Angela Yee's Lip Service Ft. Devale & Khadeen

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look at HEPA garage about her grinding the pepper I won't the poison in the kitchen and I was like yo what you doing someone grinding the pepper I saw the oh let me see she was grinding it off when I was cooking I was like you always thinking about this nice yeah he was like more pepper right now what's up this lip service I'm Angela Yee I'm Gigi McGuire I'm Stephanie Santiago could be Nellis I'm Duvall Ellis cadena de varela so here with us Ellis's hey by the way married couples I love when we have married couples on as always my favorite episodes thank you because we get two we get both at the same time okay like usually we get the man's perspective his relationship is like all right the woman's perspective but when we have both you at the same time then we really get like the real real gates on yeah we had Shamari I'm ready to vote okay okay I saw Kevin and Rica rollin allowed in Miami a couple weeks ago actually and why I saw Kevin a few weeks before that I saw them both together and they're like oh we have to do it again so hopefully we'll get them basically now that'd be really really good time everything about instead being married couples and doing this I'll let this together I mean I would hope so after 17 years together interviews together and sometimes people you know learn a lot cuz I would assume that doing the youtube series and all that is probably like therapy to notice though it's funny because you feel like I've been 17 years you should know somebody you know me but I feel like I'm learning him everyday so being able to talk about certain things well we knew each other that you don't know well I mean we did but like who are we at 35 that we are when we were younger yeah that's what I'm saying 17 years though even though 17 years oh nice bring out the bat I was a different person okay well what we're gonna do and I'm so glad y'all said that because we are gonna see what you guys know about each other so did I need you to leave the room for a minute okay where can you go that he can't hear cuz he can't go in that room I'll text you when you can bring them back so we're gonna ask you some questions okay he comes back he's gonna all right Kadeem what is something that's a vow likes to eat that you can't stand oh I can't stand she's and the funny thing is he's the pickiest eater I'll be willing to try stuff in whatever I'm say pork because I'm not going a pork eater yeah no yeah no question ribs he likes all that I'm like not so much okay so who fell in love first I do weeks I was like you know okay who says they're not in the mood more often oh it's me absolutely me especially after three whole boys I'm still trying to figure out how I am so yeah I'm definitely the one that's like I need a little more coaxing you know okay so um who's better in the bedroom I am in the mood all the time but when I am in the mood absolutely tricks and [ __ ] okay what's your favorite move that Duvall does in the bedroom oh he has a really good back shot doggy doggy what's your least favorite move that he does to put my legs behind my head and I'm always just like my udn and my own oversee Eugene he's like I feel that joint on my guess I just don't put my legs behind my head please and you know I inspectable as I used to be so all right who spends more money I do absolutely he calls me the AMEX killer just so y'all know okay so I'm the MS killer I'm always finding a way to spend money but I told him it's for his comfort so I'm either if I'm buying something for the house or something to make myself happy yes you're a hoarder you know that I'm a hoarder what I mean that's what he said yeah you do to Moretti a lot of things though I like all the things out of that way all of the things alright so who is the giver and who is the taker in your relationship oh we argue about this a lot he feels like he's the giver and I'm the taker do you agree yeah honest yeah okay yes I need to do a better job of showing how much I appreciate him on a more consistent basis so yes listen well at least you noticed that one there you go okay and the last one is what's the most embarrassing thing that happened while you guys were dating early on early on you mean embarrassing together or like hitting our Seng moment or my embarrassing moment it would be like with something that stands out as just haven't been embarrassing for both of you Wow um damn I don't know what stanza is embarrassing for both of it there's a time after I had my first son I peed on myself in the elevator because after you have kids your bladder is not the way it was and I misjudged a time that it would have taken me to park the car and get upstairs in the elevator satellite totally just like literally sure that's happened to me it's worse spinning at the door but yeah I should I just hit the stairs that day but I was like them [ __ ] out of breath because I just had a baby I'm not in shape went to the elevator and I peed myself it was just like it was a hot mess I know they told me in the cameras I'm definitely sure they'd sell me the cameras she's gonna be our janitor was probably looking at me looking at me sideways like this [ __ ] my cleavage oh you two clean it that's nice in the elevator before you get off and you like I don't know somebody take a [ __ ] in one stall go under not gonna be like well I don't know who did that in that store I just came out of this stall like you know that's a trick in case you ever got to go really bad mm-hmm all right well let's get to bail back in here see if he knows your answers all right I'm scared back he's gonna know already but we're gonna switch it up a little okay I gotta tell him to bring him back hold on I'm gonna try some Angeles used oh yeah okay here he comes let's see if you guys agree you know you guys have been together for such a long time damn near two decades yes so you know each other very well yeah all right so DeVoe we asked a Kadeem what is something that you like to eat that she can't stand that I like to eat and she can't stand it she can't stand I think what do I like to eat that you can't say anything because supposedly like she's you're the I'm always trying to get me to try new things he's like okay you yes so if y'all go out to eat she's not gonna pick off your plate when you get there I know if I if my hamburger is medium Welsh you don't want that when I think of well medium you love baking though see it's not the same though boys big USA pork and you love bacon it's a difference the only person that put he's like bacon or you gotta get better pass thank you that's one wrong baby okay who says they are not in the mood more often who says that more often for you guys he's in Morton he's not in the mood more than I'm not in the mood because he likes to go to the gym like in the morning I'm like I'm taking that doesn't make your knees weak like they don't you need that testosterone before you go that's what he says I mean I don't know yeah I'm taking how did your son my son is my son is gonna be 13 and a couple even doesn't live with me and he lives with his father this is my son's father see straight let me send you my kids you just say to me you wanna suck my dick new desk open but it's definitely me attacking him like I'm him like he got mad horny for him I mean he makes me mad horny what about you then it goes away I still do it mm-hmm so I don't know you me but even if I gonna do it I've never turned him down that's all I'm not sure in a fight yeah but even and I'm just like what's the quality of quality like if you don't feel like doing it that's the thing because he can tell when I don't need it starts off like nonchalant but then I start to enjoy it and I kick it into like my regular sauce all right unless he just sign her and her badge up yeah we leave there Cherie I have a 22 year old daughter oh wow I had her when I was 17 Wow and I didn't do it because I felt like I was all white ass outside I did it because I have like this I can't hold my pee problem and I was told that it helps she can win a room back if I if I call if I call if I call for sneeze I might like drip a little and I was told that that would stop it and it did it did it I have a few to myself said always got to get up in the middle of blackhead and get out so if I just gave a walk away don't be some gamer black yeah I'm not nobody but yeah it made so that I haven't peed when coughing or sneezing almost a month it's been like three weeks and it's definitely tighter and sex definitely feels better and because sex feels better my body shows through lubrication I might have to get that doctor here drop me girl if you're dating a guy with a little dick and you did that if he helps too well too bad I got it we're not him too bad that when I had a guy with a little dick yeah she'd be like she did what was your response bonus round Thanks um at the time to be honest at the time I didn't know I didn't know I didn't know myself I didn't know what I wanted I wanted to smash I knew that so I was trying to hitting them drawers I was willing to do whatever I could you know I kind of guy I wasn't gonna do that because then if it didn't work out and then I was like I need to go separate ways I already told you I love you and I'm gonna be a scumbag my pops my uncle told me better than that all right about who's better in the bedroom you or Kadeem uh-huh who's better in the bedroom hits oh oh happy I don't have to say her trying to be honestly what I need to work on like no you good now this is definitely her that's why we want to [ __ ] all the time me too and she got she do the double hand the gaga yeah we're super head did the point with mr. mark mr. Marcus I look at Epic Roger in the kitchen and I was just like yo what you doing I'm grinding the pepper was all the oh let me see she was grinding it I was cooking I was like you always thinking about this nice yeah he was like more pepper right now what is your favorite what if cadenas favorite move that you do in a bedroom oh the edge of the bed she throw that left leg up his doggy style hmm I know the minute she want Dennis over then I back up gotta stretch my leg go back in I will answer this then what is your elite what is her least favorite move that you do why do you do it because I good she used to choose the comic the man I do that in class used to come my crazy now I know I could get it back muscle memory I stretch him out a little bit bring it right back see mm-hmm cheesy nose oh I know well though we seen you falling all over the place over the weekend I'm gonna show you had a picture I'm sure you're the inspiration yeah I had this vision of doing a recreation of this picture and then I had the bright bright drunk-ass idea because we were in a house on Turks and Caicos they had a private beach I had on a 3m bikini so was like glowing in a reflective light night and I'm like I'm gonna do recreate this picture and on the beach with this glow-in-the-dark bikini on but then I drank a full bottle of Hennessy privilege out over the bottle that's this picture not even the same way so that I did that crisis and I died right to try to do this then you know I made my sister's and whoever everybody else that was with me come down we're own life and I made them come down to the beach with me and I attempted to get into this headstand and it was just like the funniest thinking about I fell in the sand three times trying to get me to stop like no just another day like it's not see here's your picture admitted to it here's the picture that I was trying to recreate you got it right here and everything well no this is a dress okay so I didn't quite it the picture but I definitely hit the headstand okay it was a little sloppy headstand but I did love your dish right but the reason why there's not a picture of their fan and there's video yeah it's because when I hit that noemi's video when I hit the headstand my cousin's like wait wait let me get it let me get it in the picture and then right before she took the picture I fell and the after I fell like oh cuz you upside-down - hey there's the cross and everything yeah and then I fell so after I fell I threw up and they try to take me into the house and I'm like no just leave me here I'll be okay and they put me on one of the beach chairs and one of my friends stayed with me I woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning completely completely covered in sand completely my nose I had seen in my ears and my best foot I still have sand in my hair but I still have this ponytail because it's all up to my brains and my soul wind child when I tell you I when I tell you that the time of my life this night it was so much fun memorable and I'm just was a Monday night and I'm just now because II don't know can be 50 Oh you see that all right so vow the next one is who spends more money because she says she was watching the video you talk about me hoarding money I don't collect these things could be ready later you go alright who's a giver and who's the taker in your relationship I'm definitely give her she's a taker I give give I know like we did just know I was feeling underappreciated I'm gonna tell you one thing I do I tell exactly how I'm feeling I was talking to young man's outside and I told like part of reason why it works is because I'm not to do that feel like I got to be too [ __ ] macho it's like no like I wanted to see you yesterday and you spent mad time with the kids I ain't gonna put seeing Matt alone like what's up cuz the last thing I want is to feel like unappreciated and then we not see each other then I'll be out and temptation catch me at the wrong time so I'm human like everybody else so I'm like you know what let me just tell my wife exactly how I'm feeling yeah he's mad need to learn he is super transparent about the way you feel sometimes it's like painful just to hear I'm just like damn you know what I think about temptation just because you haven't had sex in a while oh my god we have sexes Tuesday like two fitted Thursday like I blinked in this Thursday so that [ __ ] has it been two days away huh you don't tell me just take care of himself sometime especially when I was pregnant I would be like bro you just got to taking yourself go on deliver and do it and come back and be like the ship didn't work and I'm like what didn't work you didn't come he was like no I did but I'm still horny huh you never watched him I watched him once or twice but I think you get a little pregnancy too it's like you know you get lockjaw after a while you throw up your soul just because it's like man like dude give me a break try to like make you suck their dick from a long and you like do like stop punishment sometimes thank you baby bro like do [Music] you gonna get it to your throat at any point during this whole session to grab the back of my neck in a surrett right like I want to hear that happened while you guys were dating early on early on the most embarrassing thing yes even Joey what to her well she said to her she was at a pageant she went to go what that was early on I gave him something that was a little after but that you can give him that funny story one stage and she she you know we was having fun in college she had gained about 20 30 pounds you know we were doing that thing with the Friday's every Friday so smashed in the line eating you she gained some weight I did so she had on a a slip dress with the overlay no no pantyhose in the slip dress with the overlay so she goes up to the pageant to give the girl the crown because she had to make it before I guess by giving an award and when she goes up the slip had rolled up and it was just a dress overlay and all you see is red phone and as on stage in front of like 400 people 400 people there's not a lot of black girls in pageants she's the only Jamaican one so she got a fat ass you know what you see is red phone in the spotlight oh my god she's standing up there I saw my brother look it's a different story I told him the story about when I peed on myself in elevator after Jackson it was embarrassing funny happen to me all the time um I was thinking of you on a Detroit Lions through the bathroom oh that's crazy so I'm in college right and um I'm not like a elite pro athlete I'm just a regular guy that's playing football but I end up becoming all-american right so I was like I don't look like the typical athlete right so the draft come and go so does free agency and the only team that was willing to bring me out for workout was the Lions so the Lions flies me out for work out and now it's hitting me that I'm not to work out for pro team someone's stomach is like stop is it killing me like so I'm on the plane like [ __ ] it's you know if you have to play and they take her to the facility and on my eyes so they're gonna take so anything no first you got to fill out paperwork you got it oh my oh my god my stomach I'm about to lose it like you go to the bathroom I go to the bathroom right and you know how when you get close to using the bathroom oh it starts coming right so it's like turtle hitting right now and I'm like you into the bath put the toilet paper down and then when I turn around to sit the toilet paper falls in the toilet back around when I turn back around to bend over to pick up the paper oh damn what I'm gonna do so then I go to start to try to clean it up and I had somebody come into the bathroom in one store I went to the next so I come out the bathroom come out the store nasty man I'm gonna go get somebody's I guess I left I wash my hands I went to the meeting room I was like okay right years ago like early 2000 2000 I used to be like a promo model so either go like do cigarette stuff and alcohol stuff and you know like a corona girl or whatever like I mean that type stuff so I'm at this smoke shop like I want a suburb somewhere and stomach start to bubble in and I gotta go yeah but I'm like I used to be a professional dancer stripper but before they I was in a ballerina so I'm good to like squat and hold it up without having this okay so that move without your tiptoes and I lose my balance just as this dropping some amazing shits doing so I'm like [ __ ] home I'm gonna clean this up so I clean myself up and then I start looking around the back door and luckily they had some 409 I was in the background for like an hour or longer cleaning up the back door and cleaning up myself emerges - I'm working with she like are you okay and you know she's like what you sick or something and I just told her like you're auditioning it like when I first Beca dealing the first couple months she's going to bathroom there's like hair like nothing that's what I knew it was like a couple months we was in college and this is when when did I break my finger that way I broke my finger right so I'm staying at her room she went into the bathroom came back out and I went in right after him like step in our relationship wait so nano you guys are married for all these years the other children what is like the [ __ ] status now open all the time like whatever you coming in my kids being there I say come sit in my lap oh my god the guys on his truth when I was younger and I used to fart now Sheikh is so disgusting oh my god you [ __ ] and your man knows about it nah I mean he knows when I go in the bathroom I'll [ __ ] he'd be like what are you doing in the bathroom if you're not [ __ ] and I'll be like I'm talking to Jesus I know I know for 17 years but we haven't been together for that long yeah would you take matches in there I mean we were on and off over the years but you know I had a relationship in between and so they he and now we're back together now okay yeah you like drop him flush that's what she usually the Curtis do that but if I did I would be dropping him flushing remember DC when she was literally like three weeks ago she's a note my god before him and she goes up before me and then I come up in the Bell man it's coming out of the room comes up man's coming out here I'm looking at him like race up stairs I might be park the car whatever valet whatever i'ma go upstairs Brant upstairs sick of [ __ ] so first of all I'm mid [ __ ] and I hear a knock at the door salvia and I'm thinking it's him totally forgetting about the Bell man so I literally didn't even wiper anything I just got up off the door was right there I went to open it and I saw him forget it all that bacon and meat and stuff protein tuna fish oh [Applause] now I wanted to talk to you guys about something that just happened recently in the press right Will Smith on read.table tuck was talking about porn and she was saying she likes artistic looking porn and so now an adult film star abri Mills Wednesday Willow Smith to direct to porn and so how old is she she's of age I mean she's on she was talking about watching porn and everything with your mom and your grandmother if you had the opportunity to directed porn what would it be well with the plot be what would you treatment be I already know what I want to see weight cheerleader skirt but I'm you know I'm like she's like a chi there and she's like guys hi anybody I was here Oh like a schoolgirl outfit or Cheerilee Cheerilee dollar-a-month like my uniform from high school days yeah I mean that [ __ ] was up here cuz my weights are a little bigger master I think it also was it was a whole yeah like I like the school scenario like like you know schoolgirl of age yeah like a low height you know it could be college and the professor situation typical bad situation I like furniture but not the bed okay up against the bookcase you guys down to try this weird [Music] recently should make sure you know apes are and they're safe I don't know but yeah we should do that because we've been looking for ways to kind of like you know reinvent spice things up like 17 years with the same person is like I asked her what she want me to put on a suit ask all these damn questions no answers therapy for us to so this actually probably might work base yeah I'm gonna have to have his back in a cup groan let me get one of them that he'd be talking about this hypothetical we don't have that we not haven't come here to make the announcement if it happens all right so TC what would you if you have to direct a porn what would your plot be girl orgy okay you already know we need multiple participants is it a bisexual orgy like guys doing I could direct that I couldn't be in it though no no how could I write that why couldn't you be in it because I don't want to be in the mix with a guy in another guy and faithful on stuff like the guys do it's up to you the guys doing stuff to the guys though yeah yeah but you and me I'm nice actual infection we could i wreck the bisexual porn really for sure hmm awful one and what the ha [Laughter] you would do the cheerleader yeah definitely cheerleader with like a bunch of big football players that when you were growing up right you didn't realize they were about sex and now it's a rumor to be about okay there's a little fact check here it's a false internet rumor I can't change the meaning for it and we can do an electric slide Porto which is a big orgy there you go well somebody told me and let me see if this should Macarena was about a girl with two like that but I got Frankie with his friends you see I don't know I see now I gotta make sure that's you know I think I was way too young to be listening to Auckland ah Canali [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh it's about a girl that's cheating a girl named Macarena who teach I'm her boyfriend with two friends while he's being drafted into the army damn so she used eating it one for each guy and you know that your head on my pillow by Tony Tony Tony oh that's a guy just come sit right here sometimes is it better you think with music I like you yeah do you yes I like the dance and this time I'm going tonight we gotta stop out like this song song right I have to have like a whole storyboard for the routine in my play list so yeah definitely music mixes better who talks crazier in the bay room me clearly right don't let me not answer it's like that's crazy I'm thinking about looking at all these oh I'm looking at all these songs that I had no idea what they were about all right now share couples have access to each other's passwords yeah I mean I don't we don't might we have access to each other's passwords at this point how did it how long did it take to get to that point and was there issues for it to get to that point I mean yeah I went through his phone a couple times over the years anything in particular not really I think I'm just nosy by Nature so I'm nosy I am what's your sign I'm a Sagittarius Oh like me are you she heard moments in time when she woke I don't to be honest I don't think it should be a prerequisite to have people's passwords I think you should be a choice of whether you are gonna share passwords so whether that's always happened like for you to say okay now for me I never I never hid my password she always could have access yeah and we both have never had like a mutual trust thing that I broke in like a couple of times for me I never really wanted to be a liar or a cheater even though I've had my moments where I've cheated but I've always just wanted to tell her like yo I really feel like I need to be do my thing a little bit because I just hate feeling like I'm a prisoner in my own home like I hate feeling like oh [ __ ] I mean you know she may be coming out the shower so I was like [ __ ] it you know I'm saying when we were in college we had sometimes all y'all need to go on a break why because we're not vibing sexually 19 years old I think I need to do some other things so since we had that transparency and we talked about going on break so like I never really felt like I had necessarily had my passwords and stuff like that but um I do feel like if you go into somebody's phone you break the phone that's an invasion of privacy like you should not do that way I agree with that have you ever looked at her phone see oh never not once like just no no I mean you're not gonna find it because you know you didn't look you said I remember when you had to go where the phone was open oh yeah the phone was open yeah we had an issue where I was like texting somebody inappropriately and he got it and I found he found it and I was honest had to confront you know upfront about it so and it wasn't even I looked at her phone she had she was I was looking for actually a song to play and I had Google I put in the search now let me take you down from Chris Brown and then text messages popped up that said take you down messages that we're like deleted from my phone and then I you know iPhone be saving every guy somebody cut the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this and she was like he was going through whatever and that's nothing we've been very transparent when I was going through my [ __ ] and she was going through her [ __ ] was like you know what and then you gotta be honest as a man too like yeah I was I was kind of distant I'm not really surprised that you were having inappropriate conversations because I was being an [ __ ] so how do you recover in a relationship from cheating because for some people it is hard like we keep on asking the questions over and over again we want to know details you think it's necessary to know details if someone cheats on you like I did I want to know details yeah it's in vice-versa I feel like I needed to paint that picture in my mind and though it never left my mind after a while it did but you know I feel like I just needed to know for my own sanity because if not I was gonna keep wondering about what had happened no one possibly happened you know so I needed to know details and he did too for me I wanted to know how far they've gotten because I need to know where you know where did I messed up for me is about self-reflection so I was like if my girl want this for my girl did this why does she do that and if this is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with how can I prevent that from happening again if I'm one so I'm like I don't want to know [ __ ] it then I'm really not trying to grow because realistically when you with somebody and you know someone's trying to be with you then you have to know that if they did something outside of the norm it had to be something that you did you know what I'm saying or if it's not something you did she's going through something that we need to discuss that to make a decision if we're not gonna be together we're gonna be together so for me I was like I need to get all this information so I can find out what I want to do and we made choices to stay together and yeah I think it's always a choice involved because people ask about how you get past you know infidelity or how you get past those moments where you're not necessarily honest with each other but I think giving each other the choice to decide that you want to be there and not making anything where you're putting up this facade or you're lying and then people are trying to state so we get together under these you know false notions of what's really happening that's what we really try to be as transparent as possible like this is about to break his heart but I have to tell him what exactly happened advice right now let me just be honest you don't ever just get over it and never ever remember you have days where [ __ ] come up and you just be like [ __ ] can't believe she did that [ __ ] must be mad you're right like there's just some days is bad or something will happen and like like for example she hates calling me when she gets places like she's just not responsible like that she'll be on the uber going to an event and I'm like yo I told you text me to make sure you safe and then she don't text me and like what you [ __ ] texting people huh when you decide to forgive somebody and stay with them you like check yourself sometimes when you want to ask a million questions yeah and when your way sometimes it's more like you instead of flipping out on somebody ya know you have to sometimes say okay I said I was gonna stay I need to at least make that effort and not give someone a hard time it's my truth it's so true it's not no every day is a work in progress I think but that's - and even at the 17 years I think is that much it's easier and it's harder at the same time because we don't we get each other more now and we have so much more invested at this point - you know we have three children it's not the easiest thing to walk away from but definitely trying to be as honest it some people feel like cheating can make their relationship stronger and then when you realize that you could have lost everything because you cheated or you go and you find that things are not better cuz sometimes we think that a different situation than what we're in could be better and it makes you realize that you really want what you have yeah see that yeah that had happened with one of your friends I won't say his name but we're his he cheated and his wife found out and they got past it because she was like wow I really was just like completely ignoring they both had like reflection like yeah she cheated and then she like looked herself in a mirror I was like damn like I can't even blame like we didn't have sex in this long I didn't do this I'm never this and she was like damn like how could I be mad like you're a good dude and then him leaving and him being out there realizing that there was nobody out there like why yeah just like yo let's make it work so both of them have reflection overnight right now that don't mean you just can either break your relationship or you can have it make it stronger running right and so it doesn't either way you don't really know and so you get through it or you don't even know how you're gonna deal with it everybody deals with it differently like okay it's not a deal-breaker some people are like never again in life yeah and you're not wrong either way absolute what do you lady think about cheating I think that cheating is very bad hmm and I think that it just shouldn't be done mmm-hmm period period mm-hmm but you know [ __ ] happens and like Angela said each relationship in each person and each situation is different and if you choose to stay or work it out or whatever then you know so be it me personally I've been with the same person now for 10 years we've broken up and gotten back together and there has been infidelity so clearly we've been able to work it out but does it feel stronger now than it ever did before at this moment yes you know I've heard people ask about like brakes do people take these brakes because they want to go out and experience somebody else we'll see we just bruising that we're just like I need a break it was much it was just like it's [ __ ] you yeah a couple of moments like that words like you and then just like whatever happens the two most you know the time the long length of a breakups that we had happen twice when I actually like moved out of my house the first time I was out of the house for eight months but within like three months we were back together so that was like a little weird it was like the fakest breakup that remember and then the second time was real the second time I was going for a year-and-a-half and we're still in between that year and a half like I moved out and before my mattress was on the bed frame he was [ __ ] on the floor on the mattress so that's true first time we we didn't we were like we were sleeping in separate rooms and for like four months and then so of course we weren't having any sex and before I pulled off in my u-haul the very first time I moved out before I pulled up in my u-haul we [ __ ] in the bathroom so cheating well I have I feel like this I feel like if a girl cheats she's damaged goods it's it's no good no more but a guy is a little stupider than a woman you know what I can't take a girl back after cheated not I mean no I don't mind saying because everybody's situation is different you know but I just feel like you know for a woman to cheat there's a lot more emotions involved she's about what I mean like we are we're cheating we're not cheating cuz we want to get [ __ ] and we're horny right like a man that man is me also that it could be more most of the time a man is cheating cuz his dick is hard doesn't I'm okay women want monogamy right well Norman Agha me you know how hard it is for a man to try to be monogamous to a woman and then when he's ready to have sex the woman act like he's being like he like she's bothering him think about that fields for a minute you want money you want monogamy from me so I'm trying to be monogamous but then when I ask you for sex you act like I'm bothering you men go through especially when you're in relations for a long time there's a lot of women who just like oh my god you wanna have sex again it's like yo I'm trying to be everything to you and only give you this this is what I need and then you act like it's a bother and then when you have such as like fine you're taking so now we have waxing when we have sex or you don't want to have sex and you expect me to live like so then when I do is like you know I can't keep saying it cuz I don't want to bother her so let me just go try to get it so I don't have to bother then he'd get caught now I heat a bad guy what the [ __ ] are you got there no but that's what I'm saying with guys do you guys and then men you had you have to release the semen man half suit like we don't have to calm girls they'll have to come if a man like guys on Ramadan they have so fast they can't jerk off they can't have sex they can't release how long is that for it's like 90 days it's for a month so imagine as a man not being able to release the nut having a wet dream you know they'll wake right what the common but it's not a good feeling for a man we're talking about sacrifice to God no I'm saying like men don't talk about this because it sounds real weak but it's the truth though yo when you trying to be everything for a woman and then you trying to have sex with her and she sang she not in the mood and then when she isn't a movie she gave you some half-ass booty just to shut you up that [ __ ] be whack to us like like I'm trying to be monogamous with you and you making it seem like it's a big a big chore like nobody want to do you know what sweat to ask though when guys want to have sex but they don't want to like eat the [ __ ] put in some effort hey how did you even mentally be able to get there if you know what it's like to walk by and see a woman like I said in the morning when we're at home like I'm the one like come on come on listen let's cool the Suey let's do it but then we're and we're outside he's like babe like I'll be doing science but I paid that money yeah that takes a little effort we had that conversation in college and I think bro can you like laid me down like sometimes I don't even know if he knows this but you don't know now what I do sometimes because sometimes I come here be like yo you man wet like you soaked it out I go watch porn is something I'll play with myself really to get myself already started so that way I could just I know he wants to just like go for it so I'm ready I'm ready well let me tell you something I know that you do that that's why see that was always something that I would do when I knew that I was gonna have sex with a guy for the first I would masturbate first first just go with the [ __ ] are maybe thinking about you baby on the way how would you think you can get the first one out is the first time you would a check you get about five six pumps an S is terrible but vagina tighten then so before you know if it's on the second round like I'm going I'm going on you because there's numb at that point we going at it and any but I guess there's nobody gonna do it again you can't get it hard again and after that nut is buzz sees like the next time we have sex while we have sex but I really want to flip on us say you want to make me country going you know sucking to get back up again right she be like yeah yeah we'll do that as soon as that should come out the wash rag wipe them up all that good stuff should be the best any other kids everybody's come and get the wash rag or see the rock wanna count [Music] [Laughter] let's take the watch over the headboard my mom would like her vibrator dildo situation okay so I was reading this article about Mobe right he has a memoir out and in his memoir he talks about having had a relationship with Natalie Portman his book is called then it fell apart so he's saying that when she was 20 years old and he was 33 he dated her briefly she's saying it never happened and that really she was 18 and he was just a perv okay so he did say Natalie's possible regret in dating me doesn't alter the actual facts of our brief romantic history if there's something wrong with somebody telling who they date it when they do a memoir and not giving that person their heads up or maybe it's something that would happen so long ago you don't want it brought back up um I do think there's something wrong with that because you always have to ask for someone's permission to use their likeness in any other business right so if you're gonna use my likeness as in my name to sell to sell right first of all I should receive a portion of that letsplays business number one number two is you should ask my permission just because that's our story that's not just your story like there's no other part of business where you can use someone's name or likeness without them getting a percentage or getting permission to do a documentary about someone even if they don't you have to get waivers they have to sign waivers and sign releases in order to do all of that stuff yeah we learned that in TV like we're not do stuff at the gym now if I do advertisement the gym any kid or adult that's in the background I got to give him a waiver and when that's the case he should blow her name well I mean couldn't give her a alias like in this I guess he's trying to because it's illegal and she consumed him for that well it's true you can't really in a book if it's true know what's true if the story's too did a whole book true truth where she names all kinds of people and no one sued her like she was fine well she was also naming men yeah and dudes really don't care by something yeah they're not gonna call the cop that you've been with and been like no I didn't know I think I'm a pretty upfront I thought I wonder how I've heard of people who said they were with me and I was like who are you again like who are you or no we were in you're gonna mean like you had that situation too yeah but you said who's together alright what we do to prove it to prove it sorry things just don't I don't let it bother me yeah that would that would if someone was about to go on a book tour but with lies about [ __ ] I do I was I was wit devout while he was wicked Dean I used to sit on his face you know we did a syncope not the Roma X from this question I know but you know I have a no conversation and I feel like they kind of discuss both sides okay just let it slide I just didn't want to get cursed out in the comments you know how our listeners they listen to every little details we totally look to you for inspiration sometimes and you know you're just been doing it for so long so we from thank you for being a voice in Brooklyn you know I listened to your podcast before I made my boys listen to it I feel like y'all was kind of trying to be respectful yeah you marry right but I have listened to your podcast before listen the only way you can learn about women is from women yeah it is so we listen to me like that's what they like you know when you're honest it's so much of your lives out there already right so we don't want to be like repetitive and new audiences so we want to make sure the back story you know no I don't feel like this platform is different because we don't speak to this level about our relationship yeah because you know certain things are only appropriate in certain arenas the people who are listening for the and we appreciate you trying to be respectful of our marriage but at the same time too I feel like there's the stigma around marriage people and sex like it don't exist like you don't have been like a little video on Instagram but whatever it's funny because I put up a video the other day on my stories yeah and you know I don't know like a 2-piece little like panty and bras set for savage expensi or whatever so I'm doing a little thing but my music up on it you know like we doing Instagram and somebody DM to him the video and was like you see your wife you see what she do we marry we're not dead like we're still human beings where they should be sexy they should be sexy for each other sexy as individuals and all that so we're always gonna be an advocate for that so amen like so like drooled on my breath situation so not to interrupt you guys but here's another thing I don't want to forget that we are having a live show oh yes 19:00 absolutely put it in the cloud I'm gonna get my channel in the skirt you feel your suit and he goes the whole prom meets cheerleader there we go I'm with it all right I love it thank you once again for coming through make sure you check out their podcast - yeah - we could beam into Bell yes search for it baby lip service
Channel: CinematicTV
Views: 394,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lip service, angela yee, devale, khadeen, lsn, podin, “loud, speakers, the breakfast club, charlamagne tha god, black ink crew, donna, alex, black ink, power1051, interview, dj envy, breakfast club, celebrity news, yg, yg new album, radio, video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 18sec (4098 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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