Andrew's Live Bible Study: Who Am I? - Duane Sheriff - February 13, 2018

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[Laughter] hello we're just about 15 minutes away from our live Tuesday night Bible study and I want to encourage you to stay tuned and also let somebody else know about this and tonight I have a really good friend Dwayne sheriff with me and I tell you he is just a blessing most of the time and we are gonna have a great time sharing the Word of God tonight Dwayne's gonna be teaching and he's got his book identity-theft that we're gonna be giving away and so the way you get this is if you go to our website you can sign up and request the notes you have to give us like your mailing address or email address I'm not sure but anyway you go there it's very obvious that enters you into into a drawing and then we will give away one copy of this to somebody and Duane has already signed it so it's going to be a great time we're gonna have about 20 minutes maybe 25 minutes worth of questions at the end of the thing and so you can actually go to whatever venue that you're watching this on and send us a chat or you can if you're on our website you can click there and send us your questions and we will be answering your questions laughing so tonight is stumped Duane sherry no it's not ask your hardest question we're going to have a great time we will so remember that we're just thirteen and a half minutes away from 6 o'clock make sure you stay tuned bring somebody with you and praise God we are gonna have a great time tonight see you in a few minutes hi I'm James Brown men I'm inviting you to come to the 2018 men's advance at Karis Bible College Andrew Wommack myself and Hall of Fame coach Tony Dungy will be speaking on how to win from within and to train for greatness you won't want to miss the 2018 men's advance Andrew Tony and I want to see you there the 2018 men's advance march 8th through the 10th register at a WM I dotnet slash events many Christians believe their salvation depends at least in part on their performance even though they believe that Jesus died for their sins they think that there is still a certain standard to meet if that's true then what is the standard and how do you know when you've met it it's not what you do but what Jesus did plunge the depths of God's grace through the Romans collection package if you want to throw off shame and condemnation and learn how to walk in the grace of God that comes freely through the finished work of Jesus Christ than the Romans collection package is for you visit our website to learn more heard about Andrew through my father my mom had sent me a tape a friend of mine had told my husband but we heard about from my dad through my pastor came across him on YouTube you gotta listen to this well you need to watch this I can't think of another patch of soil that's any more fertile than what Andrew has going on right here at Cash Bible College in Angelo Mac ministries he shook my hand he says you know this is happening because of you gosh it's just so good to be part of Anthony's business hello this is Andrew Wommack and I'd like to encourage you to check out our gospel truth TV that's gospel truth dot TV it's an internet-based television network and you are not only going to get my teaching but you are also going to hear instructors from Charis Bible College you've got well known people on there like Kenneth Copeland Creflo Dollar Jesse Duplantis Keith Moore these are all people that are friends of mine we have differences in variances but we're all preaching the same thing and it's a safe place to be you are gonna be blessed so check it out it's 24/7 gospel truth dot TV caris hybrid is a unique blend of independent study and face-to-face time with instructors and with other students who are determined to go deeper with God you'll study courses at home but then join your fellow classmates in person I love the new hybrid program I think it's excellent because as a full time working person it just makes my schedule more available caris offers weeknight and Saturday classes to accommodate your work schedule multi-platform every day all day long and this would definitely make it a lot easier for them to be able to come up here it's nice to come home and change it I pajamas and konradin watch my videos you know I highly recommend the hybrid program I think it's it's fantastic and it'll accommodate many many schedules Kara's hybrid adapts to your busy lifestyle and allows you to experience the best of both Kara's online and on-campus learn more at Karis Bible College dorg forward slash hybrid hello this is Andrew Wommack and I just want to thank you for being a part of our social media we're seeing some great things happen I just wanted to share some of these testimonies with you of things that have happened recently that we got testimonies through the postings that we put on social media one of them says I thank God first for allowing me to read on this page hallelujah I was a Muslim but by the grace of Lord Jesus Christ he called me to become his son and I am a born-again Christian for his the law and that right there is awesome another testimony says I was healed tonight while watching him Doron Healing is here I've had chronic back pain been to many doctors and have been taking medicine strength motrin for more than 15 years I am completely healed and free of pain for the first time thank you Jesus and thank you Andrew for the healing word so these are things that are coming out of the social media ministry and I would like to encourage you to be a part of this these testimonies be amplified many times over if we just had more people participating in it so thank you for being a part of it god bless you and share this ministry with other people looking back as an interior designer I always felt like something I loved what I did but I felt like some it wasn't it something was missing Ellie was successful as an interior designer but felt like there was something more an illness had left her completely broke but money wasn't all that was missing I was bankrupt I had no money I had no car and a bunch of medical bills and here it is God is telling me to go I needed him to show me you're telling me to go but I can go and work and make money so I could be able to do this and he's saying no just go I'm sending you just go Helle received her healing and answered God's call to go to Karis I felt like once he ordered my step into Cara's that he totally lined up everything that I felt like I was missing I mean I am receiving experience it's so hands-on even with the teaching labs we're walking out what we are gonna be doing outside you know even the experience of that I'm getting as a as an intern through healing school there's so much opportunities that I get to live what was missing in my life I'm just excited about what God has for my future and I know that it's much bigger than I can imagine at Karis elly discovered her true call to teach the Word of God he wants me to go out and redesign people's heart speaking to them about their true identity of who they are in Christ while they are still broken the Book of Isaiah encourages us to enlarge our tents and think big that's what phase two is about making room for more people like Elly to discover their true purpose and be equipped to successfully fulfill it with boldness and power you can be a part of God's vision for Karis today to donate visit our website we come your every heartbeat every breath that BJ alone it's the sound it's the church victorious mr. joy that's right well welcome to our Tuesday night live Bible study I'm glad that you're with us we're gonna have a great time tonight we've got Dwayne sheriff with me Dwayne is on my board of directors Dwayne pastors victory Life Church and he's got 14 locator t13 locations he lost one because he was not doing very well anyway they have 13 locations it's one Church in 13 locations I tell you he is just awesome he's one of our favorite instructors here at the Bible School he's been with us teaching and we were really privileged to have him with us tonight and he's just a great minister so anyway we're gonna have a great time but let me just mention quickly that we have people standing by our phones right now we're gonna be ministering on a lot of things he's going to be teaching on identity theft which is his this is the best book you have ever written that is absolutely the very best I am very lutely it it's my first but it is an awesome book I wrote a foreword on it and it's really good and so we're gonna be giving it away but he will be talking about things tonight that I can guarantee you some of you are gonna be what like you're gonna be shocked I've heard him minister on these things and it is just powerful so we have people standing by our phones right now and if you want to call and ask somebody these people are familiar with Dwayne they can point you towards his ministry also we're gonna have up on the screen his website where you can go and get this book and you also have a whole teaching set that goes with this on CD right they can also go to Amazon and and download it they can do an e-book or a hardcopy through Amazon so anyway you can call us at seven one nine six three five eleven eleven and the people there will be able to answer your questions and help you any way they can they'll also pray with you they'll give you materials I've got a lot of material on this suit you know I've taken what Duane has taught and fixed it up and taught it right that's really good anyway our guys help you so seven one nine six three five eleven eleven or we are also giving away this copy of his book Wayne has signed this tonight and wrote a little note in there to you and personally signed it and the way you get entered into a drawing to get this is if you request the notes from tonight's teaching he's got two pages of notes here and they will send those out to you within the next week but when you request these notes you automatically get entered into a drawing and we will give that to you and you know what I'm not the best hope host if Kerry was here she would have all of this work that but they didn't give me a piece of paper I don't know who won last week's drawings but somebody did you'll be blessed by Amen so let me just mention that you can send in questions and we will be answering your questions we're going to spend around twenty-five minutes or so with Duane teaching and then we are gonna take questions so you can start sending in your questions right now we already have people from Sri Lanka Canada Bahamas Krakow Slovakia and here's that croco again I guess that's two people from there and different places we've got people from Alabama Florida all of these places and so we just encourage you to participate send in your questions and we'll spend about twenty minutes and here they just sent me the stuff that I'm supposed to be saying that's good so here's the person who won the giveaway it was Ashley Tara des gift last week it was thorns Barnes and oil jars and everyday faith and Ricardo Abrams is the one that wrote on that so Ricardo will be sending that out to you let me also mention that we have the men's advance coming up March the 8th through the 10th and we're gonna have James Brown and Tony Dungy they're both on television they're associated with the NFL Tony is a Super Bowl winning coach and man I am just so privileged to have these people and you know what we've already got twice as many people signed up for this as what we had last year and we're only able to handle a certain number of people so if you want to come there is no cost but there is a registration you can go online and register for that March the 8th through the 10th that our facilities here you can text your questions tonight and five for 808 WMI and we will be answering those questions at the end of this and let's see I need to let you know that we finally reached our goal of 1 million people following us on Facebook I don't know what that means but that's been a goal and we've reached it that's a big goal that's so anyways we've got a million people doing that that's a hit and it's just gonna be great so again we'd like to encourage you to give us your questions and interact with us and we're gonna have a great time we've already got some questions that if man it's filling up so this is stump Dwayne night ask your hardest questions and we're gonna have a great time so the way we want you to share about I guess identity well I'm gonna try to teach on that I've got so many things in my heart I'm not sure where I'm gonna go but we're gonna work together in this and before I start I just want to thank you for being a part we're honored that you would log on and be a part of this Bible study and and secondly I honestly want to thank brother Andrew for our friendship and any format that I get to be on with him is truly an honor and a blessing he did the foreword you can see it right here on the cover of the book now look at the cover of that book that's a confused person and that's where I was in 1979 totally confused on who I was what my purpose in life was why am I here where am I going and can I even get wherever I'm going from here and so I deal with those issues in this book and again Andrew gave the foreword and we're getting responses back that the forwards even better than the book so you get the book for the forward so you can you can also get that through into wall Mack ministries as well I just want to start with second Corinthians chapter 5 it'll be a minute before I get there but this is a scripture a foundational scripture of my personal life and in my ministry because everything turned around in 1980 when I had an open vision of the cross an open vision of the cross I had attended church a lot I loved God I gave my heart to him at 9 but I had no disciple Ino and what we call the salvation experience was so confusing for me I really thought that okay if I has to be forgiven of my sins God will forgive me of my sins and I receive that but basically it's up to me from there that now I have to live this life and there's no real change I'm forgiven but I'm still the same person that I was before I asked for forgiveness and man nothing could be further from the truth what I call saved and stuck Ferries I was saved but man I was not walking with very stuck and and it's just amazing when you don't understand grace and you don't understand the reality of what Andrew and this is one of our our kindred spirits and I love him so much if you don't understand spirit soul and body and you don't understand the new birth and you don't understand that you have a brand new identity you are are not the same person after you make Jesus Lord of your life that you were before you made Jesus the Lord of your life and people simply are not taught these things so they struggle trying to do good they struggle trying to obey God and follow God but without the grace of God and without faith we cannot please God we cannot fulfill our purpose so when I talk about identity I'm not talking about something that makes you just feel good about yourself I'm talking about you can't fulfill your purpose in this life if you don't know who you are in Christ and many people will even take that step but they think it's still just in theology or theory and I'm here to tell you there's something miraculous that has happened on the inside of each and every one of us that know Jesus and until your mind gets renewed to that you're not gonna experience the power of it in this life and yet God wills for you and I to experience all of heaven itself in this man Jesus and in this work of the Cross and yet so many good people are following so short of it and I personally believe it's my personal conviction that much of it goes back to they don't know who they are they don't know what they have already have I know that you've got this book out and teaching you've already got it and I've been I haven't taught it like that and but I've been sharing my entire ministry 35 years now of what we already have and if we just focus on what we already have in Jesus and our new identity in him then you wouldn't have time to even try to find out what you don't have because you really have everything in Jesus let me just interject for those of you that don't know Dewayne Dewayne and I are actually scared sometimes how alike we are I mean our theology and our preferences we even play golf one time it don't tell all that and because he had these yellow green balls that he said Andrews gonna make fun of that's what I always play with our preferences before the Lord I'm saying this before the Lord I had the same cover shirt on and change it just before I left it I am so glad I changed my shirt but we're like twins of course I am the younger looking and better-looking of the twins but it's like we were identical twins separated and it's amazing the mercy of God in Jesus the grace of God in Jesus even right at this moment at the table bottom line is I'd given my heart and life to the Lord and I was failing miserably I was not able to live a holy life I wasn't able to fulfill all the things in my heart and desire and it was because I didn't know what I had in Jesus and in 1980 I had an experience and it's in the book I've got an entire chapter called the vision and in that vision when I came back to the Lord my brother got killed when I was like 17 right at 18 years of age and I had sought God with all of my heart from 9 years old to that point and in his death the confusion in my family the pain the sorrow you know I don't know how people even even survived without Jesus without the Word of God without an understanding of this is not God it's not from God and yet my family didn't know anything I didn't know anything and confusion struck my entire family and I just gave up on God I didn't say that right I actually didn't give up on God I gave up on me and I just can't live this life I can't be all he's asked me to be so I actually gave up on me and then in 1980 I had an open vision of the Cross and basically I'm just going to give this in a very synopsis format I literally saw Jesus on the cross and I can't tell you what looks like III just knew it was Jesus on the cross but I literally saw me inside of him that yes that's Jesus but I saw me in him and I saw God's wrath come upon my sins I saw Jesus and his body literally bare all my sins and God's wrath come on him on my behalf see Jesus identified with me in in becoming a man so that I now through faith can identify with him and become now one of the sons of God in the kingdom of God Jesus became sin for me that I now in identification and in a new identity can become the righteousness of God in him so this thing identity is pretty powerful and so as I saw by revelation okay I'm on the inside of him and when he died under the judgment of God for my sins I died what I was and who I was connected to Adam in sin death and darkness was put to death in Jesus and somehow another I can't fully explain it I saw him buried but I was with him in in in in his burial I was buried with him and I'd an eye an identification then when he was raised I was raised and literally seated but it wasn't the same me and at the time I couldn't even explain what I just saw I hadn't I hadn't been taught the scriptures I've been in church but the churches I went to you really didn't hear any of the Word of God you heard opinions of being traditions of men misapplications and understanding of Scripture so I was scripturally totally illiterate man I would think that that would change your identity it it rocked my world it took me three months to get my feet back on the ground I cried nearly every day it shouldn't happen around you recognize oh oh it people people around me and and wish we could get wish we had the time to get into grace and how it affects you in a godly way a pure way it just freaked everybody out and they really thought something you know weird happened to me because I went from from this person United to Adam I identified with sin I'm a sinner and if I even got the courage which I couldn't find it to say saved by grace which a Christian there's no such thing you're not a sinner saved by grace you're the righteousness of God still saved by grace new identity i I couldn't overcome weaknesses in my flesh no victory whatsoever want to do what's right and how do you try and wind up almost amplifying it and everything I've learned years and decades later I experienced on the inside of me but I had to process it so let me ask you we're gonna have questions and there's already people asking questions about your identity but let me ask you a question so does everybody have to have an experience oh that's a great question well in order to make this identity known and I actually deal with that in this book see this confused person here in this book I deal with how that I believe God gave me that vision because I was goofed up I was mixed up I was messed up so it's only made up people that get well if you're really goofed up messed up I'll pray for you help me man but I was so goofed up and messed up that they I believe I had to have something to shake me and and and the Holy Spirit just arrest me in a way that I would know that I know that I know this is this is not normal this is this is God I hadn't in actually many people would call it an alter experience it was just an encounter with God and know everyone doesn't have to have it one of the reasons I don't share this a lot the the vision is because people do think well I wish I had that I wish that what happened to me the second thing I put this in the book the second thing that I believe I had to have that was not only for me but the message of the gospel while I have to receive it while I have to experience it while I have to have these these relationship encounters with God that affect me it's not about me even in my relationship with the Lord everything is about the church and others and so living others and so I believe I had to have because of my weak personality and house in let me tell you something I love you but sin will warp your personality it'll warp your identity and who God ordained you to be and that's what it happened to me my very personality had gotten Warped through sin men I'm so glad to be no longer in Adam and identified with sin death and darkness and now I'm in Christ Christ is in me and I'm identified with righteousness life and light and it just rocked me in in the core of my being so that I can look at you right now and I can say with confidence that this thing we call salvation this thing we call the new birth this thing called the new creation in the New Testament is an in theory it isn't just in theology it is in reality and practicality and that's what happened to me I believe I had to have that and I have been true to the vision for for 30 38 years because it it affected me at the core of my being I could speak it with confidence I know that I know what I'm talking about even if I can't explain everything that we're all in still a process because I had never heard Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ see I was there I saw what Paul said in Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i and and and Christ now liveth in me and the life I live in this flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave me gave himself for me once I saw wait a minute that person bound by sin that person that had a nature of sin that person that was in death and darkness God put to death he's not dying my old man is not dying so yeah I still hear a lot of that team I remember over in England you taught on this same thing and you talk about you aren't dying you're dead and you lay down on the hall that stage and preached after your message but who really believes what I was in Adam that that person that I because of sin had blitzed and blighted the image of in me and that's what sin will do to you that's why as a Christian you may be struggling with sin but you're not at home in sin you are not at home and saying you weren't designed for sin you weren't created for sin you are created to be identified with Jesus identified with God and be the very image of God that's your that's your purpose that your predestination is to be conformed now into the very image of God's Son Romans 8:29 so I went from a revelation of that which bound me that I could not overcome in Adam Christ has overcome for me and if I can learn to identify with him and not not just in theory not just mentally but it is no longer I I am crucified with Christ the the person bound by sin United to Adam died but then he says yet I'm alive so the person that's alive now is not the same person that died he said I'm now united to Christ let me just read these scriptures real quick because I promised you we'd go to one scripture 2nd Corinthians 5:14 for the love of christ constraineth us now I just love that I can't hardly read the whole thing because I'm asked as a pastor constantly if I Minister grace if I minister were forgiven past present and future tense know what's gonna keep me from God's gonna keep the love of God that He shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Spirit if you see you died with him and that he bore your very death if you see that you were buried with him you were raised with him you're seated with him and now you're ruling and reigning with him then why would you even think about living in sin why would you even want to live in sin after God through the operation of the cross and Christ did all that force that's what happened to me something literally happened to me and I'm not saying I haven't sinned since then but I'm not a home in sin and I'm not living there and if I mess up I'm gonna fess up because Jesus didn't die for my sins for me to live in them if I understand I died with him the root and nature that was in Adam and was buried with him Romans chapter 6 says if we've been buried with him in the baptism of his death identification then now we can overcome the power of sin we can break the power of sin by faith in our identification with Jesus so it's the of God the constraint is constrains us because sin goes two ways it's between us and God and God has fixed that on his end but sin goes horizontal if I sin I've hurt my brother and if I really have love in my heart through my new identity with Jesus why would I want to hurt you why would I not be willing to say I'm sorry if I hurt you I would be and I wouldn't want to hurt any brother so it's the love of God that man we love God so much when you see my revelation the cross how could you sin against Jesus and I mean purposely and continually and I'm not saying that I haven't purposely done something wrong since that experience but I can't continue in it the Holy Spirit's there because the love of God has shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit so he convicts me of love he doesn't condemn me in a mistake or sin but he convicts me with that love to now do the right thing so the love of Christ constrains us because we thus judge forwards well give me give me give me a little more time no it was five words I was gonna say the love of Christ constrained constrains us because we thus judged that if one died for all then we're all dead now think about that we know the one that died for all you can get that one that's Jesus but then it says we're all dead we're not dying daily and I wish we had time to go to first Corinthians 15 because that doctrine comes out of that it's just talking about him facing physical death and he could face physical death the Apostle Paul because the whole chapters on resurrection and that we're going to get at the appearing of Jesus and his kingdom a new body so even if you do put to death this body you can't put me to death because I'm identified with Jesus death for me is just getting out of my body and being present with the Lord so we're all dead and that he died for all that's Jesus they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto Him which died for them and rose again wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh yea though we have known Christ after the flesh yet now henceforth know we him no more none of us none of you watching right now knew Jesus after the flesh none of us Jesus after the flesh we didn't walk on the shores of Galilee with him we didn't see him raise the dead we didn't see him cleanse the lepers we didn't see him with these eyes died on the cross yet every one of you if you're tuned in I suspect you know Jesus well how do you know Jesus you know him after the Word of God and you know him after the Spirit of God so how am I supposed to know myself now and how am I supposed to know my brother and the people I assembled together with to worship the resurrected King I need to learn to know them after the word and after the spirit well one of the persons I had to get to know with my new identity was me all I knew about me how can I go to church that many years and never know there's a side of me called my spirit there's a part of me and a side of me that's my soul my mind my will my emotions my personality my ego and then there's my body I live in my body now all three of those are United and God never intended in original creation to ever separate any of those things but the Word of God will separate those for understanding and for clarification and for the ability now to overcome so I didn't know me any other way but after the flesh that I'm I'm I'm pleasantly lean and and I'm an angel blessing devil kickin machine but I was so thin I had all these complexes and thought this is me and I hated my hair and you've heard those stories you still hate my hair but that's the thing that see people hear you saying all of this and saying you're new this new person but see they are only looking on the outside right and the Word of God is the only way you can see well there's no spirit it's the only way and that's what the next verse says and this would confuse because I didn't understand spirit soul and body I didn't understand salvation was real they were not just we're not just getting forgiven and do you best know a new life comes on the inside of us and I don't care if you can't feel it if you can't understand it with your so local mind it's there and the only way you can know by faith is there's with the Word of God so the Word of God will reveal you who you are in Christ and you learn to walk after that versus who you are after the flesh and that's what he says therefore if any man be in Christ he's a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new see I would read that or hear that at church and think well I must not a God saying you would take anything just my body yea I must be still lost cuz my body didn't pass away and all things become new that's the verse of the Lord used to revolution it's my life it is truth is talking about here the same thing I didn't even know you then but once I saw wait a minute my body didn't die and pass away if you're overweight and you make Jesus the Lord of your life you're gonna still be overweight you're gonna have to to cut your throat I get no no that don't come out right you're gonna have to put the same is nice when you make Jesus the Lord of your life you leave the altar pleasantly plump but you are a new creation you're a new person all things really did pass away an old life literally passed away but see if you don't know the Word of God you're gonna think it's your body or you're gonna think it's your soul we even say things I'm not being critical but we say things like both 5 souls got saved at church last Sunday night no that didn't 5 spirits got saved born-again sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise made the very righteousness of God if two plus two equals five and you make Jesus Lord of your life right now when you leave after this session two plus two is still gonna equal five in your in your in your dumb head you just need start listening to me and Andrew now you'll discover it's really for look at you mind renewed the way and I'm gonna have to break in we want to leave some time to take so we're running out of time this is something we didn't even get to the word identification I noticed and how they were identify identification we have with Jesus that I'm convinced the church doesn't see our identification I'm sorry with Jesus they understand identification when I talk about it but when I say when I say Jesus do you think of an identification you can't separate Jesus from his church we're not doing anything to get Jesus to come to us we're not doing anything to get Jesus to to be with us he's not over there we're worshipping Him he's in here this truth everything I teach comes out of this truth I don't call it identity but it's the exact same teaching yeah we're coming up the same man we're two different sides and it's the Holy Spirit and just like you I had a miraculous encounter but I believe the same thing would apply for you that if I hadn't have gotten into the word and have learned these things faith comes by hearing hearing by the word I would have lost it you can't live off that experience you if I and I say that in the book as as revolutionary as that three months was had I not been God in the word and got an understanding of crucified with Christ buried with Christ raised with Christ you know a second Galatians 2:20 then he feat Romans 6 buried then Ephesians 2 raised and seated if I hadn't gotten that word and then and then renewed my mind to what was already a done deal in my spirit man then I am convinced I would have lost it too because you can't have faith independent of the word again so here's to people who have had miraculous encounter was the Lord telling you that his miraculous as that was it's the word that changed our life we would have burned out you never heard of us if we hadn't gotten in the word so you don't have to wait on some miraculous encounter you can take this and take these truths get this book and start living in the word and you can experience the same change because it's a word that changed if someone would have got me the word I'd have had the same experience without it being so dramatic because I haven't had anything close to that sense but I have grown from grow up faith to faith glory to glory one measure of grace - another measure of grace line upon line precept upon precept because faith doesn't come by what you feel or don't feel it only comes by the word and so here's a question from Diane from Facebook and she says as a Christian my identity should be unity with Christ but when I hear testimonies of God speaking so clearly the people or people receiving healings I guess you could say people that had a miraculous encounter like you did I wonder if Jesus for God I'm his child too in other words they're feeling left out because they haven't had these awesome encounters no and I don't I don't understand everything there but I wasn't even seeking it that that's the difference - I wasn't seeking it I wasn't demanding it I wasn't saying if I don't get it I'm not gonna serve you it actually happened and I share it in the book I hate to keep going to the book but it is in here it was in my repentance and as I began to just repent and I was sorry for how I'd lived and and truly godly sorrow struck me that from that I had that experience but again I am thoroughly convinced even as Andrew said I'm not just agreeing because we're in the same format here I am thoroughly convinced it's the Word of God that has caused me to walk in it and walk it out even if you had what you're asking and wanting and desiring if you don't get in the word and you don't get in relationships and really continue to seek God that feeling does leave it did leave I don't have any of those right now but I mean I'm more in love with Jesus now then I was after the experience and yes I wept and but it was it was just because I was so far from him but I got United to him and it was like a loud experience now it's like a whisper every day and the reason Jesus has to whisper to me is because he's so so close he's right here in my spirit man that day he had to scream at me because I was so far away now that's the exact same thing with me here's Ruthie on chat said what is the best way to renew your mind when focusing on your new identity in Christ should we start in one particular part like if we need healing focus on the fact that we are healed or should we focus on everything well first of all if you'll go to my website and they're posting that I've got eight messages that come out of the book on Who am I this very weekend I'm transitioning from these what we call in Christ realities that that are a done deal in God's mind and a complete work in my spirit and I'm transitioning to mine renewal this very weekend so I'll have some some new teachings available and God has taught me some things recently about mine renewal there's excellent material available with Andrew Wommack ministries on renewing your mind I would say just to answer your question point blank yes any time mine renewal doesn't happen by forcing it or even from without my renewal comes from within everything comes from within the finger of God that wrote the Ten Commandments is in your spirit and God's covenant with us is that he will write his laws on the tablets of our mind so even mine Reneau comes from within so follow your passion follow your need follow your desires for God and that will cause you to yield now again I'm gonna lay out mine renewing how do you might renew your mind my renewal comes not just from memorizing scriptures though that doesn't hurt you but you do need to be in the in the word and getting the word in you but meditation is is important a rhythm of Prayer over whatever you're believing God and because mine renewal is radical it's not just okay I believe that what that what that says people believe what the Bible says all the time and their lives don't get transformed because you got to go from just believing what it says to it becoming a part of who you are and that takes a process in time so God's got to pull down probably a lot of doubt let me say it this way he has to renovate my mind he has to take all the corrupt thoughts I've had and having he has to renovate my mind in stripping everything away first that's unbelief and doubt tradition religion whatever you're experiencing then he replaces you'd have to displace those old thoughts that takes a while and replace them with God's thoughts and that's when the Holy Spirit from your spirit merges with your mind and man when when God touches our soul then there's this transformation metamorphosis that does take place so he's got some great things and that's available for free I've got some things that I've already done that are free and then again I'm fixing to be teaching on this for about a month so here's another question from Jeanne and you've partially answered this a part that says what does it mean to have your mind that's what you were just talking about but they went on to say how do you know it's renewed and not just positive thinking so what's the difference you're changed you're changed and when people now and rule say this more bluntly but when people talk about God told me and nothing's changed in their life they didn't hear god it is impossible to hear God and change not come it is impossible to see God and change not come say Corinthians 3:18 says when we behold the glory of God in the face of Jesus that we are changed by the Spirit of God in other words I'm not renewing my mind and then I'm gonna do better no when I yield my mind to God my thoughts my emotions when I what I have relationship with him in the word and by the word God changes me I don't change my I can't even change change is supernatural change is by the Spirit of God my only part is to yield my mind my thoughts my emotions my love back to him any term of God's loving on me the minute I love back on him when I draw nigh to him in prayer real prayer I'm talk about being real just talking to God and loving on God and sharing and and what you're going through and casting the care then taking what did he promise you and take that word as if he's talking to you directly I promise the Holy Spirit the spirit of the word will touch your brain it'll touch your mind and you just will be changed no struggle no trying i went from trying and failing miserably to simply trusting and god god's changing me god's changing you that's why we give him all the glory now so true my Minnillo isn't just you getting head knowledge and you know and what the Bible says you and I both know people that know the Bible that are meaner than a snake that's not my renewal my renewal is God touched my peanut he touched my brain and I am merged with that word Myra knows when the word still becomes flesh when those words come off that page and they become flesh you had your mind renewed and your life is changed and you'll be a blessing everywhere you go all right so here's a question from Paul about identity 2 it says is it true your identity in Christ start your mind in order to root in your heart or is it planted in your heart by the Holy Spirit and you renew your mind in this truth for it to take effect in your life I guess does it start from the outside in or the inside out nope absolutely no and first of all I want to encourage you to get any material he has on the heart in the book I have a whole chapter on the heart and it's probably one of the most confusing subjects within even spirit-filled so-called word and faith people is a lot of people just assume and think heart automatically means spirit and in the context of the Bible heart can mean spirit in many passages and does but in other passages even in the original language it means your mind your will and your emotions so you have to look at the context as far as identity goes it all starts at Salvation the minute you believe God raised Jesus from the Lord excuse me God raised Jesus from the dead and you confess him as Lord in your spirit Christ the hope of glory dwells and you are totally United to him you're not even two spirits anymore first Corinthians 1 16 or 17 right in there says that that he that's joined to the lord is one spirit so identity starts in here and it's a finished work it's not something I'm headed toward it's something I have now as my mind is renewed according to the word and what's already happened in my spirit then I discovered my new identity and I recover from my fallen identity in Adam so there's a discovery process in the word Wow this says I'm righteous and yet I know my thoughts I know what mistakes I've made there's a point where you're gonna have to believe are you gonna be identified with Christ in the cross or with Adam in the fall once you make that decision now as you meditate in it day and night I'm telling you the Holy Spirit will make it so real in you that you you you can't help but change and it is supernatural and progressive so you discover who you are in the Word of God and you recover that identity from within by the Holy Spirit nothing from without anything from without is religion and we're not talk about religion here which I'm relationship with God eternal life which I might knowing God and we're talking now pursuing him and he changing us here's a good question TC palm chat said how do you get your identity back after sexual abuse well first of all that's a that's an excellent question and one of the reasons we at least in our ministries these two ministries when we're encouraging people in sexual purity we're not trying to condemn anybody we're not judging anybody but sexual sins are are very damaging they do affect 1st Corinthians 6:18 says that men flee flee fornication don't embrace it don't celebrate it don't encourage it flee it because every sin that a man commits is without his body but he that commits fornication sins against his body so when we when we engage in sexual perversion or sin the consequences the wages Jesus bore the wrath of God against me and punishment for my sin but Jesus didn't change the law of sowing and reaping and if I sow to my flesh I will of my flesh reap not of God but I will Galatians 5:6 sr6 chapter 6 says I'll reap corruption so if you've done those things God is quick to heal you he's quick to cleanse your outer man your spirit still righteous your spirits truly holy still United to Christ but there's going to be a process of cleansing your body and then renewing your mind because sexual activity isn't just the body it affects the soul so it may take some time but get around some people that love you know the Word of God know the grace of God know the things we're talking about they're out there so find somebody to encourage it and simply turn from it if you haven't repent which means change your mind and your direction and then now as you pursue God I don't think I can say or anybody can say how long it takes but if it takes a while for that healing to see you've damaged imagery because every time you sleep with somebody there's a unity that happens there so it's pictures and it affects your identity in natural but the identity of Jesus I promise you'll burn that out of you and I just trust that you'll stick with this ministry I've got things on these very issues for free that you can download everybody get more houses for free everything every way so it's a great website have you given your website yeah just go to Duane sheriff plain Sheriff ministries it'll it'll it'll pull up our victory Life Church website our apps we got three apps available where you can start just automatically downloading things current things so I think there's one thousand four hundred and twenty six messages available absolutely free so they'll this exaggerated or is that that's one thousand four hundred and twenty one thousand four hundred twenty six last time I looked I don't keep you busy bottom line is how fast for your healing be how much are you committed to the Word of God and will you meditate on it day and night if you'll meditate on it day and night it it's feed it gets in the part of the heart that's damaged the ground your soul your spirits already got the Word of God in it his name is Jesus there's nothing in the Bible that Jesus ain't Jesus is the Bible with eyeballs and feet so I got Jesus in here I got the word in my spirit but when I'm meditating in it day and night I'm sowing it here and like a seed it takes root then BAM from here water comes up when God made creation he created everything to work on seed time and harvest and an original creation before sin God would plant the seed but the water didn't come from from outside and down the water and the seed every seed was watered from with up underneath from from under underneath and that's why I everything grew so fast and and and you could have the dinosaurs and all the the vegetation because it was watered from from beneath well sin affected that we know that but see in the kingdom everything seed time and harvest take the Word of God so it in your heart what happened as God waters it from from within and man when that water comes from here that seed takes off in your life has changed you know just today I had a man come up who's struggled with sugar diabetes for forty years and he was asking me why isn't he seeing manifestation and he wasn't asking for prayer he was wanting the information about why aren't I seeing results and it was a similar thing as what we're talking about I said you see yourself sick you've never known anything else see that's identification yeah when you're in Adam or you're in Christ you haven't been discipled your convert you're in Christ what happens is you don't realize how much you identify with the corrupt thoughts of this world you identify with sickness you identify with poverty see I knew the Word of God about prosperity for years but I had imagery in here because my family was so poor and I wish I had time to talk about your identity to your family short term your identity to Adam long term it's in the book and then your new identity I was so dominated by short term identity listen psychologically my family imposed on me an identity of poverty I had pick I couldn't see myself prosperous I believed what the Bible said I'd quote what the Bible said but every time I close my eyes and look at me I saw poor Duane proverbs 23:7 as a man thinks in his heart so it was and you were thinking Poor's yeah it took time but now I don't see mice and it'd you know stats have proven that people that win the lottery if their poverty mind is it within just three years they're back in worse shape because they didn't change their identity that's right they were so identified with poverty poverty overtook them as you think in your heart that's the way you are in people right now are thinking but I didn't think this way it may not be obvious to you but like your family composed poverty on you you've probably never prayed for poverty but you there are people watching right now you are you are laboring under a fallen identity you really don't know you're no longer identified with Adam so you're laboring under that falling identity others you're laboring under an imposed identity by your family or the culture the culture you you don't mean to but you really believe what professors and colleges say what six o'clock anchors say what politicians say is truth and make sense and you don't realize how that's corrupting your mind and and your identity you have got to sell out to God and the only way to do that is to sell out to the Word of God that liveth and if I die for well doing we had a lot more questions but we're out of time here man this has been awesome this is what wines my clock yeah I get fired up over this let me just mention again that we have people that will chat with you on whatever that is it makes you chat they will talk to you we have people that will answer our phone seven one nine six three five eleven eleven you can go to Duane's website which again is just to go to Duane sheriff ministries and you'll get to my website and he's got 1426 free messages on there you need to take advantage of this Duane in my opinion I'm always giving him a hard time but I really believe Duane is one of the greatest ministers in the body of Christ today he will minister to you and bless you so please check out his materials and you can still call until I think 930 mountain time here and our people will be able to answer the phones and anyway again if you would like to give and be a part of this there is expenses to this it cost us about I think twenty two hundred dollars per night to livestream these broadcasts if you'd like to be a part of that so that we can continue to do this you can call at number seven one nine six three five eleven eleven and they'll be glad to receive your offerings but thanks Duane for being part brother you are blessed yet you and use will I love you so god bless you thanks for being with us and join us again next week for another live Tuesday night Bible study amen hi I'm James Brown men I'm inviting you to come to the 2018 men's advance at Karis Bible College Andrew Wommack myself and Hall of Fame coach Tony Dungy will be speaking on how to win from within and to train for greatness you won't want to miss the 2018 men's advance Andrew Tony and I want to see you there the 2018 men's advance march 8th through the 10th register at a WM I dotnet slash events many Christians believe their salvation depends at least in part on their performance even though they believe that Jesus died for their sins they think that there is still a certain standard to meet if that's true then what is the stem and how do you know when you've met it it's not what you do but what Jesus did plunge the depths of God's grace through the Romans collection package if you want to throw off shame and condemnation and learn how to walk in the grace of God that comes freely through the finished work of Jesus Christ and the Romans collection packages for you visit our website to learn more heard about Andrew through my father my mom had sent me a tape a friend of mine had told my husband well we heard about from my dad through my pastor came across him on YouTube listen to this you need to watch this I can't think of another patch of soil that's any more fertile than what Andrew has going on right here - Bible College and Angelo Mac ministries he shook my hand he says you know this has happened because of you gosh it's just so good to be part of Anthony's business hello this is Andrew Wommack and I'd like to encourage you to check out our gospel truth TV that's gospel truth dot TV it's an internet-based television network and you are not only gonna get my teaching but you are also going to hear instructors from Charis Bible College you got well known people on there like Kenneth Copeland Creflo Dollar Jesse Duplantis Keith Moore these are all people that are friends of mine we have differences in variances but we're all preaching the same thing and it's a safe place to be you are gonna be blessed so check it out it's 24/7 gospel truths dot TV caris hybrid is a unique blend of independent study and face-to-face time with instructors and with other students who are determined to go deeper with God you'll study courses at home but then join your fellow classmates in person I love the new hybrid program I think it's excellent because as a full time working person it just makes my schedule more available caris offers weeknight and Saturday classes to accommodate your work schedule multi-platform every day all day long and this would definitely make it a lot easier for them to be able to come up here it's nice to come home and change in my pajamas and go inside and watch my videos you know I highly recommend the hybrid program I think it's it's fantastic and it'll accommodate many many schedules Kara's hybrid adapts to your busy lifestyle and allows you to experience the best of both Kara's online and on-campus learn more at Karis Bible College dorg forward slash hybrid hello this is Andrew Wommack and I just want to thank you for being a part of our social media we're seeing some great things happen I just wanted to share some of these testimonies with you of things that have happened recently that we got testimonies through the postings that we put on social media one of them says I thank God first for allowing me to read on this page hallelujah I was a Muslim but by the grace of Lord Jesus Christ he called me to become his son and I am a born-again Christian for his the law and that right there is awesome another testimony says I was healed tonight while watching Andrea on healing is here I've had chronic back pain been to many doctors and have been taking medicine strength motrin for more than 15 years I am completely healed and free of pain for the first time thank you Jesus and thank you Andrew for the healing word so these are things that are coming out of the social media ministry and I would like to encourage you to be a part of this these testimonies could be amplified many times over if we just had more people participating in it so thank you for being a part of it god bless you and share this ministry with other people looking back as an interior designer I always felt like something I loved what I did but I felt like some it wasn't it something was missing Ellie was successful as an interior designer but felt like there was something more an illness had left her completely broke but money wasn't all that was missing I was bankrupt I had no money I had no car and a bunch of medical bills and here it is God is telling me to go I needed him to show me you're telling me to go but I can go and work and make money so I could be able to do this and he's saying no just go I'm sending you just go Helle received her healing and answered God's call to go to Karis I felt like once he ordered my step into Karis that he totally lined up everything that I felt like I was missing I mean I am receiving experience it's so hands-on even with the teaching labs we're walking out what we are gonna be doing outside you know even the experience of that I'm getting as a as an intern through healing school there's so much opportunities that I get to lead what was missing in my life I'm just excited about what God has for my future and I know that it's much bigger than I can imagine at Karis ellie discovered her true call to teach the Word of God he wants me to go out and lead this people's heart speaking to them about their true identity of who they are in Christ while they are still broken the Book of Isaiah encourages us to enlarge our tents and think big that's what phase 2 is about making room for more people like Elly to discover their true purpose and be equipped to successfully fulfill it with boldness and power you can be a part of God's vision for Karis today to donate visit our website this March go on a journey with God watch the bible come to life as it's retold by the Apostle Peter to persecuted Christians in Rome Holy Spirit thank you that you will lead us and strengthen us and remind us of the faith of Abraham a heart of David the wisdom of Solomon and the boldness and courage of death by order of Emperor Nero all persons suspected of following the religious sect known as Christianity will be thrown to the Lions in the Circus Maximus God chooses the weak things of this world because it isn't our weaknesses history is repeated if God is for us then who can be against us you you you you you you you you you you
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 13,304
Rating: 4.8588233 out of 5
Keywords: Andrew's Live Bible Study - Who Am I? - Feb 13 2018
Id: ktoRX9W3hNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 34sec (3274 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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