It May Be Hard to Believe, but People Actually Live in These Houses #2

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if you're at home right now could you do me a favor just look around take it all [Music] in look at all the stuff that you have in your home where your bed and your kitchen your bathroom or whatever's there is and take a look and appreciate what you have because as you all know there are millions upon millions of people in the world who don't actually have a home and it's a sad thing to see [Applause] and then there are those who have the most extravagant ones possible and we go really though from previous out an old and then there are those people who have homes but they're not exactly the most standard Affairs that you could picture so with all of that in mind here now are the 20 strangest places where people actually live number 20 bra zlion favellas it may be hard to believe but people actually live in these houses it might not be that hard to believe though given that these look like houses but when you see the stacked up styles of the favellas in Brazil you at least understand that this is not the typical style of living that you see all over the world these are houses that pretty much are stacked upon one another and it paints a unique picture even if it's one that highlights the problems in Brazil you see the favellas are also known known as the slums of most Brazilian cities and that's why if you were to visit Brazil you would be told not to go to these places because there are dangerous people there and ones who would want to take advantage of you so another rule that you get from people who know the area is go with someone who knows what's going on because if you're just out wandering around you're bound to end up getting into trouble because you don't know the rules but with a guide you can see some honestly good parts of the favellas and that's something that needs to be pointed out though it is the slums there is a big art community with the favellas that has grown over the years as many have noted after visiting the place this spark of creativity is due to them needing to have something to potentially help them with their situation what arguably is the most sad part of the favellas is that they're truly crammed into these stacked up homes one of the biggest in all of Brazil houses 100,000 people and it's not exactly an expansive space to be living in so what we have here is A Tale of Two homes if you will yes it is a place that can be inviting if you endear yourself to the local population and a creative space for those who want to try and make something out of their lives but it's also an example of how many nations will simply push their people to the outskirts and simply expect them to survive before we go on like this video smash the Subscribe button and click the notification Bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleep number 19 the Hanging Temple of H Shan given how glum that the last entry was at times how about we spice it up now with a little bit of this next one if you go to China especially to the southeast of datong you'll eventually come across a mysterious Wonder known as The Hanging Temple of hang sham it's called The Hanging Temple because it's literally built into the rock face of the near by Mountain and many people wonder how gravity hasn't laid it low but it hasn't and it's been there for quite a while plus the temple is not small it has over 40 rooms and a bunch of passageways for you to walk in should you be brave enough to rise up to it the temple is said to have been built by a monk during the late Northern wayy Dynasty which was between 386 and 534 and restored in 1900 it was constructed by drilling holes into the cliffs side into which the poles that hold up the temple is set now picture that for a moment a monk was able to drill holes into a mountain long before high- powered drilling tools were made and then just used basic poles to keep the temple afloat that's not only creativity it might well be genius because monks don't get enough credit for their Brilliance another interesting element to this Temple which is still in use to this day is that Confucianism taism and Buddhism are all practiced there traditionally temples like this would suit one belief system but this one opens its gates to multiple beliefs which is very Progressive oh and since we forgot to mention it before the entire thing is 30 m above the ground and what we have here is the perfect representation of the dedication of a monk and how far people are willing to go for their faith and you know given that the temple is still standing who are we to deny their faith and dedication number 18 sanil de labas now I just showed you a place that was built into to the side of a mountain but how about showing you some places that were built beneath and underneath a canyon this is a unique white Village in Spain that indeed has houses placed within and under the canyon Rock faces that are so numerous that there are Parts where you can literally see massive rocks hanging over and the houses that support it oh and by white Village I mean the color of the houses the canyon itself was carved out by an ancient Creek that is much smaller today but because of its handiwork the place was perfect to have Olive fields and other agricultural places such as wineries that was what this place was known for originally while it's lessened in wine making in recent times it's actually still beautiful to see and has quite the sights and wonders including again the houses that are within and under the giant rocks it's honestly a little freaky seeing all of the rocks that people just walk under casually but that just reflects how safe the people feel and how confident they are in the construction of the homes one thing that should be mentioned is that there are parts of this place that are above the ground and the canyon including a beautiful tower that people love to visit but even when you look at the place from a side view it's incredible to see the houses both above and below the canyon line if anything this is a testament to human engineering and the ability to make a home just about anywhere that they want which is something that we'll be highlighting quite a bit as we continue with this list number 17 Sealand have you ever wanted to start your own country well don't be afraid to say that you have because many of us have had dreams of ruling our own Roost on a large scale and showcasing just how true leadership works we all know some Nations definitely need some better leaders but in the case of Sealand this is both a country a principality and a unique story of what some people decided to do with a floating military Fortress it All Began in 1943 when the British government made rough Tower a floating military fort that was meant to help them during the second world war and eventually once the war was over and the use for ruff's Tower ended it was abandoned until a bunch of Pirate Radio people came in and began doing their own musical thing which is pretty badass inter major Patty Roy Bates after evicting the Pirate Radio people he decided to do things bigger and better by making the independent principality of Sealand and he was very adamant about it to the point that when some British people tried to invade his Waters to set up a buoy he and his son opened fire on them he was brought to court but by technicality the platform was outside of British Waters and so he could not be charged in 1975 he introduced a constitution for SE land followed by a national flag a national anthem a currency passports and an immigration stamp and it gets even weirder because there was a coup Daya attempt to remove him and his family from power in Sealand and that was actually fought off and there are some places that recognize it as the world's smallest country fast forward to today and people really don't know what to make out of the whole thing but if you go to its official website it welcomes you to become a part of it and you can even get a noble title I mean sure why not number 16 floating villages in Cambodia from a floating country to a set of floating villages we now head over to Cambodia for another unique look at life specifically we're going to look at the people who live on tonl sap Lake and have literal floating homes through which they attempt to live which is anything but easy but why is that well first off the reason these Villages exist was because of a regime change that was forcing the people of multiple ethnic backgrounds who were in the country for work to return home except that they couldn't and because they weren't legal residents of Cambodia they couldn't buy land to try and live and so they Simply Built Homes out out on the lake where they have just enough to survive and use the lake and its many resources to try and get by each and every day they work on the lake they sell Goods on the lake they travel and even wash themselves and their property in the Lake's Waters and while many consider these floing villages to be a tourist attraction it's more of a reminder of how far people are willing to go just to have someplace to be and live number 15 yakut now honestly I don't know how in the world to pronounce that word but I tried right let me ask you a question how cold are you right now I mean depending on which season and area that you're living in you could be quite cold or kind of or not at all but if you live in this place in Siberia which I can't pronounce you wouldn't even know what warm was because it's the coldest city in the entire world now I know that Siberia is cold on its own yeah which is why it's not really one of the most populated places around but here in this place there are over 300,000 people who live there which is insane to think about given the freezing temperatures the reason they endure the cold is because there's a diamond mine there that needs workers and they get paid well enough to harvest them but just how cold could it be well how about 60° C if not colder and yet they persist and apparently the people are quite proud that they're able to endure such harsh conditions as it showcases their toughness and ability to overcome while that is something to be respected and I honor their ability to endure I'm really glad that I don't have to live there because that cold well that's just terrible I mean why endure negative temperatures that can turn you into an icicle number 14 Freedom cave now before I showed you the floating villages of the people of Cambodia but now we're going off the coast of British Columbia and Canada to show you freedom code a floating m-made island of sorts which houses a couple that proudly boasts that they live on the ocean and they're more than happy with not setting foot on dry land all that often but how exactly does that work well it's simple really it all sits a top about a dozen interlocking steel doors that Creator Wayne Adams had salvaged from an old fishing Farm in fact everything is fashioned from reclaimed material a habitat designed from what's available when it's available him and his wife live together on their floating Cove and they're able to make everything work for them which includes being able to grow their own food via the areas that they've cultivated they do occasionally have to go into town but it's quite the rare occurrence because they've been able to be self-sustaining for quite some time the couple are constantly working and reworking things on their Cove but they don't seem to mind in fact the artistic Duo believe that they want to stay there for the rest of their days and they have the potential to do just that oh and they also feed bald eagles that fly into their Cove on the regular so you know as one does number 13 Island Lodge moving on to a classic that many of you have likely heard of in our long string of places that I can't pronounce or at the very least you've seen this one Once Upon a Time specifically you may have seen this picture yes it is of a real Island near Iceland and upon it rests a single White House the house appears tiny compared to the rest of the island and yet it is there and nothing else that's man-made exists there so when people started seeing this house on the internet they began speculating about what it was who had made it how it got there and so on but that just led to a whole lot of rumors lies and incorrect stories so good thing for you I'm here to clear all of that up first yes it is a real house in fact it's what's considered to be a lodge and that is where the truth lies it was built as a hunting lodge for people to be able to go and hunt the local Wildlife on the island it was eventually abandoned and technically nobody lives there today which might be for the best because it doesn't have any kind of running water or any other pleasurable amenities about it number 12 China's Cliff Village have you ever metaphorically felt that you were dangling off the side of a cliff for some people in China they go through that each and every day this 200-year-old Village was made famous all thanks to its 800 M ladders that the people which includes the children have to use to climb up and down the cliff in order to reach the rest of the world each and every day now it's crazy to think that they've all lived up that high but they did it and they weren't poor either it would just take them quite the long time to get up and down so that they could do what they had to do in order to live things eventually changed though when the Chinese government offered them new homes on the ground level and they surprisingly accepted they appear to be happy to not be living off of a cliff anymore number 11 the tunnels of Bucharest in Romania in the city of Bucharest there are special tunnels that were once made for the city's heating system nothing wrong with that but now the tunnels of Bucharest are home to a lot of people who are merely just trying to live and it's been rather difficult for them but as those who have ventured down into the tunnels would note while life can be hard there it's also rather safe not discriminating and there's a sense of trying to help one another to make it to the next day Believe It or Not these are not the only tunnels in the world that house people a lot of people love to go to places like this as a safe haven because it's the only option available to them it's hard to think about but that's what some people have to do in order to live number 10 Madonna Corona Sanctuary here's another place that seems to be hanging from a rock which as we all know by now is not an odd thing to see in the world it's rather common if you know where to look near Verona you'll find the sanctuary of Madonna DEA Corona which is a sacred religious site that has been a place of pilgrimage for many people for hundreds of years and is definitely not a bar owned by the singer Madonna the good news is that while it is up high you can get there easier now than you could have in the past as they've overhauled the Foot Road that you can take to get there the Madonna Dela Corona is a significant place of worship for Catholics who come to pray and seek Solace within its peaceful surroundings Sanctuary is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and its altar features a statue of Madonna and Child Number Nine Dr River House yes this is a real place and it has become quite the attraction over in Serbia the Drina River House has very humble Origins as it was built by a couple of people who merely wanted to have a place to relax after going swimming in the river they began small and then slowly they built up the house to what it looks like now and if you're wondering why they stacked it up like that well that's because the river would occasionally rise and this would help the house to not be washed away the irony is that the house has been washed away several times and as a result it's had to be rebuilt multiple times over yet the people are willing to do it because it's become an iconic part of the river and they don't mind helping to keep it there number eight Mount fanging remember how I talked about the dedication of monks and how they're willing to go to extreme lengths for their faith well here's another example of that in China up on Mount fanging you'll find not one but two Buddhist temples that are hundreds of meters off the ground the two temples on top of the mountain were each constructed on separate Peaks and guests have to cross a small bridge in order to Traverse the crevice between them you should be sure not to look down when you do that but there's an 8,000 step Ascent that you'll have to do just to get to the temples so good luck with that however if you're able to Brave the heights you'll end up seeing the Chinese landscape like never before and you'll be in awe not only of the beauty but at the work that it took to construct these places that were so so high up number seven Casa du penado this so-called Boulder house is absolutely one that you will find in Portugal and you can even rent it out if you feel bold enough to stay in it for a while believe it or not this Stone Castle was built not only using natural rocks that were nearby but as a vacation home for a family that lived in the area the things that people will do for a good vacation and they had to move out when people people kept flocking to see their Rock home so what's the appeal of this place exactly it does function as a working home which includes having a kitchen to cook in but it also serves as a place without electricity so you can unplug and enjoy all the natural ways of life Number Six Villa gasou in 99.9% of the homes in the world they always have a problem of never truly facing the sun all the time in order to get the benefit bit of its light and heat but for Villa gasou in Italy that is not really a problem at all the Villa built in the 1930s was constructed with One Singular and simple purpose to rotate itself so that it would always be facing the sun yes it is real and in fact it got its inspiration from a sunflower which always faces the sun to absorb its Rays Motors help to move The Villa on tracks so that the sun is always in view might it be weird well I don't know seems kind of cool to me and also really really creative number five Meteora monasteries when you're a place that is protected by UNESCO that means that you're doing something right or that you're just really really old and somebody thinks that you're important enough in order to preserve sure enough in Greece the Meteora monasteries are Hil as one of the best tourist attractions that you can actually go and visit today there are six monasteries that were built upon rocks over the course of hundreds of years and it's hiled as one of the most important religious settings in all of Greece over the years as the importance of the tourism industry would grow along with the value of a dollar various improvements were made to the monasteries so that it would be easier to get into the place and do your thing dating back to the 14th century this place is to top towering Rock pillars in Central Greece and originally built by monks who were seeking Solitude and protection from invading forces originally it was only accessible by rope ladders and baskets and the monasteries actually served as centers of religious devotion and learning but if you're willing and able to scale the place you will end up experiencing something like never before along with a breathtaking view as the entirety of the Grecian landscape will be filling up your eyeballs number four kuber pey I've shown you plenty of interesting homes up until now on this list and yet when we look at the events that surround kuber pedy in Australia we can't help but be amazed at the people who took what was a seemingly terrible situation in the environmental sense and then transformed it into something quite positive that they're still enjoying to this day now kuber peti is down under and it's an opal mining town not only do they mine Opals there but they mine a whole heck of a lot of them washed in from previous oh it's an old old they were potentially the biggest opal mining operation in the world at one time when they started back in 1916 and that would lead them to digging up lots and lots and lots of holes in the ground and the problem with this is that during the summer it would get really really hot there and I'm not just talking about a few degrees above kind of hot I'm talking about boiling to the point where you could cook an egg on the cement hot kind of day the thing that you would beg for was air conditioning to work and yet it never would but what are they supposed to do then in that case well they couldn't just blot out the Sun so they used what they had around them which was the mines that's right 2500 people said screw this heat and then they went to live in the caves and the tunnels that they had dug out previously did it work well yeah it actually did the caves weren't only cooler but they were cooler by dozens of degrees so without the hot sun beating down on them they could live a regular life so to speak it's thought that actually about 80% of the population of kubra peti is inside of those caves and they have a lot inside of their homes as well there are houses churches schools and even hotels where you can rent a room and they have electricity and other amenities that you would want in a home so it turns out that they do live quite well now that's not to say they don't come up for air because they have to at times in order to get food and retrieve water and other things but most of the time you can just find them chilling out in their caves and that's pretty cool in my book number three Pon Veo now I've been to Italy a few times so why not one more stop the Ponto veio aka the old bridge is one of the most secret places in all of Italy to visit and when you go there you may notice how different the bridge looks compared to any other thing that you may have seen that's because both within and without the bridge there are shops that have been in function for quite a long time it used to be occupied by certain kinds of professions like blacksmiths but they drove people away with the noise so people with more quiet and higher paying professions were put into the shops and it still remains to this day there's even a so-called secret passage that is so special it was referenced in the book Dante's Inferno but unfortunately or perhaps fortunately it will not lead you to the underworld number two matada given what you've seen with kuber py the matada village in Tunisia should not be all that much of a surprise these people not only dug themselves a massive pit but then went and dug themselves homes into the nearby caves so that they could have a sound structure to call home yet another case of people using what was around them in order to make a nice living for themselves but even when the buildings began to collapse due to weather and other factors the people simply rebuilt the homes and then went right back to living inside of them it might be kind of weird but it also shows that sometimes people enjoy where they live even if it may be odd to everyone else who views it from the outside side with a closed off and ignorant mind Number One hallat China given everything that you've seen by now you may be curious about the final weird place that I'm about to unveil that people do actually live in I've shown you cave homes and stacked up homes weirdly shaped homes and more so could there be anything that could truly top all of that well how about cloned homes here's another example in hallat that you may know about out except for the fact that it's in Austria it's a very old school place that even has UNESCO Protections in it due to its wondrous architecture that has been around for hundreds of years but if you go to hallat in China you'll actually see the exact same architecture and even it looking aged despite the fact that it was built much more recently so what is it that's going on here well the answer is that China has been obsessed recently with recreating landmarks and places from around the world world and then putting it inside of their country their goal with this is manyfold but it is indeed a Chinese construction company that has cloned an entire Village just so that people in China could live in it as well though curiously it was apparently constructed to house the wealthy in China which says a lot in our minds going back to the various cloning projects China has been bent on trying to help spread out their population away from places like Shanghai and other densely populated areas the idea is that people would be drawn to places like this and then be up for moving into them now it is a nice idea and Theory but I know there are problems with that kind of logic not the least of which is that some of these cloned areas including ones that were meant to be a replica of the UK are not as populated as you would expect many people don't actually care for these kind of places and then the ones who can AF to get houses there only use them as a kind of second home even with all of these clear flaws China apparently is bent on trying to keep the project alive that's all from the realm of people who really have odd places that they live in are you surprised that they choose to be in these homes and which of them do you feel was the strangest of the bunch or perhaps there's another strange home that could have made it onto this list let me know all about it in the comments down below check out the other cool things on the screen and I will see you next time
Channel: The Fancy Banana
Views: 2,907,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strange, facts, weird, strangest, people, unusual, places, weirdest, bizarre, unbelievable, viral, earth, most, new, amazing, houses, incredible, strangest things, blow your mind, travel, mysterious, discovered, discoveries, in the world, mind blowing, world, home, house, things, the world, strange people, weirdest people, place, mysterious places, strange places, ever, homes, strangest places, abandoned places, weird places, crazy places, strange life, strange ways, strangest people
Id: w09xuGaTbaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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