Adobe Animate 2021: The Absolute Basics [#1] | Beginners Tutorial

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[Music] welcome to intro to adobe animate 2021 let's pick up our pens and get to animating [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to tipta and welcome to intro to adobe animate 2021 this series will break down step by step how to make an animation in adobe animate at the end of this series you'll have your own animation complete and be equipped to handle all the basic aspects tools and features of adobe animate i recommend you have a drawing tablet to follow along with this series and i've recommended a few good beginner options in the description without any further ado let's get right to it part 1 the absolute basics so what even is adobe animate well it started its life back in the day as macromedia flash before it was bought by adobe and eventually rebranded to adobe animate it's used for making animations interactive web content using actionscript before and html5 now and flash games in this series we'll go over the animation side of adobe animate because frankly i'm an animator not a game or web developer if you want to follow along specifically and replicate the animation i made for this tutorial you can download some sample files from my website to get you started but these techniques can be applied to your own similar animations and i encourage you to make something of your own because trust me you'll love it much much more okay let's get on to using the interface and the absolute basics okay so here we are inside of adobe animate and i've got our sample project open here as you can see or hopefully you will be able to see soon it's not actually that complicated there's only a fleet a few layers a few tweens and a few frame by frame bits of animation in here so what i'm going to do today is take you through the interface and we're going to start our animation by drawing the bouncing ball body of our character here and then in the next episodes i'll take you through piece by piece um the techniques i use to create this i'll show you a technique in an isolated simple environment and then i'll show you how i applied that technique to this particular animation hopefully that way you'll be able to learn how to do your own animations as well as recreate this one if that's what you want to do okay so i'm just going to close this project down and yes i'll obviously save the changes to it and when you first open up anime you'll be confronted with this kind of window here okay now for animation you just want to click create new that's going to open up a window with all the document settings that you need might take a second by default it's on character animation which is what you want to leave it on you can see you have all these different tabs based on the things you want to make i'm going to make mine a square so it's going to be 1080 by 1080 i'm going to leave the frame rate at 24 frames per second because that's kind of the default for animation platform type is going to be action script 3 because we're not making a html5 canvas and actionscript 3 allows you to have all of the filters and settings you might need for animation so let's click create and it will open up a new document for us okay so here we have our interface uh this large white section in the middle is our stage this is where all the action in our animation is going to take place if you want to change any of the settings you can just right click choose document and that will change any of the settings you made when you first started just in case you did it wrong including the background stage color if you find white too distracting holding space will allow you to pan by clicking all the way around your stage you have some other controls up here as well which allow you to zoom fit to window show frame which fits the window but then allows you to pan around okay you also have the center stage button the rotation tool allowing you to rotate your canvas and your clip content so turning this on or off will hide any content outside of your frame okay [Music] on the left here you have your toolbar with simple things like selection and free transform tools so the selection tool will move anything that you draw for example if i draw an oval i can select the oval and move it around the free transform tool will allow me to scale and squish that oval to my heart's content the lasso tool will allow me to select portions of it in order to delete them or whatever and the puppet pin tool the asset warp tool sorry we'll go into a little bit later maybe but essentially what it does is allow you to select an item place pins in that item and then walk that item uh using those pins okay so if i were to place a few of these i can then squash and stretch that item to my heart's content a little bit complicated that one but we might go into it later then you have your various types of brushes you have your fluid brush tool which is the new updated brush with lots of property settings over here we'll get to that in a minute you have your basic blush brush tool which is kind of the classic brush within adobe animate um so you can see there's not much difference on their basic level apart from some nice neat tapering effects and things like that pencil tool does the same thing apart from your drawers with an actual line and then you have your various shape tools squares circles polygons etc then you have your line tool which draws straight lines just skipping through these because they're kind of obvious right text tool will allow you to type the eraser tool will allow you to erase believe it or not the paint bucket tool will allow you to fill an area so if you press the paint bucket tool there you can fill in an area completely the eyedropper tool will allow you to pick a specific color from your stage and that will turn your brush to that color then you have the camera tool the rotation tool and the zoom tool which we'll get on to a lot more detail later on just going to select all that and delete it if you don't see any of these tools you can click the three dots down here and that's going to open up your extra tool options and you can click and drag those tools onto your toolbar like so okay so over here in the properties panel it will show whatever properties you have for the particular tool that you've got selected for example you can paint normal or paint behind the lines you've already drawn with the brush paint any sections you have selected but don't paint anything else all that sort of thing uh you can change size minimum size smoothing of your brush etc okay all these things we're going to get into in detail obviously as we use them i'm not going to bore you by sitting here and explaining all of these details now but suffice to say that obviously depending on the tool you select it's going to bring up different options for you it's important to note however that there are several tabs okay so if i draw something on the stage using my mouse and i select it i can go to the object tab which controls things that are on the stage this is interesting i have a uh with my brush tool i've obviously had object mode turned on there which means that when i draw something it turns into like an unmanipulatable object and if you have that turned off when you draw it will turn it into a editable selectable brush selection but we'll get in we'll get into that um for example so if i draw something on the stage my object menu comes up i can also select the frame menu which is to do the timeline which we'll get to in a second or i can select the document properties so this is basically where you'll spend most of your time when you want to manipulate stuff inside adobe animate okay as well as the properties panel you have your library panel okay and your library is where everything all assets related to your animation are stored for example if i go to my windows explorer here i have this sketch that i've created in the previous episode which if you haven't watched was just about um creating up ideas and coming up with ideas if i drag and drop that into my library you'll notice that it appears inside the library i can then drag and drop that from the library onto my stage as many times as i want and any changes i make to this item in here will i update and reflect whenever we place it on the stage so i'll just delete those so and we're going to use this as an example to explore the timeline for example if i drag this onto my stage here and go back to my properties panel you'll notice that i can i'm using my align window align this to the center of the stage pressing q to bring up my free transform tool i can drag and stretch it until it fills my canvas and it'll snap to the edges of my canvas there you'll also notice that when i dragged it into my stage my timeline changed a little bit and i'll just do it again to show you if you watch this dot down here go from an empty gray to a filled in gray with a black dot now those are the two frames styles that you're going to see most often empty gray means nothing is in that frame dark gray with a dot or dark gray means there's something in that frame now this down here is the timeline and this timeline basically shows your animation okay you'll notice all of these different colored gray boxes here but essentially you can add in several layers so you can work on different layers in your animation so for example i could rename this one sketch okay and on the top of this i could rename this one ruff and on top of this i could rename this one clean okay and now i have a layer for drawing all of my rough drawings and i have a layer for drawing all of my clean drawings now the way you work in adobe animate is there are two types of frame there is a frame and there is a keyframe now a keyframe is any time your drawing changes no matter how you manipulate it you will need a keyframe to tell it what the new drawing would look like okay and a keyframe has this black dot in it if i press f5 if i just select a bunch of frames press f5 that's going to insert new frames you can also right click and choose insert frame you'll notice these frames do not have dots in it and what this means is as we go through our timeline the shortcut which is just pressing enter to play you'll notice that there is no animation going on at all okay if i just choose a frame at random and i press f6 or right click and insert keyframe okay i can move or animate or redraw something and as soon as our animation hits that point in the timeline it's going to animate that those are the two types of frames that you use in adobe animate to animate okay so i'm going to clear that keyframe which gets rid of it there and what i'm going to do is just on my rough layer i'm going to draw or animate what i think this bouncing body is going to look like and we're going to start off really simple by just doing a circle okay so i'll explain a little bit more about this in the next episode but if you select your background image here and go to your library you can press f8 with the image selected and that will turn it into a symbol and i'm just going to call this sketch now don't worry episode 2 deals with symbols in complete detail what this allows to do under our properties panel is change the color effects on this symbol to alpha and that allows us to drop the opacity of it so it's not quite so distracting when we're drawing on top of it i'm going to lock the background layer by clicking lock here and on our roughs layer on the first frame i'm going to get out my pen tablet here and i'm going to press b to bring up my brush tool and i'm just going to start drawing okay so i want to make sure that my brush is the right size so at the moment it's a little bit thick so i'm going to go over to my properties panel here and i'm just going to change the size down to about 10. and you'll notice that it changes the minimum size and that basically means if you've got pressure sensitivity what's the thinnest line it's allowed to make okay so control z will undo which is going to be really useful for you and you can zoom in like i said and pan around as well so i'm just going to draw a rough circle that's been squashed on the ground like so okay now we are going to draw this body as if it was just a circle bouncing up and down so i'm going to move over a couple of frames and the shortcut for this is um comma and full stop so full stop moves you forward comma moves you back okay there's a technique called animating on twos which means that you animate every other frame so 1 3 5 7 etcetera again we'll get more into that in the frame by frame details but i just wanted you to draw something in your first episode i'm going to press f7 rather than f6 for insert new blank keyframe which inserts a keyframe um but doesn't put any content on it okay now i'm going to draw my circle in a slightly different shape but you might notice it's kind of hard to see what the previous thing looked like so i can go down to my timeline options here and i can turn on onion skinning which shows the previous frame okay now i'm going to go and draw this ball at its highest point maybe something like this okay i like that but it's not quite center so i'm just going to move it with the directional pad and now we have two frames of our ball animating okay so i've drawn it at its lowest point which i think i'm just going to use the free transform tool here to just squish and stretch it out a little bit because as it's hit the floor it's probably going to get in shape yeah now i've got these two keys i'm going to go into the middle and i'm going to press f5 twice to move that other keyframe along then i'm going to press f7 to insert a blank keyframe in the middle and you'll notice now i have a red shape and a green shape the red shape shows the previous frame and the green shape shows the next frame in the middle of that i'm just going to draw the ball in the exact middle okay and i've squashed and stretched it a little bit because as uh sorry my phone there because as um it's falling out of the sky it's gonna stretch and deform itself okay and that's going to happen right in the middle of our animation here so now we have three frames and we can see we can move between them okay but this moves quite fast okay and what we want this to do is to ease a little bit more so i'm going to add in some more frames with f5 i'm going to press f7 on this side and i'm going to do the same thing over here to give us two blank frames between our other frames and i'm going to do something called easing so um what that's going to do is draw this frame here more towards the red shape than the green shape so this point is hit the floor but it hasn't like started squishing yet okay um i just realized i'm doing this backwards so let's uh this is it rising up instead that's fine so now it's starting to come out and here it's going to start to slow down as it reaches the top of its arc okay so now let's take a look at that i'm just going to select these frames here and just click remove okay so now we have our ball moving up but that looks a bit silly so let's select all of these keyframes right click choose reverse frames okay if we then remove the extra we've now got our ball falling rather than flying upwards as our ball falls out of the air it hits the floor it squishes let's add in another keyframe it can settle a bit and these are just my roughs so i'm not worried too much so i can just you know press e for eraser and clean it up a little bit now we've got our ball falling and squishing so let's add in one more where it starts to rock it back up into the sky like so and let's add another where it's starting to resettle and to make sure there'll be a perfect loop we can grab this first frame holding alt i can click and drag it over here and i'll just add in an extra frame here um which means that in this frame here now we've got the first frame again at the end of our animation so if i add in some more frames with f5 hit f7 to give us a blank keyframe i can start to do the final bit of easing like so let's go back to showing the entire animation and there we have our bouncing ball okay um so i want to see this in action over and over again to see if i like what it's doing so i'm going to come down here to my looping options and just turn that on that's going to give us this little blue bar which if i drag out will allow me to loop the entire animation it looks pretty good but obviously it's hanging in the air for too long because we added that last duplicate frame so i'm just going to remove those and now we have our perfect bouncing ball animation so there you have it there's a quick very brief intro to adobe animate's interface next time we're going to go into proper frame by frame animation i'll explain what i did here in detail and we'll apply it to our character we'll give him a head and some arms and stuff like that okay so thank you very much for watching i hope you've enjoyed this do make sure you've turned on the notification bell so you can stick around for next episode and get notified for when it is uploaded thank you very much for watching everybody and i'll see you next time on i'd like to say a massive thank you to my level 2 and above members unknown ghosts wn 62 anonymous mel m hoover maybe sharma ralik m month 336 ian costello de chan singe and davinci goel also congratulations to unknown ghosts wn62 and anonymous for being members for three months you lovely people if you'd like to get exclusive perks such as shout outs at the end of videos personal design feedback discounts on merchandise and access to the discord then consider clicking that join button below [Music] remember to subscribe for more tips tricks and tutorials thanks for watching
Channel: TipTut
Views: 722,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe animate, adobe animate tutorial, adobe animate tutorial 2021, how to animate, how to animate in adobe flash, adobe flash, adobe flash tutorial, flash tutorial, flash, animation, animation tutorial, frame by frame animation, tweening animation, easy animation, how to get started animating, adobe animate basics, the absolute basics, for complete beginners, for beginners, beginners guioe, beginners guide
Id: E-doxha22QI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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