Andrew Weissmann on Judge Cannon: ‘It is truly a disgrace she is not doing her job’

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appointed judge overseeing Donald Trump's criminal classified documents case has now indefinitely postponed any trial judge alen Kennan had originally set a date for later this month but in her ruling yesterday judge Kennan said there are too many pre-trial issues to set a new trial date at all ever here's former Trump White House attorney Tai Cobb slamming judge Canon over that all she's really done today though is make official what everybody including Jack Smith knew which was she had no intention of getting this case to trial and she wasn't competent to get this case to trial the things that she has done here are really inexplicable um and uh it's tragic uh she talks about the public you know having honored The public's interest in the administration of justice by postponing the trial you know she has not honored The public's interest uh you know for one day in this case we're back with John and Andrew I mean John this isn't a political statement what I'm about to say she's not Pres presided over many trials at all I think one or two she's not presided over any that dealt with classified materials which is a thing of its own why did Jack Smith not seek to change the jurisdiction immediately oh my god well you're going to have to ask Andrew that because I don't really know I don't really know that works all I know is that like this for Donald Trump he's had a lot of like crazy luck in his life but man this is like the equivalent of me going down and picking up a scratch ticket at the bodega and you know hitting the the $10 Million jackpot on on the on the the the scratch because you know it's a random assignment you know Trump's the luckiest thing that's ever happened to him uh in in this in this legal realm just pure luck right I don't know what Jack I mean look if if Jack Smith had the capacity to uh to get this venue changed I again I defer to Andrew who knows more way more about what what's possible there uh and what might have been going on in Jack Smith's head in various equities if he had a possibility of doing that it was pretty obvious from the very beginning to most of us that this was not going to end well and one of the things it's clear as we sit here today uh I never had any doubt that we weren't going to get to that trial before before election day but really it's now you know even if you're delusional you can't see a way where that's going to happen and this is the most open and shut of the cases it's it's the most it's the most legally there's just no world in which Trump has any defense because of the way the law is written and and it's also obviously in some ways doesn't have a lot of the problems that the the New York case does in terms of actual relevance to actually being president you can't argue personal conduct in that case so I think I've said this to in the makeup room I don't know if you watch this season of curb but Larry's with Tracy Ol Man and and if you missed you're like why is he with her I always felt that way about Jack Smith and alen judge alien Canon because the the search warrant becomes a legal mass and the and the the beginning of this case's existence ends up before a very conservative circuit court and then ends up it a special Master Brooklyn because she so botches it and so it seems to me again not a lawyer never worked with the J department but it seemed to me from the beginning that this was ill- fated if your goal was to hold him accountable for the crimes you've indicted him for you know I actually as you know I'm I'm I'm somebody who I will tell you if I think the Department of Justice you know made a mistake um but I actually don't think that Jack made a mistake here I think he played it straight um I've been on high-profile cases where um the issue is what venue should you pick and the overarching issue is to play it straight where are the facts that sort of form the crime where did they occur um just you know that principle is in the Constitution that you should be tried where the crime occurred and here only in the district where judge Canon is one of three judges um is of locust for all of the crimes that are charged in other words some of the CRI might have been able to be charged elsewhere but not all of them and the there's no question that the graen the sort of all of the facts are ones that could all be charged in that district and so there was going to be a one out of three chance under the wheel you know because it get spun out randomly that she got the case and the real issue here I think is not really Jack Smith it is um it is Judge Canon it is it is just true truly a disgrace that she is not doing her job um you pointed out uh Nicole that she couldn't even handle the search War she was reversed not once but twice over that she had to get another federal judge to be the special Master when she could have just roll rolled up her sleeves and done the work and now her decision says well there are a lot of pending motions that's why I need to take more time well I have another idea decide them I mean this is not a complicated case and so I agree with taob that she just put in writing what we all knew was going to happen but what she put in writing is really um sort of a testament to um at the very least incompetence and some might say much worse than that which is something that you don't want to see in a judge which is um a bias for one side or the other um so I really think that's where the you know where the the problem is in this case
Channel: MSNBC
Views: 343,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nicolle Wallace
Id: kSBY0kFvqgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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