Angry Karen PLANTS DRUGS on 12 YEAR OLD Black Teen

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what that's not mine see officer he's a crack dealing little boy that needs to go to prison maybe he'll finally see his father again [Music] come and get it get your fresh lemonade fresh squeezed lemonade cheaper than gas prices 50 off get your lemonade hey how's it going how much for a glass of lemonade five dollars sir five dollars what the heck why is it so expensive well 10 cents for the lemons another 10 cents for the sugar and where's the rest of the 4.80 supporting small business clever all right screw it you know what i'll take two glasses so what's the money for i'm trying to raise money to buy a new soccer uniform for my soccer team you play soccer i used to love to play soccer when i was your age man how much are you trying to raise uh with the uniform and cleats about 200 excuse me hello ma'am would you like some lemonade don't ma'am me where's the permit for this lemonade stand um what's a permit you're an uneducated little boy so let me educate you a permit is a mandate given by the health department that specifies that all these ingredients have been specially prepared and are up to regulation yeah um i don't know what that means it means we need to know that it's not laced with crack hey lady it's not laced with crack okay he's just raising money for his soccer team leave the kid alone he needs a permit why are you trying to make him the exception he should be like everybody else what is it because he's black no we're making exceptions for him because he's a kid i can't believe you're doing this he's breaking the law i'm calling the police go ahead i'm sure they have more important things to do than arrest a kid selling lemonade jesus you act like he's out here selling drugs or something leave the kid alone you're right you're right maybe i was just being a little overzealous maybe i just need some lemonade myself how much five dollars hey marcus good luck all right see you around one glass please [Music] i forgot i hate lemonade stop breaking the law you need a permit i always win hey that's mine [Music] marcus was absolutely devastated how could this lady do such a thing he's a good kid with a good heart and she had absolutely no reason to do what she did with all the lemonade contaminated marcus had no other option but to close his shop for the day he went home and cried but the next morning he decided he wasn't going to let some crazy woman ruin his dreams of becoming a professional soccer player marcus gathered himself back together and set up shop the very next day hey marcus see you're back i see her back too yeah i mean i run this route every morning so how'd you make out yesterday you make a lot of money um not really what do you mean not really you're doing so well when i left well i was but that lady took all my money that lady what lady that lady from yesterday are you talking about the lady wait what what do you mean she took all your money why didn't you tell anyone she said if i said anything she'd call the cops on me and i'll do it again if you don't leave i tried to be nice i tried to be civil but you people just don't learn hey lady why don't you get out of here before i have my sister come down here and break your face she's a professional boxer and i'm sure she'd love to get some rounds in with you i'm calling the cops yeah good luck with that one hey you all right hello dispatch i'd like to report a crime there's a boy selling lemonade e legally at the park what do you mean it's not serious but he doesn't have a permit so you're not gonna send someone did i mention he's selling trucks hey hey you hey i want what you're selling hey don't listen to that lady she's a lunatic you understand that right for every one bad person that's out there there's thousands of us good ones so to let your mind focus on that one negative experience instead focus on the thousands of positive ones if all you do is focus on the negative you'll end up just like her she's consumed by negativity that's why she's so angry there he is officer there's the boy selling crack and his mexican accomplice right relax lady okay stay back here i'm gonna go talk with him hurry arrest him how's it going are you the guardian of this child no sir i'm just a paying customer of young marcus here we received a disturbance call that somebody is selling crack out of a lemonade stand at the park does it look like he's selling crack no no it does not but regardless of how ridiculous it is i still have a job to do and besides it seems like we got a real karen on our hands here and uh she'll probably report me if i don't at least look like i'm doing something so uh do you mind if i ask you some questions uh marcus career officer okay [Music] so you're raising money for something yeah i'm trying to raise money to buy a new soccer uniform for my team you play soccer yeah that's awesome that's really great and who's your favorite soccer player cristiano ronaldo all right well uh i think i asked all my questions so thanks officer why aren't you arresting him he's obviously a criminal i did my investigation and there's nothing on him all right he's clean you checked his pockets what about its backpack see for yourself listen lady what i'm serious marcus you don't have to say yes but if you let me search your bag we can shut this lady up and we can all be on our way is that all right yep go ahead what the what that's not mine see officer he's a crack dealing little boy that needs to go to prison maybe he'll finally see his father again and you can go ahead and take his mexican uncle with him is this your backpack it is but that's not mine someone must have put it there well who on earth would put it in there it's your backpack she put it in there officer i have it all on tape don't you dare deny it she stole it off me when i was sleeping under that tree over there i followed her back and saw her plant it right in his backpack i have it all right here so let me get this straight you stole illegal narcotics put them in a miner's backpack and then try to frame a child for selling drugs is that right um that's it i've heard enough you're under arrest no no i'm innocent i'm insane he didn't have a permit i'm just trying to take care of the neighborhood i'm white i'm white i'm white hey karen you didn't win this time i hope you guys enjoyed today's life lesson with luis make sure to like and subscribe to this channel so you get notified every time we release a new video and as always make sure to share this with someone that you love these are my drugs
Channel: Life Lessons With Luis
Views: 3,053,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cl95XbaVNCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2022
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