Animals That Have SAVED Humans

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from protective apes and whales too crime-fighting deer here is 16 animals that have saved humans number 16 rescue rabbit in 2004 a man named Simon Stegall was watching TV when he appeared to Joseph asleep his wife Victoria didn't notice because she was in the kitchen but Simon was actually experiencing a diabetic reaction he couldn't move or make a sound but the couple's large pet rabbit Dory knew something was wrong and started to anxiously hop and fidget on Simon's chest Victoria saw the unusual behavior and understood something was wrong after she couldn't revive Simon Victoria called for paramedics and he soon recovered number 15 Tang in 1919 some 93 people were stranded aboard a ship called the Fe when it became stranded after crashing into the rocks off the shore of Newfoundland when a sailor tried throwing a rope to the people on shore he was lost to the sea the ship's captain gave the rope to a newfoundland dog named Tang who lived aboard the vessel with the rope in his mouth Tang jumped into the water and swam for the beach once he arrived the people there dragged the dog to land then securely fastened the rope then the rope was used to bring the remaining ninety two people from the sinking Fe for his bravery Tang was later awarded the medal from Lloyds of London number 14 this super dear residents of Oxford Ohio once claimed to have their very own superhero but this one walked on four legs not two in 2012 a crime-fighting deer made news when a man dragged a woman behind a building he never got the chance to rub her because the super deer burst from some nearby bushes and scared off the assailant according to police the ultra ungulate even chased the man down the street the woman emerged with bruises but was otherwise unharmed according to locals the same deer allegedly protected children and elderly citizens from the clutches of evildoers but super deer apparently retired to the woods because we couldn't find any further mention of his good deeds number 13 Lulu to the rescue people were perplexed when they saw a pot-bellied pig lying down in the middle of a neighborhood street when a man stopped to see what was slowing down the traffic the critter got up and waddle dawei the motorists followed the animal back to a house there he found Joanne Altman who was suffering a heart attack the man called 911 and she was soon rushed to the hospital Lulu the pet pig managed to squeeze through the homes doggie door to rush into the street and find help for her owner number 12 Mila the whale it was the case of one mammal helping another when a whale rescued a diver in China in a 20-foot six metre arctic pool the 26 year old Yang Hyun was amongst those competing to see who could stay underwater the longest without breathing apparatus beluga whales were in the pool including one named Mila when the freezing waters caused miss Yuans legs to cramp she couldn't swim and began to drown Mila since the divers situation and used her mouth to gently hold the divers leg the Marine Mammal lifted miss Yuen to the surface to breathe and saved her life number 11 star power did you know that the star of Mary Poppins was once rescued by a pot of porpoises Dick Van Dyke said that while visiting his local Beach he fell asleep on his surfboard and drifted into the water waking up he could see no side of land but as he started paddling he did see fins appear in the water at first he thought it must be sharks but it turned out to be porpoises and they must have been big fans because they helped push the actor all the way back to shore number 10 parental instinct experts say that humpback whales might be inclined to protect other animals due to their own parental instinct their protective quality was on display in 2017 when a woman was swimming off the Cook Islands in the South Pacific a humpback whale kept bumping against her and tried to position her on its head and back it even tried to place her behind his pectoral fin after she reached the vessel she saw a 15-foot 4.6 metre tiger shark that was swimming close to the marine mammal that's when she realized the whale was trying to protect her from the predator all along number nine Heimlich hound after the efforts of this golden retriever he became known as the Heimlich dog Debby Parkhurst was alone at home in Maryland with her dog when she began to choke on some food when her attempt to perform the Heimlich maneuver on herself failed Toby knocked miss Parkhurst onto her back and began to bounce up and down on her chest that soon unlocked her airway as a result of his efforts tobyGames national fame number eight Ling Nam did you know that during a tsunami in Thailand a four year old elephant named Ning Nong rescued an eight-year-old child named Amber Mason it happened in 2005 in the province of Phuket the girl was riding the elephant as waves began to strike Ning Nong ran to higher ground protecting the child by absorbing most of the punishing waves along the way Amber's mother claimed that her daughter would never survive the effects of the sudden tsunami if it had not been for Ning Nong Sabbats number 7 sea lion Savior it's about a 270 foot drop 82 metres from the Golden Gate Bridge into the San Francisco Bay falling from that height would kill a person that's what a 19 year old man intended when he made the jump while he suffered a broken back he survived the impact but was unable to tread water as he began to sink he felt something brush against his leg there was a sea lion circling him nudging him just enough to keep him afloat authorities were able to rescue him but without the marine mammals efforts the man would have drowned number 6 Leave It to Beaver while camping in Ontario Canada a family decided to go fishing the young son decided to stay on shore while his parents took the boat but in a tragic turned the boat tipped over and the parents drowned the panic-stricken boy tried to walk to the nearest town but as the Sun was setting he knew he'd have to spend the night outside in harsh conditions as the terrified boy lay on the ground he felt a warm furry body snuggle against him he thought it was a dog and fell asleep in the morning the boy saw three wild beavers had pressed against him during the night without their warmth or insulation he would have died from the freezing overnight temperatures number-5 fast-thinking feline when a water pump malfunction in Kathy Kaitlyn's house she along with her husband and teenage son bring danger of carbon monoxide poisoning lucky for them their domestic short-haired cat Winnie was around to save the night sensing the change in air quality the animal managed to wake up Kathy by jumping onto her and scratching in her face and hair they gave her enough time to attend to her husband and her son who was lying unconscious on the floor although groggy Kathy managed to keep herself alert enough to call 911 the family had an overnight stay at the hospital but without Winnie's timely intervention her owners probably would have perished number four a real Care Bear well day hiking in Northern California Robert Biggs stopped to observe a family of black bears from around 40 feet away 12 meters he thought he was keeping a safe distance from the mother bear and Cubs but a mountain lion had been stalking him the whole time and as mr. Biggs was about to leave the wild cat pounced on his backpack and knocked him to the ground as he raised his rock peak to defend himself the hiker noticed a dark blur it turned out to be the mother bear grabbing the mountain lions throat the predator was thrown from its victim and the two wild animals clashed for less than 30 seconds before the mountain lion fled mr. big said the bear quietly looked at him in the eye and went back to her young he's convinced the bear intentionally saved his life what do you think number three yam Bo this story made headlines one of the Kurd back in 1986 a five year old boy fell into the gorilla pit of the Jersey zoo in the Channel Islands of the UK he was knocked unconscious by the 20-foot fall that's 6 meters and suffered a broken arm and fractured skull and it appeared he was in imminent danger of being harmed by a huge silverback gorilla named yam bo who stood 7 feet tall 2 meters and weighed some 250 pounds hundred and thirteen kilograms but yam pose sat guard by the little boy protecting him from other Apes in the pier and when the child awoke and started crying the silverback made sure his troop cleared out so human rescuers could reach him did you know the Jersey zoo honored yam Bo with a life-size statue after he died in 1992 number 2 lion kings in 2004 four men in Ethiopia kidnapped a twelve-year-old girl while she was walking home from school when authorities closed in on them the captors tried to move the girl to a different location and that's when three lions appeared and chased off the kidnappers who were later apprehended the Lions were said to have peaceably stayed with the girl until police arrived after that the Lions wandered off into the forest local wildlife experts theorized that the big cats may have allowed the girl to live because her cries sounded familiar to those of a lion cub number one hit bro a cow skis in 1925 an outbreak of diphtheria struck Nome Alaska and medical officials knew they had a potential endemic on their hands they desperately needed antitoxins but the nearest supply was located over 670 miles over 1,000 kilometres distant with extremely cold weather incapacitating other means of transportation they determined to use multiple dogsled teams to deliver the syrup the lead dog was a siberian husky named togo he started the epic journey and covered hundreds of miles during which the team encountered all kinds of dangers that included whiteout storms gales have produced wind chills of minus 85 degrees Fahrenheit minus 65 degrees Celsius and rescuing his team and driver from broken ice floes the serum was passed on to a team that was led by another siberian husky named Balto and his team completed the final leg of the mission thanks so much for watching if you enjoyed the videos don't forget to hit that big red subscribe button and click the bell for notifications for our next exciting episode right here on epic wildlife
Channel: Epic Wildlife
Views: 4,825
Rating: 4.844358 out of 5
Keywords: animal heroes, animals saving humans, animals, rescue, animals saving people, animals that saved lives, wild animals, saved, save, amazing animals, animals saved humans, animals that saved people's lives, people, humans, human, unbelievable, animal rescue, saving life, awesome animals, unbelievable animals, animals saving human lives, wild animals saving humans
Id: ummJfUvxsH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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