Animals Filmed Having HUMAN-Like IQs

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hello there and welcome to the unbelievable this lucrative kitten escapes her cage to play with her puppy friend [Music] a bear from seattle shows us his catching skills [Music] oh my gosh what's an effective way to avoid being eaten by a predator play dead of course [Laughter] this video shows the casual understanding of water displacement by crow [Music] [Music] suda is an extremely talented elephant from thailand [Music] where is [Music] this raven absolutely nails mimiking this woman's voice hello hi hello hi hi hi hi an ex-captive orangutang in the wilds of borneo steals a fisherman's canoe from the dock the trap whatever they added oh no she could go right on downstream highly territorial alligators growl at bystanders to warn them off [Music] wait till i say three you wait til i say three okay one two two and a half four six three good girl an octopus is recorded opening a peanut butter jar with fish in it he's opening the jar up the octopus was extremely disappointed when he realized the fish had eaten all the peanut butter a very clever bird using bait to catch fish the fish come to it is [Music] a is and protective dog barking at cars to keep them away from the crossing [Music] [Music] a corgi beats his owner at nords and [Music] crosses [Music] [Applause] this chimpanzee is filmed memorizing numbers in just seconds [Music] here is a baby duck feeding some fish [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] a man sets up an obstacle course with some food at the end of it this squirrel does incredibly well like squirrels oh my goodness how does he do that he's avoided the travis you cheeky little squirrel the cargo net is he gonna go up the cargo net yes he is he's there he's on you sneaky squirrel an unbelievable elephant paints a self-portrait with his trunk [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] thank you for watching and i'll see you next time on the unbelievable
Views: 6,928,413
Rating: 4.8844142 out of 5
Keywords: cats, dogs, compilation, daily dose of internet, funny, montage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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