How to Animate a Bouncing Ball in Adobe Animate CC 2021. Beginner tutorial

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[Music] hey guys welcome back in this video i'm going to show you how to do the bouncing ball here in adobe animate and we're going to do it frame by frame hand drawn frame by frame what i mean by hand drawn is we're gonna draw a sketch layer let me go ahead and pause this pause and i'm gonna hide this ball and i'm gonna show you the sketch layer so that you can see the sketch layer and it's very very faint but if i select it i can crank up the alpha so you can see it and so if i hit play now you'll see this hand drawn little ball frame by frame and then we did a copy and paste frame by frame ball right on top and we use this as a template we're going to touch on a lot of things some drawing tools the timeline keyframes empty keyframes and even the properties box a little we are going to cover layers the visibility the lock and the arrangement we're going to do a background like the floor and the wall a guides layer here it is a sketch layer and then finally the ball layer so let's go ahead and get started i am going to uh go ahead and save this and start up a new one new and i'm going to do full hd 1920 by 1080 at 24 frames per second i'm gonna zoom out hold down the command with the scroll wheel you can zoom out or you could do command zero and let's go ahead and get started i have a layer i have one layer on my workspace is the basic workspace there it is this is untitled two you can see that i have the other one i haven't closed it it's still open and i can go back and forth from this project file to this one and so the first thing i'd like to do is let's go ahead and create that guides layer i am going to click on the line tool to create a line and i'm going to click on the um you'll see two little boxes one is the fill and one is the stroke and you can see the stroke here click on it it's in front of this other box and so i'm going to click on red red stroke and since i have the line selected in the properties window up here i can see that it's red i can see the stroke size is eight and i can type in any number i could uh test it i'll just leave it at eight or you can do the slider also just leave it at 8. the style is solid and the scale is normal so let's go ahead and put this at about a quarter way down click and drag and you can see that you're i'm dragging the mouse and then i'm going to hold the shift so that it draws horizontally to there that's my floor my floor and my wall and then i'm going to select the brush tool so that i can start drawing and since i have the brush tool selected here is the properties i'm going to click here and get a red and then i'm going to the size i'm going to leave it at 7. you can see that what happens there but i'm gonna just click here and click seven you can drag it zoom size to stage keep it on and then i can start drawing great i am going to use my tablet to draw because it's easier to draw with a pen so i'm using my tablet from here on just to draw this ball and so we're going to start the ball right about here remember this is the guides layer in fact we can rename it to guide and continue drawing all right so there's our ball the ball is going to come in and hit the floor right about here and then it's going to bounce and hit the floor right about here and it's going to bounce off stage right about there that's our guy that is the timing that we're going to get this is the guides that we're going to use to create our animation so i am going to create a new layer down here in the layers panel hit the little plus to create a new layer and this will be our sketch layer sketch layer if i click on my guides layer in the properties i'll have the guides layer here and if you scroll down the properties here's the sound what i'm looking for is this color effects open this window up and go to alpha and that will allow us to adjust the opacity and i'm gonna take it all the way down to where i just barely see it now go back to the sketch layer we can lock this one now go back to the sketch layer and we can start sketching we're going to do this in about two seconds at 24 frames per second that's about about 50 frames so in the guides layer i'm going to click frame 50 right click on my mouse insert a frame and what that does it's going to extend this one all the way to the end now i have my guides all the way through the entire animation all the way to frame 50. if i'm gonna do something here in the sketch in fact i'll sketch something out right now and i'm going to sketch the ball right here just a sketch you will see that once i go to frame 2 it disappears because this is empty these are empty frames there is nothing on these frames there isn't even a frame in this layer there are no frames while in the guides layer there's 50 frames and that guide appears on every single frame all the way up to 50. what i want to do is i'm going to select all of these frames click on frame 2 and then hold down the shift and click on frame 50 to select all these empty frames and right click on the timeline convert to blank keyframes we're going to convert all these empty frames to blank keyframes and what that does guys it puts a keyframe but it's blank nothing is in there and so that helps us so that when we go to this one there's always already a blank keyframe and we can start drawing here frame one has this ball and frame two has nothing now since we have our guide we can time this out how long does it take for this ball to hit the ground bounce back up and then hit the ground again bounce back up again about two seconds but let's say so that we can divide it up let's say 40 frames let's say this takes 10 this takes about 20 and this takes 10. all right so at frame 10 we can draw the ball here at the bottom and we're going to apply squash and stretch that means it hit the ground and kind of squashed and stretched into the down position at frame 20 it's going to go up here at the at the highest level right there at frame 30 it'll be here again all squashed and then at frame 40 it'll be here at the highest level so 40 30 20 10 1. so we just timed it up 10 frames 10 frames 10 frames 10 frames 10 20 30 40. and here they are so we can use the timeline and we can use the sketch layer to time things out i'd say it takes about three frames to hit the floor so we're gonna draw this and we're gonna time it out we could actually start here and we're to turn on onion skinning this is onion skinning right here what onion skinning is it shows you the before and the after frame and in this case if you look at here at the at the timeline it's going to show us two frames before and two frames after but since we don't have anything turned on i mean we don't have anything drawn out it's just showing us the frame we're on so let's go to frame 9 and we're going to draw frame nine which would be the ball coming in very very stretched at frame nine at frame eight the ball again kind of stretched at frame seven the ball is a little stretched not that much at frame six i think the ball regains its uh um shape frame five the ball is traveling down frame four frame three and then frame two here we go so if we if we run by it you can see that and then we can adjust these guys look uh frame two if i wanna do i'm gonna get the selection tool and then i'm going to move it over a little bit frame three i'm going to move it over a little bit because what i want to do is close up the distance here since it's moving slower the more frames the closer they are the slower the movement so frame four i'm gonna move it over frame five a little bit frame six start to normalize it seven and then eight nine and ten are fine uh we're gonna continue working on this guys and i'm gonna draw the frames it's the same process as here up to frame 20 from here in fact i'll do this one number 11. at 10 it's down here squashed at 11 i'm gonna draw it right here now it's squashed up again frame 12 here just less stretched frame 13 a little less stretched and so on and so forth hey guys i'm going to draw the entire thing i'm going to speed up the video because it's more of the same thing and i'll see you at the other end and that is it guys i'm going to turn off onion skinning right here and hit play um notice that it just played and stopped so i'm going to turn on the loop action this loop will loop the animation and if i hit play you'll see that it only loops right there because that's the the blue area i'm gonna grab the beginning part and stretch it out all the way to the beginning and hit play again it'll loop the entire animation and there it is you can see the ball is going and and stretching squash right there and then that's awesome and so at this point we can start animating this is only the sketch layer and the guides layer and we can go ahead and start animating now i'm going to hit stop let's create the background layer background we're going to draw a background but it's not going to be complicated it's just the floor and the wall so i am going to select my rectangle tool i am going to click on the stroke and i'm going to select a a black stroke click on the fill and i'm going to select kind of a beige color uh i'm okay with that one and then i'm going to draw it right there that's my ground or my floor and then i'm going to get um i'm going to change the color here to a light blue maybe that one i'm going to draw the wall right there here we go boom there's my background now notice that my background it filled up the entire timeline my background so that's awesome but now i can't see my sketch layer so i need to drag my sketch layer up in front of the background and what i'm going to do is i'm going to tone down lower the opacity on my sketch layer so right here in the properties select my sketch layer and then go to color effects here color effects none and go to alpha and it's already at 11 i'm going to crank it up a little bit maybe to 30 so that i can see it and there's my sketch layer guys see that that's my sketch layer it's not too prominent i lowered the opacity there it is now we can start actually doing the actual ball so let's go ahead and create a new layer and this new layer will be the ball there it is there's nothing in this ball layer so what we're going to do is fill it with blank keyframes click on that one and shift click on the this one on number 50 the end so you can select all of it let's right click and hold and then convert to blank keyframes that way it inserts a blank keyframe on every single one of these frames there's nothing in there yet so let's go to the late first layer number one and let's create that ball on the tools here if you see that little triangle that little arrow right there at the corner of this tool if you click and hold it will reveal more options and we're gonna select the oval tool and create an oval let's go ahead and select our fill color which is red and our stroke color is still black and the stroke is still at eight okay so we're gonna select black and i'm gonna draw uh an an oval but i'm gonna undo that i'm going to start here and hold down the shift so that it's perfectly proportional there it is i am going to draw a little tiny highlight right there still with the oval i'm gonna take away the um stroke by selecting this little box with a slash on it that means zero i don't want a stroke and then on the red i'm gonna select white i'm going to draw a tiny little highlight right there boop right there and that's it there's our ball and so that's the start position i'm going to break the ball just a little bit smaller by holding the shift key so that i could see that the ball is about the size of the sketch move it right up to there and then we're done i'm gonna copy this the whole thing it's selected you can see that it's grayed out i'm gonna hit copy command c click off of it so now we can start uh animating frame two has nothing command uh paste and there it is i'm gonna move it right into place and so on and so forth place command v to paste uh move to frame four command v right there move to five you can also do command c right there and then command shift v will place it and paste it in place so you don't have to go all the way to here command v number seven command v and notice that it starts to stretch so what i'm going to do is i'm going to distort it just a little bit because it's starting to and then rotate it right there all you have to do is hold your mouse just outside of that corner and you can rotate it if you hold your mouse inside the box you can move it and i can stretch it there we go so frame 8 paste and and i'm going to stretch it in just by clicking on these handles move it and then rotate frame 10 v this one's all the way stretched to there i'm going to move it and then i'm going to rotate it and frame 10 is the squashed one right there i'm going to hit v anyways and i'm going to move it right in place and i'm going to stretch it squash it and stretch it there 11 v the same thing guys and rotate and i'm gonna continue in fact i'm gonna i'm gonna continue to about 20 and then i'll speed up the process this one command v stretch a little less and then rotate if you just hold your mouse right outside that corner you can rotate it click here in the inside there we go v just a little bit right there and then v command v to paste v oops i i pasted two in here so i'm going to command z to undo that advance one command v there it is v there advanced v there to advance a frame is the period key command v period command v and then i am going to go ahead and speed up the process i'll i'll paste them all in there and we'll see what the end result was so i think i put one well let's turn on onion skinning let's turn on onion skinning right here and then i'm gonna do that one and i'm even gonna do one last one right about there and so here we go oh here i'm gonna turn off the sketch layer and lock it and turn off the guides layer and this is what we have hit loop and hit play it's a little wobbly right here what i'd like to do is go in there and fix it i'm going to go to frame 19 and just start fixing these so that they're a little bit smoother i could just rearrange quickly how they are placed that one's fine that one's fine i'm going from 20 to 21. i think that one is okay this one might need a little bit this one definitely and there we go guys it's done um hey guys if you liked the video go ahead and hit the like button and subscribe and i will see you on the next one thank you guys
Channel: Learn 2 Animate
Views: 1,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Animate CC, animate beginner tutorial, adobe animate tutorial for beginners, Adobe Animate Interface, Adobe Animate CC workspace
Id: 1Npu01JEZGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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