Angela Yee's Lip Service Feat. Freddie Gibbs

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you miss relationship thank you no Menard isn't that bad swing is about we gotta be like you gotta be totally transparent I got to talk about [ __ ] and [ __ ] and [ __ ] I need a [ __ ] so I could be myself that was probably the problem in past relationships with me I felt like I was trying to conform to you know I mean make the relationship work when I shouldn't eat that service I'm Angela Yee I'm Gigi McGuire I'm a being yeah and Freddie Gibbs is here got me drunk you you barely drank anything yes now listen I was saying I'm excited for Freddie to come here cuz he has a great conversation so I don't know if he's gonna be different when the mics come on cuz he was agreeing with us and everything we say not agree with [ __ ] all right but you have been through a lot of different things as we've been watching you you know throughout the years I remember I first met you when you did the double XL freshman cover right so long ago right I remember that I remember and now you out here making those millions of dollars trying to get it trying to get to is stay out the way I remember that we did that double XL show that night too and then in Vienna he was trying to clown me when he brought me on stage oh yeah when he announced me he was like this [ __ ] from always remind him about it what I see attitude was I was like [ __ ] I was so mad he was like yeah and come to the stage it's [ __ ] from Gary Indiana I guess he from [ __ ] the home Michael Jackson I was like [ __ ] the way he said it was just trying to clown and he goes I had to get on stage like [ __ ] it's lights can't ask [ __ ] better quit [ __ ] with me [ __ ] now man it's one news that night not something I might always mad and it's interesting cuz it is true like when you're first coming out and this is like your introduction to people it's got to be right right yeah man I was young I was real young man so I really know about how this industry should go and you know [ __ ] say [ __ ] and you know I was real sensitive to [ __ ] back then you know nothing wrong with Michael Jackson I was trying to you know like 23 years old I was trying to come out on some hardcore gangsta [ __ ] Charlie made me throw salt flakes off in New York it's like the toughest place to do a show - yeah it is man I went to see state property on Saturday at the High Line shot I said High Line y'all know me and I'm sure the headline tonight we going oh you have to wait Amy and we're going and yeah man I could tell there was a lot of New York people in the building and of course you know if you come into a state property store this years this many years later you're definitely a fan however because windows however it was when the first of all I wasn't as packed as I expected to be but when the when the opening X came out it was crickets and I was just yeah yeah it was - it was three different eggs - we're from Philly and one was from Connecticut and they were like okay you know but the crowd was like ice cold it was I'd able to standing there staring at them like I'm gonna be like be like that a lot of rap shows though you know you got a light wind [ __ ] over and stuff like that it's like a new artist is difficult like [ __ ] on performing a whole lot of month or the empty rooms no bees yesterday right watching some performers here my girl abrini was celebrating I did a lot of shows an sob I know you have and you know it's the worst crowd industry crowds yeah nothing then looking on their phone not even looking at anything that you don't write say this though comedy shows at least you're not supposed to be talking or making noise or moving you're just watching nothing when you're supposed to like the energy you're supposed to get when you're performing on stage that like helps your show somebody over like you said you remembered his performance because he had energy that's good but it's tough when people don't know your music and when you have a tough crowd like New York people be like oh man who the [ __ ] says I never heard of them if they know your music they're gonna be a fan but it's kind of like the industry stuff - it's like industry people can't really act like fans unless you're really your family something cool that's right because personally I feel like singing takes more time you know you can rap what's your regular voice but you can't sync with your regular don't ask me to sing cuz this voice might sound good and this mic but he gonna sound something thing won't sound good if I try to hold - now I might get spit some bars but you know god-given talent is that voice that come from the diaphragm in the throat just like really like specially like nowadays I think that like so many [ __ ] like rap is saying it's like a hybrid of [ __ ] right now you just gotta have like it's just about like melodies and [ __ ] that people can like you say remembering like get a stick today tree it's not the you know the fast-food [ __ ] you know I mean if you can come to a show and like you know remember a [ __ ] song you know but you don't think that's who you write which you don't think people are you don't think people are more judgements with two rappers though cuz rapping is about your bars also your persona you know how you look you know what I think the value of a [ __ ] rapping and went down anyway because everybody everybody don't slow down like a [ __ ] grandma rap you know am i you might go outside come on mama D like I rap to everybody's like I rap to our reps right so it's not like you know it's not he just job as they used to be so you know [ __ ] like whatever Nate I could do that [ __ ] you know like when [ __ ] feel like they can do what you can do then they don't know they feel like they don't gotta you know consuming that's true I feel like a lot of [ __ ] nowadays they getting like they getting famous social media wise and then they [ __ ] it let's milk the music English let's put out album - you know I'm saying and I think that's trash within itself what I mean you know cuz I feel like if you like my [ __ ] if you do you know yeah I've seen that with women too not just like male rappers I've seen a lot of girls get a lot like a million followers in it I'm releasing my first single is you can like make money but you gotta get most views that's not easy yeah it's definitely a process I think is people is a misconception they think that just cuz you got a song poppin that means you making a lot of money that's not you or because you have a deal are you an example right now like you it was like you know they like they had to get at me to phone me you know this he owns the publishing of that record you know I mean so they made it like it was a what's in a cover you know I mean like the law you know only inside was you to own 15 percent of a cover if you redo somebody song so you know 85 percent of the record he took eighty five percent but then he probably look I'm making some money off for doing shows right now let's tie everybody but that was a huge do you think him as a new artist it was kind of okay for him in a sense because that kind of helped him pop right so they'll help him all this I said we computer guns with the today you had to give up all that song but they were like so wait like you put us on the map alright now let's get more into yo [ __ ] mister breading is all right so you've been through a lot of things like we discussed now of course there was a situation where obviously those cases or that case got completely dropped where you were dropped because you know they can't go forward with [ __ ] but we went for with every beat this is a girl had a dream she said she had a dream that I raped her I don't understand how anybody gets a lot of insane I mean you know it was a different country you know I'm saying so it's like under their laws like a woman statement as a is a form of evidence so it was an Austrian yeah yeah it was some sick [ __ ] have you ever enter a house in France where did I noticed the girl to whatnot which is a crazy situation but it also is a time where any kind of physical contact with it was well yeah you find out who is really like in your corner who's your real friend right right that time because that's a difficult thing to go through when people are rushing to judgment I remember being like that don't seem like anything Freddie gets one saying that people that knew me they knew that that [ __ ] was all [ __ ] from the jump you know I mean like I said I never you been correct she wasn't the police the next day because she has sex with a somebody that I was with so she wants the police and told on him you know I'm saying but then I guess when they figured out that he wasn't coming back to your dead [ __ ] had no money it was just like switch the story up what she may be under the influence I mean so like kind of like forget me do you forgive something like that too like you know how we always talk about forgiveness yeah but that took a lot out of you it definitely took a lot out of me and I had to like you know I'm kind of like rebuild my name in the game because even the slightest accusation of something like that can [ __ ] you over you know I'm saying but like I said it was totally not true so you know she said that she had a dream that it happened like that was a statement she said that see because the her initial statement was on somebody else you know so I went back there on tour you know saying that if I had a rape charge on me I wouldn't been able to get into Europe you know I mean soon as I got to the gate they would've been like maybe you arrested but I was over there on tour for like a whole month you know I'm standing in she saw that I was there and she went to the police changed her story they set up a sting and then they came and got me now being that now you know like who's really in your corner we were talking about this but you ever ban anybody from your funeral we're talking about people we were banned from our funeral like this person can't come same way that John McCain did anybody you like they better not try to show up if they do they can't come in I hate nobody like this so I don't know you want to come pay your respects are your respects me oh you guys ever think about that would you been is there anybody there's nobody that I hate hate whereas like even in my funeral I don't want to see you but maybe you just don't [ __ ] with them like I think if we don't [ __ ] with each other like they respect privately maybe long as you don't slap me in the cash people see what have been no no I don't think I would ban anybody from my funeral I would actually encourage yeah somebody that I would ban from my finger it would be somebody that had to be in my life at one point so if you were in my life at one point and we decide to go separate ways and you feel as though that you want to come pay your respects to what we had at that time despite what we went through in that fact that we weren't even speaking when we were when I passed away then go like for instance when I lost my mother one of my childhood that was one of her close friends when I was little they hadn't speaking in five years she dropped everything and came all the way from Florida to Philadelphia when she found out my mom passed away now dude did my mom even reach out to her to tell her that she was sick no she had no idea that my mother was even sick until my mother wasn't here anymore but she still came because of what they not the fact that they hadn't spoken in almost 10 years but the fact that what they had was that important to her when they did have something that you know she's still our Vanessa to me so I just feel like if you want to do that then I'm gonna be fabulous at my bar you from now in case somebody did something to me you know and had something to do like had something to do with my death now you can't come to my funeral right you don't know anything you did something to me that bad and hopefully I Met Your Mother may he rest in peace all right now let's talk about PDA for a second right public displays of affection oh [ __ ] how do you feel about that this uh one of my friends was going out on a date with this guy he tried to kiss her in the restaurant and she was like no no no they know don't try to kiss anyway first hand across the table at arrested yeah no on the seriousness in a relationship what's PDA exactly like you could kiss a significant other but if you're trying to like put your tongue down my throat across the table as a barroom a Freddie Gibbs show he's trying to kiss you if my man's trying to tap kiss me cool but like policy we're not gonna like be tonguing each other down in the middle of a room that's just too much but it's like you know he's spooning you from behind while y'all watch the show that's cool what about you Freddie with a woman to chair dating do you mind being out in public like holding hands and kissing and stuff Oh gangster gigs this is the penile yeah you know I'm saying like you know that's cool you know me but I don't want to be like you know I don't want to be around those [ __ ] with a bunch of cameras and [ __ ] I don't want my privacy invaded obviously you know I'm saying but yeah I don't I don't mind a lot different on my [ __ ] like that you know oh so you sweet like that just don't take it to the load just don't take it to the point where other people in the room feel uncomfy a for the first time depending on how to [ __ ] like first 10 minutes of the date you I don't think I'm gonna be sitting next to the guy on the first date on the first date it's a vibe no yeah we you know gonna be close like that I think you know when they keep your space right I'm gonna be showing it it are like right somebody use this then you get it I got y'all table across the room I just limited conversation like Roy can tell with somebody's into a witness I do nothing that's the worst shoot when you like right like I know but us AP still pay for the meal and everything hey I wouldn't do that some atrocious I still pay for the meal I just go about my business when do I ever done that like just walked out on a date I tell you what I did do one time though so I went on a double date my friend a long time ago she was dating this guy and she was like okay I'm his friend was to take you out we're gonna go on a double date and they was so corny first of all he had on like he s he was a cute dog in college he had on a bucket hat hi come on we on a date here on his cue dog bucket hat and so him and his boy they took us out and they wanted to go to this club and they were talking so much [ __ ] right like oh yeah you know people go to this club VIP blah blah blah I already didn't really want to go to the club with them so we get there and they can't get in oh my god I got in me me and my homegirl wearing the club and that was that no but he was popping so much [ __ ] about how important he was it wasn't my friend I remember the guys name they said mouths was probably good um ya know we was good I do it listen you guys never speak after that yeah I never saw him again have you guys ever been ashamed about how you treated somebody like when you look back and you as I'd am I was kind of [ __ ] up that happen one time I wasn't ashamed of it but I gotta check me on it right so this dude I was dealing with from Atlanta he was up here visiting and we were at Sin City and I was sitting on his lap and a girl the waitress she was all you know trying to flirt she knew her here you know had money or whatever and eventually I was like yo get out of here you're gonna get your tip I was like 21 years old but I was already here you gonna get yeah I was like get out of here you're gonna get you tip you know like you don't gotta do it bro he looked at me he was like why you talking I like that no he said why you talking to him he was like that I was like what he was I say you know why he was like no but you don't talk to people like that and then he said he said don't let the money change you especially when I ain't sure but I was yeah because I was just getting into you know guys with money spending all of this and then so that was like a valuable lesson that I learned early cuz I probably would have got where it's like that [ __ ] are poet especially when it what about you you ever been ashamed a B you know how you treated somebody later on oh yeah I mean I think there's been instances in life right that you probably in a bad mood or you know you come off like incorrectly and I think being more into it myself and just life around me I could like hold myself accountable be like Tammy I was kind of [ __ ] up like I didn't really need to go that far I can't think of a specific instance but yeah I know I had yeah it's easy and I used to be a [ __ ] I was a bully when I used to dance in the in the Caucasian gentlemen's clubs I was known as the crazy black girl because I had previously I had knocked the girls side to head with champagne 50 stitches across that face oh I got fired from that club for that clearly and when I went to the next club I had became like urban legend like it's a girl going around smashing [ __ ] with champagne glass so you might not want to [ __ ] with her so there was a girl that came into the club she was new and she was acting like you know how does um how was it here with the girls you know like and she was Xing me and my friend at the time and she said how was he here with the girls that is it a lot of fights like I heard is this one girl it's such a such club and she was talking on me she like is one girl just such a nice club did this and the third it I don't ever want to come across anything like that and I was like oh you know I'm like you talking I was like I'm really not crazy enough I told her the story but during that time that that wasn't you know that was just a coincidence that she spoke about it but during that time I was really a [ __ ] like I bully people because I knew that they were afraid of me because of that you know that cloud over me I guess and yeah and it got to the point where I had to like step back and check myself because at that time I had went through so much traumatic stuff at in life like you know health stuff and I even went to jail during that time like a lot of stuff happened to me during the time where I was just really being a mean bully [ __ ] because I could be I just I don't know I just ran with that and I just like overtook my life and once I you know I had like a Epiphany where I felt like okay maybe it's you you know like maybe you need to change and ever since I changed my life has changed for the better and I'm talking this was 2001 like this was years and years ago I used to be a [ __ ] and I definitely checked myself what about you Freddie you ever been so nasty and then later on been like damn that was kind of [ __ ] up I already be the same too sick I don't really too much they sit there nobody that I think that you know you never did a girl a [ __ ] you know I don't miss a machine before you know thank you should she have no reason [ __ ] I did I did okay for you right well it's just that what's justified was justifiable cheating exactly really justified I mean you know I just think I don't know when a man get mad sometimes you know I could release energy and another person and release your energy and another right now if a woman feels like she wants to release a [ __ ] release his energy on her face because you pissed her off is that okay my face I'm one of the [ __ ] I'm not a I'm not in the data like in security and like if a woman like because you know like we all human beings and I get four woman going go have sex with a man she's gonna do that what's worse see your girl having sex with somebody else I heard letting a guy bus on her face hope I'm hopefully on but if a [ __ ] if the class see a wife I know a [ __ ] bust on her face like it's over for me it's all one with me you can use sex before you could forgive that I mean you know I mean if I loved I could forgive it all cuz we all did this [ __ ] you know I'm gonna keep it real I don't I don't give a [ __ ] about that like I don't like that [ __ ] don't say I don't care like if I muhfucka see they see like I could take a [ __ ] back she'd see that she don't really like it's different when girls do you like the shoes like people make mistakes in yeah cuz I've done it I'm human I feel like you know I mean like [ __ ] that be hung up on that just I don't know I got so much other [ __ ] to do I'm no longer in a relationship and I actually know your child's mother very beautiful young lady very beautiful yes we did a show together remember you were there we did an episode of the show oh yeah yeah now what happened like you were so in love you guys have babies right by your side the whole Instagram thing you know we paint a whole different picture what's going on you know well that's what you made it seem like - well it'd be like that you know I mean like you know it's always the internal things I can't you know say ain't nothing wrong with her a little you know the mother my child to death but uh you know it was just you know things that I was going through that kind of you know push that into a different direction whatever you going to I mean a whole [ __ ] really with really with it with the jail thing and like [ __ ] in the streets and stuff like that it was just I wasn't all the way you know I would say like heal from that [ __ ] right yeah so it's like you know she wasn't really you know right at home and it wasn't it wasn't really right before that so you know but how did that affect your relationship with her man it just like it started making you distant from a person you know I'm saying like I said I love her to this day but it's just like things we came he was in your own hands bad communication on my part really you know I'm saying when it come to that I mean me and we horrible communicators when they come in you know I mean so you know I can't hold her really at fault for nothing you know you seem like you would be such a great communicator to I communicate well and some instances have been in some [ __ ] I just be letting roll off something some [ __ ] that I sacrificed for the sake of my argument because I all do they're like yelling [ __ ] I try not to be like that's instead of like saying something to a [ __ ] about it I'll just go cheap right the first step to solving a problem is admitting alex is trying to figure out [ __ ] cuz you my friend she was sitting there waiting for you to finish this and so she can actually your zodiac sign may 23rd and my significant others are Gemini to 60s after me see you can any little argument he's like [ __ ] this I mean you know what I'm not gonna do all that see that's a difficult thing to it's because I feel like a lot of men also they solve the issues within themselves so they'll get distant they won't talk to you they'll separate themselves and sometimes that's that makes a problem worse I created all the problems in my relationship for sure I created all those issues how did she find out you cheated it was more than just cheating the ones that she you know I'm saying it was like like [ __ ] mysteries like [ __ ] you know me her for two different walks of life you know I mean so it was like you know the [ __ ] that I that I'm accustomed to shocking her you know I mean so it's like you know something so much that she she can deal with I'll totally understand it so the thing is that lately I've been having this feeling that when you're going through stuff sometimes you just don't want that responsibility of having to thank you that's who you know I mean a relation it's a whole [ __ ] full-time job I mean I got a like a business to run and the child to take care of but I wasn't I don't know if I was like cut for the marriage [ __ ] yeah because of just everything that my personal aspirations that I want to do you know I mean so it's like a lot of issues just it was just heavy on me and I couldn't I couldn't handle everything bad to say about it all I never will you know I mean I'll never slander you know me and what would you want her back if possible later on down the line like do you think like okay later on I just want to just well be on good terms with her and do the best you know I mean we can't really you know for a kid that's all you know if that if that's the exactly if that's the if that's the best outcome you know I'm good with that you know Stan and I'm just you know I'm good all right I got a handle my [ __ ] I gotta do now I also saw on Twitter somebody was saying that you got shot at in Toronto I saw somebody mentioning that yeah did something happen like just recently I know you were in Toronto they said somebody shot at you I did a great show up there it is you know I mean it was loving it you know I mean it's a ronso show though I love Toronto south of Toronto so where there's like a bullet fired or anything they were shaking in air they're just happy should they try to shoot at you and then the person ran and you confronted them that's like some black pant the type [ __ ] also I'm blocking bullets okay something a little something happen though I heard nobody that's all you know I commit no crime big news now let's talk about sex right that's what I came he said love and hip-hop and how a Joe button doesn't want to have sex with his child's mother since Santana and he's just like kind of avoiding her and it's making her upset because she wants to have sex okay first of all shout out to Joe you my [ __ ] you already know we like this so you know I've been talking [ __ ] about July be talking [ __ ] about Joe Oh Alfie well he also doesn't wanna have sex with his girlfriend so what is it like have you ever felt like that in a relationship like I just don't feel like having sex Oh cuz we always assume guys are ready to go 'yes wanna come tell you that that's for sure but you know I'll tell you like my daddy told me man and ain't no [ __ ] like new [ __ ] sometimes you know mean sometimes you more rapidly gift to be like that you know I mean it I hate that mentality but it'd be like that I feel like you gotta like do [ __ ] to keep it new [ __ ] the same way all the time is my reasoning for why men cheat because every man thinks that the next vagina they stick their penis into is gonna be the best in the world but it's some natural [ __ ] though do you know they'd only take 30 men to get every woman in the world pregnant it's enough sperm in 30 minutes impregnate all y'all why do you even we don't want to what happens when you got this girl right correct and you go and you you're in a relationship correct but then you see this girl and she bang boom pow personality everything you could ever think do you want her to be right and you like yeah somebody hit this is gonna be astronomically out-of-this-world and then it's trash trash trash then you just go yeah what is trash [ __ ] [ __ ] this week we what's we drive this little witness is just lame you worry my tele you know what I'm a big [ __ ] on energy later she gotta be right we got a hacker great energy to [ __ ] all I know really rank well you could be fine as [ __ ] you know I'm saying but if the energy is off like like last night it was a [ __ ] trying to pull up on me last language is Spanish spot in the Bronx shout out to the crowd shoutout to my Dominican [ __ ] like she was like I was taking too long as I'm [ __ ] and she said maybe like yo y'all New York girl the arbitrator he was like yo son you wasting my time yo B I was like wasted I was like cuz the energy was all I was like you know what if you like that would mean how do you want to [ __ ] only what you had her waiting you said you had a waiting for the movie to slow down as a woman yo son never and I'm not no regular [ __ ] why you go out look out window go do some [ __ ] you don't sin or not restrict man we wait like if you say 8 o'clock you're gonna be ready for 8 o clock I [ __ ] been marinating for hours it was fresh our I mean my shot the oven she could have waited it with me so you just said forget it mmm it's [ __ ] are you you know why he would have waited hour because in his mine and new [ __ ] he by big put a new buzz but like I don't know you know what getting up in a you know I'm saying like the old you hear the more you'd be like no no it sounds like damn I gotta go be calm I'm gonna just go home and watch Instagram really cuz I like I like the [ __ ] become what they won't always wear Magnuson he did not think I actually likes magnums do states that you know it'd be like an instant that [ __ ] to make my did go like damn then again too old for condoms give me a [ __ ] it's like that's what y'all [ __ ] got them diseases the [ __ ] like so it was just like I don't really you know Menard isn't that bad swim is about [ __ ] we gotta be like you gotta be totally transparent you gotta be like I mean I don't want to talk about like [ __ ] and [ __ ] and [ __ ] I need a [ __ ] I could be myself that's that was probably the problem in past relationships with me I felt like I was trying to conform to you know I mean make the relationship work when I shouldn't I did that I should just be mean you know I mean like [ __ ] you know it's like okay like for instance in my last relationship it's like when I be at home I'll be a totally different [ __ ] you know I'm saying like you know me like I'm a [ __ ] gangster rapper like monogamous relationship you want to be able to be yourself and talk about women and [ __ ] what is that is that saying like you're a [ __ ] was good and then I want to be like y'all let you see this [ __ ] on the grounds that [ __ ] got fat ass you know and I wanna be able to like talk about like whatever when y'all like new [ __ ] and other [ __ ] and [ __ ] like taboo for [ __ ] that make us want anymore that make us wanna be like damn don't like I think it also depends on how you go about it right cause like there's woman that be like this but it's just like oh no but if you make it seem like there's a chance that you we're gonna have an argument tomorrow and you gonna go [ __ ] her then that makes it weird but she's really pretty yeah it's kind of fat okay all depends on a relationship you have and how you said like could you be in an open relationship where you could do your thing but she could also do her thing yeah I could do that I was in an open relationship with a Gemini there's only one me she gonna [ __ ] them [ __ ] in it like right at least give me a day at least get a day at the dick a day to dry off your [ __ ] and I wouldn't come home that right out the [ __ ] yeah you gonna [ __ ] a delight go go to Greece with that [ __ ] [ __ ] go on a trip with some [ __ ] you know but the open relationship then is with somebody that you don't really feel that much for right that's not true y'all could just have a bond like that but y'all not gonna let that sex [ __ ] [ __ ] y'all bond that's what I'm saying the bond with me is more important in all the outside exterior [ __ ] you don't sound like I don't give a [ __ ] about none of that [ __ ] really we mean with a [ __ ] long as you give another [ __ ] my money oh what'd you what'd you do I just don't get a [ __ ] my money don't have a [ __ ] wit marques respect that rules like I'm your girlfriend you my boyfriend but we also [ __ ] other people yeah for me I would you know yeah would you do it I would do it if you know if you would just be my main but I wouldn't be like oh my man or what we talking about the other people like would you want her to be like I was having this dude I'm not gonna bring it up you know I'm saying but like you know you know before back in a day before Instagram it was all you see a girl in a magazine you see in the girl in CB whatever there was no access and porn it was really a Nancy see and I get both so I'm listening let's say if she wanted to be herself and then seen a [ __ ] with a six-pack going down - showed you are you gonna fill away are you gonna be like I don't want to see them just like just like just like she made that example of finding a fine [ __ ] house baddest [ __ ] - [ __ ] wet you might get that over Instagram [ __ ] and then it could be whacked in a month why everybody think they're Dickens but every other day how would you feel when she got a look at the girl and be like oh yeah she's but what if he was like yeah you do look good certain ones that you gotta rock with you know I mean like I don't you know I don't believe it you know I'm with the women you know you know I feel like it started a man all right all right now let's talk about what we're Freddy do in a situation okay let's just say you wake up in the morning and the girl that you just had a one-night stand with see try not to do those no more okay well this is the book in his pants she's got her um you wake up and her pussy's on your face mm-hmm what are you oh my face yeah she's she's I come on all right first of all Oh your site and this is the one night just one nice thing what you know if I don't want to eat the [ __ ] I don't want to [ __ ] making statements like our men I like it in which either booth right now I'm like [ __ ] you're just gonna disrespect your dick you know I'm saying hey why would you like not I don't want to [ __ ] you right cuz I feel like you were trash busy anyway you believe me I don't need to [ __ ] with no [ __ ] like you its penetration more personal than normal cuz there are men that I like I wouldn't eat her [ __ ] but your tongue is on top of a man I think that's his grown man sex I think you got to do all of it all - I don't believe in [ __ ] without eating the [ __ ] do you eat a [ __ ] worth me staying around it I'm you need to be okay we couldn't do you meet a woman in a bar beautiful like one of the most beautiful women you've ever seen here in Brazil I don't matter OKC webinar you got a lot of [ __ ] over there you know no nothing like that keep rubbing on your dick you can't hide y'all making out and then you like let's go to the room and she's like $200 less you don't bless this we some pals and I'm out I'm out what if she look real good like feeling real beautiful no it's this week I'm want to get to know to me I don't want to start the relationship huh you know I think if you want some [ __ ] and you can afford to get it you should be able to get it it is what it is I don't you know tricking is tricking me as a hold everything true I mean it's like no like that's frigging it so how much did you go somewhere on the trip - vide negotiated price if you buy [ __ ] it ain't that bad now you might go get some holes you look like you at an auction we're Freddie doing this situation let's say you've been dating a young lady it's been a couple of months how cool you guys are going out and she said can I wear your chain you going out together uh-huh well she keeps the way to chain we're how big is it's cute it's been a couple months that's the case oh you don't get me - Sanjay mom that was now you did that you you know one I'll get us something oh well you see I mean what single injury all right hey she's gonna wear your change they're gonna give me a bag mama so wanking girls start asking you if it's right cuz you said have to say a couple of months you see the museum uses the piano with the book it is like what what would you pay for immediately feels really like she was to ask you for a bag Ziggy's a bag bags you got [ __ ] me for at least four months once we're back damn so what's in one one a phone bill Oh phone bill that's not like some consistent [ __ ] yeah bill is after a bad thing you [ __ ] with me for the summer you get like plane tickets and meals and [ __ ] like that you might have you might get a birthday gift you know life you with me all the time this you won't drink enjoyed it's like the night of you I feel like I feel like this like oh yeah I should be spending my money on this one when you're gonna start paying her rent when do I start paying the rent um all right depends on how it goes yeah it definitely depends how much is your rent with cities I got five a room house like [ __ ] you gonna like come live with me nah definitely not like that would that would definitely take some time flow I'm awful to come live with me have you ever lived with what that's it I never lived with no one that was oh yeah its girlfriend's mom damn did you enjoy living together Alexis in here who knows who Griffin is anymore did you enjoy that like you know coming home to someone do you miss that oh you miss home-cooked meals I needed that I love what she wasn't a cooker like that hell yeah I would definitely love it you know I mean if a woman you know cooked and all that I should that's definitely a plus hell yeah I see you damn they wouldn't have the work if you can look up some [ __ ] are you going there dude all right now what were Freddie do you having sex with her girls she pulls out a dildo and as she to put in her butt well she wants to be doubly penetrated okay there's only room for one dick in the room so that's mine so I'm out dildo pop out on though like in another room you're having a really good time you know what I've been like that are you crazy yeah I know you know she liked me I think a lot of Minister of Defence egos kind of prevent them from like playing with toys my granddaddy used oh [ __ ] you know what the [ __ ] ring does it says it restricts the flow of blood from the erect penis in order to produce a stronger erection or to maintain an erection for a longer period of time and it also gives it an enhanced appearance so it makes it look even bigger my dick ain't hard what if it was more pleasure it's but you're it is I feel like guys are very egotistical with certain things like that's not masculine but what if it actually make you feel really good I feel good right oh if it's my hot pleasure than is a problem just man no I'm saying he's like awesome is this kind of suspect this is a ring and I think that's what kind of helps when we were talking about you like it being routine like trying [ __ ] like that different places different positions could ya keep it keepin it when you got the energy in the bonds [Laughter] if you like you put a bullet or anything on a woman put the vibrating bullet in her Nazi [ __ ] have them but I ain't never be light I'll let me get that yeah you know what I had that I had use that before there you go I'm not a big fan what's the most women you've been with at a time the most women are doing with yeah at one time you mean like during sex on a relationship no during sex like reset foursome like three but it wasn't fun oh why because it's like the [ __ ] is one everybody didn't like each other right as one [ __ ] me so it was just me for everybody but that wasn't really cool yeah it was all trying to [ __ ] better than other when I'm home [ __ ] it's all one thing but how does that work situation do you use the same condom because the [ __ ] didn't like each other so they wanted me to keep switching no even if they like each other you got a switch condoms yeah dude that's true but I didn't like that so I rather that's a lot I'd rather just have sex with one woman you got a sign with audit Shina - yeah absolutely do you like it an ass upon requests if they ask for what I do it yeah I like it I like it yeah but I'm not going I'm not pressing forward like I feel like it yo [ __ ] did another would you recommend it though would I recommend like like you shouldn't mean [ __ ] ass no no no he's only a player but if she acts if she'd be like hey you know [ __ ] me out let me put that bang because they be aggressive on the [ __ ] too hard I feel like he came out of jail oh okay I've seen a movie American me [ __ ] [ __ ] and a lot of time she's wondering why that reminds me of a question you asked some that you have facts ye about the best friend in the threesome oh yeah she was saying that her boyfriend well he said his girlfriend might have a threesome and she wanted to do it with the stranger he wanted to do it with her best friend oh he said what's better somebody you know or a stranger in a ranger he saw her best friend cuz he trusts her are you gonna be able to [ __ ] the best friend even if it's somebody you know we don't have to be the best friend be an acquaintance it could be the neighbor it should be a disposable I would definitely feel away if you asked me to [ __ ] my best friend mm-hmm if you're already [ __ ] and they shouldn't matter what if you my man and you like oh yeah you wanna have a threesome we should experiment maybe it was such-and-such my best friend like that's what [ __ ] your best friend all right right if you if you were joining I want to get in on this [ __ ] see I've never two girls that are friends would be [ __ ] each other in time I see I've never been with a girl I don't know am i friends if I ever decided to experiment it would never be with a friend right I gotta see myself with my friends [ __ ] on my face I think that's and you gotta tell your best friend you know your [ __ ] didn't smell to do that conversation I want to go like shopping afterwards call tomorrow see my gear so you [ __ ] yes it's not a crazy girl you know what my best friend all right now while we're Freddy doing this situation you having sex with a girl and there's a bleed all over your dick because she was on a period it didn't tell you which way is down it's really wet mortising stop it yes yes yes it's my rules I can't go there it's are you ready but you've never had sex with your girlfriends on their penises must say depend on how long we've been together just like let's see I think you like my man like obviously we've had sex on my period but it obviously yeah like when you if we just about to [ __ ] like I watch it to be clean I mean if he made you bleed and you know whatever a whole period it's awkward yeah that's nasty there's like blood class all over you do oh my god this is the best part would you know girls [ __ ] and I have sex with her probably no I'll rather not like let me just do this for you yeah I feel like if men eat the [ __ ] their dicks gonna be hard and they're gonna you never jerked off are you a [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah plenty times you never came back like that no I'm want simplicity other words for sure I've jacked off you know what you your [ __ ] is real good if a [ __ ] jack off after you lead a career if you jack off after the appli- a [ __ ] to leave because he take him out that [ __ ] like but what's after like long time I like 20 minutes after you left my baby see you later like night you come with that we'll see so fine you know I mean the next 20-30 minutes you still gonna be thinking about that [ __ ] that's that's that repeat you know I'm saying to you especially you [ __ ] good that you like if you had some really good [ __ ] in a girl laughing that's different second round coming sleep after I've never heard a guy do day but I do that some good dick and it's over and he sleep or like we not together no more and I wanna [ __ ] again I'll just masturbate thinking about but I think for women it's 20 minutes later but I think it's woman you can masturbate more times a day and come multiple times a day compared to a man jerking off right yeah I like good threefold pursue in the day man could you wrap it out you might have one good one that one I mean it'd be not gonna me I don't want to do it oh yeah that's the best way to fall asleep yeah if you can't go to sleep yes masturbate porn and then fall asleep that's the lazy way mm-hmm now what would Freddy do in this situation right you're at a party and a guy shoots at you after he bumps into you they said they're gonna beat the [ __ ] out you might miss the first time I know I know you know I'm gonna Bank on a meeting the next time good answer we're gonna find out more about this all right now here's from the lip service game that we have which you can get on that service game calm when should sex be the most important in a relationship a when the relationship starts B when you had an argument see after you have a house full of kids or D when the relationship is over when it's sex the most important in a relationship let's just start no relationship we don't even start all [ __ ] up you gonna be like that am i calling this [ __ ] but that [ __ ] was trash so you can't be celibate until marriage do that it's not that's the society kind of not pushed not [ __ ] society society rules some solutions you can't do that I don't think you could do that hardly nobody does that Michelle's doing it allegedly yeah Terry Michelle allegedly you don't believe him hell naw Melina that's it what if I don't want to wait I'll feel like I can't truly I think it all depends on like how you grew up you know your beliefs because there's some people I could do it other people's like I need to make sure that all their way in and then in trash but then you've got some women who you got some women no matter what I mean yeah we always be putting up with whack dick I'm saying you got someone that I'll even a [ __ ] no matter what is they more personalities some girls have to settle and be like well he's a great guy yeah kind of small I think in the beginning of a relationship sex is really important because if the sex is trash and is right but I think for me also when you kind of upset with each other because for me like a makeup sex right cuz if you have makeup sex put that energies right it realigned the whole thing and like that argument is just makeup sex no like you haven't had sex when you're mad at somebody I've had a lot of no I'm always [ __ ] ups almost nine years we always have yeah I ain't been talking but then you took then you have sex and then y'all back talking again and it's like now we extra good now we good good yeah yeah I want to get along when they're having sex and then after that they can't stand each other right well men put up with trash [ __ ] like if everything else is right because you know we put up with trash dick coochie right yeah it's like she if she cooks takes care of kids she works really hard she's there for you yeah but what about she doesn't want to have it that often but it's great it's knowing us see to get the groceries what's the craziest experience you had in the bedroom with a woman you like god damn man I'm gonna tell you some [ __ ] and it happened in New York you got all the stories there was [ __ ] nasty oh yeah tell us I [ __ ] this [ __ ] right and then she like it's tight in this video like like when I [ __ ] it and then like I like she was like she told me she was like not on the floor yes I was at a hotel nice ass hotel and if she was like just but nothing not on the floor I was like not on the floor you netted on the floor and then on the floor and I believe that [ __ ] off the [ __ ] like a puppy like a goddamn puppy crazy should I ever see my new you looking at me like I was waiting to come over here to say this I was just like damn [ __ ] like I mean ain't nothing to do with you after that for one you little [ __ ] yeah the floors is nasty you didn't nod off the floor like right now hey like what is the craziest I can think I can do to impress no [ __ ] like though she was going when I said I like she licked it she got up and did she bark or anything she's gone I wouldn't sleep after that I was just water off it was it she did that [ __ ] I was like oh I left the room and I called all my [ __ ] I was like man but did you like it was you like no without like it was mixed emotions right it was crazy that she was doing this but I didn't like get Matt Hardy anything I wanna [ __ ] her again after that don't know and what did you think okay when she said that on the floor in your head what would you think of she was gonna do with it slide on look it all up all of it alright no she would have said come on its plate and then she licked it off the pleat would you still feel this anyway if she makes it up that would have been tight to cut off a [ __ ] plate [ __ ] you can't wash out like I'm thinking like damn it's a good ass dish you just wasted [ __ ] somebody go eat some bread off this I walked out the room and got on my phone because also a stun but what did you say like she licked it and then she got up Monday my best friend believe he's anything like you shoulda got this you don't say but like what and you went back in a room and how was morphed into a werewolf I was definitely afraid I was like what the it was mixed emotions I didn't know what the [ __ ] there's a whole lot I'd be holding on the end was it thick and white or is it clear garnish it up I don't care find that attractive when you smile you know you notice and bit girl swallow a little girl spit you know I'm saying like it is something like if you like you should be attempting to swallow anybody's come that you don't really [ __ ] with yeah I say you shouldn't be trying to swallow anybody's come you don't really [ __ ] with eat not yes no because you're not gonna there's certain people you have sex with that you suck his dick but you're not gonna suck it till he come in your mouth why not do it right to completion tonight I might want it you know I mean you might but then this guy's like your man man you say oh now I like I'm going in going in yeah so okay so you saw what they did to good I ain't gonna [ __ ] right I can't come off everybody here you gotta really have a mouth you got a job you know I'm saying here might probably listen we heard it yeah no wait you just unlocked your job what does that do cuz you open your mouth wide and then you push it to it you open it it open my mouth wider unlocking every [ __ ] Joe let me see that jawbone unlocking all job all I need to see it man I've seen everybody shallow mouth oh [ __ ] I was doing so you don't really suck dick like that you always like little dick yes I mean I I guess they're bit fingers toes right up to hands yeah you know he likes weather yes I would make I've been telling people that they gotta be able to go into it toilet if they can't go into the toilet paper roll okay come out the other side no yeah like if we can't fit in then you got a good circumference does it matter what kind a quick Scottie yeah well something like that people be sending me fingers like what you think about this Oh Oh have you ever done like a funny picture with your dick you know how guys be like water bottle you know you never send a dick pic never send a dick pic ever never that's a shame why you haven't lived all right what I feel like dick pics are easy to send out because you don't have to have your face no face no K but I'm a public figure like this is what do you have like a birthmark or something no but just we shot the text which a number like at the raid was just like yeah I just that's too much just out there in the world to have a question if a guy is not ashamed his dick why would you be afraid to send a dick pic with your face not in it like if you know it's not for you as for her she's like I want to see did she say I want you to post your face in it that's the rule you got to be proud of your dick right now I'm very proud of my mom no listen sit I'm trying to talk to you and to take a picture the addiction services I don't like to send it but it like I don't request it like if it happens it happens there's women like I know women that is like I always get a pic I'm plan to you you know face pain I feel like sex to me no I don't want to keep dick pics I only want it one time it's like yeah I was like the pre-screen it's like the headshot with the application decide whether I even want to deal with you that's really I swear to god that's how I got with the guy that I'm wearing right now I was [ __ ] with two guys well not [ __ ] with but I met two guys at the same time they wound up both sending me dick pics and I didn't even like it more I like the other guy more friends know when other guys sent me a dick pic he had his dick in the camera with one sock off do not put your feet right yeah that looks crazy now then call in a background and I didn't even like him more the pretty is the guy of a scene and I oh he's the winner and you got higher boys like I'll be [ __ ] with [ __ ] who dictate the same color as the rest of a body in the same colors they body either huh but that's one thing that should be like picture etiquette whether it's a girl guy like don't have one sock with your crusty no listen this is what you cannot have you cannot have a confident it look like them flashy as dick on the flowers [Applause] ain't got no goddamn comfort with a bed on the floor in the background you're not you probably gonna be like whatever cause men like to get the [ __ ] regardless but wouldn't you be like what is this with a mattress on the floor mat and a bunch of us in the back wouldn't you be like dish messy you still [ __ ] because men just [ __ ] to get the [ __ ] [Laughter] 23:24 it's only their mattress I got so much to lose I'm not [ __ ] with no booster think I know bit well would you say something hurt like girl no I'm done yeah I think there's picture at a can like I started show shout and be wow now I'm like you know basically she's like a bed a car or part of me I don't need the public Jews I'm good I'm kind of go through rough times I don't need another bill you know and I'm like I got you exactly I'll need that [ __ ] I'm straight I don't even obesity but I know that matches coming to [ __ ] well Freddie we thank you so much for coming through yeah oh yeah [ __ ] gonna have a home charger now you [ __ ] charge that's what the image can't use Amanda my dad damn I feel like anybody sees a woman when you you just grab it and you go chargers and lighters you know of you a pretty woman I'm more susceptible to letting you have my phone but listen make sure y'all pick up Freddy also you have the joint album out wit currency anonymous as well just drop that yeah can't forget that which I love by the way thank you Fanta fatigue is personality-wise music wise so I'm glad that you finally made it to lip service we'll be talking about this for a while thank you I appreciate it and I got a big piece going on in there you gotta send some type of dick pic out don't school picture there's all kind of rules you buy the [ __ ] thing equals dick - yeah she did now if you if you bought the [ __ ] his ass yeah I feel like that's more like a picture of it gonna make it I don't like a she diggz go get no loss of voice what'd you buy home it a little yeah or may escape you say right yep you must I don't got no hair on my body okay I can see by his beard a shave his day I just naturally don't have a lot of hair on my body cuz guys they be sitting there with the little buck shots that's terrible that's nasty alright well good I'm glad we all agree don't stay where you a stay in a no pic though I'm out no dick pics and you just crush them girls and for everybody listening you go over to honey I'll get a bag for at least for a month right and maybe pick so [ __ ] pigs of course he do yeah I'll take it you said I'll take it alright to get the [ __ ] though like you I'm saying so you're not asking for pic you ever got a bad one that she was like now it makes you not want to [ __ ] it it's so good on a phone you just blocked it have you ever turned down [ __ ] like you went to [ __ ] a [ __ ] and she got naked he was right turning down [ __ ] is a full-time job my dear what thank you in a moment though in the moment I gotta go to Dennis the dentist especially to do but if it's like 3 a.m. which I was about to do it I'll make up some [ __ ] ain't custom she's like that like older or data today what if what if she was fine as hell in the club and then when y'all got back to the room she popped out her got there dressed like a can of biscuits you still [ __ ] yeah I'm out it happened to me before a [ __ ] head on so [ __ ] it was like body armor but I knew in the clubhouse [ __ ] you know I mean so see I just fell on you wait until you got back to the room and vendetta hurt ya knows you took it off I didn't notice that she popped out it was math everything breathes I didn't see like common sense men or women if you gonna have sex with somebody especially if it's somebody that doesn't know like the pretty and ugly things about you prepare yourself like run to the bathroom and wipe your [ __ ] make sure you should that's what I don't know it's starting [ __ ] with me that you can't have like you can ask thank you [ __ ] like bad teeth like [ __ ] like that it's like deal breakers right what if a girl is like I want to hang with you just to let you know I'm on my period so it's a it could be like you met her in the club she want to come back with you but she's like but I'm on my period but I still wanted to right yeah if you maybe again Freddie thank you so much to get this day it's all good I appreciate all having me I'm gonna come back talk someone answers all right we learned a lot yeah Freddie Gibbs that [ __ ] won't call me like neither
Channel: CinematicTV
Views: 178,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angela yee, lip service, the breakfast club, freddie gibbs, freddie, gibbs, my talking angela, celebrity news, power1051, radio, video, interview, charlamagne tha god, tekashi 6ix9ine, 6ix9ine, dj envy
Id: wAS4q8MPHfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 9sec (4929 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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