Angels Among Us (True Angel Stores)

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chantal lakey and her fiance dale were about to be married but on a romantic drive along the oregon coastline chantal's dreams of a happy marriage quickly turned into her worst nightmare my angel experience was very very personal and i kept it buried for 15 years i told a few very very close friends and my family and that's all that i could tell because it was so painful and so wonderful at the same time dale and i were very much in love we had decided to make a trip to oregon because he wanted me to meet his family it was a very special time because we were so young and new and excited about everything and excited about our future together and just having a wonderful time okay how'd i do terrible they hated you oh you aunt dolly thought you were very sweet she doesn't say that about anybody so i guess you pass oh i got something planned too hard same beat as one such romantic i love you forever forever and ever and ever dale and i were out celebrating life celebrating each other and loving the moment we had a whole future of brightness to look forward to and we were very very excited about our love and our happiness the rocks were just a really beautiful deep velvet brown and the trees were so bright emerald green and the ocean was just so inviting that it just seemed like a very perfect day couple to make it to the top are destined to be together forever kind of apropos huh i've been here before that no one's ever made it to the top of me again [Music] i liked a challenge and dale was always looking for challenges and i wasn't going to let him do better than me at that point dale would jog 10 miles every other day and then in between he would be working out at the gym and he was very adventurous and fun-loving it just seemed like a very beautiful adventurous day and i didn't have any sensations of fear everything seemed wonderful it was fun and we were having a very very good time at first the trail was easy and then it started getting a little harder it was a shell-based rock so your rock and dirt would fall with every movement that you made come on it's okay i want to try it myself let's show this mountain for some boss [Music] wow you made it wait a minute i'm so proud of you [Music] come on i want [Music] we could just turn completely in a circle and see beauty everywhere it was very magical and very very mystical and it had this feeling it was just dell and i in the world we just held each other for the longest time in this wonderful embrace of love it was a very special time you want to start back down sure it's getting late with long drive ahead of us both of us had adventurous spirits and he was real excited about the fact that i was able to make it to the top of lookout point with him and it made me feel very proud that it was all part of our closeness we were very very compatible and both of us love life so much you know i never been that way before what do you say we try it all right let's see where it goes we went down this other path that was very very deceptive because it appeared to be a smooth easy trail down to the beach and instead it it leveled off at this certain point and then all of a sudden it dropped dale my feet keeps looking come on just hold tight just take it slow we'll be okay [Music] let's try to go back up up dale i don't think i can get that it's the only way out wait let me try first [Music] what do we do now [Music] ah come on we both looked down and we were just petrified because we didn't see how we could possibly get down this thing but what choice did we have there was no choice all right let's try to make it down there places to hold on to so we're just going to have to go real slow inch by inch do you understand okay careful so you okay yeah i think so just lowering yourself down so you're right above me there's a place for your feet what careful [Music] we started down inching inching and dale said now wait a minute i'm going to inch my way down and i'm going to help you let me go first and i'll help you as i go down [Music] slow that's it you're doing fine the rocks became even more slippery than ever before and i absolutely did not know what to do and i couldn't move i was frozen absolutely frozen against that cliff i could scream all i wanted no one was going to respond it was up to me because nobody knew we were there kept thinking of dale i've got to help dale i've got to get to dell maybe i can help him that moment it was as if a giant hand just pressed me up against the rock it felt like a swooping vacuuming effect and it plastered me up against the rock and i stopped falling it was a real miracle i remember the angels and i know they were angels they appeared to me in a mist it was a dull light misty echoey sound that came i don't know how many i probably couldn't have counted them all i wasn't sure if the angels were there to help me with my own death or to help me get down they assisted me they helped me inch my way down that cliff they were with me every step of the way i removed his necklace and i just hung onto it my hand and i had to get back to get help for dale because the water the tide was coming in and i was afraid that dell was going to be taken out to sea i knew that they were helping dale emerge from the transition between life and death the angels lifted him and they were all around him surrounded surrounding his whole spiritual being and they were giving him a great deal of comfort and that comfort became my comfort i realized that it was okay for me to leave his body and go and get help because he was being helped now there's no doubt in my mind that chantale did make it to the bottom and she did see dale at the bottom of the cliff after the fall how she got there i have no idea when i think about chantal saying that she came down the same route that dale did it's unbelievable to me without some kind of intervention i have learned from the angels how lucky we are to have this gift of life and each and every day is a celebration for me i kept seeing this vision whether it was a vision or not i don't know all i know is whenever i focused in on the memory of dale it became very very good and very very happy and i saw him whole and fit and and laughing a lot a lot of laughing i feel like he's my best friend even though we have this mirror or this wall between us that i can't get through i know that he's there for me and that when it's my time to cross over that he'll be there for me [Music] chantel's encounter with the angels gave her life new meaning today 16 years later she devotes herself to teaching children with learning difficulties and offering them the message of the angels the message of hope when we return a young boy comes face to face with death and his own guardian angel this hour came on thanksgiving day but ivy had little reason to give thanks she was penniless her children were hungry and she felt all alone but she wasn't as alone as she thought ivy had an angel on her shoulder an angel that changed her life forever it was um 20 years before i ever told anyone my angel story during that time there was often times where i wanted to tell but i was so afraid that what someone would say well oh i mean that was just a dream california 1969 america was going through many changes ivy would soon discover she would need to make some changes of her own oh sorry it's easy i'll show you it's all in the wrist here hey see it's easy you want to play oh no really i i can't my husband we'll invite him too ivy could you come here please i gotta go now thanks ivy it's just some people on the beach michael ivy the rule is we don't talk to people we don't know i just thought it might be nice to have some new friends they seem nice what they seem to be and what they really are can be two different things i told you we shouldn't have come here there was a part of me that knew there was more to life than what i was just living with all these regulations in the nose and so i started a real search for myself and really went on an exploration trip i know i know i just lost track of the time i mean you're being selfish you know the kids and i have to eat we cannot wait for you to come home at your leisure i just went to the library michael but i found the most incredible book i don't want to hear about books okay you have other priorities i would like for my priorities to include a a movie a movie you're putting books and movies ahead of the family now right listen to me ivy i know what is best for us okay for me it was very depressing because there was so much negativity and i wanted to do more than just follow all the rules i'm going to visit some friends well why are you being so secretive why didn't you tell me you were going out because i knew you wouldn't prove michael i need to have friends other things in my life well what is wrong with the things we have nothing fine for you but this this just isn't working for me anymore you drive away now ivy and you don't come back [Music] we were divorced and we moved the boys and i to a little one-bedroom apartment in san diego very close to the beach and i can remember that it was a very very lonely time emotionally and then i felt very very isolated your phone goes there and you're responsible for the extra light bulbs and bring your truck around to the back alley and unload your furniture there thank you no weight at all right stay off it one week ivy i was also working very very hard as i was a sole parent taking care of the roof over our heads the food in her mouth the clothes the babysitter all of that was my responsibility we didn't have money to buy furniture and no one was around to help out my parents lived overseas and the boy's father had been in an accident and could no longer provide any support thankfully my boss dr miller was a true friend i thought you might find some of this useful that's very kind of you but you know this chair would fit nicely by the window you catch a breeze there while you read to your kids thanks it was totally my paycheck that supported the whole family and we just didn't make it from paycheck to paycheck i even went for food stamps sorry ma'am your income is two dollars over the maximum allowable in order to receive food stamps two dollars so i can't get anything no you don't understand i have two kids to feed you see all those people behind you they all have kids to feed to we only have so much money now i'm sorry i remember it was thanksgiving day and all we had in the house were three hot dogs payday wasn't until about three more days and i can remember that thanksgiving day waking up and realizing that there was nobody else's home that we were going to that we had not been invited by anyone for thanksgiving dinner and that it was really really a lonely feeling and what i did was i packed up our three hot dogs and the three of us and we went to the park nice hit right good job we just had a wonderful time and we grilled our little hot dogs and we ate them and it was fun and even though to the boys it looked like it was a total celebration inside of me i was very very scared where was the strength going to come from for me to be able to do this week in and week out week in and week out mom do i have any more hot dogs oh honey oh honey i made thanksgiving dinner for you and the boys but you left so early this morning i didn't get a chance to invite you come come it's very kind of you to offer but we wouldn't want to impose turkey pumpkin pie oh please i made it just for you okay who was this lady how did she know me i'd never seen her before i remember walking into her little apartment and the lights were on in the kitchen the table was all set and there was dinner just like home sweet home she asked about our day and how things were going and it just felt like having grandma there and just someone who really cared i got my turkey leg you better eat it up before it runs away how are you doing honey would you like some more corn he wouldn't mind you know it's funny living here all this time and never running into you oh i pop in and out a lot tell me honey are you lonely honestly no no secrets here well a little i have the children i think mostly i i just miss having conversation i don't really feel like there's anyone there to listen to me i'm sure that's not true will you live alone you must know what it's like i just oh i just wish i had the time to get out and meet some different people yes go to the movies curl up with a good book how is the furniture from dr miller working out it's fine it's been very generous everyone should have someone to help them like that potato salad it's my favorite how did you know so glad you came i know you'd like to read so i put something in here i think you'll like it [Music] we walked up the steps and i was just a totally different human being inside i felt joy i felt hope i felt loved i can do it the next day i went down to thank my new friend for the wonderful dinner and for her kindness so [Music] so john can you tell me what happened to that little old lady in three three there's nobody in three that's been vacant 10 12 weeks now no you don't understand we had dinner there last night thanksgiving dinner this little lady turkey you feel all right i was literally shaking because i knew something very very awesome that happened in my life i walked up the steps back to my apartment and i can just even now i get goosebumps just being very very alive and very very tingly and i realized that i had been with an angel oh honey i made a vow to myself that day that i would pay attention and take care of people in need because if one dinner one o honey and an hour of being loved unconditionally can change my life and give me so much hope that's what i needed to do with other people that i met in my life ivy's life did change in addition to her own two sons she raised 10 foster children and went on to found angel network which offers a helping hand to those who are struggling as she once did she was chosen as one of president bush's 1000 points of light and president clinton honored her with his volunteer action award and just that oh honey i'll never forget that and that oh honey has helped me so many times in my life somebody cared somebody was paying attention somebody loved me you know um i was an old honey ivy never saw the old lady again she vanished as mysteriously as she appeared but to this day ivy believes she is still being watched over by her own guardian angel [Music] narrowly avoiding an unforeseen tragedy remember it may be luck it could be fate or it might just be the work of an angel see you next time an eye on 12 year old mark durant young mark was out with his dog one day when he suddenly found himself in terrible danger and in desperate need of an angel death is something that we have to we have to tend with but you know we live and we die but when it's one of your kids it's a very hard feeling to face mark are you gonna catch more fish in the pond than you will in my garden sorry mom pause here bobby you're gonna have to give mark another lesson with that new rod up here what'd he do catch another plant good thing you brought me some new ones so are you going fishing mark seldom fun you want to come yeah game's coming on in 15 minutes if bobo wants to go don't you boy well watch out for snakes and remember our deal uh if it's not catfish or bath throw it back in we got a freezer full of perch isn't that right bobby you heard your mom no perch and be careful okay you'd always have to caution him about you know where the snakes were at and to be careful and to look at his feet to make sure that there was no snakes around [Music] go get it bubba mark forgets like other little boys dude that there is dangers down there so you have to be very careful [Music] that's it [Music] [Music] to fight plaque hold your brush [Music] don't be afraid everything is going to be all right mommy yeah me too no really [Music] i didn't believe him at first because we used to kid around with each other and play you know like act like we've been bitten and stuff oh no oh bobby [Music] go get your father hurry baby it's gonna be all right you hear me mark what i think at that point i knew that mark was on the very thin line of being gone from us i knew with his breathing and the rest of his body shut down that we had to get him somewhere quick i didn't know how long that you had to live after getting bit i knew it wasn't a very long time [Music] come on my husband was driving as fast as he could i mean he was going through all the truck would do the truck started overheating and he said the truck's overheating but we've got to get into the hospital we got a little ways more up the road and the truck started making a knock knockons and all of a sudden it just completely [Music] died what are we gonna do i don't know but we can't wait here nobody uses this road anymore you have to help my son he's been sniping we have to get to the hospital right away don't worry your son will be all right come on let's go on the way to the hospital his breathing just kept getting worse and worse and worse and at one point he went into convulsions it was scary very scary to see your son laying there like that and knowing there was nothing that you could do sorry [Music] is it just seemed like every time some obstacle happened something moved that obstacle out of the way and all that we didn't get the name of the haitian gentleman and we we i put a thing in the paper to thank him but we never did find out who is who he really was or anything [Music] [Music] i didn't realize that a snake bite could do a body that way you know that they're poisonous and you know that they're severe but you never think about the deterioration of the tissues and you don't think about it destroying the blood [Music] how long ago was he bitten about an hour ago the puncture wounds are right in the vein i'm amazed they're still alive not perceptible all right let me have the respirator we see a fair number of snake bites on a regular basis i've seen some severe snake bites severe reactions to sleep fights but nothing nearly as bad as this any kind of skin test positive he's having an allergic reaction let me have the benedryl iv staff this was the worst snake bite i've ever seen and he's in a coma his uh heart is not pumping effectively he's requiring massive volumes of fluid his kidneys are not working and as we see one by one each of these organ systems fail the more organ systems that are not functioning properly the less the chance that our patient retreating will survive how is mark is he okay we're doing all we can but there are some very serious complications i'm sorry [Music] so you go back and you relive from the time that he was born and you think of all the times that you laughed at them and that you had the fun with them and the things that he did that was so funny and the things that he did that was so bad and that you've gotten on to him about you just you stop and think about it mom how you doing sweetie do you remember what happened yeah you want to tell me about it dreams don't believe me what promise mark tell me what happened i will play with bobo i'm not looking i stepped on a snake you should have seen it mom it's the biggest snake i ever saw he was he was real mad and he bit me and after that everything got real blurry and it fell and then somebody picked me up oh who picked you up it was an angel mom and it carried me home don't be afraid everything is going to be all right then he turned and slowed it back the way we came and disappeared into the field you do believe me don't you mom yeah i do believe you i seen a snake biting my foot you know i sat there and watched him because he was stuck in my sock she just didn't stop him from doing he just couldn't get his mouth off and he just kept pumping with the pin of me we can't understand how come he had as much venom in his system as he did but he still is here when he tells me that his guardian agent carried him you have to believe that you should not have medically been able to do that you shouldn't medically be here and he is he had a white robe on and i couldn't see no feet so it was whatever was floating i figured that i was being helped and mentally it gave me peace because i knew i had a chance of making it then i know that life is precious i mean there's a thin line between life and death and my life must be worth something i wouldn't be here now as physicians we're trained to be scientific and think in those terms but i don't think anybody could argue that this could be considered a miracle [Music] i believe in miracles because my son mark's still alive [Music] there's something out there that's watching over us now six years later mark is a healthy teenager and his parents are eternally grateful to those who gave their help the farmer the paramedics the doctors and nurses who fought to save his life but above all they owe their thanks to mark's guardian angel coming up a holiday miracle you will never forget stay with us
Channel: Mobile Pray
Views: 78,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fxYY79Hv1tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 49sec (2629 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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