Andrew Garfield Responds to Fans on the Internet | Actually Me | GQ

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"I'm done, we'll find out when the movie comes out and we'll either either very disappointed or very happy"

I know I'll be very happy when you show up Andrew!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1693 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Vishion-8 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Gotta give it to him. He’s an absolutely amazing liar. If it wasn’t for all the proof, I’d definitely believe him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1023 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nhtidmore πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just 4 weeks left Andrew, you got this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 788 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Tobey is the real winner of this, since the fact he's been semi-retired and has nothing else to promote right now means he's the one person among them who doesn't need to deal with this constantly.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 546 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ContinuumGuy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

love the end where he throws in the fact he thinks the Tasm2 suit is the best.

Gee wonder why ...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 359 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/julianchandler πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Andrew: "I'm not in Spiderman!" Benedict Cumberbatch: "I am not in Doctor Strange" Elizabeth Olsen: "I'm not in WandaVision"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 347 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/legitlylightlol πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I know I say this about a lot of people but I would truly suck Andrew's dick.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 260 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FckYouFundie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Andrew may have been the only person disappointed by the trailer… Sony needs to let him free

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 238 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JohannSchmidt1943 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Andrew loves Tobey's Spider-Man most, laughs at ridiculous Spider-Man discourse and knows Spidey hates Tony Stark... can this man get any more perfect?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 201 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EggBenedict2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi it's me i'm andrew garfield and i'm about to go undercover on the internet it's actually me [Music] what do you think about andrew garfield 10 years from now this is like a matthew mcconaughey question didn't he do that at the oscars he was like do you want to thank my hero it's me 10 years from now it's like cool that's amazing what a resource to be able to go yeah me that's great i'm down with that wikipedia sorry wikipedia it's wikipedia garfield was a gymnast this swimmer during his early years was also an avid philate fellatious i don't know about this is it is it's pronounced philatelist and that's a stamp collector because fellatialist sounds like a different story that i'm not comfortable talking about this is a strange thing i've been asked a lot about it recently so what's the almost prize stamp i'm like what i'm not i'm not a stamp collector oh yes gymnastics swimmer i was ranked third in the under 13s 100 meter butterfly in the southern counties of england also ranked third as british schools gymnastics under 13s one day in training my russian 200 pound gymnastics coach was sitting on my back doing a box split and i thought this is this is not childhood this is some form of torture that i wasn't comfortable continuing posted arachnologists yuri m marusik and ali reza zamani honored garfield's portrayal of the role of spider-man by naming a new species of crevice weaver spider preether garfield i after him i believe that's true pretty cool garfield it's like it makes me sound it's a kind of italian but my original name was garfinkel like my family's name was garfinkel so it's funny from garfinkel to garfield to garfield garfield garfield eye maybe he's garfield eyes it's latin never mind having completed the spiritual exercises of ignatius of loyola for silence he said what was really easy was falling in love with this person was falling in love with jesus christ that was the most surprising thing i'm surprised to read it and it's the truth i i had a very different relationship with the concept of christ and i'm pleased to say that i like him i love him i would go so far as saying he's a pretty brilliant man when he was alive and still remains an amazing spiritual symbol of simple stuff you know like goodness loving thy neighbor doing unto others as you would have them do unto you apply uh reddit reddit ready for reddit i'm not ready for reddit alright so this is the ticktickboom official teaser complex sapien 20 says wtf question mark andrew garfield can sing yeah yes define sing yeah sure i can i'm not tone deaf and i trained a lot for this and it took me about a year and a half to get my chops up as it were and i had a lot of help and support and a coach and i've always wanted to learn how to sing properly and and this was definitely the opportunity to do that replied you fat and stupid says once with andrew garfield simultaneously starring in two based on true story pro christians said in japan movies silence and hacksaw ridge what's with that what's with andrew garfield doing this what right does he have who does he think he is doing films that are set in japan two in a row and about christianity wha what's what's his deal why are you angry at me you fat and stupid like i'm not calling you fat and stupid i'm just calling you by your name um don't do it why like it's my choice my life it just happened that way there were these two projects that i read they both happened to be set in japan i happen to play a catholic and a seventh-day adventist in both there are spiritual quest things and they've just appealed to me you've got better things to do than like debate with yourself or other people who don't care about what i'm doing with my life what are you doing with your life you fat and stupid you're not a fan stupid you're sweet you're probably a sweet person if we were in the room together we would have a nice conversation but this is not the way to talk about to me about my life and my work love you next there's a picture of me as a child and i'm wearing a little spiderman costume that my mother made for me out of felt and it's epic since everyone is discussing suit ideas might i say this suit being worn by a kid andrew garfield is my pick my mother would be very very complimented by that i agree this that would be the coolest my mother's felt suit awesome twitter it's me for real seriously tomi aguaya was the best peter parker he was not a good spider-man though he's got the best spider-man but was way too cool to be peter parker tom holland is just the average for both which makes him the best because he's the only one that is decent at both okay cool man fine whatever like cool that's your opinion bro climb a tree toby is my favorite right because that's my childhood i think i watched that first spider-man film back to back like three times with my friend terry mcginnis and we were just incredibly high and we would like prac we would like do the lines to each other and he just was cracking up in my face saying you'll never play spider-man and uh and now sam now sam here we are [Music] at genghis khan 17 says someone put the idea of andrew garfield playing joker for patton since batman and i was watching the social network mainstream and silence i have to say i'm very interested in seeing him be a joker no no way i wouldn't go near it would not go near it but sweet of you to think that it's possible that i don't think i could ever do it because of what heath did what jack nicholson did and but then of course joaquin's just like did his own genius thing uh holly berry underscore 24 says how does andrew gotham still have a voice at the end of angels in america part one so much shouting crying face yes i don't know how i did it how anyone does that play it's it's it's a crazy play and the angel comes in and has sex with me and yeah wild that would make sense to people who have seen the play otherwise you're going to be confused by that at nate fleming says i would love to know how andrew goffel makes his acting choices he's playing jim baker in the new film he played a priest in science he played the devout soldier in hacksaw rich i wonder why he's drawn to these roles you know i like to stretch i like to stretch my consciousness and i like to feel as much empathy for as many people alive as possible and i think that's what pretty what draws me to this range of people i like to feel like i'm being challenged that's that's just me i feel like stephen colbert will be a great kisser i wonder if andrew garfield thought so too yeah now on to cora now to quora now on to quora why does andrew gravel appear on television shows talking with a british accent it's just to to to keep you on your toes it's because i'm english like why would no people do do that though don't they like madonna has this weird and didn't britney spears for a while have a british accent my father's american um so i have had his semi-weird hybrid british american accent in my year or my life so maybe that's why i have easier time getting into an american accent but yeah no i um this is my accent or is it no it is how would mcu iron man treat andrew garfield spider-man i that everything andrew garfield spider-man would be pretty suspect of mcu-iron man i think he would be a little turned off by the excess the billionaire trillionaire status of iron man i think it would rub my version of spider-man the wrong way but you know maybe there could be some influence there maybe my peter parker could wake tony stark up to his own egoic drives a little bit we'll never know literally never know what do i think about andrew garfield 10 years from now hmm god i don't want to go into existential crisis on camera so stop it cora i i think i'll have children at that point i don't want to be too old and have children i'll be tired i'll i will be 48. that's all that's all i'm gonna say that's that's a terrifying concept it's actually me was andrew garfield so meth at the social network that he doesn't have any social media i had a facebook page for like a month and then we did that film and i instinctively just deleted it and everything else i have a feeling so i'm thankful for that experience for many reasons but also because it kept me off of um that hell hole what influenced andrew garfield to become an actor to be honest it came from a period of real lostness when i was a kid and i kind of let everything fall away i gave up the gymnastics i gave up the swimming i was escape punk kid listening to rage against the machine and bc boys and like watching skate videos and smoking too much weed and i was lost i was like a lost angsty kid i was like this can't be it this can't be what life is it can't just be the stuff that you're a doctor or you're a lawyer or you're in business and otherwise you're kind of like whatever like like the arts just weren't a thing one value i always loved movies i'd never been to the theater and then it was my mother my mother was like have you thought about something creative and artistic because she could tell i was struggling and i tried everything i tried painting sculpting music everything it was fine but then the last thing i think i tried was the theater a theater class outside of school and that's all and that's that was it it was like the doors of perception opened up and i was like oh this is where this is where this is where it's at for me youtube top 10 pivotal moments from the social network spinstazz says the acting here is that much more amazing when you think about how fincher made them do it millions of times and usually salk in demands word for word how do these actors do it so there's something about how fincher works where actually doing it millions of times means you you you have it in your bones and in your body in such a deep way that you don't have to think anymore and you're just present with your fellow scene partner and it creates these very lived-in simple truthful performances and then you're working opposite great actors like jesse eisenberg and you just tune into each other and it becomes this alive unconscious kind of dance you know when you repeat a word over and over again it becomes meaningless and then like you lose yourself like that's what finch is looking for so actually there's a method to that madness [Music] god damn it jimmy why didn't you ask him about the video instead of the photo i'd love to see what he'd come up with to dodge that this is about um this um this spider-man photoshop thing um that we talked about on jimmy fallon listen at this point people just ha like i'm i'm done like we'll all find out when the movie comes out and we'll either be very disappointed or we'll be very happy or like someone will say i told you so another person will say but i told you so we'll all find out i'm sorry in advance next all right take talk now i actually i don't have tiktok i i actually don't have any of these or i might have instagram but it's like secret i have like one follower and it's like my best friend and we just share like pig videos or whatever it's actually me so we have an image it's of three spiderman suits toby's mine and tom hollands andrew garfield 83 says which one do you think had the best suit um i out of these three i actually like tom's one the best but i like the one for amazing spider-man 2 the best i think as well all right i don't want to do any more um that was lovely though i had a good time thanks for coming along on this wild ride see you next time on this this thing bye forever
Channel: GQ
Views: 5,282,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: actually me, andrew garfield, andrew garfield 2021, andrew garfield actually me, andrew garfield answers, andrew garfield fans, andrew garfield goes undercover, andrew garfield gq, andrew garfield instagram, andrew garfield interview, andrew garfield reddit, andrew garfield responds, andrew garfield twitter, andrew garfield undercover, gq, gq magazine, gqactuallyme, spider-man, spiderman, undercover, undercover celeb, undercover celebrity, undercover on the internet
Id: J8ZOttyAs9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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