GitLab 11.4.7 Remote Code Execution - Real World CTF 2018

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Interesting to see IPv4 method in the youtube comments. Paul Axe wrote:

Create a project. Go to project settings -> repository. In "Mirror a repository" section enter url git://<redis\_commands\_here> and press "mirror repository" button.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/1bc29b36f623ba82aaf6 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
During the Real World CTF we had to decide which challenges to try and which not to. Flaglab was listed as a web challenge and had the following description: “you might need a 0day” You get a link to a hosted website as well as a download link. It turns out that there was a GitLab hosted and from the download, which contains a docker-compose file, it tells us that it’s gitlab version 11.4.7… So we quickly searched for how old that version is and we found this blog post from 21. November about this release. Remember that we were playing on 1. December so we thought: “oh crap. That seems like the latest up2date version. We won’t ever find an 0day in this huge codebase. Let’s not waste our time.” Turns out, we kinda f’ed up. During a post-CTF dinner with other teams, some people from RPISEC told me that it was NOT the latest release, there was a 11.4.8 AND the commit history of that newer version reveals several security patches. And one of them, the SSRF in webhooks was even by nyangawa of Chaitin Tech, which is the company that was organizing this CTF. Knowing all that, it was actually a super simple challenge. And I’m soooo mad that I gave up on this challenge so quickly, because 5 more minutes of research would have been enough to lead me down to a path of solving this. Anyway… after the CTF I sat down and I tried to use this knowledge now to solve this challenge. Okay so first we have to set everything up. I noticed that in the docker-compose file some absolute paths are used, so I changed them to relative paths. These folders will be mounted onto this path inside of the docker container. We can also see here that a flag file is required that is loaded into the root of the filesystem, as well as some other password file. Then we can simply type docker-compose up to pull the docker images, which during the CTF would have taken ages because of Chinese Internet. Once it’s all downloaded the dcker container is starting up and gitlab starts to do it’s setup magic. Which takes more time. But looks like it’s done now, we see here network logs. Then I start Chrome with some parameters to set a HTTP proxy. From the docker-compose file you can also learn that the http port 80 is mapped out to port 5080, so let’s try to open the page in chrome. But I haven’t started the proxy yet, so let me start Burp and here we go. Btw I wasn’t able to intercept requests to at first, and I’m not sure exactly why, I checked the excluded ranges but that wasn’t it, however I found out by specifying a fake domain in /etc/hosts for localhost, so, chrome will do the request over the proxy and we can see here the requests in the history. Okay. Now that we are set up we have to find the bug to exploit. Like I said in the beginning we thought it was an up to date version, but in fact there was a newer version 11.4.8 with several security issues fixed. And one even referenced Chaitin Tech who organized the CTF. We also know that the flag is in the root of the filesystem, so we need a file disclosure vulnerability or a remote code execution. So let’s have a look at the patches. To do that we can simply go to the official gitlab repository and search for the tag with the 11.4.8 version. Next we can look at the commit history to look for security patches and we can immediately find these merge commits of security patches. A SSRF issue with ipv6 in webhooks, a xss which is rather uninteresting and a crlf issue, carriage-return/line-feed, so a newline injection. Now we can have a quick look at them. Here is the SSRF issue with ipv6. “Fix SSRF in project integrations” The cool thing about well documented and structured software projects is that developers write tests! So we can just scroll down to the tests that will make sure no regression of this bug reappears. These tests basically tell us how it was possible to exploit this issue. So apparently ipv6 URLs like [0:0:0:0:0:ffff:] bypasses the blocked_url check. This is a special ipv6 address to embed an ipv4 address. Cool! The other issue was “Fix CRLF vulnerability in Project hooks”. And also scrolling down to some tests, we see it was simply about urls with newlines. Either URL encoded as %a or simply regular newlines. So now the question is, do these issues make sense and help us in any way to exploit gitlab? Yes! This can be turned into a remote code execution. It’s actually a very typical security issue. It’s a SSRF, a server side request forgery which you can use to target the local internal redis database, which is used extensively and very typically for different types of workers. And so you can push a malicious work package that leads to a arbitrary code execution. And gitlab was exploited like this several times before. It’s a known CTF challenge and there are many bug bounty writeups about this topic. It’s difficult for me to remember where I saw this technique the first time but I believe it was Agarri, Nicolas Grégoire, in like 2014 or 2015, but I definitely also read several bug writeups over the years about it. So every web pentester and web bug bounty hunter should actually know this. But let’s first check if we can trigger a SSRF somewhere. At first I thought about targeting webhooks, which can be used to specify a URL that gitlab will send a request to when things happen on the repository, but specify a localhost URL instead, but when I clicked on create new project I noticed the import project option. And here are multiple ways to import a repository, one being from a git repository URL. And here are a few examples we can use a http, https or git URL to enter a repository. And so for example we could try to enter localhost here instead, so and try to import from there, we get an error that the Import url is blocked. Requests to localhost are not allowed. But we can try the ipv6 bypass which we have found in the patch. I a;ready went ahead into burp and put the request to import this URL into the repeater and replaced the URL with the ipv6 version. I also added port 1234 here, for a reason you see in a second. To test this SSRF we need to get into the gitlab docker container. So docker ps to find the running container and then we can do docker exec with -it, to keep STDIN open and create a pseudo tty terminal, specify the container id, and execute /bin/bash to get a shell. This process is now running inside of the container so we have a shell here. Netcat is not installed so we first have tip apt update and then apt install netcat. Once this is done we can simply netcat and listen on port 1234. Next we go into burp repeater. We have to adjust the name of the project because we created it already and so for a new project we need a new unique name. and when we send the request to import this repository, after a short moment, we receive an HTTP GET request to the URL that we have specified. Awesome. SSRF to localhost confirmed. Now we want to target redis with this. Redis is an open source , in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. And it works basically with key and value pairs. And the protocol it uses to communicate is absolutely simple. It’s a line based command protcol. With ps we can find the redis-server command and the port. 6379. And then we can use netcat to connect to it. And as you can see, we can enter any invalid commands and redis will simply inform us from it being wrong. Even when you enter valid but incomplete commands, it just responds with an error. Let’s try a valid command, let’s set the key liveoverflow to test, that went OK, and send more garbage, and now we get the value of liveoverflow, and here it is. Test. As you know, netctat simply opens a TCP socket and we are sending here simple ascii payloads to redis. HTTP is also a simple ascii text based protocol. And some really smart people realized, well… then… what would happen if you simply send a HTTP GET request to redis? Each line of the HTTP get request would then be a redis command, no? To test this we can simply copy the GET request from the SSRF and paste it into the netcat session with redis. And we see an error, wrong number of arguments for ‘get’ command, which makes sense, because GET is a redis command, right? But then we also somehow drop back to the shell… let’s connect again and do it line by line. GET, and we see the error. And next the Host HTTP header Host :... boom. Connection dropped. Because SSRF to redis is such a huuuge issue, redis has actually introduced a fix where they basically try to detect an arriving HTTP request. This callback is bound to POST and "Host:" command names. Those are not really commands, but are used in security attacks in order to talk to Redis instances via HTTP, with a technique called "cross protocol scripting" which exploits the fact that services like Redis will discard invalid HTTP headers and will process what follows. As a protection against this attack, Redis will terminate the connection when a POST or "Host:" header is seen, and will log the event from time to time. So you should maybe check your redis logs for this warning. If you see it, you have some big issues. So that’s why this connection is dropped here at the Host: But… This is a get request, and GET is actually a valid redis command. so if we can somehow get redis commands infront of HOST, then we could still execute some. And this is where newline injection could help us. Commands have to be at the start of the line, so the idea would be to simply use newlines in the GET path, and if that works we could inject commands before the host header. But when I tried that with a few lines to test it, I noticed that no request arrives. I don’t have the time to dig into the code why, maybe this particular request was already protected against this. Damn… But I had another idea. The supported protocols are http, https and git… I actually have never looked into how the git protocol looks like and what is sent when you try to git clone this repository, so I simply used netcat again, and performed a git clone with a git url to localhost and that port and this is what we get. Netcat receives some weird data, git-upload-pack and that url path ere. test/protocol.git. So we can control this part and maybe newline injection works there. Let’s try it! I go to burp again, change the protocol from http to git and check if netcat will receive it. One moment please… there we go. We receive it and the newlines are there. Awesome. Now we just have to figure out what we can send to redis to get code execution. Luckily, like I said, gitlab had this issue multiple times before so we can find an awesome writeup by jobert where he shared this technique of using the gitlab queue for system hooks and registers a gitlab shell worker which eventually will execute this command here. In this case whoami and sends it via netcat away. Cool. So first I quickly check if we can reach my outside laptop from within docker and so I lookup my IP and setup a netcat listener, and then from inside the docker container I try to connect to there, and yes that works. So now we just have to copy those redis commands, I noticed that each command has to have some spaces infront, because for whatever reason they get swallowed by something, and I also added a few execs, because otherwise the last command would be invalid just because of how the ssrf sends this. And of course very important, we replace the payload with cat /flag and send the output away to my laptop with netcat. Now we just have to execute it, wait a moment and BOOM! The flag arrives. Darn this was soo simple. After having heard from the guys at RPISEC that 11.4.7 was not the latest version and there were security issues reported by chaitin about ssrf, it was just a matter of maybe 2 or 3 hours. I had to fight with some setup issues and stuff never goes smooth. But it was all straight forward regardless. If we had just looked at this during the CTF. gnaahh Why did you write 0day, when in fact it was a 1 day. We were so scared because of that reasn. Grrrr It makes me so mad. Dangit. Anyway… Glad I solved it after all.
Channel: LiveOverflow
Views: 112,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Live Overflow, liveoverflow, hacking tutorial, how to hack, exploit tutorial, ssrf, crlf, newline, injection, server-side, request forgery, redis, gitlab, flaglab, gitlab import, github, git, webshell, rce, code execution, ctf, capture the flag, writeup, write-up, 11.4.7, redis to ssrf, shell worker, broker, exploit redis, docker, setup
Id: LrLJuyAdoAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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