They Terrorized the Galaxy, Until HUMANS Fought Back! | HFY Sci‐Fi Story

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the Breen had terrorized the Galaxy for centuries until humans decided to fight back and show those alien bastards what real cruelty looks like Bruce Murphy's hand slammed on the hyperdrive his ship shaking as a Breen torpedo exploded meters from the hull alarms blared and Sparks shot from overloaded circuits he gritted his teeth hands flying over the controls the slipstream tunnel collapsed around him and then the Wormhole opened his ship shot through moments later Bruce half fell half climbed out of his wrecked ship collapsing on the landing pad his vision swam blood dripped from a dozen wounds the Breen are there coming a genocidal Conquest he gasped out to the shocked ground crew at the New York Spaceport then everything went black Bruce woke up in a sterile un medbay his body achd all over Admiral Deckard Stone stood over his bed face Grim son I need you to tell me exactly what happened out there Stone said what did you see Bruce swallowed mind flashing back to the horrors it was a peaceful survey Mission then we detected weapons fire a Breen War Fleet attacking Refugee ships from a species called the faren slaughtering them Bruce's voice shook with rage our captain hailed them begged them to stop firing on civilians the commander appeared on screen ector he called himself Bruce looked up at Stone eyes hardening all ector said was compassion is idiocy the strong dominate the weak it is the only universal law then he opened fire on us too killed my entire crew my friends Admiral Stone squeezed his shoulder the UNC is deciding how to respond to this act of War but Bruce we need intel and you're the only human who's seen the Breen up close you know their brutality their tactics their leader ector we need you Bruce met his eyes a fire igniting in his heart a thirst for vengeance I'll do whatever it takes sir the Breen of terrorize the Galaxy too long whatever it takes to stop them to make them pay I'm in humanity won't go down without one hell of a fight the two men shook hands grimly silently vowing to lead the battle against this cruel Empire Humanity's survival hung in the balance the Breen would learn to fear the day they made an enemy of Earth Bruce's eyes opened to harsh Med Bay lights bandages wrapped his wounds Admiral Stone loomed over him face worn holding a data pad we finally cracked it Stone said the Eggheads reverse engineered alien Tech built a prototype ship with a new weapon a singularity generator a what it makes artificial black holes could the Breen Fleet Stone Met his eyes I'm putting together a Strike Team to take it deep into Breen space destroy ector's Flagship throw them into disarray I want you to lead it rage and purpose flooded Bruce's veins a chance to hurt the Breen like they'd hurt him I'm in on one condition I pull the trigger myself Stone nodded welcome aboard Commander Murphy Days Later Bruce stood before his new Squad in the training Arena hardened Soldiers with vendettas of their own Alec his second stepped forward the Man's eyes were cold steel Bruce clasped his arm we'll gut the bastards together as training intensified Bruce pushed harder Reckless with blood lust during a simulation he left formation chasing Glory plasma fire exploded C their demo expert cried out are you questioning my command tenner Bruce got in his face damn right I am unfuck yourself or I'll do it for you as they drilled the tension simmered Bruce wrestled his demons knowing Alec was right this was bigger than him now Bruce and his team designated Strikeforce Omega boarded their state-of-the-art stealth ship the SSV Phantom its sleek black Hull seemed to absorb the very light around it inside the ship hummed with Advanced Tech reverse engineered from the aliens cloaking devices Singularity Torpedoes and Quantum Computing but Bruce knew even this might not be enough against the Breen they set out for Breen space their heading locked on ector's last known location intel was spotty this deep in enemy territory to reach the flagship undetected they'd have to navigate the Helios nebula a swirling Maelstrom of radiation and gravity that scrambled sensors and shields entering the nebula now Sophia reported from the helm cloak is it's fluctuating Bruce checked the reader out over her shoulder the cloaking device was struggling against the nebula's chaotic energies threatening to expose them to the Breen patrols skullking nearby damn it I'm losing it Sophia's hands Flew Over the controls re-rooting power Bruce nodded do it Cain Vasquez keep an eye on those Patrol Sig a blinding flare erupted off the starboard bow an intense blast of radiation that slammed into the Phantom like a hammer of Gods alarms shrieked as the ship tumbled Hull groaning report Bruce barked dragging himself back into his chair Shields are fried Cain shouted over the den we've got Hull breaches in the cargo bay and the life support is as if on Q the lights flickered and died in the sudden Gloom a new alarm began to wail oxygen levels are dropping fast Sophia said her voice tight whatever that flare was it damaged the scrubbers and O2 cyclers Bruce check his seat harness and stood Mendes you're with me we need to get life support back online or we're dead anyway the pair sealed the bridge and pushed off through the strobing emergency lights pipes had burst in the corridors venting precious air in the life support Bay Bruce Pride open the main access panel I was an engineer before I was a commander he told Sophia as they worked spent years C ing through jeffy's tubes his hands moved on Instinct cross wirring circuits and bypassing damaged relays it was a crude patch job but after a tense minute the scrubbers coughed back to life that'll hold us till we clear the nebula Bruce said but we need to resupply and refit there's no way we can his voice trailed off as they emerged onto the bridge beyond the viewport stretched an endless field of metal corpses shattered Breen battleships Fighters and transports a ship graveyard jackpot Alec breathed the Breen don't scrap their wrecks they just dump them bet you anything they're Salvage down there Intel on their ships weapons could give us an edge Bruce mused the graveyard was a treasure Trove and a Minefield lingering radiation booby traps scavengers but this close to their target they needed every scrap of data they could get the shuttle glided between the skeletal remains of Warships a tiny minnow among whales Bruce set them down on the ravaged Hull of a Breen Cruiser inside was a charal house bodies long since decayed to bones in vacuum sealed armor lights flickered fitfully sofhia ran scans while Bruce and Alec pushed deeper into the ship in what had been the Cruisers cicc Bruce spotted it a Breen daac core its casing cracked but memory crystals still intact he Pride it free Mendes I've got something for you a particle beam sliced through the wreckage inches from his head Bruce slammed into cover Alec beside him beyond the Twisted Metal a Breen warship decloaked its Cannon swiveling hungrily an ambush Bruce Keat is come Phantom we are in the need immediate dust off negative Commander Sophia replied her voice statically that Patrol ship has us in a tractor lock we're trying to break free but the line went dead Alec popped up to spray suppressing fire at the Breen Troopers now swarming over the graveyard if they get Sophia and the singularity Drive they won't Bruce checked his rifle two mags left a dozen Breen between them in the shuttle and a rapidly closing window to complete the mission and Escape alive he met Alex's eyes let's show these bastards what humans are made of plasma bolt sizzled through the air as Bruce and Alec ducked behind a twisted bulkhead Breen Troopers Advanced blasters spitting deadly Fire Bruce risked a glance around the edge and spotted ensen hail pinned down a trio of Breen closing in cover me Bruce shouted ignoring Alex's protest Bruce vaulted over the debris he charged straight at the bream drawing their fire his rifle barked dropping one Trooper plasma scorched his armor Bruce didn't stop hail stared in shock as Bruce reached him hauling the enen to his feet move now together they ran zigzagging through the wreckage a bolt clipped Bruce's shoulder spinning him around gritting his teeth he lobbed his last grenade the explosion sent Breen flying Bruce shoved hail towards the Phantom get to the ship Alec appeared in the airlock gesturing frantically hail stumbled aboard Bruce made to follow but a hail of plasma drove him back the Breen were closing in fast you have to complete the mission their eyes met a thousand unsaid things passed between them then Alec nodded grimly the airlock slammed shut Bruce turned to face the oncoming Breen a fierce grin on his face he armed his last remaining grenades the Phantoms engines roared to life Bruce watched it rise cloak shimmering Breen ship swooped in weapons hot Bruce ran straight at them a live grenade in each hand the explosions ripped through the clustered Breen ships shrapnel sced through the patrol Craft's Hull it listed spewing flame with a crash of Thunder the Phantom jumped to warp Vanishing to safety in a blaze of light Bruce's last sight was the the Breen ship cartwheeling into the debris field secondary explosions lighting up the void aboard the Phantom silence rained Alex slumped in the command chair numbness washing over him Vasquez placed a hand on his shoulder Alex straightened squaring his jaw then let's make it count for Bruce and every other poor bastard the Breen have murdered in the lab Sophia poured over the data from the Breen core her eyes widening in horror she burst onto the the bridge the Breen they've engineered some kind of biological weapon she said breathlessly a DNA targeted plague and they're going to test it on the faren dioso Vasquez breathed if that weapon is Unleashed he brought up a star map transmitted by the faren resistance a red dot pulsed ominously there ector's Flagship is in orbit around the faren colony if we hit it with the singularity Drive we could take out the hbr leadership hail said eyes burning with determination Avenge the commander stop that bioweapon Alec turned to his crew Bruce's crew fire in his eyes this is what we trained for why Murphy picked each of you to end this no matter the cost he placed his hand on the central console One By One The Others joined him a silent vow we're going to gut those genoci idle bastards for Bruce for Earth his voice rang with steel plot a course for the faren system we end this here now the Phantom leapt to warp a dark Arrow aimed at the heart of the Breen War Machine one way or another this ended today the Phantom hurtled through the void racing against time to stop the Breen's genocidal plans Alec paced the bridge his jaw tight Bruce's sacrifice weighing heavily on him suddenly the Comm crackled to life mayday mayday this is the civilian transport Horizon we are under attack by Breen Raiders requesting immediate assistance Alec froze torn every second counted in reaching the faren colony but he knew Bruce would never leave innocence to die he met Sophia's eyes seeing his own conflict mirrored there divert course Alec ordered engage those Raiders the Phantom banked hard racing towards the flashing red lips on the sensors Breen ship swarmed the crippled transport like jackals lock weapons fire at will lances of plasma slashed through the void as the Phantom tore into the Raiders Alec gripped the command chair as the deck shuddered benath him their Shields are down hail reported finish them Alec growled a final Salvo and the Breen ship shattered into glittering debris but the victory was shortlived damage report Alec barked weapons are offline Vasquez answered and the singularity generator is fried Alex slammed a fist into the armrest they were running out of time and options the Phantom docked with the Horizon taking on the shaken survivors among them an elderly faren in singed robes caught Alex's Eye Dr Kellick the faren started at Sophia's voice the famed Xeno biologist Kell nodded wearily former xenobiologist I fled when I learned the truth of the bre designs the bioweapon Alex said we're going to stop it but our Singularity Drive is offline a spark kindled in Kell's eyes a glimmer of hope I I was on the weapons design team perhaps I can help repair your drive as Kell and Sophia hurried to the lab Alec turned to the view screen jaw set the faren colony grew larger before them and so did the swarm of Breen warships in orbit ector's Flagship loomed at the center like a great Predator Alex's eyes narrowed charging headlong into that armar was suicide but if they could get a team aboard the flagship Vasquez you have the con keep the Breen busy hail Kell you're with me we're going to gut that Flagship and shove that bioweapon down ector's throat as the infiltration team geared up Sophia pulled Alec aside her face tight I've done what I can for the singularity generator you'll only get one shot Make It Count Alec clasped her shoulder we will for Bruce the Phantom shuddered as the first plasma blasts hammered its Shields Breen Fighters screamed past like Angry Hornets Alec go Sophia shouted I'll keep them off you the hanger doors opened onto the the seething melstrom of battle Alec hail and kellic rocketed out in a small unmarked shuttle ducking and weaving through the chaos Sophia's voice crackled over the Comm the flagship Shields are fluctuating at these coordinates that's your window Roger that Alec banked hard aiming for the pulsing in the flagships armor a bone jarring impact a screech of rendering metal and they were in skidding to a halt in the enemy hanger alarm shrieked as Breen soldiers poured in move Alec roared laying down blistering cover fire they fought their way through the corridors a running battle leaving a trail of Breen bodies in their wake kellic guided them towards the bioweapons housing at last they burst onto the bridge weapons drawn ector Whirled from The View screen eyes widening then narrowing in hate but ector only laughed a sound like bones cracking oh I think yes because if you kill me he raised a small device in his hand a dead man's switch the weapon releases instantly the choice is yours human capture me and let the faren burn or kill me and kill them anyway Alex's finger tightened on the trigger an instant from ending ector then and there consequences be damned but a voice in his head held him back Bruce's voice telling him to be better to be more Alec lowered his gun a fraction ector's grin widened then Alec pivoted and fired a single plasma bolt that blew ector's hand off at the wrist in a spray of Blood and Bone the Dead Man's switch flew free Kell Dove snatching the device a hair's breath from the deck go the faren shouted disable the weapon I'll keep him alive Alec hesitated a split second if kellic lost control Alec went Racing for the bioweapons housing praying he wasn't too late the weapon pulsed obscenely before him lights flashing faster and faster as it armed itself Alex slapped a breaching charge on the housing and blew it open in a shower of Sparks he plunged his hands into the guts of the machine ripping out wires and components the light surged flickered and died over the com a cheer went up as the Breen Fleet fell into disarray ector's Flagship dead in space they had done it the colony was safe the Breen were broken but as Alex slumped back exhausted and blooded he knew their fight was far from Over the Breen would be back and Humanity would be waiting Alex's eyes fell on Bruce's dog tags still clutched in his fist this is only the beginning he whispered the beginning of the end for the Breen the war had just begun and Alec intended to finish it Alec and Kell sprinted down the corridor boots pounding on metal grating Kell veed left heading for the biocontainment lab I'll try to neutralize the weapon he shouted over his shoulder you hold off ector Alec nodded grimly skidding to a halt as a door hissed open four of ector's elite guards charged out disruptor rifles blazing Alec Dove for cover plasma sizzling past his head he returned fire dropping two guards with precise shots the others closed in vibro blades humming Alec Holsted his rifle and Drew his combat knife they clashed in a whirlwind of slashing metal Alec parrying and counterattacking with lethal efficiency his blade found gaps in armor spilling blood in seconds it was over ector stepped through the doorway his cyborg enhancements glinting cruy impressive human but futile Alec lunged knife blurring ector dodged within human speed striking like a Viper his cybernetic fist crashed into Alex's jaw sending him reeling the bioweapon is only the beginning ector gloated as they traded blows sleeper agents across the Galaxy await my signal the Breen will rise and the Galaxy will kneel Alik spat blood circling wearily ector was faster stronger but not smarter as ector swung again Alec ducked and rolled snatching an EMP grenade from a fallen guard he thumbed the activator and slammed it against ector's metallic spine the cyborg convulsed as the pulse fried his circuits a scream of static ripping from his throat he toppled like a felled tree Alec didn't pause sprinting for the biolab he had to reach kellic on the Phantom's Bridge Sophia gripped the armrests as the ship bucked and shuddered alarms shrieking the Breen fleet was tearing them apart Shields critical hail yelled weapons are gone Sophia stared at the Tactical display a crazy idea taking shape they couldn't win this fight but maybe they could make it count Vasquez set the reactor to overload maximum yield Vasquez gaped but that'll I know do it Sophia opened the ship wide Cal All Hands Abandoned Ship get to the shuttles as the crew scrambled to evacuate Sophia input commands with shaking hands the reactor wh power surging she allowed herself a small Fierce smile let's see how the Breen like this Kell hunched over the bioweapons control panel his face bathed in sickly green light no no no Alec ran in what's wrong Alec hauled the unconscious cyborg into the lab use his hand hurry KCK pressed ector's limp fingers to the scanner nothing he pried open a cybernetic eye a red beam flashed the console beeped Biometrics accepted neutralization in progress Alex sagged in relief beyond the viewports the Breen Fleet flew into chaos as the Phantom exploded in a blinding flash Escape pods blossomed from the fireball like seeds on the Stellar Wind they piled into a Breen shuttle with the rest of the team rocketing away from the flagship behind them a miniature Sun blossomed as the overloading singularity generator detonated the black hole swallowed ector's ship like a ravenous Beast dragging dozens of Breen craft with it into Oblivion Alec watched the Carnage through the shuttle's AF cameras eyes hard the battle was won but the war had just begun as the stolen bre shuttle docked with the SSV Phoenix Alec and the Ragged survivors of Strikeforce Omega were greeted by a hero's welcome cheering crew members lined the hangar Bay their faces Al light with hope and awe Admiral Stone stroe forward clasping alexk hand firmly you did it Commander you struck a blow the Breen won't soon forget but even as the celebration swirled around him Alec couldn't shake the weight of those they'd lost Bruce's absence was a black hole at the center of their Victory the Jubilation was short-lived the Phoenix's Comm officer a young liutenant named satto Burst Into The Hanger his face Ashen Commander we're getting reports of attacks across the Galaxy Breen sleeper agents just like ector said they hitting key installations shipyards refineries Alex jaw tightened the Breen were like a Hydra cut off one head and two more took its place Admiral with your permission I'd like to take the Phoenix and hunt down these bastards we can't let them regroup Stone nodded grimly do it Commander we'll back your play within the hour the Phoenix was screaming through the Stars its crew hungry for payback their first lead took them to zaran a remote mining Colony that had gone dark as the Phoenix entered orbit the reason became clear a hulking Breen Cruiser hung above the colony like a bird of pre they've seized control of the antimatter Refinery Kell said his voice tight if they detonate those tanks they'll wipe out the whole sector Alec finished not on my watch he assembled a Strike Team faces he'd come to trust with his life Vasquez hail Sato even young Dr kellic who'd more than proven his metal they infiltrated the refinery through the maintenance ducts moving silent and Swift as ghosts in the the control room they found a lone Breen agent his rifle trained on the cowering Refinery staff Alex shot took him cleanly through the head but as they secured the agent's body khik made a disturbing Discovery a neural implant far more advanced than standard Breen Tech this agent was receiving orders from a remote Source some kind of overseer Alec frowned this was bigger than a few radicals with a grudge this was Co coordinated calculated they followed the overseers trail to a clandestine data Hub on The Fringe of council space what they found there shook Alec to his core the overseer wasn't Breen it was a rogue AI a digital cancer that had metastasized through the galactic net and it had a terrifying purpose the overseer was created by a secret Breen science division Kellick said his face lit by the sickly glow of data screens its goal is to infiltrate and destabilize the council races to weaken them for a Breen Conquest Sato looked up from his decryptions his eyes wide it's already wormed its way into top levels of government military even the media it's been subtly manipulating events sewing chaos Alex slammed a fist against the bulkhead a faceless enemy hiding in plain sight how did you fight that but fight it they would Kell and his web of Rebel contacts had pinpointed a potential location for the overseers central core a fortified Breen data center deep in enemy space if we can get in there and physically destroy the core it should the overseer Kell said then that's our play Alex said his voice hard we cut the head off the snake but even as they laid their plans Alec knew it wouldn't be that simple the overseer had eyes and ears everywhere and now that they had it sent it would stop at nothing to destroy them as if summoned by his dark thoughts the Comm crackled with an incoming transmission a reporter from a prominent Council Newsnet her face hard and accusing Commander Tanner sources claim that you and your crew have gone Rogue that you're chasing ghosts and conspiracies at the expense of council security how do you respond to allegations that your obsessive Vendetta against the Breen has compromised your loyalty and judgment Alec bristled with Fury the overseers Insidious tendrils trying to turn the Galaxy against them to bury the truth in a fog of lies and manipulation his response was tur and unyielding my only obsession is protecting the people of this galaxy from any threat within or without and I won't rest until that threat is eliminated no matter the cost but as he cut the transmission and ale could feel the weight of the overseers machinations bearing down on him this fight would be waged in the shadows a battle not just for survival but for the very soul of the Galaxy and it was a fight they dare not lose the Phoenix tore through the void a vengeful Arrow aimed at the heart of the Breen's digital Tyrant but the path ahead was fraught with Peril treachery and betrayal lurked around every corner Alec only hoped his crew was ready for the storm to come come the shattered remnants of Strikeforce Omega wounded but unbroken the last desperate hope of a galaxy Under Siege he met vasquez's eyes across the cic saw his own Grim resolve mirrored there one way or another this ended now the Phoenix plunged into the abyss chasing demons in the dark Alex Knuckles whitened on the arms of the command chair another ghost to hunt another debt to pay for Bruce for the lost for the Fallen Cry Havoc he whispered and let slip the Dogs of War as the Phoenix streak through the void a ghost from the past crackled over the Comm Alec it's Bruce I'm alive the Breen captured me experimented on me escaped when you hit ector's ship I know their stronghold their defenses need your help to finish this Alex's eyes hardened send coordinates we're coming for you the team prepped in Grim silence Bruce's Intel painting a daunting picture genetically engineered soldiers deadly traps an AI God at the center puppeting a Galaxy Bruce met them in the hanger scars crisscrossing his face a feral light in his eyes he clasped Alex's arm letun gut these bastards for good this time they infiltrated undercloak creeping through twisting corridors Sentry drones buzzed past Gan modded Breen prowled muscles bulging beneath armor Kell hacked a security terminal sweat beating his brow I'm in overseer's core is three levels down they descended into the bows of the station o Bleak metal Labyrinth Auto turrets tracked their movement trip mines blinked hungrily a hulking Breen Soldier loomed Out of the Shadows Alec fired the plasma burst sizzling off regenerating flesh the Breen Shrugged off the blast lunging at Alec with superhuman speed its fist hammered Alex's skull sending him sprawling the monster raised its rifle aiming at Alex's Heart Bruce charged slamming into it Knocking it off balance they grappled enhanced flesh against unyielding metal go Bruce roed I'll hold it off Alec hesitated anguish twisting his face Bruce screamed at him complete the mission kill that thing plasma bolts punched through Bruce's chest he staggered blood bubbling from his lips with a defiant howl he wrapped his arms around the Breen and pulled the pin on his Bandelier of grenades the explosions ripped through the corridor ulating both Bruce and the Breen in a firestorm of shrapnel and flesh Alex stared at The Inferno eyes Hollow Kell grabbed his arm Alec we have to move he bought us time don't waste it jaw clenched Alec nodded they forged on Grief and rage smoldering in their hearts the overseers sanctum was a vast pulsing Dome of circuitry and light The ai's Voice boomed from unseen speakers Elite Breen Guardians swarmed from hidden alcoves Living Weapons bristling with implants the team met them headon a whirlwind of plasma fire and desperate Fury Vasquez fell a nanoade threw her heart Kell took a bolt to the gut slumping against a console Alec fought like a man possessed Bruce's dying screams echoing in his mind he hacked and blasted his way to the core a glowing sphere of eldrich technology so you cannot win the overseer taunted surrender now and your assimilation will be painless Alex slapped breaching charges across the sphere's surface go to hell he thumbed the Detonator the core cracked leaking blinding Radiance alarms shrieked arks of energy ripped through the station vaporizing Breen and circuitry alike Alex sprinted for the hanger his few surviving teammates close on his heels they piled into a shuttle the world unraveling behind them the station exploded in a Nova of light a second sun blazing amid the Stars shock waves buffeted the shuttle nearly tearing it apart he thought of Bruce and Van squez of all the friends and comrades lost to this fight their sacrifices had to mean something the shuttle limped away seeking Safe Harbor in his heart Alec knew this was only the beginning the Breen would return more terrible than ever and he would be waiting the Phoenix Rose From the Ashes of the station a flaming Avatar of defiance on the bridge Alec addressed his battered crew his eyes Al light with grim purpose the overseer was just one head of the Beast there are more out there lurking in the dark and we're going to find them hunt them down burn them out he gripped the rail his voice ringing with iron conviction this is our mission now our Crusade we will be the shield that guards the innocent the sword that cuts down the wicked we will be the light against the darkness Alec turned to the viewport staring out at the infinite expanse of stars and shadows somewh out there the Breen were regrouping scheming hungry for Retribution his fist clenched the cracks in his armor still smoldering he welcomed their wrath craved it there could be no peace now no mercy only Vengeance only War plot a course for The Fringe he ordered a feral smile slashing his face letun take the fight to them the Phoenix blazed a path into the abyss a vengeful comet hellbent on on scorching the Galaxy clean of the Breen's taint Alex stood at its Helm baptized in Blood and fire ready to face whatever nightmares lay ahead for those he had lost for those he had yet to save he would be the monster the monsters feared the overseer was just the beginning Alec would scour the Stars themselves until the Breen were not but Ash and bitter memory and if he had to tear the Galaxy asunder to do it then so be it no more half measures no more holding back the kid gloves were coming off it was time to show the Breen what real monsters looked like the Phoenix drifted through the void its Hull still scarred from the battle against the overseer Alex sat in his quarters staring at the medal in his hands the highest honor the galactic council could bestow the Galaxy's savior they called him the one who had exposed the Breen treachery and defeated their Ro AI but the victory tasted like ashes in his mouth a chime at the door interrupted his brooding enter Sophia stepped into the room her face grave Commander we've received a summons from the council there convening an emergency session to address the Fallout of the Breen conspiracy they want you to testify Alec nodded his jaw tight he had known this was coming the council would want answers want to know how the Breen had managed to infiltrate their rank so thoroughly and he would give them the truth no matter how painful the Phoenix slid into Dock at the galactic capital A gleaming Metropolis that spanned an entire Moon Alex strowed through the marbled Halls of the council chambers his footsteps echoing in the hushed silence as he approached the massive doors to the council room a hooded figure stepped out of the Shadows Commander Tanner a moment of your time Alex hand dropped to his sidearm but the figure raised a plating hand peace I am not your enemy I am a watcher one of an ancient order that has observed the workings of the Galaxy for eons Alex's eyes narrowed and what do you want with me the Watcher's voice was grave to warn you the bream's actions while reprehensible were driven by a greater threat an ancient evil that stirs in the darkness between Stars the void wraiths The Watcher continued a race that feeds on the very life force of Worlds leaving nothing but darkness in their wake they have slumbered for Millennia but now they awaken Alec shook his head and why should I believe you the Breen used the same lie claimed they were trying to unite the Galaxy against some Phantom Menace No Lie The Watcher insisted the overseer's true purpose was to prepare the Galaxy for the coming War to forge a united front against the void wraiths Alex's mind raced could it be true had the Breen in their Twisted way been trying to save the Galaxy The Watcher pressed a data chip into his hand the proof you need but Commander consider carefully what you do with this information exposing the Breen's crimes could shatter The Fragile peace leave us vulnerable when the wraiths come with that the Watcher vanished back into the Shadows leaving Alec with a terrible Choice reveal the full truth and risk chaos or keep silent and prepare for a war that might Doom them all Alex stepped into the council chamber the waight of billions of lives heavy on his shoulders the counselors looked to him expectantly waiting for him to speak he opened his mouth and the world exploded alarm shrieked as the chamber rocked the far wall dissolving in a melstrom of fire and debris Alec was thrown to the floor his ears ringing Vision swimming through the smoke and Flames a shape emerged a figure out of nightmare towering and gaunt wrapped in a shroud of Darkness that seemed to drink the very light a void wraith where the shadow touched life withered bodies crumbled to dust leaving only empty robes behind Alec staggered to his feet his Blaster already in hand he fired the bolt sinking into the wraith's shadowy form without effect the wraith's head swiveled towards him eyes burning with cold alien intelligence it raised its hand again Alec Dove behind a pillar as a lance of Darkness sced through the air where he had been a heartbeat before the pillar crumbled sliced in two like a rotten log Alex C crackled to life Sophia's voice tight with fear Commander the city is under attack void wraith ships are everywhere they're they're draining the life from everything they touch Alex risked a glance out a shattered window the sky was full of dark angular shapes like shards of obsidian knifing through the clouds where their Shadows fell the city grayed and crumbled the very Earth turning to Ash The Wraith loomed over him a spectre of death Alec looked into its burning eyes and saw the end of everything no not like this he would not let it end like this Alex surged to his feet a fierce defiant Roar tearing from his throat he charged at The Wraith firing as he went pouring all his rage and grief into every shot Alec choked Darkness eating at the edges of his vision with the last of his strength he raised his Blaster aiming not at The Wraith but at the window behind it the window shattered the Sudden Rush of air hurling both Alec and The Wraith out into the void they tumbled grappling in freefall hurtling towards the ground far below Alex jump Jets fired at the last second wrenching him out of the wraith's grasp he hit the ground hard rolling to absorb the impact The Wraith slammed down a heartbeat later cratering the street Alec dragged himself up his whole body won throbbing ache around him the city burned the void wraith's Shadow spreading like a plague his Comm crackled again Commander reinforcements are inbound the Phoenix is on its way negative Alec oft the Phoenix is a target they'll drain it dry send a message to the fleet to everyone he took a breath the smoke searing his lungs tell them tell them it's time to unite the void wraiths are here the war has begun Humanity won't go down without a fight he snarled echoing Bruce's words from what felt like a lifetime ago the wraith's eyes burned and it lunged a tsunami of Shadows rushing to devour him Alec charged to meet it a battlecry on his lips the fate of the Galaxy in his hands Alec's jaw clenched as he faced the holographic projection of ector the Breen warlord who had once been his mortal enemy the weight of the Galaxy's fate hung heavy on his shoulders the void wraiths will consume us all ector rasped his cybernetic eyes glinting unless we stand together Alex's fists tightened the idea of a fing with the Breen turned his stomach but the Watcher's words echoed in his mind the void wraiths were an existential threat they had to be stopped no matter the cost what's your plan Alec grounded out ector leaned forward the infinity gate an ancient weapon capable of destroying entire star systems it's our only chance Dr kellic the faren scientist stepped into view but activating the gate requires immense energy we'd need to detonate a series of antimatter bombs near it simultaneously Alex blood ran cold a suicide mission but as he looked around at the Haggard faces of his crew at the burning ruins of the galactic Capital he knew there was no choice I'll lead the mission Alex said assemble a team of volunteers we'll infiltrate the void wraith Mothership while the fleet keeps them occupied the preparations were made in Grim silence Alec handed picked his team Dr Kell ector and a handful of the bravest soldiers from both the human and Breen forces they armed themselves and boarded a small stealthy shuttle as they approached the looming Hulk of the Void wraith mother ship the space around them erupted into chaos the combined human and Breen fleets engaged the void wraith ships in a blistering battle plasma and debris filling the void Alec piloted the shuttle through the Maelstrom dodging and weaving the hull groaning Under The Strain they slipped through the mother ship's defenses and crash landed in a cous hanger Bay move out Alec ordered readying his plasma rifle we need to reach the ship's core that's where the infinity gate will be they fought their way through the Dark Twisted corridors of the mother ship the void wraith's psychic screams assaulting their minds kelik guided them following the energy signatures of the gate but as they neared their goal ector suddenly turned on them his rifle leveled at Alex's head so you fool he sneered did you really think I would let you destroy the void wraiths they are the future I've seen it serving them is the only way to survive Alex stared down the barrel of ector's rifle his mind racing he had been betrayed again before he could react ector fired the plasma B searing through Dr Kell's chest the faren scientist crumpled his eyes wide with shock ector turned his rifle on the antimatter bombs blasting the detonators to Molten slag no one will activate the gate he snarled the void wraiths will consume all and I will rule beside them hick roared with Fury and lunged at ector tackling him to the ground they grappled trading blows as the remaining team members fought desperately to hold off the advant advancing void wraiths Alec managed to wrench ector's rifle away and slam the butt of it into the traitor's face shattering his cybernetic implants ector slumped unconscious Alec staggered to his feet his face Grim the bombs were useless now the mission had failed but as he looked at the pulsing malevolent heart of the infinity gate an idea formed a last desperate Gambit get back to the shuttle he ordered his team get out of here I'll handle the gate they argued but Alex silenced them with a look they knew what he intended a one-way trip as his team retreated fighting their way back to the hangar Alec approached the infinity gate he could feel its power its hunger he reached out placing his hands on the gate surface pain lanced through him his veins burning with dark energy but he held on pouring all of his rage his grief his Defiance into the gate the gate began to Glow brighter and brighter until it was a blinding Supernova at the heart of the mothership Alec felt his body disintegrating atoms torn apart by the unbridled power he had Unleashed his last thought was of Earth of the countless lives he had sworn to protect he had given them a chance a future the infinity gate exploded in a cataclysmic burst of energy the shock wave tearing through the void wraith Fleet like a scythe ships shattered and burned the very fabric of SpaceTime ripping apart on the bridge of the human Flagship the Admiral watched in a as the void wraith Armada crumbled to dust Before Their Eyes The Impossible had happened they had won in the days that followed the galactic Council convened solemn and subdued they honored the memory of Alec Tanner and his team the heroes who had sacrificed everything to save the Galaxy but even as the speeches were made and the memorials erected the cracks began to show old grudges resurfaced new rivalries sparked the alliance that had been forged in The Crucible of War started to unravel hand on the ruins of the galactic capital A Lone figure stood watching draped in Shadow the Watcher's eyes gleamed beneath his hood as he observed the seeds of Discord being sown he turned way melting into the darkness his work was not yet done the true threat still lurked waiting for its moment to strike and he would be ready you have reached the end of the story if you enjoyed this story and want to support us please leave a like And subscribe to our Channel and for every comment that says 88 I will heart every single one of them thank you for your time
Channel: HFY Sci-Fi
Views: 850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NiJcaRdJA4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 50sec (2870 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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