Geometry Proximity Animation in Geometry nodes (Blender Turorial)

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all right I am super excited about this tutorial because it is so useful if you are doing Motion Graphics so let's get into that so it's going to be built in Geometry nodes and we're going to use one empty to not only control the scale of objects based on the proximity but also control the color and the material with that empty this one object is going to control quite a few components at the same time and that concept is very beneficial for anyone doing Motion Graphics I'm sure you can imagine a lot of cool things you can do with this so with that being said we're going to get into that right after this quick shout out welcome to real-time materials a collection of customizable procedural materials compatible with Eevee and Cycles with over six years of experience I have created an add-on currently containing 240 materials across 14 surface categories this add-on will speed up your workflow allowing you to stay creative while maximizing your artistic output you might be thinking what about image textures image textures are easy to set up but don't give you any control real-time materials are loaded with custom properties giving you the freedom to change roughness color and all kinds of patterns you can change the shape of wood the direction of cloth weave and the size of scratches among many other parameters even if you already know how to make procedural materials imagine the time you will save if you could apply those materials in one easy click all right I am in 3.5.1 that's my uh blender version here let's go let's go ahead shift a and just drop in any kind of geometry this is completely arbitrary because we're going to hop into geometry nodes now I'm going to kill this window and click new and just go ahead and delete the group input so first thing we're going to do is get a cube so shift a search Cube throw that right here and then we're going to get our X size at 1.7 to kind of get it to right about there to where we want to get it vertices we're going to go 12 on the X and then these two I click and drag and go ahead and give it seven and that's going to allow us to have a cube that looks like this and that's the beauty of geometry notes you can really change it at any point it's non-destructive it's really good all right now let's go ahead and do the classic instance on points and that is going to give us some control so give it instant some points right here shift a search Ico or sphere or any object really this works on any kind of object you want to throw onto this and throw that right here on the instance I'm going to give my subdivisions of four give my radius 0.22 just to kind of give us a good idea what's going on here now this little scale guide right here this is what we're going to plug in our proximity system to so first thing we're going to need is shift a go to an empty and I'm going to go ahead and pick the sphere and then I'm going to go I'm going to go and then I'm just going to hit G move them over here I'm going to hit s and scale it down and then hit Ctrl a and apply that scale that's really important because that's going to affect the material and the gradient we put on this so make sure you apply that scale now let's set up this whole system so here in this empty I'm going to click and drag from the outliner just throw it right here first thing we need is a mesh line throw that mesh line and give it a count of one and plug location into start location very important all these things definitely follow them to the letter for this to work properly we now need a geometry proximity node cell geometry proximity this is the Magic Man and definitely put it onto points because the points are what things are on so it's going to affect that scale if you do it on the faces it's not going to work so plug mesh into Target then now we can just plug distance into scale and we're going to notice this happening it's actually inverted it's it's doing the wrong thing it's scaling them down rather than scaling them up but this is now working so what we need to do is get a color amp and it's going to do two things so it's going to allow us to manage the scale of our objects but also invert it because there's no invert node in Geometry node so click this flip color ramp and now it's behaving the way we want it to behave now this is a very non-precise way to go about it but we're going to be using black and white values to manage the scale of our object so if you take this one on the black color and bring it up and get your objects to whatever scale you want kind of the ones that won't change bring it to whatever scale you like and then you can go to the white section and bring these down and then what I'm going to do is crunch this in crunch this in so it's a much more dramatic kind of gradient from the scale and then you can kind of depict like this whole experience for yourself so I'm actually going to bring this over and then bring this something like here crunch them up like that and so now if I hit this guy and then hit G and move it around this is going to work out really nicely and you can kind of bring it down like this and really see the power of it and then I'm going to bring it down like this and bring them over and I think this is what this is what we want to go with I like it and then maybe bring this a little bit bigger all right cool now notice you can see the vertices here so we can just go ahead and throw a set shade smooth set shade smooth right here now everything's going to be shade smooth now let's go ahead and control um our gradient here so let's go ahead to the shading so first what we're going to do is set up a little bit of a few things here in Geometry notes let's click on the shading click new and I'm just going to call this grad for gradient and then we're going to get a set material node and put the gradient node on that now it'll start to work so we can head over here to the shading tab I'm going to close these two tabs here we're not going to need them and let's start making this work so what I'm going to do so I'll bring this up here and I'm going to get a mix Shader and then I'm gonna hit shift d and we're going to get two of these guys and this one just throw a color on there so we can see how it's going to work so now let's go ahead and enable this guy to control the color here so we're going to get it color ramp and we're going to plug this right here and then I'm going to go ahead and get a gradient node gradient texture plug that into actually turn it into spherical and plug that here so now you can kind of see it apply to everything so what we need to do is hit Ctrl t with that node Wrangler add-on enabled or just get a mapping node and a texture coordinate and we're going to go ahead and turn it into object and the object we're going to select is the empty and now you can see it's starting to work so what I'm going to do is crunch this in and also crunch this in and now when we move it around that spherical gradient is going to follow what we're doing and that is what we want so now we can go ahead and start to make this material actually look really cool so I'm going to bring the roughness down on this one and then I'm just going to bring this down here so we can just focus on it and what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and get the color ramp and this part is completely up to your creativity what colors you actually want to use in the color ramp and I'm going to go ahead and bring my roughness down so it's nice and shiny and weird definitely adds to the weirdness but again you can do whatever you want I'm going to get an ambient occlusion node and this I believe only works in Cycles so I'm going to hop on into Cycles to get this to work so that's all you have to do is just turn on go here to the Cycles View and then turn on your hdris here to preview some stuff so now that we're here we're going to go ahead I'm going to plug color into the color amp and then you can bring this in you can see the ambient occlusion working so in this one I'm going to go with kind of a deep purple and a bit of an orange something like this and then bring it in like that so it's nice and Powerful cool this is weird and awesome and then the way I want it to look let's head back to Geometry nodes just to add the kind of wires to really make this look look like a you know a real structure so we're going to need to get a join geometry node plug that there and just bring it down and let's go ahead and get in a mesh to curve mesh to curve node and then go ahead and plug I'm going to just bring it down the original Cube straight into mesh and plug that into the join geometry and you're going to see now that structure start to form but if we go to the render view it's not it's not going to still not going to be there because it's still a curve so what we're going to need to do is get a curved a mesh curve to mesh and then to add geometry we need a circle curve and then plug that right into profile curve and then bring your radius to like 0.002 now we have our box our whole system now you're definitely going to want to know how to animate this so you know there's many ways you can actually animate how your mouse behaves and I don't I have never actually looked up how to do that and that might be fun to add some just kind of goofy weirdness to it but the easiest thing to do is just to go ahead and get like a circle curve and then go to this empty go over here to your constraints right over here follow path and then select the path and then go ahead and like kind of fix it it's going to be weird here so then you can kind of bring it around the circle and it's going to be strange um or you can even just get like a regular path so curve normal path thank you and then you can hit s to kind of scale it and I'm going to bring it over here and then again nurbs path and then just bring it here to the edge and you can do that and what's great about this is you can click on these pads click this one right here and then hit e e and extrude it right and then hit e e e right over here and just kind of create a whole path here and then I'm going to go ahead and select both of these by hitting shift and hit F and that's going to fill it out and then you can go ahead and animate it around and what's awesome is again with this path you can select random faces and then move it around and that's going to be pretty jarring right there um so maybe I would leave it there but you can go around and say select this one and then select this one right click subdivides and now you have a new one right here bring it down and so now when you click on the empty again he's going to go up and down like that so that's how you can animate it and then you would just keyframe it so you go here maybe 120 frames hit your back arrow I'm gonna go back to zero and then hit keyframe go to the end type in 100 keyframe and then now it's traveling around your scene so what I'm going to do now let's go ahead and actually uh light this scene and make it look cool so what I'm going to do is hit shift a I'm going to get a cube I'm gonna hit the tilt and hit the tilde key which is right above the Tab Key and then bring it down to the bottom here and then I'm just gonna scale let them go to the top here make it look really nice cool now I'm going to go to the render View and we're going to get a light this is just going to be a very simple one point light setup so scale it up and then give your scale like 500 cool that looks nice this guy down here I'm going to add a new material and right here is just like really up to your creativity now I'm gonna set up my camera so I'm gonna kind of position my viewport to be right about here camera control alt zero snap it to view then I'm hit G to move it and then what I like to do is go from perspective to orthographic and then you can bring in your orthographic scale and then for the floor we're going to get another plane I'm going to bring it down out of view and then just scale by hitting s and then now we have this nice kind of simple gradient background for this whole scene and this is going to be super easy on your computer so you can honestly render it like 120 frames I mean sorry 120 samples I'll click render and there we have it really clean it was a three second render and because it's all smooth all simple all nice it looks great it looks good and this is it this is the animation it's weird it's cool but there's a lot of ways that you can apply this to other animations so that is really the whole point of the uh the tutorial let me show you how to render this out and we'll be on our way so I'm going to go ahead and create a new folder and we'll call this weird goop double select accept keep it as a PNG and then render render animation and when you're done you're gonna have something really cool like mine so um that's it thank you guys for watching again if you want to check out real-time materials that's really going to help support my channel and support the blender Development Fund you can see that in the description and I'll see you in the next tutorial
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 27,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender geometry nodes, blender, blender tutorial, blender 3.0, tutorial, blender guru, blender 3d, blender beginner tutorial, andrew price, b3d, geo nodes, procedural, eevee, geonodes, blender 2.8, nodes, 3d, learn blender, blender beginner, cgi, 3d modeling, geometry, blender 3.3, blender 3.1, blender animation tutorial, geo nodes blender, blender 3.5 new features, add-on, blender foundation, full course, blender vfx, shading tutorial, cg geek, blender modeling, asset browser
Id: JulKso_btZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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