Ancient Boat With Biblical Connections Uncovered - Unearthed - The Jesus Boat

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the Sea of Galilee 2,000 years ago this was the home of Jesus and His disciples fishermen that many would argue changed the world today the Sea of Galilee is a major attraction for Christian pilgrims from all walks of life and every part of the world who have come to see and experience the land of their Savior it is also home for two brothers Yuval and Moshe a loofah and what some are calling the archaeological find of the century a 2000 year old boat that has been nicknamed the Jesus boat [Music] the Sea of Galilee Israel's largest freshwater lake is the lowest freshwater lake in the world at 209 metres below sea level today the Sea of Galilee or as it's known by Israelis the Lake Kinneret is the main source of water for Israel it is a tourist destination for locals and foreigners who have come to experience the Galilee's many historical and spiritual sites the Sea of Galilee has a rich history from ancient times yet is perhaps most famous because of one of its residents from 2,000 years ago it is here that the New Testament of the Bible tells many stories of Jesus and His disciples Yuval and Moshe a second generation fishermen grew up in the Galilee and spend much of their free time searching the banks of the lake Anna McGill notes a effectively yo taco loco wave albert Iranian ot Aconitum - alpha Shannon without the toka became at satyam only the volume sexual in Lizzie 1986 the water level in the Sea of Galilee was unusually low you valen ma che who claimed to be amateur archaeologists took the opportunity to do some exploring hoping to find something Yamaha chose B Hoffman amygdala Ginoza Hoff mama said she royal option de ville moyenne matzah meteo that occurred alfe nashit of mobility coq au dota Romeo tremolo mes permit by authors better fish cannot the world the hidayah mean Allenby a hot van annoying Allah Allah Allah I'm a smell an acoustic limit of the mesmero me on himakajima hey comma centimeter Hado the same centimeter vodka daughter Vanessa Hawaii Mizzou the kupuna de la marine say may you be rooted better may Gilliland Uchiyama serie Fe Adonis is the mushroom Roy Helu la la da TT Allah Watchmen ahora Cherokee - AHA Janet Cola sriracha Latasha Mahavira the flawless hablo la tierra moshe harush lemma the brothers not yet sure of what they have found place a call to the office of marine archaeologist kurt Ravi and Shelly Waxman who are busy themselves excavating shipwrecks off the Mediterranean coast we came in the office and there was this message from the guys here and we found something please come sit and check it so the next day we would come here and alway already going down e from the hill and we were joking because on the way you have this note that you go beyond sea level okay so we start ready joking well if it's a shipwreck we're gonna have a funny excavation because this is gonna be the lowest shipwreck 240 meters and the water level and Mediterranean water level and still in dryland excavation so it's gonna be something very unusual how unusually we didn't know by then but it was already we're feeling already that something is going to having searched the Sea of Galilee before Kurt was sceptical the brothers had really found anything of importance we met those guys here and they took us to the site before that we had coffee and we drew exactly what we have to look for next time that they just don't call us just like that you know just check if it's really Asian otherwise it's a pity we come all the way from the Mediterranean and when we came to the site we were flabbergasted you know and I know just what we were drawn in the cafeteria was they're laying forests and okay that blew our minds from that moment we knew our life will never be the same the brothers had discovered an ancient boat could these remains be from the time of Jesus extremely low water in the Sea of Galilee gave two brothers an opportunity to explore what is usually hidden by water and mud finding some pieces of wood and what appeared to be ancient nails Yuval and Moshe called marine archaeologist Kurt Ravi for help we met the two brothers here like the disciples you know the two Jewish fisherman the locals and they took us to the site I option a little coat Vasily give a bow ma get miletti oats Lela milometer Muhammad slow-solid amok in a retired as a Lahaul imamo b'seder Ginola Shama mm wanna Anunnaki Amir a colossal a centimeter Dibble shallots Amman she Attica Niko is a very Mickey Lolich Ford's Matata MC errotica a llama llama Pablo to vacate relationship efforts Nuala Jeep Logano dodgy pegasi me sick Sasha a mesh Piazza Keshet shitake shockula chef chai Allah God vaca kajita covalent valemar no a/c rhizotomy a cerrado jihad lemme show Mom we certainly got this double rainbow ball coming on on the side and we just blew our mind because the rain starts pouring after all those years of draught and it was like a blessing you know from heaven they say that you guys go ahead you got and from that moment became a madhouse word quickly spread about this amazing find people from all over began swarming the site rumors the boat was filled with gold prompted both the police and the military to guard the wreck and camera crews from around the globe began to document every aspect of the dig it's certainly the only excavation that I've ever done which was recorded by dozens of television stations all around the world I think it's the best recorded the excavation effort we couldn't move anywhere do anything there were television council it was a tourist site from day one people were crowding around it we needed police and military to keep the people away from the site it was all excavation with an ice cream vendor and hot dog stands and everything around it I mean never have seen like it and 30 years in this business I've never seen something like with the entire world watching their every move they began their dig without any preparations people from all over began helping doing whatever needed to be done realizing how fragile this boat was they called conservationists or Anna Cohen who at first was very skeptical of course I told them no way to find them both of the lake it's the Sea of Galilee because it's a freshwater lake lot of bacterial activity nothing survived there are more than few years they insisted for some reason so I came and surprisingly it was about once we started to excavate the boat immediately we saw it's in a big dangerous it was very warm it's the wood starts to dry and once it rides deformed and fall to pieces it crumbles to pieces of course also the strength of the wood it's not like fresh wood it was like sponge it didn't hold its own weight so we had to put supports for the so the challenge first to excavate to clear it to record it and then to move it to a new place where the conservation will take place or something like that this was an amazing challenge cause all the expert for delicate the shipment and stuff like that that we called an engineer for delicate things all said in the timetable you are giving us it's impossible racing against the rising waters of the lake the team of volunteers and locals work quickly to build dikes around the site it wasn't long before artifacts were recovered that could possibly help identify and date the wreck we found the cooking pot and an oil lamp from the Roman times we got something that exists already for many years but finally here is the proof what I mean would exist for thousands of years there were depictions of it on mosaics on glass and windows on paint it's michelin's Hello Dolly Rembrandt everyone painted at Galilee both already and living any sub-conscience of all the Christians around the world but it's never one fountain it found from every like every see around the world they found shipwrecks just not here okay the holiest sea and so here we got finally boat from the time exactly on that place where it all happened what the brothers had found in the mud of the Sea of Galilee was a fishing boat just like the boats described in the Bible could Jesus have used this boat working around the clock in the Sea of Galilee the team suspected the boat there're unearthing maybe an ancient fishing boat as more of the boat was uncovered and found intact they realized it resembled an ancient mosaic that had been discovered at the ruins of the biblical town of McDowell which was just a few kilometers away 2,000 years ago fishing was a thriving industry in the Galilee region much of what we know today of ancient fishing comes from the New Testament Gospels during the time of Jesus many wooden boats would have daily taken to the sea powered by sails and oars these small crafts could hold 13 to 15 people the Sea of Galilee and fishing are key elements in the accounts of the life of Jesus some of his disciples were fishermen and many of his miracles were performed around the Sea of Galilee the unearthed team decided to go to McDowell this ancient mosaic was recovered and learn more about McDowell's role in the fishing community 2,000 years ago al tempo de su Magdala era una della Pugh importante de la cosa dentally De Lago Noma Semitic Oh McDonough ya registrado dalla faulty breaker in particular en el Mishnah and Talmud a very târgu in particular Gunda jerusalem remonda a well mentality Vita economic approach apologetic era la pesca McDonough a fatty significant at hora de peche Giuseppe Flavio sappy amo que la Chitauri Magdala chaos Madeira con Taba Cuarenta Mila Vuitton T era do Tata import oh um grande Porto probablemente questa tour de peche advisor El Faro posición Otto Oh strategic Amenti Alan Grasso Del Posto al quie inter no sim / bono diversity nya deepest Karachi bark de pesca t'challa Pesce the wave our presentations Ultron industry principally as the world watched the shape of the boat was slowly being revealed but this excavation had started so quickly the team was unprepared and were forced to improvise in order to move the boat before the sea reclaimed it all we had was a jeep a few buckets and a few shuffles and go and excavate the nation boat which is actually 90 more than 99% itself water locked so can hardly hold his own weight so that everything was mission impossible and that's why those we excavated many shipwrecks even older ones interact more interesting ones but nothing was so special as this one it was mission impossible from the first day when we needed needles to put the number text on it cause we were sure at one point would the same disintegrate and we won't know anymore what's connect with what we put on text but we can't do it we even need rest rests new free nails for that so suddenly somebody got an idea to use cactus needles that we're growing a few metres from us you know so we're just clipping all day with scissors Catholics we learn and that way we overcame that problem to take the boat out with another problem because the water level rose in the time so like good Dutch we build dikes around it but in the end we couldn't get it ashore anymore so we're surrounded over an island preserving the wood and moving the boat appeared to be virtually impossible until orna Cohen came up with an ingenious plan for this we decide to use something very unusual it's called polyurethane foam you blow it to the place it immediately got the strong stiff enough to hold and support the wood and then you can go on excavating around it and to moon so once we came with this solution the things went very quickly encasing the entire vessel with a spray on foam polyurethane the team was then able to protect the wood and remove the boat from its muddy grave this stage another question raised how we are going to move it from the site to the museum we had been offered an le copter from the Army we thought about the track going along the shores things like that but the most obvious thing was to just sail it on the lake the polyurethane shall not only protected the wood it also acted as a float and after 2,000 years at the bottom of the Sea of Galilee the boat sailed again after successfully excavating the 2000 year old fishing boat from its grave the team discovered the polyurethane shell they had encased the wreck in would allow it to float for the first time in 2000 years the boat sailed again and even carried a passenger once we finish to package the boat and to when we start to sail it to move it to the conservation area someone had to sit on top of the worry to stable it to see that they all this package won't turn off and so I set on it to stable things then it was moving slowly on the lake it was very exciting of course thinking that I'm probably the only person who sells this boat after 2,000 years and probably the last one to today the boat is on display in the Yigal Allon center on the shores of the Sea of Galilee visitors from all over the world and from all walks of life come to visit the boat and imagine for a moment what life was like during the time of Jesus it was in the time of the galilee war that we were in fighting in lebanon also me and the brothers just in that period when the whole world only heard about israel about bad things war and destruction things like that suddenly we had something positive something good something not connection to the Palestinian problem or army or destruction or politics over that just something good for everyone and either if you are Christian or not mean everybody was excited about the discovery about the recovery about the preservation everything in itself as a miracle and so finally there was some good news out of this region I think that's one of the if we manage to do that it's good enough for the brothers motion you vow who discovered about more than 20 years ago this is the fulfillment of a dream come upon me o to Vega she met Anita sirrah abortional Anoeta high-valued on itachi uchiha Subala kilala k nagasato vamos lá lá level is a schemata tota avante g VAR ka gamma h au SE Rosati ebay ATM yes Boozman voici ma che him Hashanah at kolaveri met ova anonymous 11 ocarinas see rata shallow little share shaken Olaf o oz amygdala action in Solano emotions sera Sheila I'm Vicky mattiyahu Bonnie beret gashicon Olaf Oh Emmet stuff you lay low vassula no Lavrov as even OSHA sarado Tisdale osteotomy reverse sear at Vassar at national to the brothers it is the boat of peace but many people around the world call it the Jesus boat what does this boat do for Christian faith well for Biblical Archaeology is of course is one of the major finds I mean yes we have a lot of archaeology here we have a very few relics that exactly can be indentified from a certain time at that time from that place so here this became really a relic it's like you're welling wall most of the places here or churches that actually built much later on a site that someone decided this must be it but no archaeological evidence and here you can affect your fact this is about from the time from that place from those events if Jesus used it or not at that period were about 600 of those fishing boats around here so we have a one in six hundred percent chance but it's not important you know this is how they look like it's from the time and this is only what we got so that's the closest we can get that's enough for science the nickname Jesus well we never count well it's from the types of Jesus the boat from the time of Jesus gives us a glimpse back into one of the most interesting times in history and helps us imagine what his life was like and reminds us of his message of peace the discovery of this boat has forever changed this region and the lives of those who helped deliver her from her watery tomb the Jesus boat is another fascinating remnant of Jewish history that has been unearthed in Israel's ancient soil [Music] [Applause]
Channel: TOP BOX TV
Views: 2,274,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unearthed series, jesus boat, archaeological evidence of jesus, jesus evidence, galilee boat, sea of galilee boat, ancient galilee boat, israel archeology, sea of galilee drying up, jesus boat museum, israel archeology discovery, biblical history, bible documentary, archaeology, archaeological discoveries, famous archaeology sites, the jesus boat, sea of galilee, the jesus boat revealed, the jesus boat documentary, jesus boat movie, jesus boat story, archaeology documentary
Id: OLDhKvD6ueQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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