Lorna Byrne: The Lady Who Sees Angels Documentary Master

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[Music] do we all have a guardian angel yes every single I I always have to say every man woman and child has a guardian angel and you only have one guardian angel and it doesn't matter and off religion you are whether you're Catholic or Muslim or Jewish or or any other other faiths or even if you said you don't believe in anything at all you don't believe in God or angels or anything I'd have to smile at you you could be the biggest skeptic in the world because I would see the guardian angel with you [Music] angels for thousands of years and across nearly all religions and cultures these spiritual creatures have been spoken of written about and believed in angels that help people angels that bring messages even fallen angels and what about guardian angels is there an angel that's assigned to us in heaven before we're born that never leaves our side even for a moment while we're here on earth and then that gently helps the score to our souls back to heaven when our time on earth is completed two angels really exist well one woman from Ireland named Lorna Byrne says the answer to that question is absolutely positively and without a doubt yes many Americans may not be familiar with Lorna Byrne but in less than five years she has taken Europe and other countries by storm her first three books have made or topped the London Times bestseller list and she draws capacity crowds at most of her appearances from the British Isles to the Czech Republic and Slovakia Lorna also appears regularly on popular television and radio programs throughout Europe mostly being asked to expand on the messages of the angels that are detailed in her books all over the world and yes it is the guardian angel manages in a spiritual experience for it for for someone personally her popularity began with the unlikely publication of her autobiography angels in my hair in 2008 the book details Lorna's claims of seeing and speaking to angels every day of her life and also her struggles to overcome severe dyslexia and dire poverty perhaps your most amazing revelation is that Lorna says from the time she was a small child she was told by the angels that she would write best-selling books about them and God's messages delivered through their angels to all of us Luana burns messages of love and religious tolerance seem to resonate not only with her readers but also with religious leaders of all faiths and cultures Lorna was a featured speaker in New York City at the open Center in November of 2013 with dr. even Alexander author of the worldwide bestseller proof of heaven appearances like this signal Americans growing recognition of Lorna as one of the most in-demand authors on matters of spirituality I interviewed Lorna in depth in Philadelphia recently and began by asking her exactly when she saw her first angel hi I always say to everybody I have seen them from the moment I opened my eyes you know I remember lying in my coffin maybe I was only about that size you know and seeing them and seeing my mom you know and to me you have to remember as a very young child you know you see the angels and you see your parents and your aunts and all of that they're all just part of the family you know I didn't know any difference I didn't even know they were angels it was just the time when I was playing with my little brother in front of the fire it was like as if his hand went into mine and mine went into his and it all sparkled and I laughed and he was about the same age as me just a little older and it was then the angel said that they were angels and I must keep it a secret and told me that my little brother was a soul he had died before I was born and on occasions I would have seen him in my mom's arms as a baby you know when she be asleep in the armchair and sometimes you know I would see him much older he would play with me and he would be much older the fact that Lorna is writing best-selling books would be considered a miracle in itself by most people Lorna has been challenged with severe dyslexia from birth she cannot read she barely can write even having trouble penning her own name you know what they kept saying to me you must keep your secret don't say anything as I grew as a child and the doctors had told my parents I was retarded and because way back in iron and then they didn't know about that and Annie try and that was slow you know you got branded you know straight away so you were put in the back of the class and I wouldn't be here talking to you either because if I had said something to my parents this an angel standing beside you and Ireland was full of institutions then I I could have ended up in one of those so I wouldn't be here and I'm so glad you know - and I'm looking at the angels now and looking at yourselves at the same time that you know I didn't say anything you know that I did keep it a secret but I did learn as as I grew you know even as a child of ten I often remember aunts and neighbors saying you know passing comments or she slow she wouldn't understand and the angels used to just say to me Lorna they know no better and of course I've had the best teachers in the world I've had the angels they have literally taught me everything I know throughout Lorna's writing she often speaks of a multitude of angels that constantly descend from heaven simply waiting for any of us to ask for their help she calls these the unemployed angels and while these angels are available to anyone when needed Lorna says our guardian angel is special to us you're a cartoon angel I I think it's actually just so beautiful and before you were conceived before you were born you were so already in heaven that speck of light of God and you already met your guardian angel in heaven and I have to say you and your guardian angel knew each other so well and in heaven before you came at all into into the human little baby at a conception you had already chosen your parents and you loved them unconditionally no matter how imperfect they were you know and that's a very important thing thing to remember and when when you die your guardian angel when your time comes takes hold of your soul ever so loving and gently because I've seen it so many times and brings your soul from your body back home to heaven so you're not alone and at that very moment you can see your guardian angel you you know and you will see lots of other angels it's just your body dies that's the part of us that died because we have that soul that's that speck of light of God you'll live forever a 2011 Associated Press GfK poll finds that 77% of all adult Americans believe angels are real that percentage goes up to 88% of all adult Christian Americans and 94% of adult Americans who attend church weekly what shocked some researchers was a 2008 Baylor University Institute for the studies of religion poll that found 55 percent of all adult Americans believe their guardian angel has protected them during their lifetime and this included one in five Americans who do not hold any religious beliefs and finally a Pew study found that 88% of all adult Muslims worldwide believe angels are real dr susan garrett is dean of the seminary and professor of New Testament at the Louisville Presbyterian seminary in Louisville Kentucky she has a specialized interest in the Gospels and how they reflect the worldview and theology dr. Garrett is the author of no ordinary angel published by Yale University Press in which he examines how talk and writings about angels throughout history has served as a vehicle for reflection on other fundamental life questions I asked dr. Garrett to reflect on our understanding of angels Oh many of the kinds of roles or functions that angels are thought to play in popular spirituality today go back very far they go back all the way to the period of the origin of at least the New Testament if not back into the period of the Hebrew Bible so for example the idea that an angel might lead one to the afterlife is something that we see in Luke chapter 16 so it's there in the New Testament the idea that an angel might appear to one in a dream or bring a message from God which we certainly seen a lot of popular literature today is well attested in the New Testament the idea of a guardian angel is not especially well tested in the New Testament but it is attested in some of the literature contemporary with the New Testament so it also is a very ancient idea dr. John Esposito is a professor of religion and international affairs at Georgetown University in Washington DC he is also the founding director of the Prince Alois bin Talal Center for Muslim Christian understanding and the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown dr. Esposito has served as a consultant to the u.s. Department of State and other agencies European and Asian governments and universities and the media worldwide I think reality is when people ask the question about angels is that and they can't believe that somebody would believe it and yet they might be people who could accept the fact that the person they're talking to believes in God you know and they may know the person is being not somebody you believe just believes in God but is an observant etc but the angel thing seems to be out of the way you know inconceivable well I think part of the problem for that is the way angels have been written about and presented in art in the past but what they forget about is that if you actually believe in a transcendent God there's no reason why you wouldn't believe that God could create in addition to human beings you know creatures that were spiritual rather than bodily father Joseph Kikuchi is a Catholic priest and pastor of st. John Newman parish near Ocean City Maryland part of the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington he has worked as a missionary in Southeast Asia leads retreats internationally and is a published author and acknowledged contributor to the Catholic Encyclopedia and Anne Rice's bestseller Christ the Lord I asked father Kikuchi to reflect on the Catholic view of angels sure in the Catholic faith angels are part of our belief a man a definite part of belief they're revealed in the scriptures the Old Testament Scriptures talk about God sending angels to bring messages to certain people and of course the New Testament picks up on that it's the angel Gabriel who appears to Mary and tells her that she's going to be the mother of God's Son Jesus himself teaches about angels he says in Matthew's Gospel don't despise the little children he says I tell you there angels are always looking on the face of your heavenly Father so if bottom line is for somebody to say I don't believe in angels would be to say well Jesus must have been wrong okay so it's a very important part of our belief you I always say to everybody that your guardian angel is like three steps behind you now I don't mean three human steps it's actually just this gap between you and your guardian angel it's quite small but yet at times it can look bigger and yet your guardian angel can be all around you you know and that's really hard to explain and other angels I'm afraid walk in front of you they do everything they stand at the side of you sometimes they can even be above you they're everywhere and I was walking down the street recently in New York you know and the street was crowded and I was just never mind the guardian angels with everybody but just watching the angels moving in and out between people you know and stuff being and maybe whispering to them something that the guardian angel has asked asked for them and sometimes seeing what I call the unemployed angels and helping someone carry a bag or helping a mother with the child or we're just seeing the guardian angels trying to to keep us calm telling us that everything will be all right because maybe we're worried or stressed about something yeah I think I was maybe four or five years of age and the angel said that from now on I would just see the light of the guardian angel because the guardian angel is completely different from every other angel it is the gatekeeper of your soul and it's the one angel that can never leave you other angels come and go but on many occasions you know to me out of the blue and a stranger's guardian angel could open up I can never say I want you you know ask a guardian angel you know please open that light up so I can see you in your full glory but that light is your guardian angel here everyone started a job I can see I know mr. Cummings I see you when Lorna is at an event or appearing on a radio or television program she often states that her angels tell her what to say or what not to say I wondered exactly how her angels communicate with her it's actually in loads of different ways and I have to say and the angels are being the angels can be you know so funny at times you know so cheerful you know they mimic us at times and I know why did they do that that's to help to cheer sometimes it's myself up but it can be helped to help to cheer you up and I have to smile when you ask that question you know and they were laughing in that in that sense so they they communicate with me in actually loads of different ways sometimes I would say to you it's it's like a threeway system or a five-way system because I will be able to hear them quite clearly as I would hear you and yet here you speaking at the same time I don't ask me how I can separate us I just do and sometimes you know if an angel is with me like the Angel Michael or hoses or Elijah the ones that are in my life quite a lot and I could be walking down the road and they would communication in a different way at times especially if if I'm on my own and and they have made themselves as visible as you are they're walking with me and if anyone passes by they would see them too and but wouldn't recognize that it was an angel so they would talk one-on-one but I do prefer if when an angel comes or sometimes when when they come and sit around the table and talk one at a time in that way I listen recently to a radio call-in show and so many people would would ask one ask you specific questions and sometimes you would say I'm not being told that or you would be say I am being told that so yeah hotels you that is it it would be the angel standing beside me I would actually sometimes have to say I can't say that to the person you know oh yes even be and I know you wouldn't notice this on the radio show as such but yes I would be communicating silently yes that's another way with the angel or you could some people say is that telepathically and I suppose maybe it is I would often say no I can't say that to the person this is a human being sometimes I do have to remind the angels that we are human beings as well as having that spiritual side you know having a soul you know that's that's that speck of light of God and I think it is always important you're sometimes I often say to God please please remember I'm only flesh and blood you know in that in that way because I'm not perfect because and none of us are perfect one of the worst things any parent could imagine would be the loss of a child especially at a young age but Lorna says she has seen the souls of many young children who are allowed to return and be around their parents for as long as they are needed would you talk a little bit about it what what an angel is and what an angel isn't in the sense that I know a lot of places that you speak people will say like my little baby son cats is he now my angel no that's not your angel and I suppose a lot of people are you know I used to feel kind of embarrassed when I first enough for the people you know it was actually for the angels you know I used to feel a little over God well will I hurt them you know and I was told no Lorna you you must tell them angels are creatures created by God and you and I and everybody out there in the world and those that have died and all have a soul that speck of light of God so you live forever you never never die it's only your your body you are more all as I can say by billions of times more than any angel because just imagine you are the speck of light of God you are pure and you're full of love and you know I used to just feel kind of embarrassed for the Angels and you say oh you know well I say it and they just insisted yes to tell people this they do love I have to say when we as parents or brothers and sisters or aunts or uncle's or even grandparents say you know my little niece is an angel in heaven it was actually an expression of love because in life we know deep down inside of us that angels are a living being of some kind in that in that way and in a way it's helping us to think of our loved one is an angel in heaven but none more than an angel that is the incredible thing they are more than any angel why do you think your guardian angel never leaves you for one second because this is in the presence of God that speck of light that is your soul and why other angels love to come in and around us and want to help us all of the time there's a document from the 2nd century called the Shepherd of hermas for example a Christian document which clearly attests the idea of I think guardian angels so that idea of angels assigned to a person goes goes way back the the notion about what guardian angels do or what their function is has developed over the years I would say that in much of the more ancient literature and through the medieval period guardian angels perform a very strong function above pertaining to moral guidance so guardian angels watch over one morally and make sure that one stays on the straight and narrow path more often today when people think about guardian angels or they say wow my guardian angel was watching out for me they're thinking about some kind of physical rescue a notion that the guardian angel is there watching and grabbing the steering wheel when you're about to go off the road or something like that rescuing you from a burning building so so that's to say there's various functions assigned to guardian angels and some of them have received more or less emphasis throughout the centuries well you know there are nine choirs of angels okay and each of them has different responsibilities and the the lowest choir which is really not low because they're angels administers the Angels are pure spirit and there's super intelligent and they're super loving but that lowest choir is simply called angels and that's what we usually refer to as guardian angels we believe that God assigns an angel to each of us to help us make our way toward the kingdom of heaven and those angels sometimes help us by inspiring us sometimes help us by warning us off of things protect us in many different ways and encourage us to make it to heaven Luna recently prayed with Muslims at park51 mosque in New York City near Ground Zero it was the second time Lorna has appeared there and prayed she says that she is constantly being told by God and her angels that Americans need to worship together to put aside our religious differences and concentrate on what we have similar yes that is one of the messages I've been given to give to the world and especially to America because America is meant to be the place where this really coming together of all faiths and praying together under the one umbrella you know prayer is extremely powerful and it can change the world for the good for the better you know and we forget that in that way so yes that's why I was at the mosque and you know and praying with them there as well and just seeing all of the angels like you know it doesn't matter what religion you are I'm just seeing all the angels of prayer every time somebody would start a prayer like as if before it's utter it out of you you know the angels of prayer are there and then as soon as you stop they're gone you know in that second and you could see this happening you know cuz the place was crowded it was like switching on lights in one sense you know just to help you in that way and the place was crowded with angels and people gathered to pray at different times and on occasions and it's you know or if it's in a church that place becomes peaceful and for us all to gather together to pray together will help us not to be so afraid of each other will help to bring peace because I know as a Catholic you know if a Muslim or or a Jewish person came into a Catholic Church and started to pray in their way and I know people would be looking at them and will be afraid and saying what's going on that's evil that's bad and it's not because they're praying to God it would it's it's for us to get together under the one umbrella and pray together and get to know each other and from there peace you know we realize we don't have to be doing what we're doing it's just so important and it's meant to happen in America I was reading a wonderful book and it was telling it talking about how 90% of what we perceive from our senses we don't see we don't proceed so can you imagine what's really going on in this world and so Lorna gives us a glimpse into that unseen world if you will and she gives us hope that there is more to us than just this flesh and blood and he said she said they're wrong they're condemned they're going go to hell wear the right ones we're the chosen people you're you won't be saved all of that dogma that were fed that divides us and I feel she reminds us like all great messengers have in the past that we're all one and that we don't have to fear God you know she says that she she's in awe of God and I can understand that and respect that because excuse me as I've been raised a Muslim a lot of the teachings have been mistranslated or misquoted as in many religions and you know people say oh you have to be afraid of Allah you have to be scared of God and you know tremble in his presence and be fearful of his vengeance I don't believe in any of that and I think Lorna for in a large part because she helped me to open up she actually helps me to be a better Muslim I couldn't put in a better way one of the things that has that I find attractive about Lorna Byrne is not just the question of angel - do they exist or not does she actually you know see them or not but the message that she has her message of for example is very strong on pluralism and on real tolerance remember that the term tolerance is actually not a good term in the 21st century because tolerance simply in the past meant that I allow you to exist you know you might be a second-class citizen your life might be worth less I would want to live near you etc but she talks about the role of peace and a real sense of pluralistic tolerance and comes out of a Catholic background Catholic tradition and I think that this is a message for the 21st century I think if we just look at history and politics let alone the dark side of some of the dark theologies that we have we have preachers of hate in every religious tradition pluralism is really the my point if you're one of them two challenges in the 21st century in a globalized world but in a society in which European America unlike 30 or 40 years ago are now truly multi-ethnic multi-religious unless we get to that and unless both the believers mind their religious tradition in terms of morrow morality and peace and pluralism and are critical of those aspects of their history and even interpretations by you know by their theologians etc that that go against the grain I mean when you look at Christianity if you read the Gospels you look at the Beatitudes you look at the message of Jesus then how do you make the movement then to all those aspects of Christianity from the Inquisition to the Crusades to do you name them you know unless one realizes one has to go to the heart of the message and then often if you will institutional religion and the authorities or practitioners are people who actually influenced by politics economics or their own theological fancies wound up distorting things but you say there are angels at every Church there's no specific truth is that right ashes rise every single Church it doesn't matter whether it's a Catholic Church to President and a mosque or I know there are so many of of all different religions and there's angels there all of the time and there's always angels praying for people gather to pray there is always angels there praying it becomes in a sense like am a holy place if you like it's it's a place then where the angels will go and stay and certain angels will stay because God will put them there and that's all religions you know I don't know why were fighting over God or using God as an excuse to have control over human beings and we have to try and remember life is not just about material things you know life is about much more it is about your soul and it is about God and that in that way and were so focused on the material things you know that that makes us listen to the other side [Music] as a young girl one of the special gifts that Lorna says she was given by God and the Angels was a vision of the man that she would marry and a preview of the life that they would have together that's that's right I was only about 10 years of age and I went and I was off fishing with my dad which my dad tucked me a lot fishing with them and I just said to him can I go on up the river cuz the Angels had said I had a special angel for me to meet and my dad said off you go so off I went and you know at one stage along the bank I was told to stop and I stopped and here I was looking around well I don't see any special angel and then the next minute this beautiful angel just walked across the water he was Mac he is magnificent he hasn't changed all the second say is he's dressed in all of the amber colors you could ever think of and the way his clothing is is like as if it's wrapped around him you know I I can't describe that but very very beautiful but holy talk so beautiful and the first thing a 10 year old child would say can I not do that can I not walk across the water and he just took my hand and said no you know and we sat down and he was so big and I was so small and we sat on a tuft of grass I don't know how we managed to do that now that I even think of it and he said he had something important to tell me and he told me his name was angel elijah and it was like as if a big screen came across the water it's hard to describe it you couldn't describe it as glass of water or a curtain but you just could see this big screen and and he just said you know I'm going to show you the man you're going to marry and I see this young man and I was only 10 like you know I could fall in love and you know he said you're going to fall in love with them I wasn't even thinking of those things you know and I could see him walking and the Treece each side of him and he was on you know to me it look like it's that time you know you could see leaves on the ground and you know I giggled at the idea you know I'd fall in love with them because I was only ten and he said we would marry and have children and we'd have ups and downs and then at the end he told me the part I got cross with in one sense as a child a little annoyed with him he said he was going to we weren't going to grow all together he was going to get sick it was like my hand in his in his hand was huge and I looking at him and kind of looking like this and I I say to him why did you have to tell me that you know and I turned away from him and then looked back at the screen and he just put his hand on my head and he said I will push it to the back of your mind but I never forgot you put it to the back of my mind but I never forgot it was always always there and the day when I was 19 or whatever age I was and and I saw Joe walking off the street coming into the place where I was working the garage oh I know she was there I recognized him so clearly you know and I always remember saying to the secretary there because I was looking at the window he's coming in for a job and I don't want them to guess I was rejecting him but yes so excited and I knew what was going to happen you know and of course he came in and he got the job and everything like that and he asked me out and we did marry and have children and I suppose from nearly the moment we married his health started to go down well everything he had he had said you know we had ups and downs in the sense of we were so poor and we grew vegetables you know grew a lot of the food ourselves but yet I had the Angels there many times I would have cried and gave given out and just watching his health going down and what was happening to him and and trying to help him to keep his dignity because at times he would he always looked well people would never have understood and he was a man and he wanted to keep this dignity and he didn't want people to know you know so it was a battle that way you know but even with the children you know as they started to understand that doesn't be well physically you know if Dow went out into the garden not on his stage or was out doing the job they actually be running in and out keeping an eye on him and helping him because they knew something could happen you know and of course they had that experience of many things happening many times you know but the important thing was you know I could never say to him I know you're only going to be here for so long because when he was well you want someone to live their life and that is the most important thing you don't walk and tell someone by the way what's happening to you is going to kill you you're going to die you know because then a person can stop living life and I never wanted that and I would never do that to one human being at all and that's an important thing to remember and he did live his life he did have great times and I know he had times that were really really hard and I know even for the children at times were really really hard faced with such a cute poverty and the illness of her husband Joe I asked Lauren if she was ever upset with the Angels for not helping her more well they did help me in in loads of ways and why would God treat me any different than anyone else you know and I wouldn't expect them to be I'm a human being as well you know I'm flesh and blood and I'm very conscious that I have a soul and my guardian angel as I see all of the time and I wouldn't ask God to treat me different I wouldn't say to her I would be Who I am today I wouldn't if I had did that maybe you know the Archangel Michael might not have come into my life then you know all of the other angels all those messages so I had to live you have to live your human life to you know that that's that's important [Music] so there is a heaven you you're telling us that you know for a fact there is a heaven yes definitely there is no there was a heaven I didn't know you were going to ask that question well because I died and God sent me back and I didn't want to come back because when you go to heaven I can assure you you don't want to come back like I have met many people who would say to me you know oh they would want to come back straightaway you know and I look at them and I would say but why would you into a human body that you know gets paying get sick you know going through all of these things in life and then suddenly they say oh god no I wouldn't want to come back here you know heaven is it's God's love you just you just feel it it just it's beyond human words I can't even describe it and and your soul is drawn to it you know your soul goes and it goes with your guardian angel and God's love is so it's just so overwhelming that's I don't know how to explain it next I wanted to know what happens when we get to heaven do we stay in heaven do we get a job the only way I can part it to you and we think in human ways you know we think well I should have a task I should be working I should be the cameraman in heaven but heaven is not earth heaven is not human life it's beyond that you just want to be in the presence of God but your God at times will send your soul back to be around someone else someone you love to help them in their life and you have to remember those that have died and have gone to have and they can do much more for us because they can intercede with God for us they can ask because they're already there and you know lots of people would say to me you know well I didn't get to say goodbye or I had this row or I didn't talk to them for years and now they're really hurting when someone dies and their soul goes to heaven they love you so much all of that is gone it's like all of that was trivial it meant nothing they just loved you and they just they just want you to know that that they love you there's no need for forgiveness it's has been wiped away you said that if you happen to see a spirit you can tell if a spirit has been to heaven or not and yes how could I say that how could that's the question I haven't been been asked and sometimes I might actually physically art you know if I could have some reason to be there and I always remember when my grandparents had died my grandparent was being buried in this graveyard that kind of overlooked Dublin and dangerous had said to me go for a walk around and I didn't know why they were sending me for for a walk and I was walking up and down and I just said a little prayer for all the families because as far as I what I know is that it's only the body the remains that are there the souls are already gone but I have to smile when I turned the corner I come to this grave and there was a guardian angel and this beautiful soul a young man sitting there and the garag an angel wrapped around this soul and I was being told that the young man was a little hesitant he had already been in heaven but he was a little hesitant and God just allowed this to happen it was for me for some reason to to tell him that it was all right you know that his parents loved him and you know even though he was missing them for a moment in that in that way I think it was in the way the accident happened he was killed instantly and it was like when I spoke to him and said it was fine you know what are you doing here you know do you see your guardian angel and I was like you know for the first time in one sense even though he had been in heaven but God sent him back God often does that you know because were his children he loves us he wants us to be completely at peace you know and it was like straightaway he suddenly oh and then they were gone she wishes oh she's one more thing she says I worry about my children and it helps me to be able to ask their guardian angels to protect them to support them to guide them I wanted to see how Laura's messages from the Angels are being utilized and didn't have to search long for an example this Cancer Support Group is held at the Center for Women's Health in langhorne pennsylvania the center was founded in part by this woman dr. Amy Harvey voted a top doc by Philadelphia Magazine three times in the past decade the center combines a variety of holistic approaches in combination with traditional medical treatment for cancer and Lorna's books provide ample inspiration and talking points co-leader of the group is psychologist dr. Susan epilogue start open to the possibilities this provides hope every one of my patients are in need of hope not just my patients every human being I've ever met needs hope you can't go through life without hope and when hope dies you die that I have learned I have seen and some my job is to help people being able to recognize you get to have choice in your life about what you're going to think about and focus on and those who have had these experiences that have been little miracles or big miracles for them and then they start to think about the possibility that angels may be watching over and listening it's not there's a candle inside it's suddenly been lit and radiates their heart and they're energized and they begin to feel happier and they begin to feel better and they feel and the enhancement of their physical well-being I don't think we could ever exclude that as a possibility I don't know if it happens or if it doesn't happen but I don't believe that we can constrain God or say what God can or cannot do I don't think that we can say that God cannot enter into the physical universe in fact I would say it's contrary to the Christian idea of incarnation to say that God couldn't intervene so if we believe that God could come in human flesh in the person of Jesus Christ how could we say that God can't again intervene in the world in one of the most moving entries in Laura burns book angels in my hair she says the Angels had her look upon the scene of a terrible accident three boys on bicycles were struck by a truck yeah that happened and when I was working in the petrol station I know I'll have to skip loads of this bus just everything went still in Christ you know and even the forecourt everything did and the Angels had said I had to watch and look down the road and I don't know how even today when I've gone back there how I could see so far down that is incredible but I was to pray at the same time and to watch and I saw these three young boys on bicycles you know and they were having the time of their life they were enjoying they were just being boys and then I see this Arctic truck coming along and it came on the outside of them and they all went to heaven but it was just seeing what happened boys this trucks truck went right over them you know I don't know whether you know I even saw them you know reaching out to each other they were just having a great day in that way but it was like a at the same moment everything was in slow motion you know the Arctic moving along the boys dying at that moment and just seeing this beautiful light and seeing the road being paved with angels it's the only way I can can do it and even though the boys bodies were left on the ground it was just so lovely to see them cycling still to heaven with all the angels around them and their garden angel and they hadn't got a care in the world it was just so beautiful and then everything came back to normal it was like you know all of a sudden you know in the shop and the forecourt somebody ran in and said did you see what happened what way did the Artic go he didn't know what had happened a truck yeah it's it's a big huge truck and he didn't know what had happened you know but it was very beautiful to see those young boys going to heaven and for everyone to realize that they have a guardian angel okay the last time I heard yeah they told me about my guy he was flying is he here tonight it is right there behind you I want to live too I have to say to you the light behind behind you which is your guardian angel hasn't opened up so I can't tell you time to leaving but you say that you actually have been in the presence of God that you have met God could you hear I'm saying to God now halfway do I start you know and well one time what how can I explain this at times the Angels take my soul and I was in heaven as well when when my but human body had actually died and I have met God and I have to just say you know one of the things he often says to me on occasions is Lorna why are you hiding from me and I have to say he always looks like a young man he gives such a human appearance but he is such light and the love is just again it's all overwhelming you you can't you can't describe it and I always feel like running and hiding you know in that in that way and I don't know why I can't really answer that question I don't know why my God does that for me God is real and I know people right across the world of all religions you know like it could be a priest or a minister a rabbi or you know a head of a church and says to me Lorna it's God really real and I had to be shocked when they say that and I say yes he is real and that's what we need to remember we need to remember that God is real and we have a soul and we have a guardian angel and heaven is real we will all go home one day you know and at that moment of death as I said when your guardian angel takes hold of your soul you want to get there as quick as possible Lorna's popularity in europe is unquestioned but she says the angels keep telling her that she must return to America that she has specific messages for Americans and that we need to wake up a bit I asked her exactly what she meant well I smile at that like because you know even when I was a child and I used to see these angels they're called the American Gathering angels and they've been gathering people from all over the world from all nationalities all walks of life and all religions and even even those that believe and nothing and isn't that so uncredible just think about us have been gathered like God knows where you've come from originally but you've been gathered and brought here you know to to America you know you are the new race and America is is is the Gateway to man's future and you know cut keep sending me back to America's because America has such a huge role to play it has so many of the answers and and the biggest answer one it has is isn't changing you know in that in in the sense of the spiritual side coming out more and intertwining and we finding the answers and I know a lot of Americans you know luck in at America only you don't lock out so much so God keeps sending me back you know and I keep saying to him you know they're not really listening what else can I do you know but she keeps sending me back saying you've got to help them to awaken and to realize that you have been gathered from all over the world that you are the new race that you are all Americans no matter whether you're different colored skin or a different religion you need to come together as one Lorna says that she has been given a gift by God of seeing some of mankind's possible futures she says that some of these scenarios are very very good we have to come together to under that umbrella to unify and to bring peace and you know one of the futures I was shown was just so beautiful you know I was standing on on a mountaintop kind of looking down into the valley and I know angel Michael was there and I know God was there as well and by looking down and seeing I don't know how many thousand people are a hundred thousand people the world you know it was it was enormous and they were all down there all the different religions because you could tell I could see the different clothing you know what one religion you know holds our wares and looking down and seeing the mingling with each other and being together and they all praying together in their own way like this was which was incredible and just seeing those angels of prayer you know it was I can't put it into words these people weren't ever again fighting or killing each other or fighting over god of our over material things everything was peaceful everything was good you know and I know I tried to describe some of that in the book but not all of this but we have to get to that stage we really do it is more than possible it is possible ultimately each of us needs to make up our own minds about God angels and everything miraculous but at the very least Lorna burns messages help us to recognize and remember the most important things in our life if Flores messages from the Angels are true then God has given each of us a gift of unimaginable wonder I hope each of you recognizes the Angels in your life [Music] you
Channel: Ted Yacucci
Views: 1,808,956
Rating: 4.7022042 out of 5
Keywords: Lorna Byrne, angels, angels in my hair, guardian angel, god, heaven, lady who sees angels, religion, catholic, messenger angel, mystic, Lorna, Ted Yacucci, the lady who sees angels, seeing angels
Id: ssAmweLstLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 43sec (3403 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2015
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