Dissecting Andrew Huberman's Love Life

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[Music] dude we're [ __ ] in general yeah dude I was listening to some podcast they were talking about a study that came huberman it wasn't no his phone interrupting the whole podcast from his seven girlfriends blowing up that's really funny thing about all those podcasts and seven girls blowing his [ __ ] up the whole time he's they're being like the science the science behind an you're such a dick Andrew that was a yeah one of the things I found I read the piece and one of the things that I found most interesting was like you really that I was actually kind of laughing at [ __ ] let down about with Andrew that your American hero would be so callous so [ __ ] just disgusting yeah exactly give into Hedonism I'm not even a real like I'm not a fan of his by any mean yeah yeah so I I I don't feel any type of way about it yeah um but the the piece was funny cuz even in the piece she's like the logistic the logistics of that is insan like he was like he was like telling girls that you know like he had plans with them and they would like link up and then he'd be like oh I got to go deal with something with my dog and he'd like drive another girl to the airport and then he'd be like oh I got to and then text them both some other excuse and drive to a third one and talk about their relationship and then drive back to the first one it just seemed like how the [ __ ] did you even do that so what he that is insane so what you're saying is it takes a neuroscience degree to maintain a roster past a certain number is that what is that what the piece is saying yes I think it is and that goes for any sex you know I like to imagine just like a player in the South being like man you got caught up on seven [ __ ] man shoot I got about 15 in this you [ __ ] up I don't need no brain degree to get 15 [ __ ] on man come on man I got 20 of them in here complaining look at this how do you do it easy man you just don't text them yeah see that's what he did wrong is he was like tending to each relationship he had like seven fullon where he was like cuz that's that's what it made it seem was like he is that guy even in the relationship he's constantly talking about like working on working on each other and working on ourselves and blah blah blah and he he like he I got to go work on my dog right now or whatever and he'd leave and then he'd tell this girl I really am fond of our relationship I want us to like Blossom together yeah that was his mistake yeah he don't have swag yeah he's got no real player in him yeah that's what it is yeah yeah yeah real player I bet Futures phone is like 100 futur phone is 100 but like some of the [ __ ] that that they were quoting his ex-girlfriends at least yeah was just like what yeah like oh my God one of one of the parts it was like he often replied to like story or like selfies or like Story pictures with um um hi there I was like oh what all the redditors are like this is my guy this is my guy I was like Riz what are you doing um hi there yeah that's so Millennial and just sorry I just still stuck on Wow you did a thing yeah um epic tits tis sends a picture of her boobs cool beans cool Bean Nice bags no you wouldn't say that see that's kind of sick yeah that's kind of sick that's actual RZ nice bags what are we doing Friday it's funny to think that you're to be like he wants to be a like the concept of being a player like you got a cap at a certain like um like level like I think he prob do you think I think he has empathy yeah I think that's why he was like trying to yeah tend to every single relationship even though like what he's too like he was doing on the you know like he's trying to be a good person yeah he's doing his shitty thing those don't line up yeah yeah you just like yeah yeah he kind of has to submit to the to the player side of he has to accept what he wants to do which is a shitty thing and so cuz I think there was a quote in there it was like from some podcast episode or something where they were talking about addiction and vices and everything and he was like I'm not a sex addict I'm a love addict which is what you're saying he's like trying to frame it like yeah he's not frame it like a neuroscientist good guy you know yeah he's he's not accepting it's like bro love addict yeah nah man yeah yeah what what does that even mean yeah I love when they send me pictures of their bags sorry I love when they twirl on my dick I love when they twirl on it yeah future you know future future has this great line yo I feel for the ladies like trying to catch him in his [ __ ] yeah they're trying to be so straightforward they're like are you texting another girl yeah yeah yeah communication is a complex thing no no no no no Andrew no no no no no are you texting another girl yeah the the left side of my brain The Logical side does not want to be texting another girl that's what's important but we have biomechanical structure that we cannot avoid there's actually an interesting study about how synapse are you texting another girl or not yes or no question synapse is a funny thing there is a protein that is absorbed cut the [ __ ] I just think it's mad funny that you basically take like an AP Science Kid in all the clubs everyone's like oh wait you're horny as [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah and he's like I am wait you're a dog like that yeah yeah I am a dog I am a dog I am a unfortunately I am a dog and it's interesting cuz K9 the K9 brain some of the like again if those quotes are real some of those conversations were just like I don't even know how the [ __ ] you were in a relationship with this guy how that's not even a relationship that's like a scientific partnership what the [ __ ] is that the way you guys gaslighter dude dude no it's just like it's just like I empathize with your um with your suggestions and I and it's just like oh what but both sides like I don't know like the way that they would also speak like that was the relationship yeah and it's like damn that's sterile as [ __ ] I'm how do you guys have sex after that yeah I am EMP with those suggestions and what if he's just what if he's just a mean lover though yeah what if you like what if they just you get through all that nerd [ __ ] and this dude is just yeah magic yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean he's tatted up that should have told that should have been the sign right away he's wearing this like collared black shirt during every single podcast episode every like you know he's a neuroscientist then he gets a shirt off he's jacked as [ __ ] tatted something not a scientist come on you're not completely [ __ ] blasted on your whole body yeah he's the he's the Master Blaster yeah his his right hand going work exactly I think what's annoying about this whole article bro is the like goofy culture gender War dudes like just attaching themselves to this being like huh so when girls but when guys it's like dude Jo go beat your meat and shut up like it is not that deep so stupid yeah yeah it is it is kind of funny though this like super mega scientist guy yeah everyone's like hold up you're [ __ ] you're horny huie Hub so take it take it you know it's it's an entertaining piece for sure but take it with a Grandin OFA yeah Twitter's opinions seem to be like he's a dick but why do I need to know about this yeah exactly and like I was saying earlier I don't I wonder if his fans yeah like you said I'm curious fans of huberman if we have any crossover I doubt it doubt it dude people's brains have been rotted by our show too much for his advice to have any effect yeah they turned this part off already
Channel: TMG Podcast Highlights
Views: 82,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tmg, cody, ko, noel, miller, comedy, comedians, funny, jokes, lol, long, form, conversation, radio, podcast
Id: dV2fkFemEDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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