Five Kids at School and other Stories about the Importance of Studying

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[Music] good morning [Music] wait a minute you have something on your dress what is this right there thank you for telling me you're welcome let's go to school [Applause] good morning kids good morning teacher we have a new student today [Music] take your place [Music] take out your notebooks oh no [Music] oops what happened my dog grew on my notebook [Applause] i have an extra one here you go thank you your real friend let's do some math [Music] [Music] teacher i need your help of course [Music] who did this huh [Music] i will keep an eye on you oh it's lunch time [Music] oh no i forgot my lunch at home don't worry i will share thank you [Music] oh no my dress what should i do don't worry i have something for you hmm here you go whoa thank you [Music] yeah fabulous you're free to go [Music] oh no [Music] can you help me i was so wrong to bully the girls okay i will help thank you aha sorry for being so mean girls it's okay let's be friends friendship is not only about having fun with each other don't bully and don't be mean hello kids hello teacher we have a new student today meet maya hi everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow wow huh [Music] today we have a test [Music] yikes [Music] very simple test [Music] time to turn in your papers [Music] alice you've got an f [Music] you got an 8 you've got f minor [Music] oh the class is over [Music] baby can i have new school stuff pencils pants notebook i want everything with sparkles sorry darling we don't have any money i have to work hello kids hi hi hi hi teacher hi please sit down hmm wow such a beautiful handbag can i see it no [Music] look at my new watch wow wow so cool look at my new bracelets necklace and handband yeah good for you wow [Music] new testament [Music] oh it's time to collect your tests [Music] oh it's totally wrong f again such a nice job good hey yay why is your turn yeah save is correct now oh my god yeah so good [Music] f and two minus class is over bye bye guys [Music] alice do you want to hang out let's go [Music] baby i have an a again wow good job can you buy me bracelets knuckles sorry i can't hi welcome take a seat [Music] wow [Music] look what i have oh [Music] yes [Music] wow [Music] you guys last chance for you guys [Music] oh no i will call your parents oh no great job [Music] alice your teacher has called me you failed the test give me all your stuff your t-shirt has called me you have very bad grades give me back your phone chain and watch but when can i have them back when you'll fix your grades baby guess what i have an a oh good girl now i have enough money to buy some presents guess what iphone no way thank you you're welcome good morning kids hi teacher teacher hi teacher [Music] look guys i have a new phone now i can play with you nice what happened guys my dad took all of my stuff because i had bad grades what about you what happened to you i failed all the tests so grandma took all of my fancy stuff don't worry guys i will help you and explain to you everything okay you need to match those things [Music] guess what let's test again it's for you and for you wanna oh i know [Music] oh it's time alice [Music] yeah maya thank you that's for you oh thank you manya you helped us a lot this is also for you [Music] let's be friends yay guys just remember the valuable stuff is not everything the most important thing is knowledge and don't forget to treat people the way you want to be treated and be nice to your friends good morning good morning [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] good morning kids good morning teacher open your notebook and write down this [Music] oh [Music] happened what should i do then boy i have an extra one wow here thank you [Music] [Music] i don't understand can you help me yes [Music] we have seven one two three four five six seven minus three how many do we have one two three four four thank you i got it [Music] break time [Music] oh it hurts sorry i didn't mean it okay [Music] [Music] steffi come to the board please [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] we have four [Music] we add five and we minus one one two three four five six eight yes i got it jobs ten minus five equals five eight plus four plus four equals nine one and three and six six six counts one two three four five six seven eight nine ten equals ten [Music] lunch break [Music] oh no don't worry i will share wow [Music] thank you you're welcome get ready to the lesson [Music] [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] wow [Music] stay for luke oh no don't worry i have this [Music] wow yeah next lesson [Music] wanna help me oh i know we have to just wash the hands [Music] my hands are glued let's wash them [Music] [Music] alex oops
Channel: Vania Mania Kids
Views: 85,488,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nursery rhymes, children songs, baby songs, kid songs, sing-along, sing-along songs, kids videos, kids entertainment, kids education, preschool, kindergarten, toddler, five kids, vania mania, kids at school, lower school, elementary school, school story
Id: nA3yI4xpqhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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