After Effects Tutorial - Animate Instagram Stories

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Instagram stories is one of the best way to increase your visibility on social media today you can get really creative and post different kinds of content on Instagram stories allow you to enhance your content with colors stickers text and filters from photos to short video clips and boomerangs so today I'm going to show you guys how to design an animate stylish Instagram story to amplify a reach even more so let's create some cool Instagram stories into After Effects without using any third party plugins it's gonna be hard person After Effects I'm Nikhil from the motions and without any further ado let's get started alright so yo we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition for the width I'm gonna keep it 1080 by high to 1920 let's call this story ten seconds should be good and 30fps should be good enough hit okay so let's start by creating a new solid hit ctrl Y on the keyboard to create a new solid this is going to be our background so I'm gonna rename this to BG hit OK and add a fill to this for the fill I'll go with a nice light purple color you can of course choose any color that you like maybe I'll make it a bit more just like so then let's create a new composition which is going to be our media placeholder where we can drag any footage or image that you want so I'm gonna call this media underscore oh one hit ok and for the first image I'll use maybe this one scale this down a bit by hitting s and bringing down the scale properties just like so let's go back into the main comp and drag the media composition on the top of the background layer so we have something like that now let's go ahead and select the rectangle tool and draw a rectangle just like so we don't need any stroke for this so let's say this to 0 for the fill I'm gonna keep it white go into rectangle one rectangle path 1 let's increase the size to around 2,000 pixels and for the rectangle around nests I'm gonna set this to 250 so we have rounded corners for our rectangle just like that let's hit R to bring down the rotation properties and let's rotate this a bit maybe somewhere around 35 degrees should look good and place it somewhere around there so now we have something like that now let's use this shape as a track mat to mask our image so you can either hit f4 to switch into a track mat option and set this to alpha match so now we have something like this and now I can animate the track mat or the shape that we have so let's go to two seconds select the shape layer hit P to bring down the position properties and create a keyframe go to 0 and drag this up holding shift then I can select the keyframes and hit f9 to easy ease the keyframes go into the graph editor and if your graph editor doesn't look like this then make sure to right click and you're working in the Edit speed graph and not in the Edit value graph then I'll select this point and drag the handle to the left holding shift like so so we have a really nice animation as you can see same for the image I'll select the image go to 2 second maybe let's go to 1 second and 15 frame hit s to bring down the scale property and create a keyframe on the scale property go to 0 and scale this up to around 300 300 percent so now we have something like that let's select the keyframes hit f9 and the same exact thing I'm gonna select the point and holding shift drag the handle to the left so now we have this interesting animation as you can see looks pretty good let's transform on this and I'll give it a little bit of scaling animation as well so let's go at the very beginning create a keyframe on the scale height go to 10 second and let's set this to 1 1 5 so we have a subtle scale animation throughout the comp ok so this is looking pretty good maybe I'll move the shape a bit up like so then let's select this hit ctrl D to duplicate it and then I can pull this pillow just like that rotate it into a different position and then holding shift I will drag this to the bottom like so maybe I'll pull this shape layer a bit more up okay that is looking good for the rotation of this I'll just rotate it a bit so hit R and then I can just read this a bit hate you so we can see the keyframes select them and I'll pull this a bit just like so just to get the desired look so now we have something like that and that is not what I'm going for so let's select the media one and the main track mat that it has and I will displace this a bit just like that so we have a little bit of displacement with Danny machine and as you can see this looks much better and for the color I'll go with a different one so let's go with a nice red color maybe okay so this is looking much better as you can see for this one although for the background I'll go with maybe a darker purple head okay so now we have this really nice animation also on this one I'll add a drop shadow just to add a bit more depth increase the distance rotate it and increase the softness really high so we have some nice depth alright so far so good now let's go ahead and start adding up some text so let's select the text tool and I'll create a new composition for the height I'll go with maybe something like 100 pixels call this text call this text bottom and I'll type in the text see more you can also type in swipe up if you want to I'll keep it white make this really small and just align it into the center just like that let go back into the main story composition and drag the text bottom just like so put this right over here and let's animate this so I'll go to two seconds select the text hit P to bring down the position properties create a keyframe go to around somewhere right there and let's drag this down then silk keyframes and hit f9 go into the graph editor and just drag the handle the same animation so now you have something like that alright so now let's add some text on the top so to do that I can go into the text bottom or select the text bottom comp and hit control D to duplicate it so now we have text bottom two and let's rename this to text top you can of course you name it to anything that you want I'm really bad at rename things I don't call this our website so let's call this w w dot flashing all right now let's add a different animation to this text so what I can do is let's go into the text properties and in the animates action section I'll add a opacity let's bring down the opacity to zero go into the range selector one go into advanced oh maybe I can just anyway the start and that should work yep but into the Advanced section I can just turn on the randomize Auto so let's turn that on go to two seconds create a keyframe on the start property go to zero and let's set this to zero so now we have something like that which looks very interesting let's select it and hit f9 diesease the keyframes that there we have our nice text animation let's drag and drop it and place it in the position that we want some scale is down a bit so as you can see this is looking pretty nice now let's add our main text so I can just select the top text or text top actually let's create a new hump to do that and increase the height to 500 pixels let's call this title and then you can add whatever your story title is I'm gonna type in fashion just make this around 200 pixels and align it and now what I can do is to add a really cool animation again I can add a position and let's add a property of opacity bring down the opacity to zero and for the position as said is to minus 400 and then let's go into the range selector or maybe what I can do is select the animated one and add a selector expression expression selective one and now I have a pretty simple script right over here which I'll provide in the free project file which you can download from the description and all you need to do is just copy this expression ctrl C to copy it hold alt and click on the stopwatch of the amount just like that and hit control V to paste the expression so now we have our really interesting text animation without using even a single keyframe so that was a really quick tip here let's select the text hit ctrl D to duplicate it put this below and I'll rename is too weak so we have our fashion week text and for this one I can use a different color maybe just to make it look much better and then go into the back go back into the main story comp and drag the title just like so let's put it right here and then add a drop shadow to this increase the distance and give it a nice softness so there we go we have a nice text animation maybe I'll displace this a bit or move this forward in time a bit I don't know why I keep on saying this place there we have it looking pretty good now let's say I want to add more photos in one story so to do that we need to create more placeholders but before we do that let's actually really quickly create a new adjustment layer and do a basic color correction so I'm gonna add a curves adjustment to this this punch of the contrast little bit alright so as you can see before and after looks much better and now what I need to do is select the media one and the shape layer one layer hit ctrl shift C to pre compose it and let's actually call this just click impose here okay let's go into the pre compose and then select both the layers and hit ctrl D to duplicate it I'll displace this by maybe let's say 2 second and 15 frames let's put this here and now I'll duplicate the media 1 composition into the project panel so hit control D so now we have media 2 and then select the media one right here and media 2 right here whole fault and just drag and drop it to replace it then I can go into the media 2 and replace it with my second image it can be anything that you want or you can also use a video if you want to that would look super cool and let's scale this down just so that it fits there we go now let's go back into the pre comp and now what I can do is nothing there we have our second animation so this way you can add more and more images by creating more placeholder so let's do one more time again so it ctrl D displays this a bit forward in time then duplicate the media comp right here ctrl D to duplicate it go into that and replace it with any image that you want I have our image right here I'm going to just drag and drop it scale this down and then go back into the pre comp replace it with the media 3 that we created and there we go pretty simple so let's see our animation so as you can see it's looking very nice very crisp the last thing I would like to add is the arrows that you see in the swipe up function so it's pretty simple and easy to create let's create a new composition again for the height I'll go with 500 for the width I'll go with maybe 100 pixels should look good call this arrows hit OK so 500 is a bit too much but let's select the rectangle tool we don't need any fill for this I'm going to set the fill to none and let's set the stroke width to around 8 pixels create a square by holding shift just like that let's align this into the center and then let's add a trim part on this trim path on this and let's move the end property so that we get a nice shape just like that and then go into the stroke and change the line cat to buttcap to change the line cap to rounded cap from buttcap and then hit R to rotate the shape just like that the Anchor Point should be into the center now I can rotate it more much more easily okay so now let's animate this hit ctrl D to duplicate it for this below create a new null object and parent this both the layers to the null object so we can easily animate them so I'll add a parent option and parent dem to the null so we can animate the null hit P to bring down the position properties now let's actually go to two seconds and create a keyframe on to the position go back in time let's bring this down nothing is working because it's not yet connected I don't know why so let's select them again and connect it to the null all right so now let's pull this down just like so select the keyframes actually what I can do is go to for second and copy this key frame so it ctrl-c ctrl-v then select both dis keyframes hit control-c go to 6 second and control-v to paste it up and yeah so we have a pretty simple animation as you can see I'll go to 10 seconds and then I can copy this one hit controls control we okay so we have something like that let's select all the keyframes and hit f9 go into the graph editor and again I'm going to select actually all the keyframes and try to create a peak into the center so I'll just drag them holding shift then select again all of them drag them holding shift so now we should have a pretty interesting animation as you can see pretty cool now let's go back into the main stories and drag the arrow there we go make this a bit smaller it's a bit too much and let's place it into the position that we want let's see the animation and yeah now it's working the way I wanted it to so there we have a nice story design animation so yeah that is all for today guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you want me to create more of story design animations in After Effects then do let me know in the comment section below and I will see you guys in the next video till then take care thank you so much for watching and don't forget to stay raw steak [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 425,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Instagram Stories, Animate Instagram Stories, create instagram stories, design instagram stories, After Effects Tutorial - Animate Instagram Stories, After Effects Tutorial, dope motions, Great Instagram Stories, motion graphics after effects, how to use after effects, after effects slide animation
Id: uFK-xOKicNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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