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the Solomon Islands miles east of Papua New Guinea this group of nearly 1 000 Isles covers 11 000 square miles though first discovered in 1568 by Spanish explorers many people identify this area with World War II due to the fierce fighting that occurred between the Japanese and Americans on the largest island here Guadalcanal in a campaign that lasted over six months a total of 41 warships were sunk and over thirty thousand men died either in battle or from disease the Americans in Japanese they left behind a lot of the remnants of the war ships that were sang for instance and then on land you have leftovers of tanks and a lot of ammunitions as well there was a place close to where I went to school called Hell's Point and it's full of live ammunitions but Guadalcanal is also Infamous for something else the countless local Legends of giants they're a mysterious Legends all over the Solomons actually the stories in Guadalcanal tend to talk about Giants the relationship between people and Giants Giants are often portrayed in different ways sometimes they are benevolent Giants they help people they look after people but there are stories about Giants killing people and taking over things it's a giant is a major character in a lot of the Guadalcanal stories the religions are stories that go way back that suggest that Giants actually still live on the Solomon Islands some say they're kind of hairy beast sack squat like kind of beings others say they're more humanoid and some say they even relate and kind of mate with the human population according to local Legends those giants were able to travel the entire length of the island without seeing the light of day by utilizing Subterranean tunnels people talk about it that Giants actually do exist they existed in the past today with all kinds of developments that taking place they shift feather into the mountains they really do exist it's not just a mythology to scare children according to one report in 1998 workers during a gold mining operation witnessed what they believe is proof of the existence of the Giants of Guadalcanal when one of their bulldozers broke down the workers say they removed the 10-ton blade from the machine to make overnight repairs and when they returned to the dig site the next morning they were shocked by what they found the blade itself had been moved quite a distance and they found Footprints of giants in the mud so they could only assume that these famous Giants of the solemn Islands had been there and moved the bulldozer blade could Guadalcanal really be home to Giants if so what are they and where did they come from in the book Solomon Island's Mysteries author Marius boyron a retired helicopter engineer who lived on the Solomon Islands for many years interviewing locals unveils a groundbreaking Theory the Australian author boy Ron believed that incidents of the Giants that he had been told about by the natives were related to UFO activity and from what he could put together there was some kind of UFO base deep in the mountains of central Guadalcanal and it involved these Giants and at the same time there was some kind of underwater UFO base there as well eyewitness accounts of UFOs have been documented on the Solomon Islands for years and mysteriously details reveal that the UFOs seem to rise out of the surrounding ocean where warships sank in World War II and vanish into a remote Mountain Lake on the island people often talk about seeing light not only in the sky but in the ocean as well that you see lights in the ocean and then you see lights flying past overhead as well and sometimes crushing into the ocean like a plane crash there have been sightings of flying saucers appearing over the wreckage flying into and out of mountains and volcanoes in the area so the whole area is really pretty interesting there have been reports that objects strange lights actually rise up out of the waters into the air and move about for a period of time and then disappear and often this is either witnessed from the beach or is experienced at close Hand by fishermen and it said that sometimes these objects come so close that the fisherman can actually feel the heat as they pass there's a lot of local people who had said yes for many years we've seen this these types of things happening there are numerous accounts of abductions people who disappear after coming into contact with these UFOs never to be seen again could there be a connection between the legends of the Giants of Guadalcanal and the numerous UFO sightings that have been reported here over the years and might this be evidence that Guadalcanal really is the site of an underwater alien base [Applause] some ancient astronaut theorists believe the answers can be found by examining stories other strange creatures said to inhabit the island creatures like the adarro the ataro are frightening looking creatures half fish half man they were said to have come from the Sun by way of rainbows they could be dangerous they could shoot to poisonous flying fish at you so the notion of some creature that was of danger and mythological qualities coming from far away it seems alive and well in the Solomon Islands is a story that a lot of people on Guadalcanal know about that these are actually human beings but at certain time they take different forms these are energies that can shape-shift into any form these are not just stories for entertainment or for scaring the children these fears are great [Music] you have to wonder if these famous Giants of the Solomon Islands and these weird beings were in fact extraterrestrials that were there to protect these secret bases is it possible that the stories of giants sea monsters and other strange beings on Guadalcanal are really accounts of extraterrestrials who appear as frightening creatures in order to scare off anyone who might discover their secret alien bases Solomon Islands is right on what we call the ring of fire a lot of volcanic activity a lot of tectonic and Geo activity so there's a lot of energy there one Theory would simply be that if these other beings whatever they are wanted access to a good source of energy that might be a very good place to go [Applause] Bloom Mexico here on the Eastern edge of the Yucatan Peninsula line the ruins of one of the last cities built by the Maya an advanced ancient civilization that thrived throughout mesoamerica from the 8th Century BC to the 15th Century A.D situated on a cliff overlooking the Caribbean Sea this site honors the mysterious diving God that can be found depicted on several buildings behind me is the Temple of the diving God and the Western doorway is a stucco relief of a winged being who is either diving down from the sky or he's diving down into the water his real identity is not known in addition to the to the it has been documented that the interior of the temple once contained a mural portraying the Aztec water goddess chauciutliquary while the Aztecs did not occupy the Yucatan Peninsula their ancestors the olmecs did and some believe there may be a profound connection between this area of Mexico and the Aztec water Gods who ruled over a paradise-like world called tillalo Khan descriptions of Talala Khan come from the Aztec shamans spiritual guides who could access this otherworldly realm through whirlpools or in a dream state and according to ancient astronaut theorists deep in the jungle just south of Tulum is a location that is a perfect match for the descriptions of the east region up to Lana Khan there's an intriguing sight right here off the coast of the Caribbean Sea and it may have a connection to the Aztec telecon and its name is Cenote Angelita and it's right here is a sinkhole where Limestone Bedrock has collapsed exposing the fresh water underneath it many of the cenotes in this part of the Yucatan are believed to have been formed by the meteor strike that wiped out the dinosaurs more than 65 million years ago as a result of this extreme impact they contain high amounts of shocked quartz shocked quartz is a particular type of quartz that really needs very very high pressure to form quartz is a crystal but every crystal is not completely uniform it's comprised of smaller little pieces that have to align a long defect and high pressure changes the internal structure of the quartz scientists have long known that quartz is able to convert the Earth's natural electrical vibrations into a form of energy and some have even suggested that it could be used in the formation of wormholes through an electromagnetic reaction called the Casimir effect the idea is if I take two metal plates and stick them in the vacuum of space it turns out because of quantum fluctuations this creates an effective attractive force between the plates one can think of this as a negative energy now an intriguing idea that we get is that this is exactly the principle we need to understand perhaps how to stabilize a wormhole although there are a number of cenotes in the Yucatan Cenote Angelita is very unique about 100 feet below its surface the fresh water meets up with the salt water coming from the ocean beneath it creating a mysterious underwater river where we are right now in the yonkatan is just about as far east as you can go in Mexico and the description of kalalo Khan was that the very Eastern side was where the Waters of the underworld met with the Waters of the surface world and that is exactly what we have here it was said that Souls passed through here and the Aztecs believe very strongly that this was a portal to another dimension good the Aztecs had the legend of the talalakon they entered into through whirlpools in the water so you can start to connect the dots here and see that those areas could in fact be traversable wormholes that will take us somewhere else could the highly pressurized courts found in Cenote Angelita have made it the perfect location for advanced alien beings to create a wormhole and might this explain the stories from the Aztec shamans who claimed they were shown an entrance to Paradise foreign the North Atlantic Ocean 100 miles west of Ireland like open Waters expanding as far as the eye can see but according to 14th century Mediterranean map makers this exact spot marks the location of an island known as high Brazil for more than 600 years Sailors across the world have searched for this so-called Phantom Island believed to contain an eaten-like Paradise thank you Lord Hazard that the island couldn't be seen except once every seven years when it could be seen but not reached hi Brazil allegedly appeared and disappeared Behind The Mists it could never definitively be found although the its putative location is marked on some of these early Maps High Brazil was first mapped by the Italian majorcan cartographer Angelino data lorto in 1325 who described the island as being a strikingly round form over a century later in 1497 Italian explorer John Cabot also reported reaching High Brazil and in 1674 Captain John Nisbet of Ireland reportedly brought back silver and gold from the island that he claimed to have received from an old mysterious man strangely he and his men also said that high Brazil was inhabited by what they called giant black rabbits other explorers of the time returned from the island with similarly bizarre stories and accounts of beautiful glowing people hi Brazil is imagined in Irish lore to be the place that the Irish Gods came from on the island of high Brazil the gods had a luxurious life they were able to develop an advanced civilization in 1684 one of the first Irish historians Roderick O'Flaherty wrote about high Brazil in his book a choreographical description of West or ear connect in it he refers to the island as Enchanted and writes that it is a land kept hidden by the special ordinance of God like a lot of other mythologies such as Atlantis High Brazil was thought to be the source of civilization especially in Ireland and England and other areas such as that thought that high Brazil still exists under the sea and that periodically when the conditions are right it'll surface according to Legend the mysterious land was last seen in 1872 by author T.J westrop and his crew who saw the island appear and then vanish if High Brazil is an actual land very possibly it could be that at one time on planet Earth there was a superior technology a civilization that had progress that far surpassed even our own today and these people originated from the Stars they are the people that the human race descended from and the locations such as high Brazil is this homeland of these creatures is it possible that the mythical island of high Brazil not only exists but is actually a high-tech alien base and if so might there be others located all over the world you find so many accounts of beings coming and going from the stars at these locations you find mysterious disappearances you find other Supernatural events taking place at these islands and it makes you wonder if they're in fact being used by Advanced extraterrestrial races as portals as gateways even to stop over places maybe even refueling stations in a way as places that are known throughout the cosmos [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, ancient aliens, ancient aliens full episodes, ancient aliens clips, aliens, aliens video, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, ufo, ufo video, ufo videos, ufo video clips, ancient ufos, ancient ufo video, watch ancient aliens, Top 3 Ocean Alien Discoveries
Id: QkZYcmtWZVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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