Devale & Khadeen Ellis & Justin Martindale

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we're gonna have a real good time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my gosh hey whoa hey y'all hey oh my goodness let me oh hey family hello fam how y'all doing oh my goodness we have such a great show for you today I'm very excited because power couple kadeen and Deval Ellis are here you I've started following devel and Kadin on Instagram and I have never stopped I just love they're so wonderful and they're dead ass podcast with KND is so wonderful like these two well after he wears that sweater on the show today I'm gonna be following him to take it home with me I'm celastic not that one the the old one he just had on in the video I want that's what that is nice but they're such a beautiful couple but they're so they have such practical like relationship advice like I literally think uh uh kadine and Deval should have their own talk show like they they're really really good so I am speaking that plus my friend Justin Martindale is in my laugh Lounge Justin oh my gosh good morning John good morning listen I have a little bone to pick with you but before I do a little lady named Miss Ruby who might be Little Kim's mom is hanging out in our audience today oh my goodness hi Miss Ruby hello how are you I'm so happy to see you I'm happy to see you too and you look just like your daughter she looks like you okay Little Kim Welcome to the show thank you Sherry and neither her no Little Kim could have played in a WNBA neither one of them got high on it they are so tiny you and Lil Kim just tiny petites yes welcome to the show Miss Ruby now and tell your daughter we love her we love Lil Kim all right now my bone to pick with you okay well I'm so tired for the first time this season you overslept I thought I was going to pull a wig on to come out that door this morning what happened let me tell you so much this is every actor's you know doing a live show it's it's the worst nightmare and it started out I had White Castle burgers last night I did I had the White Castle burgers right before I went to bed which you shouldn't do especially with White Castle and then I had these horrible dreams I set my clock because I had to get up at 5 45 uh to go work out 5 45 in the morning so I set the clock and then I went to bed but I had these horrible dreams that somebody in my family was trying to kill me and so like it was nightmares and so you know you trying to you know I could go and three and I went back to sleep but then the person was still sitting there going I'm still gonna kill you so and literally I couldn't say nothing to my job I was like and I kept I kept waking up and so my sleep was off and then you know you you wake up slightly you go back to sleep I had the same dream and three times three times this family member was like I said I was gonna kill you I'm still here three times I gotta get I gotta get a dream interpreter for that one so the way that I woke up literally was debrat called me and Da Brat she's pregnant and I love bread so Brett has been calling me every day because Jesus is always wanting to know about pregnancy how you feel I'm going through this I'm going through that so thankfully the phone went off and it was brat and I saw the clock and it says 7 A.M okay I'm supposed to be in my car at 6 30 to get here so I'm looking I go oh my gosh 7 A.M is you know so I jumped up and realized I set the clock for 6 00 p.m instead of 6 00 a.m and and then brat was on the phone and she said and this is the way Brad talked to me she said you gonna be in trouble mother effer like she be cursing Brett curses all the time and she said mother f for you and mother F in trouble and I kept telling Brad you got to stop cursing because you got a baby coming like the baby gonna be cursing so this is a lesson learned if you eat White Castle late at night you might have nightmares and be late for work I think but the problem was is it was kind of slightly raining out there I usually put my wigs in a bag the ones I'm gonna wear for the show so I had this wig and it got wet and Theo because I was late he was trying to curl it but it's still dripping in the back of my neck the water from the wig so I can feel it y'all can't see but water is coming down my neck so I'm gonna try and make it with this hair on but I'm I think I'm gonna get a head cold if I keep it so if I change in the middle of the show please understand why because though my bra is wet my back is wet water is just dripping so there we go all right so it's just this one of them days but I'm here to pray if I don't hold my stomach in blame it on the White Castle y'all all right but you know so much happened uh Sunday night at the Oscars that I still have more to talk about I was not finished I wanted to give a shout out to actor uh kiwi Kwan and kiwi crime one for best supporting actor for everything everywhere all at once and now he's been acting since he was a child but he gave such an emotional speech take a look my journey started on a boat I spent a year in a refugee camp and somehow I ended up here on Hollywood's biggest stage I owe everything to the love of my life my wife Echo who month after month year after year for 20 years told me not one day one day my time will come dreams are something you have to believe in I almost gave up on mine to all of you out there please keep your dreams alive [Applause] I actually I love uh kiwi Quan when he said that but the whole time I was thinking God bless his wife for sticking by him for 20 years and every day for 20 years she told him he was gonna make it because let me tell you the difference between his wife and Sherry [Applause] [Applause] get a job I'll be playing around I'm telling you but that's why they've been married 20 years and I didn't make it past too I'm like at some point and I got it on my profile I don't have two decades so if you don't if you don't have that potential realize so but I was thinking about when he was talking about because my mind is so weird I was thinking about that and I said now the Kiwi Quan has the Oscar he got to keep going because he can't go back to his wife and go it might be another 20 years see I don't know she got that much stamina but now you got to keep y'all give kiwi Quan a job because he got to keep working but it was so great because uh he had a beautiful reunion with his Indiana Jones co-star Harrison Ford this is what him him when he was with uh when he was first acting and then Harrison presented Keys movie with the best picture Oscar and they hug look at that like a full circle moment which was so beautiful so congratulations and you got a good woman you are a good woman if you could stick in there and go for 20 years you got clap if you could go 20 years ladies yeah look at y'all yeah I can do it as you looking down at the flow you be I can do it I [Applause] think y'all now Hugh Grant is taking a lot of heat for an awkward interview he had with Ashley Graham during the Oscars pre-show now his answers were too short and he seemed so above it all take a look it's fascinating it's a it's of the whole of humanity is here it's uh it's Vanity Fair oh that's where we delighted to see anybody win do you have your hopes up for anyone um not not no one in particular okay well what are you wearing tonight then just my suit your suit who made yours you didn't make it um I can't remember my tailor that's okay shout out to the tailor yeah how fun is it to shoot something like that well I'm barely in it I'm in it for about three seconds yeah but still you showed up and you had fun right uh almost okay all right okay well thank you so much hey okay okay look look you know he was in Glass Onion that's what she was talking about you know he was like I was only in there for three seconds you grant we can't help it if they cut out all your scenes from blast on you the don't take out you to be a man on Ashley Graham and then when he said it's like she asked him how do you feel he says oh it's all like Vanity Fair he meant a place that's frivolous now most of us did not know that he was talking about that we thought as Ashley did that he meant the Vanity Fair party so she tried to get Hugh Grant to open up and he still wouldn't he gave me these one-word answers very sarcastic look Hugh this is not an in-depth interview you don't have time to get into anything Diane Sawyer is not on the red carpet looking for you okay because when you get on the red carpet at the Oscars there's only a few questions that you get asked who are you wearing who are you excited to see and are you going to the Vanity Fair party I just think and Ashley was trying so hard her face was like this okay okay doing red carpets is really tough work because you have a hundred index cards in your hand it's all kinds of research you got an ifb in your ear so you're listening to The Producers telling you different things like you only got so much time you got to go and I remember when I did Red Carpet um you know interviews I spoke George Clooney and his girlfriend at the time Elizabeth Canales they got out and I you know and I was fighting all over George Clooney because I didn't know her name was Elizabeth Connecticut because everybody was in my area and so people said that I on Twitter they said I was disrespectful to his girlfriend because I was over George Clooney but I didn't know what else to ask George I was nervous I had all of these cards my earpiece was it was going in and out and my feet was hurting as well you gotta smile your way through this and so Hugh I just say if you didn't feel like talking to people on the red carpet skip the red carpet you you know Ashley was trying so hard close to her she was she was really graceful that is not easy work on that red carpet and I know we were all happy there wasn't a slap on the actual Oscars but her husband Justin maybe should have walked up on the red carpet and slapped you from where he handled his wife well that's it that's the okay all right I didn't like it yeah yeah I thought he was really I think we didn't show this clip but when he walked off the red carpet he rolled his eyes at her yeah he did roll his eyes Grant was a jerk yeah he was not nice to her I think he should have just like and those are my thoughts not cherries I'm I'm the curmudgeon today not you oh okay I was like where how I worked myself out of that with John y'all Jonathan Majors just revealed his next big role um I'm very excited about this he is playing basketball icon Dennis Rodman yes now I'm like Dennis Rodman he's gonna have to lose a lot of weight to play Dennis you know he got it he got it all up for creed so we're trying to imagine what Jonathan would look like with uh Dennis's iconic blonde hair so this is Dennis Rodman so let's see what Jonathan Majors might look like killing it because like y'all know he is an amazing actor yeah so I'm thinking now that was another iconic photo what about Dennis's famous wedding dress okay so that's Dennis Rodman let's see what Jonathan Majors might up I want to see Jonathan Majors play Dennis Rodman I don't know about y'all who wants to see uh Jonathan Majors play Dennis Rodman I think he's going to bring another level to it but the one thing I do want to talk about is Jonathan's look at the Oscars if you saw it Jonathan says that his tux was inspired by Frederick Douglass who fought to free the slaves so that's what he wanted to bring to it so I kept looking at Jonathan I was like oh you a sexy abolitionist all right he was like okay and I kept screaming at the TV Jonathan I know what you can set free over here Jonathan take these Shack about me and let me loose take the shack about my hand so I can dance and y'all don't go anywhere because up next kadeen and Devon Alice Divine Ellis are here another time my first guests are a power couple I really wanted here they're actors and hoes they have a hit Youtube channel an award-winning podcast called dead ass with KND yes their new book we Over Me Is On The New York Times bestseller list please welcome Kadeem and Deval Allen is awesome everybody been excited honestly oh my goodness what a welcome what's up y'all when I tell you we love y'all we love y'all we love y'all and this is so very very exciting to me because Deval you were here in January you were promoting sisters yes and yes yes there you go and I loved you so much and I was like okay when you gonna bring kadine kadine I ran into you a few weeks ago in L.A girl we were getting Chicken and Waffles I said what are the chances oh my gosh oh my goodness I'm just glad you're here thank you for having me looking at y'all because I follow you on social media that's how I got into with y'all now listen to your podcast and you guys met in elementary school yes you have been to an elementary school baby yeah 20 years y'all have been together that's a fact so I literally [Applause] I used to joke that he looked like a pot spoon you see his head's big and his body's long Beach Elementary School High School like Kadeem did you make the first move girl the NBA should have drafted me [Applause] I saw him at this bank with that we went to yeah I know he was going to be there I was co-hosting the event okay and he was an honoree so I saw his name on the list so I was plotting girl yeah my cute little dress on my crown and banner I said I'm going to shoot my shot today with him okay and I did baby because straight buckets he's still here right she's very aggressive I mean and I liked it God is actually about to leave the banquet without giving me his phone number we're asking for mine so I saw his little program booklet in his hand I grabbed it out of his hand and I wrote it down that tells you how old we are because baby we writing down numbers it's not just tapping a phone anymore you know I wasn't going to leave Shirley okay listen my Uncle Kevin and my father told me that whenever you meet a woman you can't be too like rambunctious right you got to let them think that you know you don't know you're not interested yet okay so I was gonna do the slow walk away so I was like it's nice to see you and I was going to be like bam so I was in there I was in the process of doing the slow walk away and she was just like uh-uh and she wrote it in my book and then threw the book in my chest and I was like oh my God so Brooklyn to me so now it's very Brooklyn I saw what you wanted and you went for it that part now you guys have a full house you have four beautiful sons gosh my baby you just had the baby I went through your whole pregnancy Journey with you but now Davao because you love Kadin so much and we can see it but you say that your sons block you from sexy mama all the time why what happened Jay I could tell you like I'll be upstairs there's this is not a humble bride we got four levels in our house okay they're in the boy cave which is at the bottom level right and I could see her she'll be at the count of something and you know that thing be thingy [Applause] trying to slide over there by the minute I get to her hip there's three little young kids looking at me like and I'm like what happened no no no but it's my fault though because I told them you know you got to protect the queen okay I didn't know it was gonna be for me so how do you get them so that you can get the sexy thing I put everybody to bed you put everybody and when I meet everybody her her parents live with us so they help us I put everybody everybody it's not until her mom go to bed everybody go to the bathroom it's Daddy time now y'all know what that means thank you I just y'all make me so happy I want to say congratulations on your new book we over me this is a New York Times bestseller because of you this is because of you thank you so much and we are thanking everybody but this is about you it is it was interesting because in the book uh you had said that your relationship you put your relationship first and not the kids yeah you got to explain that to me let me tell you if Deval and I are not on the same page about anything everything else sinks okay kids included okay so we are very deliberate about putting ourselves in our relationship first because that's important the boys are going to emulate and see the energy and the space in which we exist so we're very purposeful about that in the house and when we're good then the kids are good okay I got you I'm glad you explained that to me now in the book also you talk a lot about you have passed financial trouble so we're not mad at you got a four level because you worked hard you went through a lot of financial troubles but what I thought was interesting you said Beyonce got you in trouble y'all so as you know I played in the NFL for a number of years yes people think when you go to NFL you just get rich I didn't get rich I made some good money but I didn't get rich and I lost a lot of money in the stock market because I got cut during the recession kadine had ran up a credit card it was fifteen thousand dollars the credit card was at 14 997 I know this because I look Ed every day I might Max it out you see the mindset so now you know what I'm dealing with I said look you got one job your job is to get this credit card back down okay because she wasn't she wasn't big on financial Acumen so I was just like you know pay the balance every month and get the credit card down a year and a half goes by it's a year it's about right after hour uh first anniversary and Beyonce tickets was coming out okay shows in August 6th 8th and 12th in Brooklyn can we go see Beyonce I'm like sure I could use the credit card to pay for the tickets I go to the credit card the credit card balance is fourteen thousand nine hundred and eighty six dollars I'm okay what happened she said I don't know the minimum was 45 I paid sixty dollars every month home I was I was directions I said pay more than the minimum oh my gosh I said no no we're not going to see Beyonce she looked at me and said I ran into the room slammed the door then I hear her screaming in the room so I bust in the room she's out the window right screaming I said you're about to kill yourself for Beyonce she goes it's not Beyonce it's the principal [Applause] I go what's the principle she goes F that the valid ain't even a principal it's Beyonce so literally I was like I'm putting my foot down I put my foot down and I stood up and I walked away I said I'm over this she goes that's why Beyonce better than Michael Jackson it's Jackson for a reason take it back yeah she says to me Alexa Play Single Ladies don't play with it was a battle in the house after that I can't with y'all to y'all too much oh my gosh I gotta keep moving so damn funny I was mad oh gosh I'm still mad matter of fact I'm a matter of fact he's not because I'm going to see Beyonce this year y'all all right you making my tickets I got tickets oh my gosh I gotta just say I love you so much on Tyler Perry's sisters and the spin out of the team now the second season of zatima is about to happen on Thursday can you tell us what can we expect you can expect to learn a lot more about Zach okay the Zack that you see on TV and everyone has a lot of questions you're going to find out why you meet Zach's parents you meet Fatima's parents oh wow so you're gonna learn a lot about this couple and what makes them tick I can't wait for y'all to see okay I can't wait to see it either bite my name so let's take a look at the clip you know what you did to me drag me out that hot tub like a rag doll you better be glad that's all I did Sir did you hear what she said I hope he did did you catch that uh no uh-uh uh-uh how would you say that can you go please to work can you go inside I will once you go to work Zach I don't want you out here talking to her Fatima I won't be okay I cannot wait we are so excited for this I want to thank you both for coming I've wanted you for so long funny you got what it takes to be a stand-up so that should be your next uh Adventure out there so that's a different type of skill set I appreciate the craft so much that I I don't know I'm telling you you could do stand-up comedy you know what if I'm gonna listen to somebody I'm gonna listen to you yes please get out and do it I'm going to roll with you devout I would love that developing's book we over me is out now and the second season of zatima premieres Thursday on BET plus we will be right back with me [Music] [Applause] if you're like me you're taking time this year to try new things make positive changes and overall just get your life in order starting with some of those things you may have been putting off for a while like life insurance I know life insurance isn't the most glamorous topic but now is the perfect time to evaluate your needs and make sure that not only you but your loved ones are better protected we have Jonathan Lawson an insurance professional and spokesperson for Colonial Penn Life Insurance company with us today to talk about a policy that can give you confidence in your coverage welcome Jonathan hi thank you so much for having me absolutely now Jonathan first can you tell us why life insurance is so important absolutely Sherry I want to take care of my family always and I know that's something most people would agree with that's why life insurance is important it can help protect and ease the burden on your family during a difficult time with the right amount of life insurance in place you can rest easy knowing that your final expenses won't add to your family's grief that's right you know Jonathan can you please tell us with family on the top of mind for so many people what is this life insurance policy actually do to protect them with our guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance policy from Colonial Penn you can help provide Peace of Mind however your family chooses so if you're between the ages of 50 to 85 you'll automatically qualify in Most states and when the time comes your loved ones will have the money you've left them to use however they wish now it's often used for funeral expenses such as funeral and burial costs which can total up to over nine thousand dollars these days or things like unpaid debts or loans taxes estate settlement costs or whatever your family chooses your beneficiary can use the money however they wish is there to help make their life a little easier during a difficult time so Jonathan how can you protect your family while staying within the budget great question at Colonial Penn coverage options start at 9.95 cents a month plus we lock your rates in for life that means your premium will never increase your coverage will never decrease or be canceled and you can never be turned down because of your health conditions what do you mean when you say we can never be turned down because of our health sure our most popular coverage option is for those aged 50 to 85. so if you fall within that range you're guaranteed your acceptance is guaranteed in Most states that means no medical exams no health questions just the word yes you know yes is a word I certainly like to hear when it comes to something this important so Jonathan how can someone who is interested in this policy get started all they have to do is call 800-917-2196 a Colonial Penn agent is standing by to help that's 800-917-2196 now in addition to helping you find locked in coverage our licensed insurance agents will walk you through additional features such as our 30-day tried on period flexible payment options potential cash value and more now this all sounds great but I recently learned that more than half of Americans think life insurance costs too much and over 30 million households in the U.S are underinsured what would you say to that Sherry I understand the concern about price but with guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance options start at 9.95 a month and that may be less than a movie ticket these days now people may be underinsured because they're nervous that they will be denied life insurance due to pre-existing health conditions but that's not the case here we want you to be able to give your family that added layer of protection they may need so with this policy you won't have to worry about being denied remember ages 50 to 85 are guaranteed Acceptance in most States now if you're eligible you can call less you could have a policy by the time you hang up the phone okay well can you remind viewers one more time simple it is to get to get sure all you have to do is call 800-917-2196 and a licensed insurance agent will walk you through the rest that's 800-917-2196 you can apply in minutes right over the phone if protecting your family with life insurance is on your list for 2023 why not cross it off right now you can pay less than 35 cents a day for coverage that puts money in the hands of your loved ones all you have to do is call the number on the screen now thank you so much for joining us today Jonathan thank you for having me we'll be right back [Music] thank you [Applause] got to start at the world famous comedy store in Los Angeles and he's since gone on to write for the legendary Joan Rivers and he hosts his own podcast just saying please welcome my friend Justin Martindale I know the energy is hot like Justin I haven't seen you in so long what have you been up to since the last time I saw you well I'm so glad you asked um the last time I saw you was in a parking lot not like that relax hey parking lot work is work we were doing shows at the magic castle that's where I first met you and the Magic Castle is like this magician's House in La yeah and we were doing outdoor shows because covid was kind of like over-ish whatever and I was like great we're we're performing next to magicians what could go wrong um and because magicians make people disappear and comedians just want people to show up exactly a fan of yours since the view and then I brought you up at the comedy store and uh this is right before you left for this show and you were like you got to come play with me in New York and here we are [Applause] having so wow it seems like such a long time ago but three years ago the pandemic lockdown began and you had a strange visitor back then oh yeah I um I had a ghost really I know I had a ghost in my apartment my apartment was built in like 1932 and it's Hollywood so of course someone died in it and I had to get stuck with it it wasn't anything like scary it was just I was I was I drank all the wine I watched all the porn I I talked to my plants you know and then all of a sudden like a door would just open up oh my God and like a cabinet and I was like not like this you know like it wasn't anything scary like a red ball wouldn't like roll across the floor and they would like land at a little Victorian girl dress like Britney Spears on Instagram or anything or like you know this like I'd open my medicine cabinet and then I'd shut it and there'd be like a dead nun behind me nothing crazy like that because if that would happen I would have pooped all over this floor like immediately like and she's just doing her job to scare me you know so I asked like you know my friend in La who is a vegan influencer because they're experts at everything yeah um and she was like oh hi this is how you get rid of your ghost you know and it's always it's always like some girl without an upper lip who knows everything right she's like you just get some stage and you just walk around and you say go away like be gone just so annoying and I'm like and then you can even open a door and a window and all that energy will just close and you'll be rid of that ghost and I was like thanks Ashley with a GH um so I got some sage and you know now I make them pay rent so it's good they didn't go anywhere they didn't go nowhere nope so oh my gosh you're gonna be an uncle I know are you excited I am yes yes thank you I'm very I'm very excited um my sister-in-law Ashley with a GH uh no uh I'm I'm having a a nephew and it's crazy because all the men in the family all have girls so we're hoping it's a boy yeah and uh the only thing is is that my sister-in-law was like he or she may be born on your birthday because my birthday is next Monday and I was just I turned into a Disney villain I was like blasphemy you know I was like green Flames flew behind me like Ravens were circling I was like what an awkward situation because I'm not sharing my birthday with a baby no I'm the gun call no it's about me so yeah I was like but I'm happy yes I'm very very excited Mr Uncle this is exciting too because I hear that you got love for the Latin Superstar Enrique Iglesias oh yeah yeah I mean yeah I do like I grew up in Texas and so yeah really okay and um so I grew up in the 90s in the in the 2000s so I just love music in general but like pop music is so like special to me I just love dancing and jamming out to Classics but like Enrique Iglesias like can get it you know it's like seriously right I mean think about like I mean listen there's just something about him like he just like he'll whisper he's like let me be here and you're like ah okay poppy you know so I was at my favorite escape room in Los Angeles called Trader Joe's and and his song came on the intercom and I just started he started like pulling at me Corazon strings because like it's just emotional but here's the thing I don't know what's wrong with him I don't know if he needs like a Prilosec or it has like you know like some some stomach issues because I'm checking out the at the counter and his songs on and this is what I heard would you dance if I asked you to dance now would you die [Laughter] for the one you love for me in your uh tonight I'm like are you okay no it's too necessary to agua Justin Martindale I love you so much and I want to say thank you for being here I know Justin's new comedy special gay bash premieres March 20th on out TV and moment house and you can catch Justin live at the Bell House in Brooklyn on March 22nd get your tickets before they're gone and we'll be right back [Applause] [Music] let's play keeping up with the kids where I quiz my audience on what the kids are saying today so I am here with Lucretia from Florida Lucky so the term is passenger princes I'm going to use it in a sentence my girlfriend doesn't even own a set of keys she's always been a passenger princess is she sitting pretty in the passenger seat the heir of the automobile or banned from driving sitting pretty in the passenger seat girl yeah Maureen the next term is applying pressure I'm going to use it in a sentence James has been applying pressure ever since he met Marsha hopefully she gives him a chance is James attending to Marsha's wounds letting it be known that he wants to date Marcia or applying to several jobs letting it be known letting it be known now I am here with Sonia from New Jersey Sonia the next term is slept on I'm gonna use it in a sentence Natalie's voice was slept on until she brought the house down at an open mic night was Natalie overlooked and underrated taking too many naps throughout the day or too lazy to get up and sing hey overlooked and underrated all right right now I am here with Tara from Alabama all right tab the word is geeked I'm gonna use it in a sentence I'm so geeked about getting courtside tickets to the next game tonight now is am I a big nerd for next trivia or constantly picked on from my love of basketball or extremely excited extremely excited extremely excited [Music] y'all thank you so much for playing and you are all getting a 100 gift card to 212 Steakhouse we'll be right back good enough it is time for tell me something good and I am here with Yona from New York you wanna tell me something good hi Sherry hey I am a proud member of the best sorority Zita Phi Beta sorority Incorporated that's right we are here celebrating our second anniversary with my beautiful sorors Margo and makiva thank you I love it okay so where you say to celebrating your anniversary oh we are we see we're Foodies we like to eat okay yeah we really like to eat you like to eat yeah we're going to Red Rooster girl oh Red Rooster okay well we love Chef Marcus Samuelson but you got to change your plans because we are giving you a 250 gift card to go celebrated mailbox [Applause] [Music] I told you I was gonna change this wig it's nice and dry and it feels great I hope something on today's show put a smile on your face now tomorrow Joe Morton and Tracy Moore will be here until then be intentional about having a good time bye [Applause] [Music] nice
Channel: Sherri
Views: 189,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: talk show, daytime talk show, celebrities, entertainment, pop culture, music
Id: I9yJ90VGLdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 31sec (2491 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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