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Princeton New Jersey July 1935. while collaborating at the institute for advanced study physicists Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen publish a groundbreaking idea they come to the conclusion that the theory of relativity actually allows for shortcuts across the space-time continuum these paths called Einstein Rosen Bridges more commonly known as wormholes connect two distant locations making travel to the most remote stars in the universe a possibility what you're talking about is a structure in space that involves very very strong bending of space and the connecting of two different parts of space so if you think of a piece of paper curved around and then punched out and connected from one place to the other that's your basic wormhole from our planet to the nearest star system is 4.2 light years away that means you would have to travel for 4.2 years at the speed of light which is 186 000 miles a second just to get there the only way really to do that would be by something like a wormhole while the idea of Wormhole travel offers incredible possibilities realizing this technology poses immense challenges scientists estimate that creating a traversable wormhole would require a far greater amount of energy than anything we can produce today but there is a theory that so-called exotic matter May provide the key to unlocking Wormhole travel need is matter with negative Mass and we're only aware of matter with positive Mass so we call this exotic matter not that it couldn't exist we're just not aware of it yet the bottom line is it takes huge amounts of energy to create these imagine taking all of Jupiter now its entire mass and converting that to energy you know you're talking to millions and millions of times more energy than you have in a nuclear bomb although most scientists say that we're a long way from developing the technology to create wormholes if such a thing is even possible at all there are those who believe these Celestial shortcuts already exist in 1991 scientists at Vanderbilt University proposed that the chaos of the Big Bang not only created the universe but also may have caused the formation of many wormholes billions of years ago during the Big Bang space time itself was being mashed together expanded contracted and one Theory says that if you had something like the size of the Himalayan Mountains the space-time around it could have been so badly stressed that it would Mash this matter inside its own Event Horizon in the same way you can imagine space-time being mashed together and forming a mini wormhole the possible result according to researchers would be a wormhole about the size of an atom it's located these many wormholes could possibly be stretched to create a traversable wormhole one of the things we know is that since the Big Bang the universe has been expanding which means space-time overall has been stretching so when the universe is quite small you make a teeny little Wormhole as that whole structure stretches that whole Wormhole stretches and grows big as well so you could end up with a very large Wormhole now if wormholes were created in the earliest stages of the universe is it possible as some ancient astronaut theorists suggest that Celestial beings have already used them to travel to earth in the distant past it's very possible that wormholes are stargate's opening and beings coming through them are a way to explain how man was interacting with ancient gods [Applause] in Suffolk County England there is a remote forest in the village of rendelshimp that has become famous for being the site of one of the most extraordinary UFO encounters ever reported and some of those who experienced it believe this incident also involved time travel the event occurred on December 26 1980. Airman John Burroughs was performing a routine Security check at a U.S Air Force Base when he received orders to investigate a possible downed aircraft my supervisor called me on the radio and asked me to meet up with him so we could check his gate we're driving down the road leading to the east gate to check on it when all of a sudden he saw some strange lights in the forest so I decided to call it in and let him know something strange was going on they decided to send one of the security units down which was Sergeant pennison he got down there and he saw the same strange lights that we were seeing I could see all these multiple color lights and things like that and the air felt different I don't know how to really explain that but it did feel like there was electricity on our skin and hair and stuff but that progressively got worse the closer we got to the trailer and it got more intense it seemed to be like an electricity charged atmosphere and then also there were points where it seemed like everything was going in slow motion as the servicemen approached the strange lights Sergeant peniston reportedly saw a large craft just beyond the tree line the craft was triangular in shape measuring about six to seven feet high black in color I had come around to The Far Side of The Craft and that's what I noticed that there was you know inscription on the site you know it was about three feet long maybe six inches high and so I'm expecting to find I don't know some kind of prototype stuff USAF I'm looking for something very familiar instead of something familiar I see these pictorial type glyphs and got running my hand over the side of the craft I don't know how to explain this it's like someone was holding a picture of okay I could see it in my mind's eyes zeros and ones so I recorded those one after another when peniston touched the craft he then said that he felt a strange download of information I to his mind and he felt compelled the next day to write down a series of zeros and ones which we now regard as binary code years later a computer programmer took this information ran it through a translation program and a message emerged the message read exploration of humanity continuous for planetary advance eyes of your eyes origin year 8100. when one sees origin year 8100 one is forced to speculate might we be looking not just at extraterrestrials but time travelers from the future after the incident the US military conducted a brief investigation but allegedly tried to keep the eyewitnesses away from the Press but for Airman Burroughs and officer peniston the event wasn't easy to leave behind both men had lasting physical effects from the encounter and even reported strange dreams after the incident I started having throat and eye problems at one point my gums turn white I also had vision problems and when I went and saw the doctor one of his first questions was had I been ever exposed to radiation I've definitely had dreams about it and I still have feelings about what happened and what could happen in the future I got no service in 1993. then it was out about maybe three months and then I started getting these dreams and nightmares during the dreams I could see that these were Time Travelers forty to fifty thousand years in the future I see that the purpose to come back was to correct things was to fix things something horrible has happened something I have to correct but it requires time travel it requires going back into the past I've never had a feeling of it being extraterrestrial it's always been that they were simply us in the future it'd be that the craft reportedly witnessed by James peniston and John Burroughs came not from a distant star but from a distant point in time foreign April 25th 1977 4 15 a.m Corporal Armando Valdez patrols the northern desert with a seven-man military unit suddenly their Lookout bursts into camp he has just witnessed two bright Violet lights descend from the sky and land 500 yards away Valdez was the leader of this Patrol and he approached these objects what happened next is shrouded in confusion and mystery his men saw him almost disappear into the light recalls getting disoriented confused perhaps passing out the next thing he knew he reappeared again but the strange thing was that he had five days growth of beard and his watch showed a date five days into the future had he somehow been gone five days and yet to all the rest of the people in the patrol it was just perceived as a few minutes we were able to interview four members of valdez's squad we interviewed Armando Valdez and everyone corroborated that this experience had actually occurred immediately following the incident Corporal Valdez returned to his men on the verge of collapse and uttered an ominous phrase don't know who we are or where we come from but we will be back soon based on the growing number of reports since this mysterious encounter many believe that they were true to their word there are so many UFO sightings in Chile it's a hotbed of UFO activity and even just in the last eight years there have been some significant UFO sightings that the Chilean government has actually admitted to we see an extraordinary range of cases in Chile from Close Encounters through to Pilot encounters with UFOs I think the reason why Chile to this day is considered a hot spot of UFO activity is because Chile features one of the biggest uninhabited geographical locations on Earth the northern part is desolate desert that's virtually unpopulated and the southern part of Chile is fjords and Glaciers it's also hardly populated down there too there are all kinds of hiding spots vacant places on the map where absolutely no one goes it's an ideal place to hide it's be an ideal place for an underground base it will get anything that enters our territory can hide centuries can pass and no one will Discover it extraterrestrials hiding in or even below the uninhabited regions of Chile and if so is it their intention to merely observe Humanity or could there be something more tangible attracting them to this part of the world [Applause] Kingman Arizona May 1953. at the height of the Cold War an unidentified object reportedly crashed in the desert sands [Music] what remained was allegedly sent to America's most top secret facility area 51. but it wasn't until 45 years later in 1998 that retired military engineer named Bill yuhaus came forward to make a stunning claim the military didn't just have the Extraterrestrial technology they had an actual living alien who house claimed that he worked in a secret laboratory supposedly in the papoose mountains of Area 51 in Nevada and that since 1953 the American government had an insectoid alien that was working with them his name was j-rod j-rod supposedly assisted the military in understanding and duplicating the incredible Power Systems and futuristic technology that was combined and created for the Kingman craft [Music] shortly after Bill euhaus broke the story microbiologist Dan burrish came forward to confirm his claim but according to Dan burrish j-rod claimed that he was not an alien what he revealed was something even more shocking this insectoid alien J Rod said that he had actually come from our future and that at some time in the near future to us there's a catastrophe on this planet and much of mankind is destroyed that mankind splits into two different species and one of these species goes and lives underground and while underground they develop these insectoid traits which is exactly what the Hopi and Zuni and even Navajo Legends say that during the transition period between the third and the fourth worlds this above world of today was not habitable and they had to go underground and live for some time with what they call the ant people and you have to wonder if perhaps j-rod is actually an insectoid human being from our own future [Music] could the accounts of j-rod confirm that the Hopi stories of ant people were more than just mythology and if the so-called insectoids really do exist is it possible that they are not aliens but humans from the future [Music] [Music]
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, ancient aliens, Ancient Aliens, TOP 4 UNBELIEVABLE INSTANCES OF ALIENS, time travel, time travel ancient aliens, aliens and time travel, alien sighting, alien footage, time, UFO, UFOs, UFO time travel, ufo, ufos and time travel, ancient aliens clips
Id: 7wLjx_6WSSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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