Animate CC Five Text Animation Skills you need to know

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hello everyone today I'm going to show you the five basic text animation skills using anime CC also I will cover the difference between the classic tween and motion tween so if you're not sure you how to do it before I hope this video may help you so let's get started okay so on the first let's create a new document so open the animate CC and then on the web category just to choose the low profile 640 by 480 and framerate 24 FPR and also on platform type html5 canvas okay so I do not change anything so create okay so first so we have their white blank document and I'm going to show you text animation the first one the moving so I'm going to show you the difference between classic tween and then motion tween so let me type something there really simple just capital letter a have Erica bold and type size a little bit bigger 96 is okay that's the max also many we can enter you have any number we want to use okay so first when you're doing this text animation I recommend you to break apart modify and break apart if we have word I mean multiple letters break apart twice because by choosing this break apart option your animation will be getting more smoother and also you can have some more options so I'm just normally I do so first let me do a classic twin it is under insert menu and create classic tween and then by default since our frame rate is 24 frames per second which is select a 24 frames segment automatically and then your playhead is on one second mark on the frame number 24 and there's two insert to create insert keyframe if you're working on the lower version of this animate CC you can go to insert I'm in the timeline and keyframe ego wants fine okay and then we can move it on frame number 24 see let me hit the return key so this works you can insert the aur any key frame in between anywhere so place your playhead on frame number 12 or 13 and somewhere in the middle insert the key frame see the black dot meaning there's another keyframe and then I can move it to somewhere else so this help this happens so this is a classic tween okay then now let me make an another new layer on top I'm going to explain about motion tween you can see the difference between okay so I will type another one maybe this time B break apart again okay and then my first keyframe is highlighted selected and insert this time motion tween not classic tween motion tween okay and let me place my playhead on one second mark and insert a keyframe okay on frame number 24 I'm gonna move my letter B to somewhere here okay so it's almost the same resort but you see that in motion tween when they move the location of my letter beyond friend number 24 you can see the path meaning by moving the placing your mouse cursor on the path you can see that little arc upside down Oracle next to your mouse cursor you can't change it a path like that on curve C so classic tween you can move your around but on the straight path but a motion tween you can move your object or your text around on the path curved path like this okay so it's about the moving okay now the second the scaling rescaling I'm gonna do the same way let me type again capital letter A in the middle somewhere I'm going to break apart okay I can use either motion tween or classic tween either ones fine but since I'm not going to move this and letter A on the curve so I'm gonna use this just classic twin so I'm highlight frame number one my first key frame and insert create classic tween and on the frame number twenty-four one one second mark insert the key frame so we have two key frames departure and the destination on frame number one okay select your letter A on your stage so click on that two different ways first I'm gonna use my free transform tool select it and hold down the shift I can make it bigger so I change the size of my letter A on frame number one friend number 24 is that still same size so this is what happens okay so we can do this another way yes let me go back command Z on the frame number one I select my letter A and then in your another kind of you would be another to box there's a transform if you do not see this it is under the windows menu and you can see that transform this one and then transform let me check the link to constrain and I'm gonna make it bigger bigger and bigger or let me enter the number five hundred percent same result I use this a lot when they work on their multiple letters okay so this is about the scaling now next one is a fading fading in or fading out either one okay for the fading I want to have their kind of fading in effect so I'm starting from the nothing and getting smaller and the letter A is gonna be the hundred-percent kind of alpha value so I can see they're not a clearly so in order to do that select first keyframe now click on your letter A on your stage in your properties panel on your object you can see their color effects choose the Alpha use this light bar starting from the hundred-percent nine is zero percent of our value and ending a hundred percent have our value you can see that so it's a fading in if you want to add more for example on two second mark I can insert another keyframe and then I want to make it fading out so I'm planning is fading in once it's set to 100% I want to make it disappeared on frame number 48 so select the letter A on your stage on two second mark and alpha value down to zero fading in and out fading in and out in and out also on frame number 48 on two second mark still you can make some changes you can make it bigger so what's this fading in smaller and getting bigger and fading out okay now rotation on one second mark here I want to rotate it so there are several different ways my first choice is you can open your transform panel again let me rotate for example 90 degree 90 and see what happens fading is getting smaller and rotating and back okay so we did moving rescaling and fading and rotating now let's do a masking okay for the masking what I'm gonna do is I'm going to import one photo images for my background so let me import any image is fine I'm going to import image larger than my stage size so import to stage and then I'm gonna import cool background image I downloaded from the web so which is this okay maybe somewhere here okay so first the thing is I'm going to animate this background kind of painting so moving from here to the left side slowly just for one second so I'm I'm going to insert create classic tween because I'm just going to move it straight line and on frame number of 24 one second mark insert the keyframe and let me move to the left so it's gonna be like this okay okay now let me create the end another new layer on top I'm gonna type the letter a color doesn't matter let me break apart I'm going to make it huge a and center okay so currently what happened is this thing is happening what I'm gonna do is I'm going to apply the about the masking effect on my letter A so that means this animating background will be playing will be viewed only inside of this letter a it's like a clipping so select your letter a your text layer hold down the control key click on this layer two icon choose the mask and play it that's it okay so we cover the end really simple other five different skills for the a text animation and if you have any questions or any comments or anything you need to know more just let me know and also next time I'm going to explain about the S shaped winning okay thanks for watching and have a good day and be safe and stay healthy bye
Channel: Jong-Yoon Kim
Views: 33,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animate CC, Text Animation, Motion Tween, Classic Tween, Scaling, Fading, Masking, Rotating
Id: Qc4f6_D-1VQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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