Angry Jim | The Office U.S. | Comedy Bites

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i have recently taken a lover well that's great congratulations who's the lucky lady pam's mom what pam's mom helene remember from your wedding you're messing with me about what you did not have sex with pam's mom oh big time what kind of cars to drive she drives a green camera and the seats go all the way down all the way down oh my god oh my god what okay never tell pam and then secondly good packed a packed although i may have to break it tonight when helene and i tell pam over dinner you all right oh my god hey jim not now toby my god get the hell out of here idiot what did i do okay as far as dinner tonight cancel that and please for both of our sakes never ever ever see her again i think you're underestimating pam i think more than anything she wants me to be happy no not more than anything okay i i have a good thing with the mom don't call her she's right on my way home from work and take a different way home man all right i'll take surface streets it's the last thing in the world i would want to do is upset pam okay so we're good yeah michael can i okay i'm just gonna skip right past the what and go with why because this is the recreation of a crime scene i'm the dead body and these are my brainchild hey shut up you're dead michael can i talk to you michael here my name caleb today shut up they need this game jim let us have this stupid little game all right oh you startled me oh my stars my heart nearly leapt out of my chest what can i do you for wallace is on the phone he's returning your call detective wallace i don't think so i think it's david wallace from dunder mifflin oh shucks tell him i'm not here you're not gonna answer the phone no i only answer to detective wallace cause i got a warm body in the other room i'll take it hey pickles merry christmas open immediately love swiss cheese damn it dwight didn't think your affectionate nicknames would be your undoing did you jim let that be a lesson to you all to me the sixers are a five seed tops i think they're going to conference finals buying them obvious monster i have three point shooting don't eat i bit my lip at lunch today sucks anyway i just don't see it the knicks are tough the nets are tough oh the nets are super tough now i have this big bump in my lip that hurts i hate it the hawks are terrible they're always terrible okay you need to think about it before you come with the whatever it's not a big deal you know i always tell my three-year-old if this is the worst thing that's gonna happen you gotta be kidding me okay pam that's it i'm going home do you love her or do you love the idea of her i don't know man i just don't know i gotta make an example out of him should i just fire him can you actually fire people to be honest i don't know but maybe i could just yell at him in front of people well i can't really imagine you yelling at anyone why yell you've heard me yell okay i've heard you exclaim like the time you said hey look we parked over here well that was apple picking day there's no need to yell that day you know i was just excited to find the car perfect end to a perfect day well you'll figure it out you
Channel: Comedy Bites
Views: 3,023,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Absurd humor, American sitcom, Awkward humor, Awkward situations, Classic comedy, Comedic timing, Comedy Bites, Comedy moments, Dunder Mifflin, Dwight Schrute, Entertaining series, Funny scenes, Jenna Fischer, Jim Halpert, Jim and Pam, Laugh-out-loud scenes, Michael and Dwight, Office pranks, Office shenanigans, Quotable lines, Workplace comedy
Id: 7mGX7JwQ4ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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