Animate With Mouse in DaVinci Resolve

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so here I have a background and a PNG balloon and I have done a secret setting which allows me to do this I can grab the balloon and then take to the starting position and then hit the space bar and then move the balloon and it will automatically create key fence for me and if I play this animation you will see it has been animated the way I have moved it so let's see how I have done this first you're going to need a background and our PNG balloon connect the background with the media out and then connect the PNG balloon with the background and it will automatically create a merge Noe now if we see our media out you will see our balloon is too big so let's scale it down with the transform node select the balloon PNG and hit control space and write FF which is the short form for transform node select the transform node and let's decrease the size now to make it automatically animate first you have to do something go to the beginning of your animation let's say you want to start your animation from 50 frame then leave it the playhead there but I want it to start from the zero then you go to the transform node and then right click on the center value and go to the modify WID and then select XY path and in the modifiers you will get XY path but you don't need to change anything now you can just select the transform node and take the balloon PNG and hit the space bar and you can start animating and it will automatically animate one thing make sure you have turned off this Loop button otherwise it will start over again and override your animation let's say if I do contrl Z and again contr C go to the first frame and let's keep it on and if I start from here and let's say we are animating animating and it will go from the beginning and it has over written the animation see we have started from the bottom but from the beginning it has override the beginning so make sure you turn that off and if you want to go back just press contrl Z to make sure you at the beginning of the playhead and you will see the part but it doesn't matter if you move the part will go away and then go to the point you want to animate and then again press the space and you can animate it and you know where this technique going to be very useful animating the mouse pointer so here I have a background and a PNG Mouse and I have again merged it and we have this com now let's add a Transformer note select the mouse PNG and control B and take a transform note and let's f scale that down power this much and then again go to the beginning of the animation and make sure this Loop option is turned off and now in the transform node right click on the center modify with XY path now while the transform note selected you can take the mouse pointer and then start from here and it will make very realistic mouse movement let's see you see it is very realistic if you want the animation to start a little later you want to adjust the timing you can do that go to the key frames and select the transform note fit to zoom here and then drop down and you get all the key frames now you can select all of them and then where you want to start let's say I want to start from 20 FR click and drag all the frame until the first frame matches the playhead and now the animation will start from 25 see so that's how you animate with your mouse I hope you like this video I will see you in the next video
Channel: LetMeXplain
Views: 14,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve, Animate With Mouse in DaVinci Resolve, Add Auto keyframes in davinci resolve, path in davinci resove, keyframes in davinci resolve, Animate without keyframes in davinci resolve, no more keyframes davinci, auto animate in davinci resolve
Id: umNULJycTIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 47sec (227 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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