Andy Anderson Explains WHY The Shape Of His Board Is Like That

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so okay so when you're on pal and everything now you're you're on the team you got hazed your you know clips and everything like how does it start going and you said you're gonna already designing your own board from the get-go yeah and you're not pro you're not you know so on that tour we met stacy peralta at one of the last stops okay and he like let me know he's like dude i want to turn you pro in like two maybe three years but you're gonna have to make yourself well known enough that it makes sense for the company if the company's designing that weird board right yeah you they have to sell it right i guess so like when the board came out yeah nobody not even my closest friends not kevin harris not george nobody thought it was going to be popular right right it was like a passion project for me to make a board that does all my tricks but but was it in production or was just made for you just made for me for the for for the whole time i was on powell until it came out when did it when did when did you when did you turn pro what year i don't even know 2019 28 okay so just this is actually just recent within the last four years yeah within the last four years okay so up until this point you're actually writing your own shape that they only made for you were they putting graphics on this board yeah they would put like i could like pick a graphic oh anything i i would always get the the kevin harris graphic okay but it was made for a popsicle stick so there'd be wood grain like the og like his old graphic no it was like the yeah it was his old graphics right right yeah amazing with the beaver yeah yeah yeah huh so sick wow so you're you're growing your fan base already before you even turned pro like you could feel so then they were confident that they could sell this board well they yeah they were confident that that enough people knew my name that that something would happen right like they just did it dude they didn't think it was gonna sell everyone said it looked like a you dick like like my closest friend like you're still riding that dick canoe bro i'm like right yeah well it works bro like check it out watch this trick well that that's funny we have it this [ __ ] works for me every board dude everyone that's all right dude you got it right here actually it does look like a dick looks like a penis no so here's the board right here i mean this shape is because i want you to go over the shape with us if you don't mind because every every little thing on this board every little nook every little cranny has something to do with a trick 100 100 this is a fully functional everything on here is for function yeah can you break it down of what each part is for i can i can't sure let's see it but i'm going to start off by saying in street and bowl it might not be that common like this is kind of crazy that i made a board for all these tricks in freestyle that's how it works like you just get so good at whatever until you can get your own board designed around your trick selection so are you riding this board like you probably have a quiver of boards right you probably have a bunch i i have this board is my serious skating okay and then all my other boards i call them rat traps do you have a freestyle so hard to skate do you have a freestyle board i i don't so you use this thing for freestyle bowls street yeah everything okay this is the all-terrain that's your battle axe do you have any do you switch your wheels up size oh wheels i switched from 56 to 53. okay okay gotcha balls 56 street 53 trucks are all the same yeah okay mini logo mini logo trucks perfect 8.75 trucks have to be a little bit narrower than the board yeah for primos to work right okay so run us through this board real quick because it is a very weird shaped board yes yes so there you go that's a good yeah that's a camera right there so right there so so as a freestyler who does primos this right here and this right here are like the most important pieces those are your primo nose and tail crucial so so like they're slightly different uh you could take that helmet yeah just throw it over there it was yeah yeah tearing up our road back there yeah so this one's a little mellower okay so it's better for like flipping kind of the regular way where you see people do primo flips and then this one is a little bit steeper so it can flip kind of the opposite direction okay i see for doing butter flips were you trying to go up into pogo oh butter flip to pogo's tough kelly if you don't know uh this sounds incredibly hard yeah by or at least named by keith butterfield yeah i've been working on that for a while who did a painting of me which i gave to my mom for my mother's day beautiful that's awesome beautiful keith butterfield amazing artist and skateboarder mr butterfield so that that's the primos okay the other key part about primos is the widest point has to be in from the axle so if the axle if the axle is right here then then you go and it just kind of hits this wall so like most most street decks are kind of like flat flat flat flat flat and then they start to curve right which makes primo flips dramatically harder you want a little bit of wiggle room is that what you're saying yes you can kind of like step around yeah and there's less friction there it's like uh it's on it's two it's on two little bumps almost two little hips yeah so the reason for the the hips here is i wanted a completely symmetrically weighted board i wanted my board to balance in the center that's the issue because you have a wider thing over here and over there it's not so it's going to be off balance exactly so by the nature of this being square right also the nose and tail are the exact same length but we know the length seven inches seven inches okay but because this is square it takes up more space so it weighs more than the front okay so having that curve in equals out the weight distribution or the balance exactly gotcha okay that might be too busy for the camera to see the shape but yeah so that way when you do tray flips it rotates around the center if you think about doing a tray flip on an old school board without a nose it just doesn't flip right yeah yeah it doesn't spin right and then most boards actually have a larger nose than a tail which i attribute to like when you ollie the tail comes up a little easier yeah okay because it's lighter if you want to do like a poked out kickflip which is which is a beautiful flip i was gonna say chico brenda's is not having a problem with doing trey flips on these bigger boards that i'm seeing him set up you know what i'm saying that's true yeah yeah because i know that i know that it is but um i know that he's definitely um capitalizing on it for sure because he's he no matter how big the board is that [ __ ] still looks the same yeah big boy yeah simon woodstock on the skin board dude there you go oh my goodness there you go yeah so that's the nose this the wider section is the tail yeah so the nose has this curve on it for when you do pogos so when you pogo you don't usually want to be fully straight you're often on an angle got you i was gonna oh wow why wouldn't you want to straight for pogo would have thought if you do a carousel which is when you're in pogo and then you do somewhat of an impossible to another pogo what like if you land on a corner it's gonna chip pretty easily so you want you want that margin of error so you can land you can go from that to that yeah people do it like i have one in my pro part but then i watch other freestylers and it's like an entry trail so i'm like like people think i'm good at freestyle dude i'm like really pretty novice i'm just mastered what i what i can do wow but when it comes to truck tricks dude like look up sean burke truck tricks are primo or what do you mean truck tricks would be truck stand tricks like there's some people that oh just specialize in trucks and tricks so it's like your feet are on the trucks right right okay okay and they don't skate smooth concrete you need to be on rough concrete so it's correct wow looking for that totally opposite yeah we're looking for the smoothness why the flat tail so the flat tail was like the most important thing for me so i could do truck stands on a ramp interesting on the coping on the coping okay with metal coping it's usually too slippery right but for my home park there's a bowl without coping and stuff like that sure and i wanted something that wouldn't slip off because with the rounded it's just slip it off go everywhere and then tail blocks too to keep it more simple okay like tail blocks are just legit wow so then so that brings me to my oh there's so much more but they're my final big point which is these edges here okay they're like imagine if the whole tail was square and then they just chopped off the corners it's kind of what it is yeah right right and that allows for like if you draw a line from where your wheel is to what the contact point on the ground would be okay you have this whole wing that'll pressure point so if you want to scoop a tray you have your foot in the wing and then it puts up the wall for you to flick against you wow i love that could you imagine i i can't i i love that no i totally get what he's saying too it was awesome right 100 you know i you don't usually hear skaters talk like that though because they're not so detailed they just they just think whatever works works they don't like deep dive into it there's a few skaters dude it's i swear it's a freestyle thing because like you'll you'll you'll hear street skaters talk about rails and ledges to insane detail like how much wax is on it yeah or where the crack isn't jamie foy talking about rails you know he's so detailed oh yeah yeah totally like the width of the bar all this stuff everything but in freestyle your board is your only obstacle mm-hmm so it's like your ledge and your rail and your quarter pipe so like it has to be tuned to like what you're trying to do right wow i think it's fascinating that you because you know hey maybe a normal person be like okay cool i got my freestyle board here man i got my street board i got my park board you know but then here you are like no no i just want one board i'm not going to i don't know i'll just switch my wheels but i want a board for everything i do and that i love that that's the stem from skull skates them with the weird shapes and the pointy noses they had the freestyle board they had the ball board they had the street board and i was riding all of those and then just taking notes gotcha i love them yeah yeah gotcha let me see that thing again real quick sorry i love it man what's the dimensions i mean i was probably out all over the place oh it looks how it looks like a penis there you go oh yeah like what's the length of it i don't know the actual length it's a 15-inch wheelbase well you have two sizes this is the big boy yeah the small one was made for consumer this is the one you skate that's that's the one that's when i ride let me see it's one that's huge i i think i have you gave because when you were here last i think you gave us all boards i think i got the small board which is great i think i can't remember but looking at that now it looks like a big board it's light for being a big-ass board though what's the uh dude that's the other thing that just aligned like flight decks came out flight deck that's what it is the way that that because this would actually weigh a lot more yeah what exactly is a flight deck what's what it's like a construction that they use yeah so normally skateboards have like a layer of wood this way layer of wood that way i think schmidt told me it's like four this way and then three that way or something any have you ever done it where you'd like karate chop a piece of wood in half it only works one way yeah with the green with the green so i took karate back and i broke a lot of boards got my got up to some color belt i forget orange like nightclub purple purple's pretty close to the black oh dude that's getting i was getting far in that karate class you know go ahead sorry so the the flight decks have five plies of wood and they're all vertical so there's no cross grain so good luck trying to karate chop it in half this wait because it it but it's also this like uh the carbon fiber that's the secret stuff right five plys minus you're missing two plies here well it's actually two plies of fiberglass so gotcha okay but that's like very thin and the bottom plies just for show so you don't need that bottom ply of wood okay for the strength it's just so that you're sliding on wood not the fiberglass it's fascinating the thing that trips me out the most is that like i don't know the actual sales man we've just heard but this is like the best selling board out there i don't know the actual sales either no in the world the marketplace of skateboarding this is your board's hard to come by it is very hard to come by but it is popular it's a popular board and i just find that interesting because it's not the normal shape you would see at a skate shop even this might be the only board like its kind when you walk into a skate shop i designed it for my tricks so if you do those tricks like i designed it because i couldn't skate another board right you know what i mean it was like i can't do all my [ __ ] on another board so i have people that buy like eight to ten they're on like i'm on my tenth one because it's all they can skate because if they skate anything else it inhibits them from doing whatever trick it was they were thinking about so amazing a lot of freestylers buying your board very few because freestyle boards are usually super small they're different bro but if i see a freestyler on my board i'm [ __ ] following that dude i'm hyped bro because that's what i designed it for right yeah dude one of the best things about that board is uh how well balanced it is thank you you can ride that thing either way it feels like you're riding a symmetrical board except it's not but like no matter which way to ride it always feels he loves oh you're right you're right down below oh right here yeah that that was the idea of the balance symmetry is like you could skate it backwards right yeah and that doesn't make me mad like skate it backwards that would actually get me stuck it does feel light dude it's light right yeah yeah that flight deck stuff is incredible that's for sure i want one just to like have it there's a cruiser board now [ __ ] around and wouldn't do some [ __ ] well this is a good time for me to give you my gift uh oh what's that dude this is the board we filmed the video on no you've been skating it this whole time there's a sticker on there too yeah dude it's got a broken truck it's like it's like fully yes dude and then it's like fully worn in wait is that really for us so for real yeah that's for us let me see that oh thank you man that's awesome wow we'll take it all right let me intervene here go ahead look at that we filmed the thing you kept the board the whole time oh yeah emotional right now bro wow you gotta sign it for us that's actually yeah you have your graphic on the front and the back you have the graphic on the grip tape do they sell this graphic grip tape yeah they do they do they do always get an incentive thank you for that bro yeah dude got you guys man so thoughtful yeah yeah he's a great guy where is that like button right is it right here or right here just a little scroll coming down the bottom it's it's subscribe over to yeah it's on your right no on your left hey yeah hit that button right there right there right there the like button's kind of like in the in the middle there it's like what kind of oh it's like right here kind of like right there subscribes like over to the left right over there all right
Channel: Nine Club Clips
Views: 213,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, 9 club, sk8ing, tricktips, funny, double rock, action sports, x games, nike sb, hall of meat, skateboarding 2020, podcast, comedy, clips, highlights, skateboarding
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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