The TRUTH about ANDREW TATE (it’s WORSE Than You Think)

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[Music] laughs welcome back to the true Geordie YouTube channel now I know I said I wouldn't talk about Andrew Tate anymore but unfortunately he's just gotten himself a lot though and now is one of the most talked about things on YouTube so it's basically impossible to avoid a lot of you because of my interactions with him which I'm not proud of will probably think I'm here to Glow oh you got yourself arrested but potentially there's six victims or more here and that's nothing to laugh at what I want to do in this video is just look into what he's been accused of look at the evidence and look at what we know and then you guys can make your own Mains up so he was having an argument with a teenage girl on Twitter because that's what you do when you're 36 and the top G apparently like I said I wasn't going to laugh but that bit I can laugh at because it's just ridiculous so Greta thundberg buy her own Twitter bio is an autistic climate Justice activist so as you have already seen I'm sure made a tweet I've got 33 cars my Bugatti yada yada yada and Greta great I just responds with please do enlighten me email me at smalldickenergy this is now one of the most liked Tweets in history so to say he got destroyed is is an understatement there and that is quite funny but it's harmless it's silly and you think to yourself leave it at that mate but no so for whatever reason Andrew couldn't just leave it at that he had to respond I'm actually mad at Greta right because she doesn't realize she's been programmed she doesn't realize she's a slave of the Matrix enough of that waffle because this is where it actually gets interesting the pizza boxes that he actually acknowledges in the video give away his location to the police force who have been looking for him so Tate was arrested as you're all away as part of a human trafficking and rape investigation and according to the report here in the Daily Mail kept Six Women under house arrest 24 7 like prisoners it was alleged last night officials close to the case said Tate asked his employees to Shadow his victims every move forcing them to take part in online pornographic videos the abuse was physical and emotional they were not allowed to leave the house without security and they were watched day and night a Romanian judicial source told the meal they were essentially kept under house arrest 24 7 like prisoners they were deprived of their freedom and followed everywhere the 36 year old was arrested and his brother Tristan 34 alongside their assistance Georgiana and Luana at their 600 000 pound Villa in the Romanian capital Bucharest yesterday morning the dawn raid by officers from the city's une organized crime unit was part of a nine month long investigation the forward taken by police into a cell in Bucharest before a court hearing which authorities are seeking to keep them in detention for one month which now has been agreed to although Tate's lawyers are appealing it prosecutors allege that Tate recruited the women on social media platforms and lured them the Bucharest by falsely professing his love at and intention to marry them the tactics are known as the Loverboy method which is used by criminals to recruit victims who are suffering from economic hardship by seducing them with gifts and Promises of a better life the six victims were forced to take part in videos on the adult content platform only fans we have information based on what they said on social media that one of the girls brought in up to 50 000 Euros a month and they were giving no money from what they earned the women included an American a moldovan and four Romanian Nationals the 22 year old who can't be named for legal reasons had managed to recover her mobile phone and call her boyfriend in the US who alerted the embassy there is some debate on whether or not it was the pizza box that gave us the location away and really who cares the point is is he's been arrested and who is it who's actually arresting him well there's a Romanian lawyer on YouTube because everyone's on footman YouTube who actually has a bit of information on the prosecutor behind gained the investigation into Andrew Taylor the prosecutor that is leading the case is actually a safe prosecutor and he's very well known in Romania for leading some of the biggest and most famous cases against anti-mafia for example he's very well known for arresting the biggest drug lord in Romania the man arrested the biggest drug lord in Romania so they've hardly got Chief wigger money you know this is a serious man he's also known for being one of the toughest prosecutors in Romania and because of his past experience and because he received during his career a lot of death threats he has 24 7 security assured by the Special Forces so the guy on the job took down that many Big Time criminals he needs security like that says a lot what we can take from that is he ain't going to be intimidated by anyone especially not a man who's teaching how to become an online Hustler you know I don't think he's going to be bothered about Andrew Tate now in my opinion being that he's very experienced he would have never arrested him in the first place if he didn't have enough evidence to support the case big point there from the Romanian lawyer here Stefan lauridan sorry if I've missed pronounce their name this man is a serious dude who is not going to have arrested Andrew Tate with zero evidence that is very important because when you look at the online reaction everyone who has any like for Android is already saying he's innocent let him go and we're hearing from a Romania lawyer this man doesn't play around and if he's arrested him there's some serious [ __ ] behind it so after Tate's arrest his fans were flooding Twitter blaming the Matrix for his arrest now the Matrix seems to be a word that Andrew uses for the powers that be I'm assuming he's not referring to the great movie in 99 featuring Keanu Reeves big fun and obviously in that movie you have the agents and you know just to be clear it was fictional but he often references they them in interviews and this is an example of one video that was tweeted a lot of times where he quote unquote predicted his arrest you're gonna try and put me in jail they're gonna kill me and I would never kill myself under any circumstances ever and the reason I say and I say this people they go but what can they put you in jail for and I'm like how ignorant are you in your ignorance to believe they need a reason you believe it's fair you believe I can get a lawyer and prove myself innocent that's not how it works they decide you're guilty long before and they find a reason why and it doesn't matter what you do about it you will pay the [ __ ] price it's not fair none of it is every single system is corrupt there's one or two possibilities here one possibility that there's a big conspiracy to stop Andrew Tate and that the the powers that be are out to get him the other side of that is he's predicting it because he knows fine well he's been up there no good if I have eight pints of Guinness on a night out I don't predict on the night out that I'm gonna wake up with a hangover the next morning I know it's coming because I know what I did you following this man was brushing up against the authorities for a decade right he'd had issues for a long time and he was raided back in April for this very thing so him then later on going on about getting arrested when he knows they're looking into him as if he's some sort of Nostradamus and then his fans like he called it he called it again I'm not saying he's guilty but come on use your [ __ ] head could it be that he may be aware of some [ __ ] now this video was taken the week of Andrew Tate's arrest like literally seven days beforehand and the answer to all things in life is to take absolutely not her self-accountability for all the good and all the bad you must look at yourself and realize everything good that happened in your life is your fault and everything bad that happens in your life is completely your fault and without having that high degree of absolute accountability it doesn't matter even if it rains outside I blame myself because I didn't have to be in London right I could have gone I could have stayed in Dubai so that's Tate saying he believes that always taking accountability now let's look at him when he got arrested The Matrix has attacked me in terms of taking accountability like claimed he does putting everything on The Matrix it's not really that is it don't blame it on sunshine don't blame it on moonlight blame it on the Matrix I don't even know what to say anymore this is just so weird man we're talking about a movie made in 99 here Neo was getting done for cyber crimes right because he was hacking into NASA and [ __ ] you ain't kneel me surely if the Matrix wanted to get him that bad they could have just started their own podcast and invited them on because this man will go on any podcast who will have him and I'll say this again I don't know if this guy is Gilly what we do know is he said a lot of things in the past in relation to his webcam business to the way he treats women and we're going to look into that now and see how that lines up between what he's been accused of the beginning of it was I messaged my six girlfriends and told them they're all coming to live with me and I had a job for them in London uh two of them wouldn't come four of them agreed and I was like we're gonna make money a bunch of money you're gonna live with me just to be clear I've heard this story a couple of times and both times the numbers change we'll put it down to a rusty memory I've been with you all I'm starting a webcam business I'm Gonna Get Rich some of you are going to come with me to the top of the mountain or if you're pissed off you can [ __ ] fly home which is very matter of fact to the point because I needed money at this point now I have not agreed to take another fight I need money now just an idea maybe just get a job like other hard-working people do but so I cut down to like a special forces team of around eight girls and that's where I made my most money when I had four girlfriends my brother had four girlfriends me my brother eight women living in one house he's established the business model here he has four girlfriends girlfriends his brother has four girlfriends that's how they did it and in this clip Tate says that he had an altercation with a woman who was working with him oh yeah and then I had one girl and she got too drunk one day and she threw up in my apartment I told her to clean up she refused to clean up start being an idiot so I took her stuff throughout the window seems like a fairly reasonable course of action for someone who is working with you you know and she was my biggest earning girl she made me on her own maybe twenty five thousand dollars a month oh [ __ ] so I didn't want to fire her and she knew I didn't want to fire her which is more reason why I had to fire her ass so I was like all right cool you want to be a gangster right you're a gangster got her [ __ ] we're like high up like here it was just out the window got hurt by her two arms and marched her out the door locked the door end of it okay so he he admits he he put his hands on uh he doesn't say he hit us but he he frog mulched her out the [ __ ] door she starts texting me texting me you owe me my last month's wages you owe me my money give me my money did I text her back I ain't paying you nothing you threw up my blah she went to the police oh [ __ ] and told the police I hit her so let's just get this straight this was his top earning goal and she threw up refused to clean it up was mouthing off he threw her stuff out the window for that frog marched her out she then goes to the police and says he hit me this just doesn't make sense to me you know this was your best earning employee you don't just get rid of them over something small like throwing up and then they don't just accuse you of hitting them this is a very bizarre story immediately I heard the door boom boom boom and I don't know how I knew I just knew it was police probably because the shouted police it's usually a giveaway I've done some things when I had to pay the bills right so I was a bit like ah what's this going to be so I like flushed my phone down the toilet quickly I'm coming I'm coming I was like who are you they're like you're under arrest for a suspicion of assault of this dumb hoe bear in mind that this girl would have been a girlfriend uh uh yeah they kept me in a Cell for a day and a half they sent officers to raid my house took all my electronics took all my phones on my laptops went through my entire personal life found 11 new things to raise charges against me for it's unrelated because the original case got dropped because she had no evidence and she was lying because all the other girls in the house went to um okay so according to him the other girls told the police he was innocent now logically if he gets sent to prison they all lose their income too because this man is the one who's keeping it all together he's the glue of the situation there's a very good reason for them to cover for him that doesn't mean he's guilty but this whole story it doesn't not only does it not add up it just doesn't sound good in any way so this is what he said when asked about his girl doing only funds I wouldn't I wouldn't even mind my girl doing only fans as long as I kept all the money I wouldn't give a [ __ ] if I had a girl who said I want to do only fans I'm like cool go for it let me know how much money we make you're keeping all of it though yes she's mine 100 you're keeping all profits I mean I might let her buy us some shoes or something just based on this one clip alone you could tell he does not view women as people they are property like slaves and that's the way he uses them he might be nice to them he might be nasty of them I don't [ __ ] know but by his own words they are there to make him money and that money is all his but all in all I mean goes into my bank and I might gift her something depending if she's been good that month but she's my she's my property so she's selling my property like if we're gonna rent out my house then I get the money right you're my chick you're my property you're gonna sell pictures of my property Cool where's my money so if there's any doubts left there uh Andrew does not look at women like people you were there to be rented out to make me money but again that doesn't necessarily mean he's guilty now some of you might wonder why Andrew chose Romania of all places to live well he's explained it in a helpful little video for her this is probably 14 of the reason I moved to Romania because in Eastern Europe none of this garbage flies if you don't know the police and say he raped me back in 1988 because we should have done something about it then if you're on a place to stay right yesterday okay if you've got physical evidence or is there CCTV proof where'd it happen Okay let's go interview him right now and if it wasn't really right oh we went to the club we got drunk she agreed to go back to my house we started having sex and then we carried on having sex and then we had sex and she didn't say anything wrong and then she texted me afterwards and I didn't text back and now she's saying I raped her the police would be like okay she's an idiot bye but no not in the West in the west you can tell them that exact story you're still [ __ ] you're [ __ ] in the west when people say why didn't Romania and I explain my five reasons one of them is the metoo era think oh well you're a rapist I say no I'm a [ __ ] rapist but I like the idea of being able to just say to do what I want I like being free okay let me just stop him right there they go oh but you're a rapist he says no I'm not a [ __ ] rapist I just like the idea of being able to do what I want the math isn't nothing here what what the [ __ ] are we even discussing this for with this guy why is this even coming up if you're not a rapist why is this even a thing do you know what I'm thinking about where I might like to live you know in the future I think about the weather you know I think about properties I don't think about where's the best place to get away with rape it's just not on the radar but for this guy 40 of the reason apparently at best this is [ __ ] weird at best okay so remember and Andrew I found his old website which has since been changed uh you might realize why once we start reading it why am I an expert on all male female interactions I've been running the webcam studio for nearly a decade I've had over 75 girls work for me and my business model is different than 99 of webcam Studio owners over 50 percent of my employees were actually my girlfriend at the time of all my girlfriends none were in the adult entertainment industry before they met me well well done you've uh you've really introduced them to the good life I really don't think this man understands what the word girlfriend actually means just to be clear my job was to get women to fall in love with me it's not really a job though is it literally that was my job my job was to meet a girl go on a few dates sleep with her test if she's quality whatever that means get her to fall in love with me to where she'd do anything I say and then get her on a webcam so we could become rich together whether you agree or disagree with what I did with their loyalty submission and love for me doesn't matter the courts might disagree on that I learned the most efficient way to meet girls get them through the dating process get them to bed test that they're a good girl or not I wonder what this test includes do you get them in the bed and you start passing them forms that I've written this up so if you could just fill in the yeah cross tick wherever okay it's a weird guy and then I begin the process of them falling deeper and deeper in love that is my skill to extremely efficiently get women in love with me that's it and no one else on the Internet is teaching this no one as you can see all these pictures of him in bed with women and whatever do you have a girl who completely trusts your decisions will do anything you say and loves you deeply yes or no if the answer is yes my advice just to be clear you might not want to listen to it just look after her maybe take her out uh share a good time make her feel loved maybe Mario have some kids live happily ever after just we'll just look at what Andrew says they'll wait there if your answer is yes then I guarantee 90 of you are lying to yourselves apparently I was wrong uh okay and ask yourselves if you've ever tested your belief if the answer is no you're missing out on one of life's great Pleasures I'm assuming by that he means by putting your lovely girlfriend on the internet for other men to wank off to I'm not sure if that's one of life's greatest Pleasures I've I've never done it so how would I know maybe I'm missing out on something great if you're too busy to get one good the PHD system was made for you if you're happy touching your own dick this power is not for you I cannot believe this man has literally got people like buying this like it's [ __ ] mental so what exactly do you get with the PHD program I will teach you how to text women how to build your social medias to pick up women best first dates to bring women on best follow-up dates how to approach women the framework that all male female interactions are based on how to test to save a woman is high quality my opening lines how to get women into bed I am the most capable man in the world to teach you this power I have a warning there's responsibility when you have someone completely loyal to you I've had some girls for over a decade when someone gives themselves to you their life path is in your hands be wise look like Spider-Man once said with great power comes great responsibility and when you have that power you put the girls on the webcam get the money for you actually I don't remember that one in Spider-Man it's funny that so in regards to human trafficking and people smuggling the term lover boys uh we've got a government definition for it so you can judge whether or not Andrew fits the description of what is a Loverboy human trafficker lover boy or raw me or pimps or human traffickers who usually operate by trying to make young girls or boys fall in love with them sometimes they manipulate young people in other ways once they have victims Under the Influence they exploit them for instance in the sex industry like webcoming traditionally a lover boy seduces young vulnerable girls over a lengthy period of time in order to exploit them sexually later on the internet and social media are playing an increasing role in this phenom phenomenon for instance social media provide lover boys with much greater scope for establishing contact with victims and gathering information about vulnerable boys and girls this makes it easier for them to force their young victims into the sex industry so does that sound like the method that Andrew Tate used on his own website I'd rather not say you know I'd rather you lot be the judge of it here is Andrew Tate sitting in the back of the police van looking a little cold not quite as luxurious as the Bugatti so these two women uh as you'll see right here give us a nice little smile are known as Andrew's two angels Georgiana and Luana and um they played quite an interesting role in this by the looks of it these are a better quality photographs uh Andrew might have taken himself who knows of the two women in question now they were hauled into custody accused of enslaving the Romanian and moldovan women to make sex films as well as traffic and women to the UK and the US for wealthy clients this might be more than just the web coming you know this might be arranging people to meet some of these victims in question one of them was a former Romanian police officer and I know that is an American citizen who is rumored to have dated Andrew Tate for almost a year the fact that one of them is a former police officer wow imagine the Intel that she will have on how to avoid the police and also just what that means for this entire case the pair dubtate angels are accused of helping coerce and control at least six women to take part in online pornographic videos and the operation was allegedly kept running smoothly with the aid of these two women now police saw said the women financially benefited and led a fantastic life before they fall from grace of course they would have done and think about their age 32 and 28 if they're in charge they're going to be older than a lot of these young girls who are getting involved in this one of them was a former police officer she's going to know exactly how to intimidate people and keep control of a situation she's perfect so according to this article these women were a very important part of this because they made sure that the women being held against their will did exactly as they were told and as it says here they lived a fantastic life which was not keeping with a real financial position so the money that they were spending does not add up to what they were doing so why were they getting paid so much money so if they say it's all true then these two angels were basically acting as The Galleon Maxwell for Andrew you know like Colleen used to be the go between uh between Jeffrey Epstein and his victims so that he didn't have to get his hands dirty he wouldn't have to always be the one to make the approach he could keep she could keep them in line she'd give them a warning so that's basically what these women would be doing again if this is true and later in this article there's also a few captions from women who've now come out and said yeah he messaged me he was really nice he became controlling and then he started telling me what to do saying I should obey him these again could be false it could be women just trying to get attention on social media but it's probably worth mentioning there is a video of Andrew Tate striking a woman during what he claimed was play um let's see if you agree I said when I said tell the camera did I say the word so I'll stop the video there because that was a hell of a slap now again he denies that this is serious he said it's it's play she's wearing lingerie which kind of leads into him saying that this is some sort of kinky game but that was that was a bad slap the clip I've actually found has another guy actually commenting on it and I'll I'll let you listen to what he thinks so he's breaking a [ __ ] right here this is pimp tactics he's getting them on such egg shells that they will evacuate and do exactly what he says you can call it a fetish all you want it's not a [ __ ] fetish it's how you break a [ __ ] this is a [ __ ] who works under him for money all right and he's and he beats her and then he gets her down and he beats her with a belt okay look at the camera did I say listen this [ __ ] is going on Tucker Carlson all right did I say it all right so now she's crying he's beating her with a belt she is [ __ ] crying as well this and that's where you're like okay if if you were getting off on this as the girl why would you be sobbing like that I'm really trying to remain like is is balanced as I can but this is insanity he did this with other men in the room he videotaped it and then he broadcasted it and told that's how you handle your horse his brother from what we are led to believe is the one holding the camera again his brother and him were the ones arrested for the for for allegedly the human trafficking the abuse and all of that now the girl in question has done a video claiming she was fine with it I just wanted to say something about the video that's been released recently about me and my ex-boyfriend Andrew Tate Andrew is my still great friend what you guys saw on the video it's just what we used to do it was just pure game he's a great guy he will never hurt anyone she herself is saying it was a game when you hear her sobbing and and being slapped in the face that hard it's really hard for me to connect these dots and and say that she is right in what she's saying what I do know on Andrew Tate's final thoughts of his website he said there's a responsibility when you have someone completely loyal to you I've had some girls for over a decade we don't know if this woman is still under some sort of Illusion that there's a relationship there or whatever and there is also a chance that she might be just saying this of our own free will it just doesn't look good in any way shape or form so since I recorded this video something else has actually come out on about Andrew Tate because two women have told Vice they were violently abused one being raped the other one repeatedly strangled by Andrew Tate and that the UK police and Crown prosecution service mishandled their case basically the police took four years to pass their investigation to the crown prosecution service whose job involves assessing whether there's a realistic possibility of conviction at which point the CPS declined the prosecute now again that does not mean he is guilty it does not mean he is Innocent but let's watch the video and see what the woman had to say we were just sitting on the bed and Andrew punched me in my arm I went to the bathroom and cried it really really hurt to have someone just hit me in the arm for no reason I was very confused sorry sorry I don't want to cry but as soon as he handed me my money I soon forgot about him hitting me and everything else and it was just like wow I've got all this money now like he would just pay me a flat fee of 15 pounds an hour which back then was fantastic when the girl says back then she's meaning uh in 2015 when these accusations were originally brought up again this was pre Andrew Tate being globally known there was no clout chasing from her in 2015 and agitate had no clue and she's still at this day hiding her identity so this isn't someone just looking to be a celebrity off the back of Andrew Tate whether you believe her or not that's up to you but I just think it's important to recognize that Andrew would call us lazy hose I saw him smack girls with a belt because she wanted a lion he used to he used to strangle was there was another time when he came into the bedroom me and the other girl we would sleep in the same bed with Andrew but at this time the girl had a partner so she was not interested in Andrew at all and I had gone to the shower I came back and I noticed he was I saw him raping her and um I don't know about you love but this is difficult to listen to you know this girl was 20 years old when she met this guy and you know you're trying to make extra money because minimum wage is the option so you're doing the web coming and trying to bring in more money and then this ends up being what she says was her reality and the emotions feel very real in our voice when and Andrew was arrested we were taken in for a proper interview and it kind of just got left I would send emails asking them to update I'd hear nothing back when we reached out to hartfordshire police about this they had this to say we acknowledge that there were some delays to the investigation four [ __ ] Year's worth Jesus Christ this was addressed at the time and apologies were made oh it's all right because the police apologized so it's fine don't worry about it you witnessed the rape occurring did that not count as evidence for them no and they openly said it's really really difficult to prove rape there are multiple women given their accounts here this is just one one woman who they've interviewed but the other woman has also backed her up obviously police officers have difficult jobs and it's not always easy just to prove something even when you have eyewitness accounts Etc but it's very disappointing here that this these allegations were made and and yet they just attract them like they weren't important like four years of waiting is staggering and time is of the essence in a lot of these kind of cases the other woman who was the one who was raped also gave a statement to Vice who said I hope and pray is finally arrested for his disgusting abuse and crimes against young women and I can finally exist without having to see and hear the person who degraded me and raped me all the internet and again I can't say whether or not Tate is guilty or Innocent but the amount of information out there linking him with this kind of behavior is staggering so to try and round this up I mean some of his fans out there believe that this is just the Matrix the government they're out to get him you know and I think about people who've really pushed the government people like Alex Jones who literally claimed 911 was an inside job for 20 years and is still out here doing videos with Kanye West Edward Snowden who leaked classified documents and I was doing podcasts with Joe Rogan people who really [ __ ] push the government you know Andrew Tate is nothing more than an Entertainer who's on every [ __ ] podcast who will have him on you know he's a bit of a celebrity but to insinuate that the reason he's being prosecuted by authorities is down to him challenging the mainstream media I think is so laughable in terms of whether he's guilty or not again I don't know but the man's been accused of something very very serious things like human trafficking and rape these charges carry 10 to 20 years and his tweet from prison you know I've watched Netflix documentaries where Syria killers and they're like they don't acknowledge anything to do with what they're accused of and they speak about themselves in a way that's delusional listen to this tweet I was made for battle a warrior of the light my enemies hope to attack me with lies they tried to destroy the family unit they tried to silence any loud opposition I refuse to leave fellow men in the dark someone needs to show them the light who better than Tate you've been arrested for [ __ ] human trafficking here this is the ramblings of an absolute narcissistic lunatic to me but to put that tweet out when that's what you've been accused of subsequently mental so I'll leave it at that um obviously his Defenders will be there in the comments battling hard defending the soldier of the light but hopefully some of you Common Sense folk out there will have your own minds uh to make up we'll see what happens I'm sure you'll probably get out uh because the guy's got a lot of money and whatever happens I just hope that there's Justice and that uh if there are if there are victims out there that they are looked after don't forget to hit the like button subscribe thanks for watching and I'll see you later [Music]
Channel: True Geordie
Views: 589,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andrew Tate, Tate, Andrew Tate arrested, Romania, Vice, True Geordie, Greta Thunberg, Andrew Tate pizza, Andrew Tate evidence, Andrew Tate videos, Top G, The War Room, Tate speech, Adin Ross, Tate confidential, The Matrix, Andrew Tate investigation, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, H3 Podcast, Bruce Rivers, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, KSI, Coffeezilla, Crypto, Coffeehouse Crime, Dreading, Crime, Eleanor Neale
Id: zJ4wJH1260E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 14sec (1874 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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