The Devil's Arithmetic - Full Movie

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(tattoo needle buzzing) (tattoo artist) Looks better than it feels. You okay? (Jessica) Yeah. You sure? No pain, no gain. So, what's happening Friday night? (Mary) Melissa's having a party. (Jessica) Mmm, forget it, her parents hang out in the kitchen all night. (Hannah) Ani DiFranco's at the Beacon. We'll never get in. What about Johnny Depp's new movie? Uh... I don't know. Hey, check out the guys at the window. Oh, they look like losers to me. So, what tattoo are you getting? I can't decide. Does it hurt a lot? I've felt worse. Decide already, Hannah. I'm stuck between a butterfly tattoo or angel wings on my ankle. (Jessica) Go for the butterfly. It'll match your Dracula lipstick. Good point. Maybe I should get a tattoo on both ankles. How much would it cost? Could be a couple of hundred bucks. Oh, I'm late, forget it. I have to go. Go? Where do you have to go? My aunt Eva's. For Passover. Passover? Yeah, that's the cracker thing. I'll call you guys later about tonight. (radio announcer) The Jewish persuasion begin their Passover holiday this evening. They are not allowed to eat bread, but only what they call matzo. (channels changing) (music playing) I'm getting ready! (woman) You're supposed to be home at 4:00! (man) You have ten minutes, Hannah! That's ten, not 15! (woman) I had your blue dress dry cleaned! It's in the closet. (man) Did I hear you say thank you to your mother? Oh, do I have to go? I'm not going through this again. Get dressed. Why do I have to go? It's a waste of time. Some things you have to do because you have to do them. Come on, Mom. We're going because it's important. Why is it important? It's important because I say it's important. That's shrewd, Mom, that's really shrewd. ♪♪ ♪ Red light shine in my face ♪ ♪ No disgrace to blush and stop short ♪ ♪ My heart ♪ ♪ Intersection of State and Main ♪ ♪ Two strong roads keeps me apart ♪ ♪ What's between this ♪ ♪ Analogy chronology if you were the sea in my memories ♪ ♪ Ready at any time ♪ ♪ What's in a face ♪ ♪ Are your seconds faster than mine? ♪ ♪ Ready at any time ♪ ♪ Words between us... ♪ ♪♪ (laughing and chatting) (music playing) (door buzzes) Oh, Lenore! Oh, Aunt Ethel, it's so good to see you. I'm so glad you came. Hello, Aunt Ethel. Burton, my favorite nephew, oh. You look wonderful. (Burton) Thank you, hi. Hannah, come, I'll give you a good hug, oh. You look lovely. So, do you recognize me? I'm such a stranger? It's so good to see you. Mmm. Every time I see you, you look more like her. And every time I see you, you say the same thing. Well, the shape of your mouth, the color of your eyes... You're blessed with her beauty. And her name. If her name lives on in you, nothing can give me greater pleasure. Why don't you tell me more about her? Shh, shh, shh... You wouldn't understand. Understand what? What it was like in the camps. What we lived through, if we lived. What it was to be a Jew. This experience is so far from your world, I am afraid, though I still want to tell you what's happened, it will mean nothing to you. And that would hurt me very much. You see? Mm-hmm. Good, now come. (quiet chatter) (woman) You don't remember Sandra Kugleman? (Lenore) Sure, I remember Sandra Kugleman. We were in school together from kindergarten to sixth grade. Mm-hmm. Do you remember Sydney Hollander? Oh! I had such a crush on Sydney Hollander. Don't I know it. Oh, my God, I used to write him love letters. No. I swear to God. And I've never told anybody this. It's embarrassing for me. When he found out it was me... (ongoing chatter) ...Balanced mutual funds, something like that. Give me a call next week and I'll set it up for you. Did I ever tell you, Hannah, about life in Yanuf before the war? Lots of times, Uncle Morris. It's an interesting story. Not as interesting as the story I can tell you. In the camp, there was some young Jews, Yeshiva buchas and they... (Morris) That's students. She doesn't know from "buchas". All right, don't make a federal case out of it. Students, Yeshiva students. And they tried to make an escape. But the Nazi pigs, they set up a trap, and they were caught. That's because they knew before that they were-- I think they're starting the Seder now, Uncle Abe. You can tell me the rest of the story later. (Morris) It was in the book. The arithmetic, the numbers. You add, you subtract... And there are no more Jews. (Eva) Come, children! Morris, Abe! Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha'olam asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu l'hadlik ner shel yom tov. We praise You eternal our God, ruler of the Universe, who makes us holy by thy mitzvah, and commands us to light the festival lights. (all) Amen. Amen. Amen. Blessed are Thou eternal our God, ruler of the Universe, who creates the fruit of the vine. Amen. (Burton) Amen. (Lenore) Amen. (Eva) Amen. Amen. (Leda) "Why is this night different from all other nights?" "In all other nights we eat either leavened bread or unleavened bread." "On all other nights, we eat herbs of any kind. On this night, why only bitter herbs?" We were slaves... of pharaoh. And the eternal our God brought us out. Now, if God had not brought us out, our children and our children's children would still be enslaved in Egypt. (Lenore) "Therefore, even were we all wise, all men of understanding, "and even if we were all old and well learned in the Torah, "it would be still our duty to tell the story of the departure from Egypt". Hannah, it's your turn to read. Come on. "It is told that Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Joshua, Rabbi Elazar, "the son of Azariah, Rabbi Akiba and Rabbi Tarfon, "sat all night in Bene-Berak telling the story of the exodus from Egypt." Hey, you're drinking too much. Mom, give me a break. I'm trying to be religious. I'm starting to like this holiday. Are you all right? I'm loaded. (whispering) The way you speak. I'll never get over it. The cup of Elijah, the prophet, who visits each Jewish family and drinks a drop of wine. Who will open the door and let Elijah in? I want to, I want to! But Grandpa, Jeremy did it last year. Hannah will open the door. Aunt Eva... Please, do it for me. Come. (Uncle Abe singing in Hebrew) (distant music playing) (distant, muffled chatter) (birds chirping) (bell clanging) What's going on here? (Mina) Are you feeling all right, child? (Rivkah) Does anything hurt you? Will someone please tell me what's going on here. What is this place? Where did you people come from? Don't you remember? Remember what? You've been very sick, Hannah. This is your first day out of bed. You've got to be kidding me. I haven't been sick. I never get sick. Where is everybody? Where are my parents? Sit down, child. We will tell you. I'm sorry, Hannah. This has been a tragedy for all of us. But most of all for you. The fever took your parents away. It's a miracle that you're still with us. Will you repeat what you just said? No... no, you don't have to. You should know my parents are still alive, and I want to go back to New Rochelle. New? What is that? New Rochelle, I'm from New Rochelle! Hannah, you're from Lublin. You've been very ill. It's the fever. Let's begin at the beginning. I'm your cousin Rivkah. And this is my mother, your Aunt Mina. And I am Hannah Stern, right? Yes. And you're from Lublin, Poland. Where you lived with you parents, of blessed memory. Is it a bad dream? Am I having a bad dream? Hannah, you're still weak. Calm down. It must be the wine. I drank too much at the Seder. Here, come rest. You'll feel better. You do look familiar to me. I should think so. We are cousins, sit. (sighs) Here, lie down. Listen... Something is wrong. I'm not crazy, Rivkah, and I'm not dreaming. Please, believe me. Ahh... Hannah, you almost left us. You've had a burning fever for nearly two weeks. You're just recovering now and... I think that we should feel grateful for that. Now try and rest. You do this for me? (smooching) I was listening for when you would wake up. You're so quiet that I was afraid... I don't know what to do. Let me help you get ready. For what? For the wedding. I'm getting married? No, silly. Leah is marrying Shmuel, the Yeshiva student. And I have picked out the prettiest dress for you to wear to the wedding. Yeah? Ohh... No, thank you. I'll wear my own dress. Your taste is too virginal for me. Of course. What else should it be? I... suppose you're used to big stores and fancy clothes. Malls, actually. Yeah? This isn't a dream, is it? No, Hannah. This is real. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to believe it's a dream or I'll loose my mind. After all you've been through, you don't have to apologize to me. This is your home now. And I don't think that we should ever hide anything from each other. All right? You look lovely. Weird. The way you speak. I'll never get over it. Come. We don't want to be late. Mama? I want to take Hannah to Mendel's. No, it's out of the question. Mama, please, I promise I won't ask for anything for the whole month. It's too much money. Please? Please, please, my dear sweet mother, please? You see how she gets her way? Thank you! Come. There's so much I want to show you. Rivkah, I'll see you at the wedding! Enjoy yourself, Hannah! So, I'm in another country? Oh, I wish I could do something that would make you feel better. Come, we'll have fun. Soon, we'll enter the world famous village of Yanuf. My Uncle Abe was always trying to tell me about Yanuf. But I never listened to him. How are you? Hello, Yossel! Well, it's not an exciting city but... It is where we live, and we're very happy here. Come. He's very nervous. So, no criticisms! And above everything else, be compassionate. It'll be a mitzvah for you. How long does it take for a man to get dressed? He's been there for-- Shh! He's coming! Shmuel. All I can say, from the bottom of my heart is that you look absolutely gorgeous. You're not joking with me, Isaac? Joking? On this occasion of such solemnity? Never. Please, take my arm... And we will proceed to the house of the luckiest woman in town, your future wife. (woman calling) Bread! Fresh bread! Someone is looking this way. Yes, I see him. It's Ariel, the rabbi's son. They say he will be a very great man. Hold your chin up... up. Your camera is so gigantic. It's the latest. Consider it quite portable. My father has a Nikon. Now, be still. Very still. Serious. And one, two and... After the wedding, we'll get the picture from Mendel. (Esther) Rivkah! An, Esther! Miriam! So this is Hannah from Lublin? Yes, my cousin. And my best friend. Hannah, I want you to meet Esther and Miriam. You see, we have all been waiting to meet you. Have you ever seen a moving picture? Movies? Sure, just about every week. Shh! Every week? What's going on? The Bedeken. Let's go! Ariel, I, I must tell you that... I am extremely anxious, and I feel nauseous. You're not doing too badly. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably be in the hospital by now. (chuckling) But what's strange is that, uh... in spite of my anxiety and everything, I am... I am happier now than I have ever been in my whole life. Right before the ceremony, is Bedeken. It's the unveiling of the bride. (excited chatter) (Yetta) Nathan is in Lvov on business. So, forgive him for not being here. Mazel Tov, Leah. When do you expect the baby? Around Hanukkah. How wonderful, a Hanukkah baby. Make sure you don't dance too much. I wont. But I will kiss you for good luck. What's happening now? (Miriam) It's a tradition. To remind us what happened to Jacob. (Hannah) What happened to him? (Esther) You really have been ill. The bride was veiled. So Jacob thought that he was marrying Rachel. But he was really marrying her sister. (Hannah) Oh. (music playing, guests laughing) (men) Mazel Tov! Mazel Tov! (Hannah) What's this all about? The chupah. The ceremony takes place under the chupah. This is a sacred space that symbolizes the home that Leah and Shmuel will build. Mama. Leah will circle Shmuel seven times. And this binds them together as a couple. Each circle, it represents the seven days that the world was created. Blessed are You Lord our God, King of the Universe who has sanctified us with his commandments. And command us concerning elicit marriages. Forbidden to us the betrothed, and permitted to us those who are married to us through the rite of chupah and Kiddushin. On this 26th of October, in the year 5703, of the creation of the world in Yanuf, Poland, the groom, Shmuel Lvovitch will take the virgin, Leah Shiskol, daughter of Rochel Shiskol and Mordecai Shiskol to be his wife, according to the customs of Moses and Israel. You will to respect, feed and take care of her according to the rights of Israel. We'd like to invite Ariel and Isaac to act as witnesses to this ceremony. Please join us at the chupah. By this ring, you are consecrated to me by the traditions of Moses and of Israel. Blessed are You Lord our God, king of the Universe who has created all things for His glory. May the barren one rejoice and be happy at the ingathering of her children to her midst. Blessed are You, Lord, who gladdens Zion with her children. Grant abundant joy to these friends. Blessed are You, Lord, who gladdens the groom and bride. (Rabbi) Put it down! Quickly! Do it! (whispers) Mazel Tov. What year is it? 5703? 5000? That's impossible. This isn't the future. Ah, you mean Christian calendar? Yes. 1941, October, 1941. (Hannah) They're Nazis! Shh... No, no... (Hannah) They will kill. I remember this. It's, it's six million Jews. Don't ask me how I know, I just do. (man) Everyone out! (Krieger) Jews of Yanuf, you're being relocated to the East to work in factories for the German war effort! It is government policy. All you need will be provided for. This way to the trucks, ladies and gentlemen! We cannot just go. Plans need to be made, clothing to be packed. Food to be provided for the-- You will want for nothing! We want nothing, except to be left alone. In this matter, we are making the rules. When you get to your new homes, anyone who wants to work will be treated humanely. And you will be happy among your own people. Each and every Jew from these territories is being relocated. Let us discuss this. Let, let us try. (whistle blows) (man shouts) (dogs barking) (shouting throughout) (grunting) My daughter! Leave me! Rivkah! (shouting continues) Rivkah! Anna! Walk! Walk! Jenny! Leave me! (man) Wait! Rivkah! (woman screaming) (man grunting) (dogs barking) (shouting continues, baby cries) Stay with me. I can't see Mama. I can't see her! (Rivkah) I don't know where they're taking her. Mama! (crying and shouting) (dogs barking) (shouting and crying continues) (woman) The synagogue! (Rivkah) They're burning our synagogue. I know, I know. Rivkah, which is worse? Knowing or not knowing? (Rivkah) I don't know. ♪♪ (baby crying) You are my wife. Yes. Nothing could change that. We will always be together. Always, I promise. I love you. Perhaps you will forgive me, if under these circumstances, I introduce myself to you. I'd like that. I'm Hannah. Ariel Gershon. Allow me to introduce you to my family. My father, Nochim, the Rabbi. My mother, Channa. That is your name also. Channa? Yes. I'm surprised you do not know this. This is my little brother Dovid. And my two sisters, Sylvia and Jenny. This is my cousin Rivkah, and my Aunt Mina. I would also introduce you to my friends Shmuel and Leah. But they seem very busy. (woman) It's so cold. (man) Here, I hold you. How will we take care of our children? (Girl) Mama, I'm so afraid. Mama? I must make myself look smaller. Mendel? Would you be kind and let me have your belt? What will keep my pants up? I'll freeze till death. Excuse me. Don't tell Esther. She gave it to me for a birthday present. I must keep my baby alive for Nathan. I'm just so cold, cold... (Mina) Here, this will keep you warm. And soon, we will be in a place where we will be sweating, because it will have a fireplace that will be burning. It will be so hot that we will have to stand outside our new house. (baby crying) (brakes squealing) ♪♪ (dogs barking) Let's go! Come on! Move! (soldiers shouting in German) Move! Move! Move! (crying and shouting throughout) Oh, my God! (soldiers shouting in German) I want all men, and all male children over ten years of age, to go to my left! And I want the rest, to go to my right. Do it! Do it now! (cries of alarm) Leah! Leah! Shmuel! Silence! Jews... if you do what you are told, you will not be harmed. All we ask is for your cooperation. My men will move among you and relieve you of your valuables for safekeeping. (dogs barking) (Shmuel) Leah! Come on! Commandant! Commandant! Commandant! Permission to speak with you! Silence! And you are? Rabbi Nochin Gershon, from the village of Yanuf. May I speak with you privately, please? Privately? Why, privately? We are among friends. I give you my personal guarantee that everything of value that we have will be given to your guards. There is no need for this violence. No need? Ach, why didn't I think of that? That is an excellent suggestion, Rabbi. Guards! Step away! And let the Jews fill the wheelbarrows themselves. And if anything of value is withheld from us, then the Rabbi and myself will have a private conversation. ♪♪ Take you dress off! Drop your clothes at the wall! What is this? Take it off! Let me help you. Don't bother with her! (woman speaking German) (woman) Faster! (woman) Go on, now, I said! Esther... (woman) You out! Leah Lubesch. (woman) Outside! Quickly! Schnell! Out! Out! (women speaking German) Out! (woman 2) Macht schnell! Out! Out! (woman 2) Go! All of you! (Hannah) Please... (woman) Out with you! Come on! Move! (women whimpering) (woman 2) Come on, come on! Get your clothes off. Let's go, one, two, three. Get dressed! Macht schnell! Move! Move! Go! Sit down! (woman) Go! You cannot be fancy now, Jews! You are not here on vacation! Put it on! Put those rags on! You, get in now! Hurry up! Move! Ohh... (soldier shouting in German) Keep moving! Come on! (woman shouting in German) (woman 2) Move! (woman) Faster! (soldier) Over there! Give it to me. (whimpering) ♪♪ (whimpering continues) Ja, ja, we had four truckloads today. (indistinct) Do you have the figures for the new arrivals? 80 men, 70 women and 13 below the age of ten. How many have we terminated since the last arrivals? 123. Aren't you pleased with how I am proceeding? Why did you allow the Rabbi to embarrass you? Ah, the Rabbi, yeah. I have a special plan for him which I think you'll approve of. Is there anything else? Heil Hitler. (typewriter keys clacking) (phone ringing) (woman) This is the Commandant's office. (coughing) (dog barking) Oh, no. (dog barking) (woman sighs) Yetta. (soldier shouting in German) (grunting) (man speaking indistinctly) (jazz music playing on phonograph) (man exclaiming in German) Where do we sleep? Wherever it pleases you. Except, of course, where I sleep. It would be indecent for us to sleep in top of each other. Are we going to have dinner? Bedtime! All of you to bed! Or they will come in with their dogs. To bed! There is space here for your friends. Where is your mother? Here, you come rest with us. (dog barking) If you want food, get in line! Hungry Jews are dead Jews! Dead Jews do not work! (cook wear clanking) (woman) Grab your bowl. You will not get another. (dog barking throughout) Grab your bowl. You will not get another. She says she won't eat. Sarah, you must eat, okay? You don't want to get sick, do you? Okay, we're looking for your mommy and daddy and we'll find them soon, but you must eat, okay? Do this for Rivkah and me. Here. Eat some bread. (soldier speaking German) (dogs barking) (guard) You, over there, back to work! I'm Hannah Stern from New Rochelle. And my mother's name is Lenore. And my father's name is Burton. And I'm me, nobody else. (Hannah) How are you doing? I'm on my honeymoon. It was a beautiful wedding! It would be nice if we had the wedding cake. Work, no talking! You're here to work or there'll be smoke coming out of the woods. (Yetta) The belt cuts into my stomach. I'm afraid it's hurting the baby. Wrap this around you tightly. Here, Yetta. If they should find out... They're not looking for pregnant women. But after the baby comes... We will talk about it when we have to talk about it. Here. I stole a piece of bread tonight. Take it. No, I can't. (Leah) Yetta, please. For the baby. The baby, yes. (Hannah) I was thinking about how much help I could be to all of us. (Rivkah) What do you mean? I had a history teacher who spent a whole semester talking about the Jews during the war. You know what I was doing? I was writing notes to my friends. I have no idea what my teacher said. The only thing I remember is that no one paid any attention to all of us. You have a very vivid imagination. And it is causing you much needless pain. I wish that was true. (distant dog barking) (distant barking continues) (Ariel) What were we saying when the Nazis interrupted us? (Hannah) I forget. It was so long ago. I was about to say that I heard you arrived the very same day from Lublin. Ohh... I don't remember anymore. Remember what? Where I came from. Where I'm going. And you want to know something? I don't care. I share your confusion, except I do care. I would like before I don't care anymore to spend an afternoon with you. Perhaps walking through the forests of Yanuf. Are you asking me for a date? Yes. That is what I'm asking. Well, I accept your offer. And only, instead of walking in the forest, maybe we could go to the movies in Times Square in New York City. Fantastic suggestion! I'll look forward to it very much. (sighing) Yeah. Up! Up! Attention! Herr Commandant! (Commandant Krieger) I'm told the Rabbi Gershon is concerned that typhus is spreading among the women. His wife and two daughters may be in danger. (whimpering) This one... This one... And this one. Typhus! (whimpering) Your mother and sisters... They were taken from their barrack this morning. They say they have typhus. (dog barks) What is it? Mama... Sylvia... Jenny... They were taken. They say they have typhus. (sobbing) We will say Kaddish. Hannah? I would really love to hear one of your stories about the future right now. I'm not in the mood. Please? All right. In the future, the Jews who survive... Jews will survive? Yes, Rivkah. After the war, Jews will go to America and live normal lives. And they will be safe there? Of course. What will we eat in America? Pizza. Pizza? Ohh... It's a delicious food. It's like thin bread with tomato sauce and cheese melted on top. I like mine with mushrooms and olives. And besides pizza, there's cheese burgers and French fries. Cheese burgers and French fries. (giggling) Well, cheeseburgers aren't exactly kosher. So, I guess the Jews who come to America will have to eat veggie burgers. That's burgers made out of vegetables. You have such a vivid imagination. Please, can we listen more? Tell us another story, please. More... Once upon a time, there was a girl named Dorothy. She lived with her dog Toto in Kansas. That's in America. "How could you frighten everybody like that?", she said. You know what the Lion said? He just burst into tears. He cried like a baby. "Well, you're not brave. Not brave at all", said Dorothy. "You're nothing but a coward." "That's right", said the Lion. "Nothing but a coward". "I'm melting, I'm melting", cried the Wicked Witch. And she dissolved into a puddle. "You've killed her", they said. "I didn't mean to", said Dorothy. Then Dorothy said, "There's no place like home. There's no place like home." Was it real? I used to think it was just a dream. But now I'm not so sure. (woman coughing) What's wrong? I'm scared. Of what? The Wicked Witch of the West. It's just a story, okay? It's only a story. Let's go to bed. (truck engine rumbling) (man) Ariel, they're taking us to the gas! Ariel, tell them! Tell them! Tell them! Don't forget us! Remember us! (Soldier shouting in German) What have you been doing? Everything. Nothing. Praying. Will you teach me how to pray? Will you? I'm no longer confident that I know how to... pray properly. But I will tell you what I do. I cry, I scream. I speak so quietly that only God can hear me. I have a little gift for you. Hide it. (Rivkah) Our picture from Mendel. Where did you find this? Ariel gave it to me. Oh... It's beautiful. You keep it. No. Yeah. No. Yes. It's for you. Maybe sometime in the future you'll make a copy for me. I will do that. Ariel is planning an escape. What? Yeah. Yeah, him and some of the other men. Yeah, they bribed the guard Hans. Oh, my God! What? I know this. I know it. My Uncle Abe. He tried to tell me at the Seder. Hannah... No, what did he say? No... Hannah? Hannah? Don't. What is it? No, I can't! I have to remember. What did he say to me? What was it? I have to remember. What was it? Rabbi! (coughing) Ariel's escape... The guard he's bribing, it's a trap. You have to warn him. I will try, if he will listen to me. (coughs) He said that he could not go on living like this. I will try. (coughing) (dog barking) (Rivkah) Go to sleep. I can't. I keep thinking of my Aunt Eva. Who is this? She lived through this. All this. I should've tried to see her more. I should've, I should've, I should've... Hannah, calm down, calm down. Do you know what a stupid girl I used to be? I almost got one of these put on! Can you believe that? Shh! I wanted to get tattooed. Shh, don't talk foolishness, shh! It is foolishness, isn't it? My whole life has been foolishness. I'm being punished. That's it. God is punishing me. I forbid you to say that. Is God punishing me? Is He punishing the children? No. I won't believe that. Then why? Why? Ask them... why? Ask the Nazis, not me. Don't ask me. I stole these scarves for you and Rivkah. Join us. You're not going through with it, are you? Don't! You won't get away with it. It's a trap! You're famous for your imagination, Hannah. But I know. You have to believe me. Even if what you say is true, I would still go through with it. At least we'll die like human beings. There is so much I want to say to you that my voice is choked. You don't have to talk. Look at me and I can hear everything you cannot say. Permit me to be frivolous. What will our first meal be together when I come home from my studies? It will be simple. A kanadle soup, a plain piece of meat with horseradish. And for dessert I will think of something very sweet. (soldier) Move! Move! No talking! (screaming) Shh! (crying) (dog barking) (Mina) The head is in the wrong position! (crying) We need to try and turn the baby around. Hannah, you hold her leg! You want me? Yes! Nathan! I want Nathan! Bring me Nathan! You know it is not possible. (screaming) Shh! (crying) Hannah, hold her legs tightly! I'm trying! I'm trying! Don't try, do it! You're not little girl anymore! (screaming) (whistle blows, dog barks) (screaming continues) (dogs barking) Oh, my God... (screaming) (whistle blows) (dog barking, whistle blows) (whistle blowing) (barking continues) (baby crying) You have a daughter. (baby crying) Daughter... My daughter! (crying continues) If only Nathan could know he has a daughter. (soldier shouting in German) (barking and shouting continues) Shh... (Rivkah) Oh, no, no! They're beating them. All of them, no! (Hannah) I told them. I told them not to. I told them and they didn't believe me. (crying continues) (dogs barking) (soldiers shouting in German) (shouting in German continues) These men, these pieces of, in your Jew language, drek... tried to escape last night! Escape! And where would they have gone to? To the minefields? To the woods, to starve? To the town where no decent Pole would give them shelter? This camp is in the middle of nowhere! Remember that! You are in the middle of nowhere! I see I have been too easy on you. I have made you into my pets, yeah. That is what they call you, you know? My dirty little pets! I have been too kind. And this is how you reward my generosity! (man) No... (crowd murmuring) Silence! (spitting) Ohh... (Leah, sobbing) No... (crowd crying) (praying Kaddish) Amen. (prayer continues) (Krieger) Get him out! Guards, get this man! I cannot bear it! Amen. (shouting prayer) ♪♪ Hannah... I can't believe he's dead. I can't believe it. Come back to bed. You'll make yourself sick. Here... come close. We will keep you warm. I don't want to live like this anymore. It's too painful. I wish I was-- Shh! Don't. Don't say that. Hanna... What you've been doing... has been so wonderful for us. What have I been doing? Your stories. They've been keeping us alive. Me alive. But most of all the children. How? They give us hope. They help us think about the future. But you don't believe my stories about New Rochelle and my relatives are true. They are true up here... And that is all that counts. (baby cooing) (approaching footsteps) They're coming! I see them. Hide the baby. On your feet! Schnell! Schnell! (Krieger) I'm surprised at you ladies. Surprised and I must say disappointed. Did you really think that you could keep this a secret from me? Where have you hidden it? Am I getting warmer? You know very well we don't allow babies for a very simple reason. They cannot work. (baby fussing) (baby crying) Please, Herr Commandant. I beg you with all my heart. You know the rules. Then I will go too. Ah, this is useless. If you do not let me go with my child, I will kill you. I swear I will kill you! (baby crying) And neither God nor the Devil will stop me. If that is your wish... I never say "no" to a lady. Corporal. No... no. You cannot be that inhuman, you cannot! The baby is not yours to take. The mother is not yours to take. You are a dog and you will burn in Hell! I'm sure I will. That's no doubt about it. But I warn you, woman, to mind your tongue or I'll have it ripped out of your mouth. You think you frighten me? You think you can take anymore from me than you have already taken? Corporal, since both these ladies have offered to accompany the baby, please be so kind as to accompany them. (woman) Where are you taking them?! Mama! Mama! (shouting in Hebrew) You must remember! All of you! Tell them! You must tell them! Mama! Mama, don't leave me! Please, please... Please don't leave me... (crying) Mama! (dog barking) Move! Ahh! (baby crying) (crow cawing) (soldier shouting in German) (Hannah) Rabbi! It's Passover soon, isn't it? Yes soon, yes soon. I want to have a Seder. Hannah, you're a fine girl, but that would be impossible here. Just tell me what to do. I want to do it for Rivkah. Ever since they took Mina away, she's always depressed. Please... and also for me. We'll hide the flour here. (Rivkah) Where did you get it? The guard Becker. I gave him Leah's wedding stockings. The right way is to shoot them at the base of the neck. It's much less messy. Here, let me show you. Right here. That's where you shoot. Here, go on. There? Lower. There? Lower. Here! Good. Shall I shoot her? Why not? Please, don't, sir. She's a good worker. We need good workers. It would be wasteful to shoot her. You don't want your friend to die? You see? They'll do anything to delay the inevitable. Isn't that true, Jewess? Yes. You saved my life. You would do the same for me. (Hannah) I don't want to die. (Rivkah) None of us do. We won't let it happen. We must remember who we are and what we saw. We must fight to stay alive so we can tell everyone what we've been through. (Hannah) The matzohs are beautiful. I can't believe we made them. Here, go put them on the table. (coughing) Are you all right? Yes. (coughs) Yes. You should lie down. I will. (whispering) First, I have to tell you a secret. Can I tell you a secret? Always. I'm going to use one of the names you told me in your stories. When all this is over, I call myself "Iva." Eva? Yes. You will be my Eva! (coughs) Yeah, I will be Eva if I survive. Oh, but you will survive. You will, I promise you. I'm tired. We praise You eternal our God, ruler of the Universe, who makes us holy by His mitzvah. And command us to light the sacred candles. I'm confused as to what happens next. The wine. But we don't have any wine. Then we must eat the matzohs next. Do you know? Yes. I'll say the prayer. Blessed are Thou, eternal our God, ruler of the Universe, who made us holy with His commandments and command us with the eating of matzoh. Blessed are Thou eternal our God, ruler of the Universe, who made us holy with His commandments, and commands us to the eating of the bitter herbs. (Esther) Since we don't have anything for dinner, we must pretend we have already eaten. And then we will open the door for Elijah. Hannah should open the door to Elijah. Why? Why do you choose me? I don't know. Your name came first to my mind. (Miriam) Go, Hannah. Open the door. Go. I love you. I will never forget you. Can I go with you? With me? To open the door for Elijah. Yes... Yes, we will go together. (door creaks open) What are you two up to? I was feeling sick, so we came out for fresh air. We will go back. How old are you? I'm, I'm, I'm... Eight, nine? She's eleven soon. Then we'll see if she can work with the women. Your name? Sarah Taitz. Get back inside! Are you satisfied with the projected estimates? Arrivals will be 140 men, 92 women and 31 below the age of ten. And terminated from the last batch? 142. Well! Aren't you pleased with how I'm proceeding? I'm not pleased. If you do not keep the pace with the numbers, you and you alone will pay the consequences. (Krieger) That one! What is she doing? (guard) She's disturbed! I've requested-- Oh, shut up! Take her away! Jawohl, Herr Commandant. (Krieger) That one, and that one, and that one. Immediately! (coughing) Shh! That one! Quiet! (coughs) (coughing) Shh! (Krieger) That one! She is sick. Get rid of her. She's not, Herr Commandant. She's not, she's just a little tired, that's all it is. Get back to work! Take off you scarf. Give it to me. This is no time to argue, give it to me. (Rivkah coughs) You are to stay here and say nothing and do nothing. No. (Krieger) ...child can't work! Get rid of her. Rivkah, listen to me. This is the future. This is what is meant to be. I will survive too, I promise you. No, no! She is eight, old woman! Don't take her. Take them away! He knows it's me. He won't know. They all think we look the same. (Krieger) The one with the rag on her head. She is sick. We will be together again. I promise you. It's not my imagination. Can you not see she is sick? (sobbing) I love you. Come on, let's go! (coughing) (guard) Not a word or I end your miserable life right here. (crying) (crying) (coughing) (distant dog barking) Undress! Take off your clothes! Now! (Krieger shouting in German) (guards speaking German) (guard) Go forward! Come on. Oh, my God. Oh, oh... (sobbing) Hold me tight! (door creaks close, latch clanks) (clanking) (shrieking) (door clangs) (coughing throughout) (choking and retching) (Ethel) Ah, thank God, she's moving! (Abe) Didn't I say it wasn't serious? Am I home? (Burton) You drank too much wine, honey. Am I home? No, sweetie. We're at Aunt Eva's. Eva? Where is Aunt Eva?! Here, darling, here I am. We were so worried. You don't know how glad I am to see you. My Rivkah. Please, could you excuse us one moment? Just one moment, please. What name did you call me? Rivkah, your name. How do you know? This is you, isn't it? And this is Hannah, the girl I was named after. Yes. She was my cousin. You once offered to give me this picture. Did I? I have no recollection. But if I offered, I will make a copy and you will have it. She's dead, isn't she? Yes, she's dead. When we were... In the camp. Yes, she-- Saved your life. And went... Instead of me. To the gas. How do you know this? How? Maybe it's from my imagination. Maybe it's from a dream I had. I don't know. But what I still don't understand is how so many people could be punished, men, women and babies who didn't even have a chance to think a bad thought. Once I would have said you have to ask the Nazis. But now I know better. And I say you have to ask God. There is no one else. Do you know how to talk to God, Hannah? So quietly that only God can hear me. Oh, yes. And I will always remember what happened. Always. Yes, remember always. (sniffles) (singing) ♪ Then along came the shochet and killed the ox ♪ ♪ That drank the water that put out the fire ♪ ♪ That burned the stick that beat the dog ♪ ♪ That bit the cat that ate the little kid ♪ ♪ That Daddy bought for two susim ♪ ♪ Chad gadya Chad gadya ♪ ♪ Then the angel of death that killed the shochet ♪ ♪ That killed the ox that drank the water ♪ ♪ That put out the fire that burned the stick ♪ ♪ That beat the dog that bit the cat ♪ ♪ That ate the little kid that Daddy bought for two susim ♪ ♪ Chad gadya Chad gadya ♪ ♪ The Holy One blessed be He who killed the angel of death ♪ ♪ That killed the shochet that killed the ox ♪ ♪ That drank the water that put out the fire ♪ ♪ That burned the stick that beat the dog ♪ ♪ That bit the cat that ate the little kid ♪ ♪ That Daddy bought for two susim ♪ ♪ Chad gadya ♪ ♪ Chad gadya ♪♪ (laughing, whooping) (happy chatter) We're so glad you're here... (Lenore) That was great, I never got through the whole thing before. (laughing) (Burton) You didn't get through it this time either. (laughing) ♪♪
Channel: FilmRise Movies
Views: 764,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kirsten Dunst, Brittany Murphy, Holocaust, Time travel
Id: oQVL-yKLw1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 59sec (5759 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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