Animal Heart Taste Test

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- Today we eat our hearts out. - Let's talk about that. (groovy theme music) Good mythical morning. - Happy Valentine's Day, according to ancient Greek philosopher Selena Gomez, the heart wants what it wants, and today our hearts wanna eat hearts, and what better gift to give on this truly romantic day to all you mythical beasts than a heart of beasts taste test. - Now, hearts are a delicacy, people all around the world enjoy them, we don't tend to enjoy them much here in the States, but maybe we just been missing out on something, let's find what we been missing, it's time for Shot through the heart, it's on our plate, can we give hearts the right name? - We've got the Cupid brothers here today, and they're gonna be delivering animal hearts into our mouths. - I never knew there were two of them. - There's two of them, and they are a rambunctious crew the two of them. We have to see if we can identify what animal the heart came from, it could be any animal. - Right, and the loser who doesn't get as many right as the winner, that's how we determine that, is gonna have to wear their heart on their sleeve, and I mean literal hearts on literal sleeves, you'll see it, it will be nasty. Alright, let's eat some hearts. (lush music) - Alright, bring it in. Woah, woah, woah. - You cut it in the shape of a heart. - Isn't that special. - [Rhett] And you burn it. - It's black. - Well, it's better than raw. - It's marinated. - It doesn't smell bad, it looks like a piece of steak. - Are you gonna go full heart? - Ooh, uh, there's still a, - A hearty taste. - A hearty taste underneath that marinade. - It still tastes like an organ that pumps blood, oh gosh. This is gonna be very difficult for me. - This is tough man. It's tough because I think about it being a blood-pumping muscle. - Don't think about it. - Not just like a steak piece. - Think of it as a steak piece, that tastes a little bloody. Also think about what animal it might come from, because that's really - That's the game. what we're here for. - It's big, I'm gonna try to swallow it now. Woop, alright. - It is well marinated, props for the marination guys. That's the most marination you've ever done, - I'm ready to guess. - For anything. - So you boiled it for safety, and then you marinated it for taste, thank you. - [Stevie] Okay, you ready? - Yeah. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Beef. - Cow. - That's a beef heart. - We both said cow. - You're both correct. - Yes, right off the bat, it looked like steak. It was shaped like a heart. - Okay, alright, more hearts for us, woo. (lush music) - Alright, bring it in. - Alright, now this one. Oh this one's got a distinctively gamier smell to it. - Oh my word, okay. - I just wanna, just, can I just take some of it? Oh gosh. - Similar consistency. - But better. - More tender. - Just so you know, that's not the whole heart. If you just are now learning that hearts that are shaped like this are not actual hearts, well you're just learning. These were cut out from a bigger heart. - This was much better tasting than the last one. - This is a good heart. This is the best heart I've ever had. - I heart this heart. - What heart would taste good, though? What characteristics would an animal have that has a good-tasting heart, and why would it be better than a cow? That is the question. - Because it flies high brother. - You think this is a freaking bird heart? - Yeah. - What kind, a pterodactyl, what kind of bird, - That's the whole heart, it is shaped like that. - Man, what kind of hearts can you even get, is this black market? - [Stevie] Okay, here we go, three, two, one. - Duck. - Pig. - [Stevie] Guys, this is a yak heart. - Dang it. - Oh a yak. - I was gonna say deer. - Yaks fly. - Yeah they do. - Off cliffs if they make a wrong turn. - Yeah, they do. I could definitely tell, I mean how big of a heart do you think, what kind of bird were you thinking, a duck? - Yeah, I said duck, yeah. - A duck's heart is probably, the whole heart is probably that big. - Oh, I'm talking about one of them big ducks. (lush music) - Alright, bring it in. Oh okay. - Ew, okay now this is a full heart. - You can see the chambers. - Ewwwwww. - Now Link just so you know, this is like, this is like a duck heart size, so duck might be a good guess, even before we eat it. - I'm gonna have some trouble Cupid. - Look at that. - Alright. - Oh, I can tell I'm eating a whole heart, too. - Yeah, because there's like, - Chambers and, - Pieces. - Yeah, this is definitely a, I can taste the fluttering. But you know what, it actually tastes a little bit more like, like low-flying. - Like coop trotting, it's a coop trot, - Are you gonna be able to swallow this? - It's not that bad to me. - Really? - The cow one still tastes worse than this to me. - This is horrible. How could you like this? - I didn't say I liked it. - Yak heart, on the other hand, really, really good. - Alright, mine's gone, okay. I'm ready to guess. - I got some work to do. - Flying away, let it fly down your esophagus. - Got it, okay. - [Stevie] Okay, three, two, one. - Chicken. - Duck. - [Stevie] It's a chicken heart. - Duck heart would be a lot more watery. - Would it? - Yeah, they spend, the breast is always in the water. (lush music) - Alright, you've taken the lead. - Yeah! - Ooh, this one looks greasy. - This is a big heart. - Same marinade used on all these? - I like the way you're giving me the arrow. My cupid brother just gives me the arrow. - Oh, really? - Yeah, he shoots it right into my hand. - Can you just (gulp) right it into the back of my, - No you don't want to man, it's a metal fork. This is good again, this is yak again. - Yeah, we're back to something, there's a barnyardishness to it. - Oh wow, it's not good. Oh wow, it really just, oh ho. - Barnyard coming through, make way. - This definitely comes from an animal that supplies us with - Something that's not the heart that we normally eat. - How are you doing such a good job of not vomiting? Like I'm on the verge of vomiting constantly. - I am too, but you can't guess unless you swallow it. - That's the rule? - Yeah, and I wanna get this over with. - Is that the marinade or like something's wrong with this animal? What does this animal do to taste like this. - I know, I know what this one is. - Is it natural, or do they, - I don't know how, but I'm like making a heart-to-heart connection with this animal. - Everything that I've ever had from this animal has this taste that permeates it. - Mmhmmm, I think we're thinking the same thing. - [Stevie] You ready to guess? - Yeah, I'm gonna keep chewing, but yeah. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Goat. - Sheep. - [Stevie] It's a lamb, so it's a sheep. - It tastes goaty man. - No, sheepy. (lush music) Remember a goat is an evil sheep, I didn't taste evil in that, you tasted evil in that? I just tasted nasty in that. - Are you saying I get a point, because it's an evil sheep? - No, no. - An evil lamb is goat, you said it. - You tasted evil, - Half a point. - Where there's no evil. I'm not gonna give you a point for that. - This one's shiny. They all start to look the same. - This is another big 'un. - It is, isn't it. - I mean this is just the wall of, that's the wall thickness of one of the chambers. - This is gonna mess up my Valentine evening. - [Rhett] Alright, here we go. - I'm chewing all these only on the left side of my mouth, so that my right cheek and tooth zone can be heart-free. - You're planning on like, you're gonna tell your wife to make out with you and only go on the right side? - If I have to. - Baby, don't tongue the left side. - You're gross, man. Your romantic talk is weird. - There's not gonna be any tongue involved on Valentine's Day night? - It's private, man. - Okay, maybe that's just me. This is horrible. This tastes like a swamp animal, it tastes like an animal that lives in the swamp, but it can't be, because it's so big. - I know this is a big animal, could it be a panda? (crew laughs) You wouldn't do that, would you? - I think that would be, we would get in a lot of trouble. If we were eating panda hearts, that's like the way to get everyone to hate you. - Alright, I'm ready to guess. I'm gonna go out on a limb here, since I'm down. - [Stevie] Okay, three, two, one. - Alligator. - Kangaroo. - [Stevie] It's an elk heart. - Elk, elk and a yak? - Elk hearts are horrible. - You're going with those three-lettered big beasts. (lush music) - Okay, so it's three to one, you don't have a chance to win unless in the spirit of Valentine's Day I say that round, this last round is worth three points. - Brother Love, I'll take that. It's anybody's game, bring it in. - That's how a sport should work. - Oooh, that's a thick 'un. It is, the cross section here. - I don't want any more hearts, can I just bow out? Can I just say that I'll leave all the animal hearts to the rest of the world. I don't have a problem with not eating them, but I'll do it. - I'd rather eat a heart than another organ, I will say that. It's better than liver, it's better than those other things, like kidneys, or eyeballs. It's solid meat, you know man. Now I know for this last one they probably went for gusto. They went with the gusto, so. - But this one's not bad. - It does not taste bad. - It tastes like, - It's kind of spongy to me. What could they put at the end of this thing that once they tell us what it is, we're like, man, I can't believe I ate the heart of that beast. They've had yak, - But it's gotta be a big animal that they have access to. I don't think they would do a panda, don't think they would do a human. - It's a red meat. - It's good, I'll just go on, I'll say that. It's good, this is a good heart. - It's a good-hearted animal, so a friendly animal. - Not a dog. - I hope not. - No gaminess, so I feel like this is animal that is, - It's down. - Is a domesticated livestock animal that has been bred for consumption. Because all the gaminess has been removed from it, so I think I know what I wanna say. - [Stevie] Okay, you ready? - It's kind of a lame guess, but, - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Pig. - Bison. - [Stevie] It's a pig heart. - Yeah!! - It is a pig heart? - Yep. - It wasn't pink? - Nope. - Or curly. - Nope. - I'm the heart king, man. - You're the heart king and I gotta wear my heart on my sleeve. - Well specifically, you're gonna wear this spandex sleeve that has chicken hearts on it, Link. - Gross, thank you for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - Hello, I'm Clay. - And I'm Heidi. - And we just got married. - And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. (group cheers) - If your Valentine's Day plans involve some smooching, don't do that without first coating your lips with Link's Peculiarly Perfect Peanut Butter Peppermint Lip Balm available at - Click through to Good Mythical More, we are gonna play Candy Hearts Charades, Candy Hearts Charades. - Don't Google That. Whatever you do, whatever you do, don't Google mouth larvae. Don't do it. Click on the left to watch our show after the show, Good Mythical More. - [Link] Click on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Rhett] And click the circular channel icon to subscribe. - [Link] Thanks for being your mythical best.
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 11, Animal Heart Taste Test, Animal Heart Taste Test good mythical morning, good mythical morning Animal Heart Taste Test, Animal Heart Taste Test rhett and link, rhett and link Animal Heart Taste Test, Animal Heart Taste Test gmm, gmm Animal Heart Taste Test, animal heart, taste test, heart, eating animal hearts
Id: NgnAtXeGVrs
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Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2017
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