Anchors and Mid-Line Loops

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welcome to corporate for ever I talk about anchors and midline loop an anchor detected more than a six loops at the end of a piece of cordage Pro rope and is it being wrapped around six object after the tree or rock your thing about this loop that once a load applied to it will not tighten down the first fix list I want to talk about and demonstrate is a classic Bolin I want to go and tie this around the tree so I can use it as an anchor point I'm going to do that I'm going to wrap it around the tree go to short end and along in taking my longer end which is right here I'll make a loop drop it down and pull it through it forms a pocket taking my shorter end I'll pass it through that pocket pinching bolt together it forms a bite of my long end pull it tight now to finish this off I want to do a double overhand knot go around one go around this one again up towards your not it creates an X I just threw that X now we're still talking about bowling so our next one's going to be a running bowling wrap around a tree give a short end long end give itself some slack on your short end and then now from here just roll it over and create a loop I've taken your long end you want to lay it on top of your short end now from here just tie your bowline you want to go up lay it on top your loop go around and back through it creates a bite pinch that bite grab your end that goes around your tree pull it tight there's your bowline so your rope passes through the hole so I pull it tight it will lock or cinch itself against that tree before we do that we want to go and secure this off with a double overhand knot just like before then wrap around once again going towards my knot that creates an X you want to pass our rope through that Eck at this point right here when I go ahead and get away from the bolan we only talk about I figure eight this one right here is called a figure eight on a bite I want to do my short end and slack and create a bite hold that fight over and you got to bite a bite right here and bike down here taking this bike go ahead and wrap it around come back around again and back up through notice forms a figure eight and there's a bite I'm going to tighten it up a little bit I'll go and grab your fight to ends right here cinch it down and there's your figure eight on a bike now ideally you don't want this loose any bigger than your fist but no smaller than what you're trying to tap through here like a rope or a carabiner your free end go ahead and dangle right here but if you're OCD like I am all you got to do is try the infamous double overhand knot and you're good to go let's go talking about figure-eight let's talk about the retrace or a follow through the great render tree short in long in get yourself some slack good enough now from here all I do is wrap it around go back up through and that creates a figure 8 I take in my short end I'm going to wrap it around my long end I taking my short end all I do is retrace the figure 8 forms a bite take it down a mid- a form we've got access to the ends of your rope for cordage it's just like an anger loop with the loads applied the loop itself will not hike now we're going to move on to midline loops so we're going to cover is the Alpine butterfly loop so to do that that's why I do if I'm right-handed take my left hand wait and slack give her a farside anchor over there I'm grabbing the rope towards my anchor now wrap around my hand white keeping it loose yeah three wrap 1/2 degrees I'm gonna grab my center wrap go underneath grab it go over both of these I'm going to push this one underneath these two and go ahead and grab it give you a weird configuration just like this I'm going to pull it dress it up and spread it apart we're go ahead and move on to the former's loop welcome to our forest i tinker and give it from flat taking the slack from that end wrap around my hand three times I'll try and keep it loose yeah three wrap I want to do right here grab my Center wrap over my right one neck reaping new Center take that Center or my left one that also creates a new thinner take that new one look back over my right right left right pull my Center out once again you're left with some weird configuration your loop on top go ahead and dress it up welcome back once again that was elf the nd what I've done is I tried to find the easy anchor in a simplest please line loops that I could for this video now keep in mind that playing other ways to do this however the ones you practice today will take place in upcoming videos so practice practice practice why this practice will make you better speak your comments to you support thanks for watching the other woods have some fun and I'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 947,523
Rating: 4.840168 out of 5
Keywords: Corporals Corner, Dave Canterbury, Shawn Kelly, Rope, Cordage, Rappel, Rope Bridge, USMC, ARMY, Alpine Butterfly Looop, Retrace Figure 8, Figure Eight, Bight, Farmers Loop, Caribiners, Swiss Seat, Rescue, Emergency, Wool, Blanket, MRE, Compass, Shelter, Tent, Tarp, Fire, Bow Drill, Survival Skills, Primitive Skills, Doomsday, Mora Garberg, Pathfinder, Climbing, Camping, Hiking, History Channel, ALONE, Water, Collection, Fishing, Land Navigation, Pace Count, Jungle Bed, Raised Bed, Poncho, Alpine Coil
Id: lW9XaWIqwNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2017
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