Animal Doctor Adley!! ZOO CHECK UP! Pet clinic routine visit, Unicorn Baby, Sticker Pox play pretend

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- Cow-la-pillar needs help turning into a butterfly. - Oh yeah, the cater- (gasps) there he is! - Let me grab him! (Dad making silly noises) (Adley shrieking, laughing) - Careful, grab him! - Holy moly, we have a lot of animals! (toy rattling, buzzing) (man screaming) - Are we seriously doing this? - Yes! Grab him! - Perfect! - Sticker pox! - No! (boinging noise) (man barking) - That's a boy! - That's a boy? You gave the boy the girl's shot? (Adley mimicking club beats) I think she feels healthier! - Scissors, please! - (screaming) Scissors? (Adley laughing) Are you serious? Okay, scan her. (Adley making scanner noise) (pump hissing) It's working, it's working, it's working. Whoa, it's blowing up too much! - Just grab it, pull. - Oh, she's so cute! Look at her little horn! (girl giggling) He's moving, hurry! - Boop! - Did you get it? - Yes, yes. - Okay, calm down, buddy. How do I, we need some calm juice. (drum thumps, rolls) What? (girl giggles) (upbeat music) - Welcome to Adley's vet! Our vet is open today, we've got a lot of animals to fix, but my assistant is running late today. So let's call. (phone beeping) (Adley mimicking phone ringing) (Dad panting) (phone ringing) - I'm late for work! Oh. It's my boss! (panting) Hello? - Why are you running late today? You're supposed to be here right now. - (panting) Yeah, I'm coming! I'll be there in just a minute! - We're supposed to be fixing pets like, right now. - [Dad] Okay, bye. - Bye! Boop! Welp, better just wait for him. He'll be here soon. (Dad panting) - [Adley] Why are you so late? - I'm sorry, I'm sorry! There was- - [Adley] Why are you so late? - Snow everywhere! - [Adley] Snow? - (panting) Yeah. It was really snowy. (exhales sharply) Hi guys! How's the vet doing today? These guys are lookin' healthier! - So we have, let me check our animal list. Holy moly, we have a lot of animals! - Really? How are we gonna do all these animals? Did the zoo go crazy? - Yep. (Dad sighs) Kind of. - All right. Let me get my coat on. All right, doctor, whoa! These are all the animals? - Yep! Which one should we start with? - Oh my gosh! - Look there, these guys! - They're tangled! Okay, I'll grab 'em carefully. Careful. (Dad grunts) I'll carry this half. Okay, right here? - Right here. - Okay. - A little tangled ball. (giggles) - You guys just sit right there. We're gonna start getting stuff ready. - Good. - Okay, grab all the stuff. - We can put all the stuff on here. - Okay. - Put that on there, (items slapping together) Are you sure that we need all this? - I think so. There's a lot of animals today. We got stuff going everywhere. All right. We should have set up last night, I didn't know it was gonna be so busy! - Okay, where is it? (items rustling) - What are we looking for? - Uh, we're looking for tweezers. - Tweezers. Tweezers, (gasps) tweezers! - Thank you! - Okay, we gonna pull 'em apart? This is just gonna hurt a little bit, we need to pull you apart. - No, no, no! - What? - No, we can't do this. We need to do it with like, something else. - Okay. - Maybe I'll try and pull them apart with my hands? - Doctor, - No! - I think they might need shots! - I'll give both of them. - Okay! They're all stuck together! Who's arm is this? - Uh, I think this is the girl's skin, do you think so? - Uh, I don't know, here, maybe if I try and hold them up? - I'll try- - Just get the girl. - I think this one. I think this one. (boinging sound) (man mimicking monkey) - Careful! - That's a boy! - That's a boy? You gave the boy the girl's shot? - Okay. (boinging noise) - Doot! Doot! (giggles) - Okay. You guys both got shots. - No, no, no, no. We gotta pull this one out. - Okay. - We gotta untangle it carefully. So, first, we un-connect these. - Okay. - And I pinch it through, (creaking, popping noise) - Ow! Oof. You okay? It's okay little, here, I'm gonna get them the carrots for not acting up. - Okay, first we gotta just, - Here, eat this carrot to distract ya. - I'm gonna pull the girl's arms out, so, - Okay. - Start distracting. - I'll distract the girl. (man making munching sound) - This, whoa! (popping noise) - Ow! Ow! - Okay, now keep distracting her. - Okay. Okay she's almost out. She just has one leg. - One more. - (in unison) Yes! - Okay. Hi guys! (Adley screams) Untangled. How you guys doing, you feeling good? Oh, what's wrong? Can you talk to him? She can talk to animals. - Oh! - What? - He, he wants to get a bath. - You put the medicine on the girl, I'll give the guy a bath. Come over here! (both screaming) Oh no! Guys! These crazy monkeys. All right. (makes water rushing noise) Okay. - Since they're boy and girls, you take care of the boy, and I take care of the girl. - Okay. He just needs a little medicine, and then they're good to go to their resting beds. (can spritzing) - Okay. One more thing we need to do. - Okay. - Let's squish. Squish! - Why are squishing him? - And squish. - You guys okay? Oh, they look great. That was a good idea. All right, I'll start cleaning up, you go put them away and get our next patient. - Aww, they're brother and sister! - Oh! Bye, guys! - Here you go. Go ahead and get in the cage. Aww. Look, they're happy, Dad! - Aww, they're so happy! Good job doctor. Let's fix our next animal! - Cow-a-pillar needs, needs help turning into a butterfly. - The caterpillar needs help turning into a butterfly? Do we have a ca- (gasps) there he is! - Let me grab him! (Dad making silly noises) (Adley giggling, squealing) - Careful, woo! He's crazy! Okay, calm down. Grab the cater- Whoa! This caterpillar's crazy! Okay. Calm down, buddy. (Adley giggles) Calm down. Okay. Calm down. - What's the problem? (mimics indistinct speech) He needs help turning into a butterfly. - Well, how do we do that? - I know. I helped a caterpillar before. - Really? - It was before you were even my assistant! - Oh, okay. I'm ready to learn. You just show me what to do. - Okay. Okay. - Do you need this? - No. (item slaps counter) - Do you need this? - Yes. - Okay. - Just put down little dots. (squirting noise) - Oh, dotting. - See that green thing? That's the cream. - Oh, okay. - All you have to do is rub it in, (Dad makes wild trumpeting noise) (Adley screeching, giggling) - Calm down! - Stop him! - Was the last caterpillar this crazy? - No! All we need to do his take his temperature. (Dad mimics caterpillar refusing) (Adley giggles) - He does not want his temperature taken. - Uh, carrot! Carrot! - Calm down, buddy, okay. I'll give him a carrot. Check your pockets first! - Nothing, nothing. - All right. Here it is! Okay, here's your carrot! (Dad mimics caterpillar refusing) (Adley giggling) Here's a carrot. (Dad mimics caterpillar refusing) Hey, careful! - He doesn't even want a carrot! - Okay, eat this carrot. (Dad mimics caterpillar refusing) (Dad grunts) (Adley laughing) Hold him still! - Whoa! - Okay, I'm holding him still. Get his temperature. (Adley laughing) He's moving, hurry! - Boop! - Did you get it? - Yes, yes. - Okay, calm down, buddy. How do I, we need some calm juice. What? (Adley giggling) He has a fever. He needs calm juice, and medicine. - Hey! He doesn't need calm juice! All you need to do is, I'll show you- (Dad mimicking caterpillar screaming) how to do a caterpillar checkup. - Okay, you show me. He seems kinda crazy. (Dad mimicking caterpillar grunting) (Adley giggling) He does not want a shot! Nope! What do we do? - I got an idea. - What? (boinging sound) (Dad screaming) Whoa! Catch him! - And we need one more shot. - Ah! He's escaping! - One more shot. - Okay, one more. (boinging noise) (Dad mimicking caterpillar crying out) It's okay, buddy. What else do we need? - Bandaids. - Bandaids? - Ah! No bandaids! - What are we gonna do? - It's okay. - We'll make one. I was trained. This is how you make a band- (Adley squeals) aid. (both laughing) Doctor! (Adley laughing) All right. - Okay, all we need to do is- - On his butt? (Adley giggling) Uh, doctor, are you sure that goes right there? - (giggling) Yes! And, done. All we need to do is wrap him up. - Okay. - Wrap- (dad mimicking caterpillar yelling) - Oh! Oh! He does not wanna get wrapped up! What is wrong? Why don't you wanna get wrapped up? - He's scared of the dark. - He's scared of the dark? That's all? No wonder he can't cocoon. Well, what are we gonna do? Is there like, a medicine to fix that? - No. - (gasps) That's a good idea! - Wrap him up. - Okay, wrap him up. There we go. Wrap, wrap, wrap. Should we go put him in the waiting room? - Yep. - Right there. - Put him right here. - Turn into a beautiful butterfly. - Shh! I think he's asleep! - He's asleep now, can you take the light out? Careful. Good job, doctor! (clapping) Well done, Dr. Adley, well done. She's amazing. (thumping sound) (Dad screaming) (Adley giggling) Stop! Okay, I won't clap anymore! (Adley laughing) Geez. - Next patient. - [Dad] Who's the next patient, doctor? (Adley screaming) What? - Pregnant unicorn! - Pregnant unicorns? I've never had pregnant unicorns before, I don't even know how to do that! Wait, they're both pregnant? - No. - [Dad] No? - One's the dad, one's the mom. - Oh. Is that the dad? - Yes. (laughing) - Hello, sir! Congratulations, you're gonna be a father soon! You're so la- - Hey! - Does he have to stay in the waiting room? - Yes. - Okay. - He has to sit right here. - Sir, just enjoy the waiting room, we're gonna have your babies, we'll be back in just a minute. Are you sure about this, doctor? - And, upside down. - Oh, boy. - Scissors, please! - (yelling) Scissors? (Adley laughing) Are you serious? - All right, I'll use a shot then. - Okay. Thank you! Geez! (Adley laughing) You need this thing? - No! - Okay. (items rustling) You need cream? - No! - Wipes? - No! - This. - Shot! - Shot. Okay, I'll hold on to her. (shushing) Aww, it's okay. - Here comes shot. (boinging noise) - Oh! She's calm. - And just a few more. (boinging noises) - No, no! We don't want her to fall asleep all day! (Adley giggling) (Adley yelling) Okay. She's asleep. (shushing) (Adley giggling) (Dad shushing) Doctor, are you sure you know what to do? - Tape. - Are you serious right now? - Yes. - What the heck is that for? - Tape! (giggles) - But what is it for? - To wrap her up! (tape ripping) - Is that enough? - Nope! - Oh. (tape ripping) Is that enough? - Yeah. - Good. - Okay, I need to see where the zipper is. - Oh! Unicorns have zippers right there. - Yep! - Okay. - Okay, now, all we need to do is just tape her up. - Oh! And that helps squeeze the babies out? - Yeah. (grunts) - Oh, that's tight. Oh, feels like those babies are ready to come out, almost. Oh! Look! You can feel him kicking. (Adley giggles) Oh, cute. Oh, she's doin' so good. - Okay, x-ray! - Okay, x-ray? - Okay, (Dad shushing) Put the x-ray thing again. - Okay, scan her. - (mimicking mechanical noise) X-ray! - Okay, what does the x-ray look like? - And... - What does the x-ray say? - Twins! - Twins? I'm gonna go tell the dad. (panting) Um, don't be shocked, but, you're having twins. (mimicking unicorn screaming) Doctor, I've never had twins! What does that mean? What does that mean? - That means that she's having two babies. - Two babies? We're not ready for two babies! What are we gonna do? Sir, please calm down. - If you don't have two stuff in your house, then they'll just have to do stuff in the same thing. - Yeah, they can share rooms, okay? (mimicking unicorn lamenting) All right. Calm down. I think that dad's pretty nervous. Okay. What's that? - Eye drops! - Oh, give her some eye drops. (Adley mimicking unicorn screeching) Okay, do you think she's ready? - Nope. - Nope? What do we do now? - One more thing. - Okay. Oh, I'm nervous! - Light! - Got it! - And one more thing I need. (air pumping) - (gasps) Okay, I see one of the babies! - Just grab it, - Oh! She's so cute! Look at her little horn! Oh, she has a sparkle, it's a girl! It's a girl! You had a girl! (Adley grunting) Oh, this is a humongous baby! (Adley screeching) (both laughing) (popping sound) Doctor! It's a boy! Hi, little buddy! Aww, they're so cute! Go wash them off. All right, mom's all fixed. She's feeling good, I'm gonna give her a little bit of medicine. (Dad lip smacking) - (Dad shushing) All that we need is the babies to eat. - Okay, get them some food. - Oh! I forgot, we don't have unicorn food, but I do have unicorn food in my mouth. Ah! (Dad laughing) - Eww! How long has that been in there? Eww, don't feed the unicorns your foo- oh, they liked it, they're happy. (Adley laughing) Let's go put them in a soft place where they can relax. - All we need to do is let her hold them for the first time. - Okay. Here you go, hold them. - Aww, can we please take your babies away now? - No! (Adley laughing) My babies! No! No! - They need to stay at the hospital for a little bit! - I stay with them! - No, just give me the hospital! (laughing) - No! - Just give me them! - Never! These are my babies! Oh, the babies! I love my babies! A boy and a girl. My babies! Give me my babies! - No! - My babies! (grunting) Everyone, calm down. Unicorns, calm down. You'll be with your babies in just a minute. - Okay, where should I put them? Oh! - Let's go right by your babies, okay? - Okay, first they have to stay here and rest overnight, and then we'll give them back to you, so you can just stay here by them. - Thank you, doctor! Thank you! - And then after my next patient, then you can take them home. (Dad mimicking unicorns smooching) - Thank you, doctor, we love you! Here, you guys lay by your babies. Doctor, can we get a lunch break? - No! - (sighing) Okay. - Water break. - Water, I need water. (Dad gulping) Ah. Okay, I'll start cleaning up. (book thumping) - Our next patient is scary. - Scary? - Uh huh. - Why? - It's something that you do not like. - Oh, no. - I'll go grab it, because- - What? - You don't like it. - But what is it? As long as it's not a spider or a snake, I am just fine. (Adley gagging) I don't do spiders, and I don't do... (yelling) snakes! Why is there a snake? I am not helping with this one. (Adley giggling) Nope, no, no, no, no. Get a new assistant. I'm not doing snakes. (Adley laughing) Not me. If you need anything, I'll just give it to you from over here. - Okay, when we're done with the snake, we'll put it sleeping in a cage. - Okay. Do you need any cream? (jar thumps) There's some cream. - No! (laughing) - You need tweezers? (tweezers clatter) There's tweezers. No! - Okay, I'll chain it up, I'll chain it up. - Okay, chain it up. - Come on! - Is it chained up yet? - Yes! - Mmm, are you sure? - Come on! Come on! - (grumbling) It's tied in a knot, at least. - Dad, you just sit right here. - That's where its head is! - Then sit right here! - Okay, I'll sit on this side. (Adley giggling) How are we gonna fix it, the poor little guy? (boinging sound) (rattling noise) (Dad screaming) Get it off me! Get it, get it, get it, get it, get it! No, no, don't touch me! No, no! (rattling sound) (Adley giggling) - Okay, I'll grab it. It's away from you now, you can go back. - Okay. I do not like snakes. (Adley giggling) Oh, doctor! - What? - Oh no! It needs stitches! - I thought you don't like snakes! - I don't, but that's sad. I'll work on the tail, the tail's not too, you work on the head part over there, and I'll work on the tail part. - Zoop! Zoop! (laughing) - Okay, you're gonna need- (Adley licking) did you just lick the snake? - I have to! - Why? (slurping noise) Ew! Doctor, quit licking the snake, that's disgusting! - And there's one more thing we need to do. - Okay. - You ready? - I don't know about this. - It's kinda gross. With my tongue. - Wait, why do you have to use your tongue? (slurping noise) Eww! Doctor! Eww! Why did you have to do that? - It's for its own protection! - It's for its own protection? (slurping sound) Okay, stop licking the snake! Doctor, please! (Adley giggling) Okay. (sighing) (air puffing) Uh, doctor, is it the snake's birthday? - No. - Why are you blowing up a balloon? - So, you know how the snake is tangled, the snake is like, all tangled? If I blow a lot of air in it, it will untangle it. - Huh? You blow air in the snake, and then it untangles? - It pops the snake and then it like, makes it like, 'flate, and we blow it up. - Right. (Adley giggling) Well, I fixed his stitches. You just tell me what to do next. (balloon screeching) - Stay there. Gonna just put this on his tongue. (balloon raspberries) - Doctor! You did it! - Now he's 'flated, so we have to blow him up. - [Dad] Oh, okay. - He's like, all 'flated. - [Dad] Uh huh. - You have to blow him up from his toe. - Well, how are we gonna blow him up? (Adley raspberries) Is it working? - Nope. - Oh, what do we do? - [Adley] Stay here. - Hi, little snake. Um, (rattling noise) you just stay over there, and I'll stay over here. - I'm back. - (screams) Doctor, what's that? - A blow, a pumper. You hold this on the snake. - Oh, okay. - It's fine. It's fine. - Clip it on. (pump hissing) Whoa! It's workin'! Keep going! (pump hissing) It's working, it's working, it's working, whoa, it's blowing up too much! Whoa! (pump hissing) Whoa! Adley, are you sure about this? Adley? Stop blowing it up! It's too high! Adley, let some air out! - Let go of it! (air raspberries out) Got it. - Okay. - It's okay! - Okay, good job. Let's just go put him down. - No, no, you carry him to the pet sitting room. - Do I have to? - You have to. - Okay. - No, hold him like this, and hold him right here. (rattling noise) You just carry that, - Are you sure? - Right on his head. - (screaming) Oh! He just bit my hand! (Dad swoons) - Okay, I'll come back to you later. It shocks everybody! Just shock it. (buzzing) (Dad gasps) - What happened? - Your hand? - Ah! Where's my hand? (Dad swoons) - Maybe I'll fix his hand first. Make his hand grow back. Here, and I'll just blow your hand up. (popping sound) Now, the shocker again! (buzzing sound) (Dad grunts) - (panting) What happened? - Your hand? - My hand? What about it? - It was gone? - My hand was gone? - And now it's back. Now, you carry the snake all the way to the pet resting room. - I have the craziest job in the whole world! And the craziest boss in the whole world! (snake thuds) Okay, what's next? I'll start cleaning up the supplies. (Adley screams, pants) (book clatters) Okay, what's next? Doctor! What happened? She was just reading about the next patient. (screams) (book clatters) No wonder she passed out! That's crazy! Okay, I gotta wake her up. She likes carrots, give her some carrot, check her eyes, (slapping) doctor? (Adley giggles) - Hello! - Did you read that and pass out? - Yes! - Yeah, I read that, too, that's crazy! Are we seriously doing this? - Yes! Grab him! - Okay. - Sticker pox! - No! I don't wanna get sticker pox! Wash your hands first! (Adley swoons) Oh no, she should have washed her hands first. We're gonna get rid of these sticker pox. Okay. Oh! She already got a sticker pock, it's right there! (pump clicking) (pump thuds) (Adley gasps) You okay? (Adley yelps) Okay. (Adley screams) (screams) Ah! Doctor! Don't move, don't move, I got it. (Dad grunts) This one's not coming off. Okay. I gotta cut off your arm. Hold on. (Adley screams) Okay. This won't hurt, a little. Maybe a little bit. Okay. - No! Don't cut my arm off! - You're right. That's a bad idea. (scissors clunk) Okay, well what can we do? Um, okay. - Leave it there forever? - No! - Oh no! I don't wanna! Before you do this, I wanna do one thing. - Hold on, you're being difficult, doctor! No, doctor, we have to do this! It's the only way! (Dad mimics clunking sound) (sighs) I'm sorry I had to do that. (Dad grunts) Okay. Doctor, (slapping) wake up! Doctor! (slapping) (Adley giggling) Wake up! You had sticker pox, but I saved your life. No! Don't touch that patient! Careful! That is the sticker pox patient. Okay, I'll go get him ready. - I'll grab him. - Okay. The medicine, we'll probably need the shot, - [Adley] Got him! - Then we'll probably need this. Okay. Put him- (screams) (Adley giggles) Sheesh! You got sticker pox again! Doctor, this is not good! Okay, I got an idea. This is gonna work. Okay. (Adley screaming) I got this doctor, don't worry! Come here. (Dad grunts) I got it. Okay. (thumping sound) Ya! Let's get the sticker pox off this patient before we spread it more. - Ah! This is from the baby! - Oh. Throw that away. I'll hold her down with this. - Just flip her over. - No, I'll flip her with this. Don't touch her with your hands anymore. - Now, flip her, flip her, gimme it! - I'll flip her, you get the flipper. - Flip! - Okay. - No, you hold her down! You hold her down, right here! - I'll hold her down, you get the sticker pox off. (Adley grunts) (Dad grunts) Put it in the sink, sink, sink, sink! (Dad grimaces) You'll have to rinse those off. Okay. Next? - Caught it. - Good job. Sink. No, no, no, no, no, no! Doctor, doctor! You're cra- put it in the sink! (Dad screams) (panting) Doctor? Okay. I got her, I got her. A little pancake. - Now flip her. (giggles) - I got a little pancake patient! Flip! That one is hard. Oh, you almost got it. (grunts) Good job. - What do I do with it again? - The sink! The sink! The sink! (tweezers clatter) Oh, no. (tweezers clatter) - I'm gonna have to use my hands. Oh, oh, and it's actually stuck. - This is why sticker pox are horrible. - And you don't put them on owls. - Yeah. - Because they never come off! We need to cut it off! Gonna have to cut a little bit of her fur off, too, doing this. (Adley grunts) Pull it off, and then give it to me. (sticker ripping) Okay, let me just do one more thing. Stay here. - Okay. Oh, doctor, there's one more sticker pock right here! - Where? Whoa. - Right there. Okay, last one. (gasps) - Can you get me some medicine? - Yeah. Okay, she's gonna need some medicine. All right, here. Smoothing medicine? - Mmm hmm. - Okay, there you go. All right. Oh, I don't feel very good. - You might wanna look (Dad sneezes) on your back. (Dad coughs) You might wanna look- - Ah, my back hurts. Oh, what's going on? Mmm. (Dad swoons, thuds) - [Narrator] A few moments later... - (gasps) Electric, electric, electric, electric. (Adley mimics buzzing sound) Take the sticker pock off first. (Adley mimics buzzing sound) - Oh! - Are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay? - What happened? I didn't feel very good. (Adley screams) (Dad screams) Was that sticker pock on me? Get that away from me. Get that away, get- (Adley giggling) - Stay still. Stay- - I'm outta here! Patient, go to the resting room. Next. (Dad grunts) Geez. I don't like sticker pox. - Next up, is poor Olaf. - Poor Olaf. He has melted, he needs his blood temperature returned to cold so he can freeze and be a snowman. - I've got this, this is easy! - You sure about this? - Okay. All we need to do, since he's melted and we have nowhere to do his blood pressure, we gotta melt him up and get him all like, fluffed into like, a real snowman. - [Dad] You got an idea? - Yes. There it is! - What's that? (gasps) A cold pack! - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait wait, wait wait, (trailing off) (Dad snoring) - Huh? Huh? (gasps) He froze! - He's nice and frozen! - All we had to do was wait! Hi, bud! How are ya? - Blood pressure now. Um, what's your name, snowman? My name is Olaf! What's your name? - My name's Adley, and that's Dad. - I like warm hugs. - Aww. - (yelling) Ah! You're gonna melt him! - Oh, sorry! Does he look good? - Yep! He's all better. - All right! - See ya later, Olaf! - Bye! Oh, this has been such a long day. Can I please take a break? - We got two more pets. We're gonna do this one next. - Another unicorn? Is she trying to be a ladybug? - All we need to do is just untangle her. - How do you untangle her? - You're making it more tangled! Stop! Hey, hey! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! - She has to go this way! - No! - I'm tangled! Uh, doctor? - You did it. - You did it! (ladybug clunks) - (Adley giggles) Okay. - Medicine! - Okay. I'll get her medicine. - She doesn't have eyes! - She doesn't have eyes? Yes she does, doctor! - They were covered! - Okay. - I couldn't see them. (items rustling, clattering) You be careful playing ladybug, and (indistinct) - Yeah. You're not ladybug, you're a unicorn, so be careful with the yo-yo. (Adley mimicking club beats) I think she feels healthier! - Sleep! Goodnight! (screams) - (gasps) Night! (both laughing) Are we done? - No. - More animals? - One more. - Okay, last one, then I'm running home because I'm exhausted. Aww, it's a kitty! Hi, little kitty! - Trapped! She was trapped in a trashcan, it squished her. - Trapped in a trashcan? - Squished by a trash bag, dirt, got dirty, and can't see. - Wow, that's a lot of stuff! - First, we blow her up. - Blow her up? - Yeah! - Oh, like blow her up just a little bit, not blow her up. (Adley giggles) Got it. I thought you meant like, blow her up. - Like, she explodes? - Yeah. - Yeah, hold this on her. - Okay. - You ready to blow up? - Yep! (pump hissing) - Oh! She's blowing up more and more! (pump hissing) - That's enough, kitty! - Okay. All right. She's nice and blown up. Uh, we gotta get that garbage off her ear, how do we- - Tweezers! - Tweezers, okay. - [Adley] This is an easy patient. - A knocker? (tapping) - Hey! - No? - I said tweezers! - Okay. Tweezers, tweezers, tweezers, tweezers, - Oh! Glasses! - (gasps) You said she couldn't see! She could wear those glasses! That's perfect. - There you go. - And I see the tweezers. Let me just get these. - Hey, hey, - It'll only hurt a little bit. - And you're done, kitty kitty. - Okay, do you wanna go give him back to his owner? - Yep. Everybody's safe and sound at the vet. Okay, now I give up my job! - You're giving up your job? - Yeah, Nico's working here now. He stole my job! - You're my boss now? - Um, I'm gonna work at a pizza place. You can still be my assistant. - Can I work at the pizza place? - Yes! - Yes! I quit! I'm gonna sell pizza! - [Adley] Come on! Pizza, pizza, pizza! - I'm a pizza boy! Pizza, pizza! - Let's all go! (Adley yelling) - [Nico] I get cookies! I get cookies! (Children yelling) - Thanks for watching, bye! (hand slapping) - Bye! (hand slapping) - Hey, one checkup before you go. (giggling) - [Dad] Oh, no! - One checkup to the vloggy before the vloggy goes. - Okay, first I think the vlog needs a shot. (Adley giggling) Okay. (syringe clicks) Okay. - Oh! This will do! - Oh, that'll be perfect! And some cream. (Dad mimicking spraying noise) - And some water! Beep! There vloggy! - Maybe the vlog would like a sticker pock! Boop! Boop! Boop! Boop! Boop! - Maybe the vlog would like to get blowed up? Okay, vlog, I'm gonna blow you up. Hold on, Dad. (pump hissing) (Adley squealing) (Dad panting) (explosion) - [Dad] Oh, we blew it up. (all laughing) Pizza! - [Adley] Pizza, pizza, pizza! - [Nico] I want pizza!
Channel: A for Adley - Learning & Fun
Views: 20,943,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adley, shonduras, best day ever, a for adley, niko bear, drone, dji drone, family fun, pretend play, surprise, gift, present, unboxing, pirate island, park, beach, pirate vs fairy, prison escape, cops vs robbers adley, stitches, doctor visit, doctor adley, hide n seek, doctor, dentist, vampire teeth, brave, daredevil, baby daredevil, shots, remove stitches, sticker pox, turkey feet
Id: wAiD0pBxpDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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