What was so scary about Tesla’s ideas? | Decoded

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the theories of energy by nikola tesla have been revolutionary to say the least but for some mysterious reason history does not dwell enough on his story the us government sat on tesla's entire estate for 10 years did they keep any of his papers i read that some people claim that tesla saw the great pyramid as a power generator all the pyramids had an explosion and maybe all at the same time did you know that the word pirro mean in latin means fire in the middle crashed into one of the towers [Music] [Applause] [Music] before tesla you could only send electricity one mile just for lighting after tesla you could run factories for 500 600 miles in all directions if they get a story and they repeat it over and over they have no proof of any of it they never found a mummy in a pyramid did nikola tesla find the secret to unlimited energy and is there a plot to hide his findings energy the ultimate power when i think about it i find that most wars that have been waged in the past years have been about the control of what provides energy and if i'm to talk about energy then i must mention nikola tesla i still remember my physics teacher at school saying that tesla was an exceptional genius whose work is behind many important inventions the story of energy might be quite mysterious tesla was a scientist but some people say that he was mystical they claim he believed the egyptian great pyramids were key to limitless energy an energy that could be distributed to everyone in the world for free he was a controversial personality even after his death they say that after he died alone in his hotel room in new york the fbi confiscated all his belongings taking all his documents with them and for many years they say they were classified and even until now many people claim there are documents missing who was nikola tesla was he really a genius what is the difference between him and the famous inventor thomas edison i think the best person to answer this is dr mark safer writer and university lecturer who also authored the book wizard the life and times of nikola tesla hi mark thank you for meeting me thank you the first question i have is who was nikola tesla nikola tesler was born in 1856 in smilian croatia he studied at the university of graz which was like the mit of austria in those days he was a mathematical genius and he eventually moved to the united states to work for tom edison things didn't work out too well and then he moved out on his own can you tell me what was his greatest accomplishments and i don't think it's just one i think there's at least three major inventions the first is the induction motor and what tesla figured out was how to harness alternating current before tesla you could only send electricity one mile power dropping off over distance just for lighting after tesla you could put a one uh hydroelectric power system he's the inventor of the hydroelectric power system and you could you could run factories before 500 600 miles in all directions he also invented wireless communication he invented what became the radio and cell phone technology the ability to multiply frequencies and created an unlimited number of wireless channels we talk about hertz waves but they're not really hurts waves they're tesla waves all of our computer systems uh run on the binary code and he really is the forerunner to all that so i think those are his three major inventions that's really big in your opinion what makes him different from other inventors like edison for example in general edison built better mouse traps the light bulb existed before edison perfected the light bulb motion picture cameras existed he built the best one tesla himself distinguished from edison because tesla said i discovered new principles he was able to transmit voice by means of wireless communication that was a new principle one of tesla's most spectacular projects was the warden cliff tower that was in new york with it he wanted to send wireless electricity across the globe what can you tell me about tesla's towers it's a very sad story in in 1898 he was doing big experiments in downtown new york city and it was scary so he moved all the way out to colorado to to test his wireless uh inventions and met with jp morgan and morgan gave him 150 000 to uh build a tower tesla read an article that marconi was using his equipment and he freaked out so he doubled the size of the tower because he figured i'm not gonna just send impulses from new york to london if i build a tower twice that high they can send it all over the world and morgan make even more money so morgan was in europe at the time and when morgan returned he found out that tesla ran out of money but he'd also doubled the size of the tower from 90 feet to 180 feet so that was one of the reasons morgan pulled the funding but morgan didn't just pull the funding he blocked other investors and the reason he blocked tesla i think is because he was partly afraid that maybe tesla was right maybe you could send electrical power without wires and morgan had rubber plantations you know you have the rubber around the wires he had copper mines he had lumber yards he wanted telephone poles he wanted wires he wanted to sell copper he wanted to sell rubber after tesla died what happened to his inventions and documents and manuscripts the us government sat on tesla's entire estate for 10 years so from 1943 to about 1952 until they finally released it and now his estate is in belgrade and the question that you're really asking is did they keep any of his papers i don't know if they did and it wouldn't surprise me if indeed that has occurred i read that some people claim that tesla saw the great pyramid as a power generator they say that he built his tower that generates power from nature using the same engineering principles as the ones used to build the great pyramid have you considered that this could be nonsense this is a good question of course and i may just know someone who could answer it why are there people who believe there is a strong connection between the great pyramids and great energy the film producer and director carmen bolter made a five-part documentary titled the pyramid code which focuses on the pyramids and other ancient structures in egypt i watched this documentary series to search for new information nikola tesla sought to provide the world with free wireless electricity for everybody on earth he discovered that electricity occurred naturally throughout the earth's atmosphere and ground this energy was not the kind of energy that we have that pollutes it was a completely passive energy that had no byproducts if the pyramid fields and the network of underground tunnels are still there why don't they generate energy the way they used to what did tesla see in the pyramids other than they are giant tombs i'd like to ask carmen this question hi carmen carmen can you explain to me why do you think the great pyramids of giza in egypt were not tombs it has nothing to do with that and they keep repeating they get a story and they repeat it over and over and they get the students to repeat it to get their mark to get out of college and none of it they have no proof of any of it they never found a mummy in a pyramid why do you think they were power generators christopher dunn has shown how the pyramids could have been used as energy plant he's written several books uh the giza power plant he's an engineer and so his research isn't psychic and you know esoteric in any way it's mechanical and he's done a very good job of showing how energy could have been collected and that's what part of the weird chemical marks that you see [Music] all the pyramids had an explosion and maybe all at the same time and huge cracks are in these stones that are like 300 tons you know so how do you crack through the entire stone without this force and in the great pyramid in the king's chamber there's like a crack in the wall and the side of the sarcophagus is blown right off and that's like four inches thick of pure granite which is very hard so if we went in there with sledgehammers and 100 people we couldn't break it that way it's funny that you say that because did you know that the word piro mead in latin means fire in the middle [Music] did tesla use ancient egyptian theories in his work is there a similarity between tesla's towers of wireless energy and the pyramids danny kerr has done a lot of research on the pyramids and energy he may have some answers hi danny how do you think the pyramids generated energy i went to look at the inside of the great pyramid and try and figure out how it worked and what i realized was there was a gentleman named john cadman he's a hydrologist and he had shown that the great pyramid couldn't be like a pulse generator he showed how the it created water hammer and could pump water when i first saw his theory i realized right away that the granite plugs that are in the start of the ascending passages that those would move the pyramids uh had perimeter walls around them and i didn't know this before and it's accepted by egyptologists and they say it was to keep thieves out and what he was saying was it was to keep water in that was really interesting and so the water level of the pyramid would be above the uh ascending passage girdle stones and so the water would have built up above them the second you start a pulse inside it pushes water up and from there the pressure increase just did work on the king's chamber then once i um i just started to investigate how a motor would work that like this um with a pressure change inside came across thermo-acoustic engines can you now please tell me similarities between tesla's warden cliff tower and the giza pyramids apparently tesla said his warden cliff tower uh he was using a longitudinal wave or he was outputting a longitudinal electric wave and technically it's not possible no one's figured that out in the pyramids they're producing loud vibrations that mix to produce longitudinal waves it's very similar also the pyramids in egypt and the warden cliff tower are both built on aquifers with the warning cliff tower the water was there to aid the grounding he was transmitting through ground and the water lowered the resistance in the ground and made it a conductor the pyramids that's also the case not only are they water powered they are built above an aquifer and they had uh they were satin pools we think tesla's warning clefthouse was low frequency so is a great pyramid that's another similarity both have the capability to transmit worldwide it seems that there can be a similarity in principles between the energy tower built by tesla and the great pyramids built by ancient egyptians could this be a coincidence and why has there been no one until today who tried using this technology these are questions that require another journey to search for answers [Music] energy is simply power that's why i see the most important structures today are not palaces or skyscrapers or cemeteries i think structures like dams oil rigs and nuclear power plants are the most important because these are the factories of energy hence power yet when we look at the great pyramids of giza are we supposed to think they were no more than giant tombs if financing tesla hadn't stopped he could have succeeded in providing the world with clean energy at low cost does that mean tesla could have changed the world [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Al Jazeera English
Views: 4,482,589
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Keywords: al jazeera live, al jazeera english, al jazeera, Al Jazeera English, Al Jazeera, aljazeera English, aljazeera live, aljazeera live news, al jazeera video, decoded, the digital series, aljazeera digital series, tesla, energy, battery, tesla news, tesla stock, tesla model 3, wakim wissam, scary about tesla idea, Pyramid of Giza, Nikola Tesla, aljazeera news, save energy, saving ennery, solar pannel, voltaic cell
Id: jaPMEjaV3EM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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