Andy Anderson Teaches Chris Roberts Freestyle Tricks

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all right i'm here with andy anderson i'm i'm here with chris roberts how you doing man dude i'm doing good yeah thanks for having me here dude what do you mean thanks for having me here dude no like you just moved to venice i did yeah for a day we're here in the parking lot of here in the parking lot and uh we what what are we going to do i want to introduce you to like some freestyle techniques okay so like some space walks i don't know what that is but i'm down to learn and then the other thing is i just want to kind of lay down the platform for like or the foundation for what a freestyle run looks like i think if we just work on what is it the space wall the spacebar okay can you give me a little example of what i don't even know what the i don't even know what a spacewalk is so there's there's so many spacewalks but the most common one okay is is this one of course oh i could do that right i got that yeah yeah yeah i want to see it this is next level there's like oh yeah there you go okay space walk yeah it's like a tic tac i got you i got you oh the shove it after okay so that was easy that was easy thanks for coming out man teaching me that hell yeah dude we got it yeah no but there's so many kinds of spacewalks i'm going to do a quick demo of spacewalk okay let's see it yeah so there's like stationary space walks okay wow then there's fakie spacewalks whoa with spacewalks for some reason it's kosher to touch your tail it's okay as long as it's rhythmic yeah that's totally counts okay yeah there's 360 spacewalks i don't understand you you how do you look so good doing that it's like full freaking no but you you if you did that then you watch me do that it looks disgusting there's a huge technique that i'm using here okay and that is this movement what about a fakie spacewalk that is where we're going actually oh so we're building up to that dude yeah we're building up to that that's like because that's the gnarliest one okay i almost did it you almost did i did do it but this is really the movement it's like a tow side turn to 90 and then it's a heel side turn out yeah but that that's the street way right like you're like right so i need to work up to something right i need to be able to do a patented andy anderson move i want to break this down a little bit further okay go ahead see your regular foot yeah so when you do it it's kind of like you're facing this way the whole time yep you go a little bit front side and then bring it around you got to face backwards yeah but see i'm pivoting i'm pivoting but you're doing a manual into it i'm just coming straight from four wheels oh so it's like here is it like totally facing like my torso is here yeah i see you yeah and then the weird part is you can scrape dude that was close right yeah that was it that was it no no no wait a minute you're goofy yeah you've been doing this switch the whole time i i was doing it switch to show you a little bit i wasn't doing a well switch where the is this guy it may be a little too fast yeah yeah and you were rolling fakies i'm gonna totally switch it up on you okay this is a trick i do quite a bit and it's not well understood so i'm using this platform to explain it okay okay it's called a swedish nose manual yeah swedish nose manual you do a nose manual without your foot on the nose so like this guy's going against everything that i was brought up learning a lot of people send me videos of them doing this trick but they're really just doing one foot nose manuals with their foot there okay so it's got to be like this yeah right there where you put your front foot initially initially back here okay so i'm regular here's the thing most people they try to lift up yeah and you can't lift it up right you don't have enough muscle sure so you put your hands out and you just fall forward until it comes up naturally and then if you if you go too far you just put your hands down this is like the uh trust fall so don't try to lift it just okay yeah just go forward okay with your hips too oh with my hips yeah like you gotta you gotta like this is scary bro yeah yeah yeah i think i'm ready to roll you look like a diver maybe i'm not ready to roll hold on that's that's that's actually scary going to get pitched forward with those pebbles dude it is wow okay hold on i think i got it i think i got it it is so much harder rolling yeah yeah so i don't need to put my hands out like like that no they're more i feel ridiculous they're more for like if you fall okay you have that and it also just throws the weight forward okay well i got quick oh dude look at that one you okay bro dude new trick that was close you and mike v make me feel really bad about myself that's not what we're here for bro i thought i was good until i meet up with mike okay okay you know what here's a trick that i know you can do okay and i don't know if you've ever done it a g turn yeah of course bro go ahead let me see your g turn oh dude g turned life yeah all right now i don't know if i can get as low as you oh that's fine yo to fakie i feel like you really i feel like the g turn you got to get low dude i my theory is with the g it's just beach modeling i haven't even moved 12 feet and i'm sweating i'm gonna do an example of a footwork routine this is a freestyle routine yeah freestyle routine okay so there's a lot of one foot stuff going on a lot of spinning crab walk so that's like a forwards walk the dog but then we do that spacewalk you can do like that same motion earlier so what's the finishing move oh and that's time time for andy anderson then kevin harris would go i got nothing from that hey for sure go ahead bro go ahead dude this is that's a sig board like those wheels oh colorful here let me grab my board you want a photo yeah let's get it [Music] oh what's your name bro cruz nice to meet you cruz heck yeah no worries thank you hope you guys have a good day that's okay listen at a contest some people know andy anderson other people know crob okay i don't it doesn't matter to me okay that's fine we're starting it off whoa crowd's going wild oh my gosh he's wiggling wiggling to fakie spacewalk to fakie jaywalk out saving it heel coming off but he snuck it back on there sly oh now he's in the stationary position oh little doodad fandango style oh double hop that's the steve rocco steve rocco used to actually do that in competitions oh full on walks he's really dragging the wheels there what am i missing what am i missing g turn g turn thank you oh perfect g turn oh my gosh right bullseye just a bullseye and a full 450 spin exhausted bro or 270. here's my intimidation move that's what i didn't do i didn't get my intimidation here's my intimidation move ready i don't know if i could do another run bro i feel like i already have gold so i'm just gonna like dude that was sick run that was good man thank you for that i'm all this stuff bro here you know one trick i i have to show you because my friend eli wizard chief chief wizard i need some water god the guy who really got me so stoked on you guys okay he invented this trick let's see it i think let's see that one again go ahead it's like the behind the back but you get rolled over by your back tire that's the best first attempt i could have asked for was that a setup you set me up right there you gotta you gotta put your front foot in oh you can figure out now he tells me now you tell me oh yes i really want to see someone do it on a flat bar like 50 50. you're out of your mind bro you're out of your mind i'd be sick you know i know you could do it though right it's there listen i want you to incorporate that into your next run we do like this dude i will do with the with the forwards and back i like it yes can you we do it fakie have you tried it fakie no i haven't i haven't let's add on to it here i'll tell you what i have thought is it skating yourself like what if you know complied off your foot like like instead of a parking curb you just use your foot oh you just did it yeah that's probably the best one i've ever done well i'm just gonna do the fakie eli dude yeah please do a fakie elay it's a little harder fakie i like how you call it eli that's the best eli fake eli oh the first fakey eli right there first one ever done yeah that's gonna be the fakie crab sorry eli you guys got the nollie i got the fakie yeah you just call it the crop yo yes yes just keep walking walk rob walk you trying to race bro you must you must really have a sense for the trick now where is that like button right is it right here or right here just a little scroll coming down the bottom it's it's subscribing over to yeah it's on your right no on your left hey yeah hit that button right there right there right here the like button is kind of like in the in the middle there it's like we're kind of oh it's like right here kind of like right there subscribes like over to the left it's right over there all right
Channel: Nine Club Highlights
Views: 383,941
Rating: 4.9645443 out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, 9 club, sk8ing, tricktips, funny, double rock, action sports, x games, nike sb, hall of meat, skateboarding 2020, podcast, comedy, clips, highlights, skateboarding
Id: -jGhaBj0wy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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