ANGRY "Karen" Calls Cops on Pastor!!!! Life Lessons with Luis

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all right all right get on in there he is officer that black man right there is kidnapping those innocent white kids pause really quick guys make sure you subscribe to notifications on this saturday we are dropping our 50th episode on this channel you don't want to miss it hey what's up kids you guys tired yet you guys want some ice cream [Music] heck yeah we do i love ice cream bubble gum ice cream my favorite come on let's go get some [Music] man where is this ice cream guy i know i saw him earlier are you guys having fun yeah well what do you guys think if we head back to my place have a dip in the pool get some lemonade while we wait for your parents to get off work i don't mind but i want to stay here and keep playing uh-huh you want to stay and keep playing well if you both come with me right now and you behave yourself i'll take you both to disneyland this weekend but disneyland is closed not anymore they just opened up all the theme parks so we're good to go what do you guys think you want to go to disneyland i love disneyland well let's go then let's get on out of here excuse me are these your children uh oh no i'm just watching them where are their parents they're at work is there a problem excuse me do these kids belong to anybody hello yes are these kids your guyses we have a possible kidnapper lady what are you doing you're causing a scene i don't believe for one second that you're watching these kids someone as suspicious as you shouldn't be left alone around children as suspicious as me well just because i'm a guy i can't be a babysitter you're just a little too dark if you ask me you know i ain't got no more awards for you mind your business and get out of my face come on let's go i'm recording you you whatever your name is mr kidnapper knock yourself out hello 9-1-1 we have a kidnapper all right all right get on in there he is officer that black man right there is kidnapping those innocent white kids excuse me sir can i talk to you for a second sir sir do not get in your vehicle what seems to be the problem officer arrest him why isn't he in handcuffs already he's obviously a kidnapper stand back let me handle this received a call about a possible kidnapping you understand we got to take these calls very seriously i'm going to momentarily detain you i'll ask you some questions are you the guardian of these children officer i'm trying to remain calm at the fact that you believe whatever this crazy nut job says look at this i see one two three six people standing around recording me as if i'm some kind of child kidnapper do you know how embarrassing that is for me i am the legal guardian of these two children i'm watching them while their parents are at work i run a ministry down the street called every city nation church over 80 percent of the youths in my program come from single-parent households who can't afford child care i grew up without a father so i know how important it is to have a dad in a picture so i offer my services to struggling parents in need do you have any further questions officer he's lying officer he is not a pastor he's a criminal they're all criminals i saw him selling crap there's a bunch of kids here the other day he's a crack dealer hide your children hey will you be quiet let me do my job listen i believe you all right but you got to show me some kind of proof right it's just part of my job do you have any form of id you can show me it's in my center console next to my crack can i grab it careful officer you might have a weapon on them they're known to carry shanks be quiet i'm not gonna ask you again [Music] marquee brown what's this that's my ministry id card verifying i am who i say i am if you don't believe that you can pull out your phone and google my church name my picture be the first thing that pops up hey you kids doing it right in there yeah do you guys know this man yeah he's pastor brown he takes care of us while our mama's at work yeah my mom has a crush on him but he's not supposed to know that well he's a good looking guy your mom has good taste father brown i appreciate you being so cooperative i'm sorry for the way that she was labeling you like that i hope this doesn't put a bad taste in your mouth when it comes to police not at all officer you're just doing your job that's good because i wanted to ask you if you need any help with the ministry i actually grew up without a father and would love to be a positive male role model for any of these kids well hallelujah brother i knew god had a plan for me today after all he's definitely testing your patience today huh got that right well here's my card let me know if there's anything i can do to help i just want kids to know that we're the good guys you know any positive impact i can make you let me know sounds good [Music] is he a criminal no a man is a pastor and he's fathering those two kids while their parents are at work he's actually a really great role model and if you ask me i think you owe an apology i hope you're not expecting an apology for me i didn't do anything wrong it's not normal to see a black man with two white children now what's not normal is you judging a black man with two white children what's not normal is you assuming that i'm just some crack dealing kidnapper when in fact i'm a pastor i love to sit here and educate you but i have a fun-filled day with these kids i'm not gonna let some loony like you ruin our time together just know that hate in your heart will consume you have a good day karen the hatred in your heart will consume you too this is one of my favorite quotes it basically means that if somebody's being angry or in this case racist towards you well that's their problem not yours let the hatred in their heart consume them i mean they're the ones that have to walk around angry and upset every single day and that is a punishment all in itself meanwhile you can choose to live happy and free no joke when we were filming this exact episode we had a real life karen that showed up on set and started recording us and she was upset because we were filming at a public park again we chose to just laugh it off because the hatred in her heart will consume her that's her problem not ours all right guys so he's gonna say his lines and then i want you guys to gather or you say your first line so say say your first line where you ask him um you kids know this guy yeah he's pastor brown he's our crack dealer no not that one though the real line oh yeah i hope you guys enjoyed today's life lesson with luis make sure to like and subscribe to this channel so you get notified every time we release a new video and as always make sure to share this with someone that you love
Channel: Life Lessons With Luis
Views: 5,737,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life lessons, life lessons with luis, luis mercado, realluismercado
Id: 4mg291O5oC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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