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edfu Egypt April 2018. egyptologist Rami Romani has invited author and researcher Andrew Collins to join him on a visit to one of the most impressive and best preserved shrines in Egypt the Temple of edfu located on the West Bank of the Nile 465 miles south of Cairo look at this Temple this is like my most favorite facade in all of the temples of ancient Egypt according to mainstream archaeologists edfu is believed to have been built sometime between 237 and 57 BC it is dedicated to the falcon-headed god Horus this Temple was one of the Lost Temples that was ever built in ancient Egypt during the Roman times when they built that Temple they were like we want to preserve the stories so let's gather all the mythology of ancient Egypt and try to put it in one Temple it took 150 years to make this happen and then finally we have the book of ancient Egyptian mythology it's right in front of us on all these walls every wall is absolutely covered in hieroglyphs and images not only of the foundation of ancient Egypt and the first temple but also how the world came into being how Egypt came into being How the Universe was essentially founded in the first place I mean there's just so much here the most sacred part of Advil is its inner sanctum featuring a 12 foot tall Granite Stone [Music] this is it right here this is how it all began every symbol every text every little drawing in here represents the most sacred thing for ancient Egyptians the question that humans now still ask themselves how did it all began what created us what every religion talks about it scientists tries to figure out each Egyptians had an answer and it was right there [Music] top of this is the pyrimidian that pyramidian is the Primeval Mound that appeared in the middle of the marches where all the gods came and landed on for the first time to start creating Humanity this is the beginning of humanity in the pyramidian it's almost like a miniature of what we see a Giza with the Great Pyramid which is so fascinating because what we have here is a focus of all of these chapels finishing with with this credible structure pointing towards the Stars it's actually pointing towards the origins of the Gods themselves there's another piece of evidence here that you might like this is the boat or a symbol of the boat that they believed the gods came on to the first primeval Stone first primeval Mound the gods would have arrived on this ship so it's all here in this Sanctuary the whole story of Humanity's beginning you know its place in the stars and how it arrived here in the first place this to me strongly suggests that they were aware that our Origins were found amongst the stars who couldn't just simply be humans trying to make religions explain what science can't explain but I don't think it's about religion this is about cosmology an ancient cosmology that we're now beginning to understand for the first time within science we can now essentially say that the idea that life came from the stars is almost certainly a reality whether it came here or on a meteorite or whatever somehow the ancient Egyptians knew this [Applause] Central America here in Western Honduras lie the impressive ruins of the Ancient Maya city of kopan and though kopan's temples pyramids and monuments rank among the most important of any Mayan sites researchers looking to explain the incredible achievements of the Maya have been drawn to a 72-step structure known as the hieroglyphic stairway the hieroglyphic stairway at kopan was constructed in the early 700s A.D with the intent of writing out the history of Copan at that time and so it was designed as a public monument to the glory and success of all the kings from Yash kukumo all the way to the 13th one who commissioned it to be built carved into 1200 stones in the massive Monument the ancient Maya symbols known as glyphs make up what historians believe is one of the oldest and most sophisticated systems of writing but for centuries the glyphs found throughout mesoamerica were undecipherable then in 1880 German librarian and Anthropologist Ernst fortsman cracked the code Ernst forsteman was a librarian at Dresden and in his desk he kept one of the four Maya books The Dresden Codex he was a brilliant mathematician and extremely logical and had enormous insights and at a time when we couldn't read a single Maya hieroglyph he was able to figure out the Maya calligraphy writing is very robust and that's because it uses really two components there are low graphs low graphs are really pictures that represent entire words so balam for example which is Jaguar could be written with just the head of a Jaguar on the other we have these things that we call phonetic complements and these are glyphs they're images that represent sounds according to interpretations of the hieroglyphic stairway the glyphs Chronicle not only the history but also the origin of the Ancient Maya rulers the hieroglyphs are really attached to the what was important to royalty at the time and that was lineage and the genealogies of the Kings they went out of their way to demonstrate how they were connected to their ancestors and the gods of their ancestors to establish their right to rule this is a picture I took of the of a close-up of a sculpture of washak Legend uba wheel the 13th ruler of kopan and he's depicted here on the front in all of his finery and then the sculptor put a hieroglyphic passage on the side we don't think commoners could read but all the elites could and the King could so he or another Elite individual could come here and impress people by saying this demonstrates the semi Divinity of our King and his power to intercede between us and the heavens what was the real source of power and authority behind the Maya priests and kings do the hieroglyphs reveal and otherworldly truth to their origin as the Maya themselves maintain an astronaut theorists believe the answer is yes we have to think about today is where did the origin of the priesthood come from and the origin is nothing else but that they the initial cabal of priests they were all in contact with extraterrestrials and that's why they were revered our ancestors thought they were Gods because they didn't understand the nuts and bolts aspects behind those visits but when it all comes down to it it was all a huge misunderstanding and a way to keep the common people in place [Applause] Val kamonica Italy June 13 2019 ancient astronaut theorist William Henry has traveled to this UNESCO world heritage site to investigate what he believes could be forensic evidence that the early civilizations of this region came into contact with extraterrestrials hi I'm William hi I'm Lucas joining him is Luca giarelli the head of the Val kamonica historical and anthropological Society Luca has spent years studying this mysterious region of Northern Italy and wants to show William The Rock carvings for which this Alpine Valley is famous this place is massive yeah it's very big and the car covers all that Ayah are you ready for a hike I'm ready let's go let's go I'm here at Val kamonica because it is a treasure Trove of images from the ancient world that have been well documented and studied by Scholars they don't agree on the meaning of the images but some of them are very open-minded to the ancient astronaut theory this is one of the rocket side here in Baka Monica Footprints Footprints wow you can see here look like deer we have uh Warriors look at this incredible thousands and thousands of figures on the rocks here we are wow what we have here we have this one this figure oh look at that the space man space man exactly look at the helmet look at the helmet right it's like he's glowing yeah and communia Rose the communion Rose it's a strange a mysterious symbol with uh nine dots was made probably on the first Millennium before Christ wow we have 19 communion rules in Baltimore 19 communion races archaeologists call this mysterious symbol the communion Rose because of its flower-like shape while its exact meaning is lost to history some believe it to be a religious symbol or a representation of the movement of the Stars but ancient astronaut theorists suggest it might also depict something else the vessel that brought these helmeted figures to valkamonica look at that that looks like a spaceship it's like you'd look up in the sky and you would see this kind of twirling spinning ship in the sky it seems to me just looking at it they're trying to talk about beings coming from other worlds maybe to this place it could be an interpretation sometimes the stars mean energy like energy from the Stars would come to this place where star beings would come to this place yeah it could be an interpretation we have a lot of mystery about the meaning of the Engravings here in Black America we have a different motivation religious mythological and also describing events okay so this is like a newspaper then it says this was in the sky above us at some point and this Spaceman came down and maybe met the communion people it could be given the the connection with the Spacemen that are etched into the rock that we have to be open to the possibility that what the ancient artist is trying to portray is something that he actually saw in the sky something coming out of the heavens were there any other cultures that were connected with the valley we found some Engravings that represent uh God of Celtic religion what sort of Engravings uh you know carnonos it's uh oh the horned God yeah yeah it's a whole God and we find the same figure here in Vaca Monica that means the Celts were here yeah they were in the connection so is this the only location where we see the space man no we have two locations this is one but we can find another astronaut out of the pot even deeper into the woods yeah we can go there if you want I'd love to go let's go Luca guides William up a steep portion of the valley for a rare look at another carving hidden from public View be careful all right thanks well here we are take a look where we are wow we're like on the edge of a cliff here we have less than 100 people in the last 10 years that came here did you see them wait a minute there's one of them isn't it right there yeah how cool a couple of space map wow you can see here the helmet with the race like the other one yeah these are just like the other guys yeah it's very similar but they are bigger the detail is amazing yeah it's like a mirror one infantolo the same position same helmet there's clearly some kind of an exchange that's happening here it's like they're making a photograph of what happened at this place they're trying to say at this spot this is what we saw here we don't know but it's very strange because it's hidden location these ingredients are not meant to be seen by other people of all places to find a rock like this this is a very secretive almost initiatory place where select people would be brought here to be told this story about these extraterrestrials yeah maybe the message for us Central Coast New South Wales Australia deep in the Brisbane water National Park is a mysterious site known as the Gosford glyphs the site consists of two massive eight foot high walls engraved with over 300 ancient carvings carvings that experts say Do not resemble indigenous artwork but Egyptian hieroglyphs absolutely beautiful out here and I while visiting the area in 2016 Giorgio sukulos met with local ancient astronaut theorist Evan strong to get a first-hand look at these enigmatic carvings wow that's incredible [Music] I had no idea I mean this looks totally different than on pictures [Music] so what do these hieroglyphs say well at least one panel talks about two brothers Two Princes coming here from Egypt they were Shipwrecked one of them ended up getting bitten by a snake he then died the fear is then he was interred here and that's why you've got horicose here because these other walls with a mixture of symbols this one over here it's more of a philosophical astrophysics style thing with symbols meaning all sorts of esoteric stuff so now have these symbols at all been interpreted by egyptologists they've been a few actually a few different people have done that what was their reaction well Raymond Johnson was one of the first people to come here and Translate he actually sent some of these translations off to the Cairo library and Dr Abu Dio garzi ended up saying yep you're on the right track something called proto-egyptian and how old do you reckon these are we're thinking because of the prevalence at least in one panel of proto-egyptian that it's about 4 600 years old wow are there any hieroglyphs that stand out to you yeah definitely follow me down here and I'll show you this other one call the UFO glyph and people have called that since they've been coming here because it kind of looks like a UFO it definitely has the classic UFO shape so it's got the the Rays or whatever we don't call it what would you suggest if anyone says well this is not a UFO it's it's some other symbol that but certainly not that I think I think someone suggested this jewelry but it's a completely different symbol that's upside down and it really doesn't quite fit in it's one of those symbols here that that doesn't fit into the Canon in your opinion why do you think the Egyptians made it all the way to Australia I think they're looking for esoteric wisdom definitely from the aboriginals yes thank you the ancient Egyptians we have stories and Aboriginal stories about their arrival and about their visits long before Europeans had arrived here naturally we would have shared ceremony with these people because they have the same similar beliefs as our people Egyptians have that same spiritual connection to the sky world [Music] thank you
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 806,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, top four egyptian mysteries, Giza Plateau, Burial Sites, Ancient Egyptian mysteries, ancient egyptians, ancient egypt, best ancient egyptian documentaries, egypt, old egypt, TOP 4 ALIEN GLYPHS DECIPHERED, glyphs, Egypt, Edfu Egypt, Copan, Honduras, Italy
Id: xU8PwPeDrsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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