (Jaiden) Yeah, we actually haven't been paying attention. We'll find em. The hunt is on. There he is. (Vivica Fox) And where is Cool Cat? (Erik Estrada) There he is. (James/Jaiden) He's right there. (Jaiden) Oh, we also stole some sharpies. We- we didn't mean to. We didn't know it was his. So we're waiting. (James) Yeah. Still waiting. (Jaiden) Still waiting for CaptainSparklez. While we waited, we built this. This nice tower. (Jaiden) Yeah, we hope he likes it. (James) I hope he comes out soon too. (Jaiden) Yeah, we've been waiting for a while. James is being nice. We literally have the passes to go up and cut everyone in line but we have morals. (James) But like- It'll also be awkward to everyone in the back of the line too. *looks over and disappointment* (Jordan) Nice uh, nice makeshift- I know. I saw that in the video. And there was a delay. Delay getting his shirt. You. He works for my *unintelligible* (That Dude) It wasn't me. This one- We don't even have this one. This is like- (Jaiden) Oh, it finally happened, the moment. So, we're like, backstage right now. With, the furthest- the panel. And I'm really nervous. But these guys aren't. And then- Uh. We're talking about how some places believe in not giving out ranch dressing. (Dude) They just don't know they believe in the sauce. (Jaiden) Yeah. It's strange. This is like- This is the conversation we use to prepare for this. Oh my god I'm nervous. There he gooooes. Some say he's still going today. The whole squad is here. Oh my god this is so awesome Okay. We got some crazy stunts happening. Oh god. (Tony) OHNO (Jaiden) OHMYGOD *laughs* ( slower '' oh my god '' ) (Tony) Like- Drove into the car I almost died. (Jaiden) I asked him if he was gonna jump over this and then he said yes. Oh- my god OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH Yeah, Dom! (Alex) I will now jump over the arrow. OOOOOH Oohh. The champion remains. Sack the m&m's. (Jaiden) Ow fail. (Alex) I wanna kick it! *Jaiden scream* (Alex) TWICE! (Jaiden) Oh shoot! Look what's happening here. (James?) This guy with 2 million subs. (Jaiden) What do you have to say. (Alex) Student becomes the teacher. (Jaiden) Oh my gosh. The lowest point of Dom's life. (Jaiden) Is it good? Rate the shoe tie 10/10? (Alex) It's great, that is the best shoe tie I have ever felt. (Alex) I actually want 'em to redo the other one. *lols* (Jaiden) Look who we ran just into! Oh my gosh. It's so good to fina- I never even met them before. (Jaiden) And like- (Red) I know. (Jaiden) Oh my gosh. It's like- oh my gosh. Oh, it's so awesome. Almost 2 years working with you guys we finally got to meet at VidCon. (Red) I know. (Tiffany) Yaaaaay! (Jaiden) Yay! We're about to go to Disney. (James) Wooooooo! (Jaiden) Yaaaay! (Jaiden) We're eating food. Oh, I thought you were gonna give me a- Yeah. James is on his... what? Fourth... orange juice? (James) I paid 6 dollars for this OJ (orange juice). (Jaiden) Getting his money's worth out of orange juice. (Alex) You got promise, kid. *James laughs* (James) Okay, so I... I bought- I paid for orange juice. It was 6 dollars. I was like shocked. And I like- Drank like five glasses of orange juice and they didn't charge me for it. *Jaiden laughs* (Alex) It's true. I know it's hard to believe but it is 100% true. (Jaiden) Wow. You just chugged five glasses of orange juice for nothing. (Alex) It was for nothing, Tony. It was for NOTHING. (Jaiden) You're all so far apart. I can't get you in the shot (Jaiden) We just got to Disney. (Alex) AAAAAAAAAAAhhh (Jaiden) I guess we could take a picture. Okay. People will screenshot that. We just got to Disney. And now we're gonna have fun. This is our last day together. Squad. (Alex) This is my fun face. (Jaiden) How BEAUTIFUL it is! Oh, we're in. (best subtitle you have ever read) (Alex) Oh my god. You guys! My friend... My friend's over here, look. (Jaiden) Oh I- I tripped on the railroad track.
Channel: Jaiden Animations
Views: 10,408,045
Rating: 4.9604702 out of 5
Keywords: jaiden, animations, jaidenanimation, jaidenanimations, vidcon2016, jaidenanimations irl, jaidenanimations vidcon, vidcon 2016, vidcon vlog, vidcon vlog 2016, jaiden animations vidcon, jaiden animations vlog, jaiden animations vidcon 2016
Id: fSkpb_8H-Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2016
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