An Indissoluble Bond: Juliet and Pauline: PART ONE

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hello everybody and welcome back to my channel so today we're talking about a case that I remember first looking into a year ago maybe a little bit more than a year ago I became interested in it and I looked into it a little bit and I was gonna do a video but I was just starting out doing true crime videos on my channel and I felt like it was a big undertaking I wasn't really doing multiple part videos at that time they were still long videos but they were usually just one or two parts so for this case I really wanted to have my research pants on and get indeed if you've ever seen the movie heavenly creatures by Peter Jackson that movie was based off of this case and I believe it was Kate Winslet's at first serious big movie that she was and there's another actress in there named melanie lynskey she's an actress from New Zealand and this case happened in New Zealand it was a very good movie I think for the most part true to what actually happened the details were pretty much spot-on Peter Jackson did a very good job with it I just want to do a quick a shout-out to audible audible is the sponsor for this video audible is an amazing amazing tool especially for me to use I actually used audible to research this case when I downloaded the book and Perry at the murder of the century by Peter Graham it's an amazing book I think probably learned the best of books written on this case if you guys are interested and you want to try out audible there's a link in the description box you can get this book for your free books audible is gonna give you a book for free and it's just a good service to use I'm able to listen to it in my headphones while I walk around and do other things but I can still research I don't have to sit down and actually physically open a book and go through it to find all the things that I want so audibles awesome there's over a hundred and forty thousand titles to choose from anything you could possibly want autobiographies fiction nonfiction historical books mystery books romance books they have it all so go ahead and check it out there's a link in description box if you're interested and I want to give a quick birthday shout out to some of my patreon who are celebrating their birthday around this time of the month first I want to give a shout out to make it who turned 21 years old on June 3rd and the only reason I wasn't able to shout her out in that video at that time was because she didn't give me her birthday till after but I still wanted to make sure that she was recognized 21 is an awesome time I remember my 21st birthday it was fun we have three birthdays on June 12th Daphne - Wyatt I hope I pronounced your name correctly kandi at Wagner Hales and Emma Milbourne all born on June 12th Laura pet cats and dois Coleman celebrated their birthdays on June 11th I hope I pronounced your guys's name right if I didn't just send me a message in patreon and give me the correct pronunciations Noelle Jordan and Tiffany two hearts celebrated their birthdays on June 18th ranked ins Jersey celebrated his birthday on June 22nd Anisa Yankees birthday is coming up on June 25th Julie Bryan is gonna be celebrating her birthday on June 27th and Lauren is gonna be celebrating her birthday on June 28th June was a big month for birthdays in my patreon I guess so happy birthday to all the June babies happy birthday to all you guys out there who are subscribed to me I don't know everybody's birthday but if you are born in the month of June happy birthday I love you guys so much thank you all so much for being here so let's get right into the case then this is about the murder of Honora Parker by her daughter Pauline Parker and her daughter's friend Juliet Hulme now in this video for the most part we are going to refer to Pauline as Pauline Reaper because that was her name for the majority of her life you know as long as she had lived as far as this case goes she thought that her last name was Reaper until she discovered upon her arrest that her last name was actually Parker so there's a big scandal I guess there even though I don't think there should be and you know a bunch of stuff happened where she discovered she was not a Reaper but a Parker we'll get there we'll get into that on the day of June 22nd 1954 the afternoon quiet a Victoria Park in Christchurch New Zealand was shattered by the screams of two teenage girls Agnes Ritchie owner of the Victoria Park tea house witnessed the two girls towards her covered in blood ranting that there had been an accident and that mother was terribly hurt mother was dead these two girls were Juliet Hulme and Pauline Parker and they would later become notorious throughout New Zealand and the world for brutally murdering Honora Parker Pauline's mother but how did something like this happen what would cause two girls 15 and 16 to brutally murder a woman not a stranger somebody that they knew somebody that they allegedly loved and cared about and who loved and cared about them as always on this channel we're going to get into the backgrounds into the personalities into the girls interactions with each other as well as others the factors that brought them along the path that ended up with them going to prison for murder in order to understand the why of these horrible crimes that we talk about we have to go back to the beginning Juliet Marion Hume was born in Greenwich London on October 28th 1908 her father was Henry Ransford Hume and he was born in 1908 in ALMS Kirk located 20 miles north of Liverpool Henry fume was born into a comfortable middle-class family his father owned a manufacturing and distributing company they were well-off they had enough money and they were comfortable enough where Henry's mother was able to stay home and be a mother and a homemaker and a wife it was discovered from a young age that Henry was incredibly intelligent and he won a scholarship to Manchester Grammar School it's literally why is the bird sitting directly outside of my window and singing to me I mean it's cute I feel like Cinderella a little bit like they're gonna come in and land on my hand and they're gonna help me fold the laundry but it's a little it's a little interruptive to the video manchester and grammar school okay they get Manchester Grammar School was and is still today a very prestigious establishment it was founded during the reign of Henry the eighth from there Henry Hume went on to have a very illustrious life and career he studied math and physics at Gonville and Caius College a constituent college of Cambridge University and he graduated with honors in 1929 he was elected to the Isaac Newton studentship in astronomy with a particular interest in quantum mechanics which at that time was revolutionary science after he got his PhD in 1932 he studied in Germany under Werner Heisenberg who had just won the Nobel Peace Prize that senior for inventing quantum physics and if you're a Breaking Bad fan Warner Heisenberg was also the inspiration for Walter White's alter ego is simply called Heisenberg after this he returned to Cambridge where he was given a fellowship at his alma mater Gonville and Caius there he lectured in mathematics and he studied quantum theory in 1936 he was given a position at the University of Liverpool and it was there that he matched the woman who would become his wife Hilda Reeve Lee Hilda was three years his junior and although she herself was not of noble birth it was said that she had ancestors who were although her connection with them was very distant and many times removed her own father was a minister and his father had been a coal miner even so Hilda was described as a very beautiful woman with great class who thought incredibly highly of herself she possessed a self-confident quality and she spoke in a very polished cut-glass accent cut glass is used to describe an accent where words are pronounced very clearly and carefully can also be known as a plumie accent it was a good thing that Henry was a very important person and he was often out of town or at work because anybody who knew the couple separately or together couldn't really understand how they had end up becoming married Henry was accomplished and he was very handsome and a stately reserved kind of way but he was reserved he was introverted he was an intellectual he didn't have time for parties or get-togethers and Hilda she was a socialite she loved going out meeting people being admired by them because she was often very admired by many men she just liked being as seen and I think that she married him because of his social status knowing it would gain her entry to these places but he was kind of boring he didn't really want to go to these parties and you didn't really want to stay once he got there he didn't really want to associate with people or socialize once he was there and she was a little butterfly flitting all over the room like I said she was a very attractive woman she was described as losing the sexuality and sensuality essentially she was a shameless a flirt and would become more so of won as the years went on Henry was presented with the opportunity to become chief assistant to the astronomer royal this would mean a move from Liverpool to London which Hilda was ecstatic about it because you know London was the epicentre if you want to be a socialite and you know the who's who lived there everybody who was anybody lived in London so she was she was pretty pumped about this move but just before they left for London Hilda found out something that I'm sure she was less excited about she was pregnant with their first child they moved into a home at 79 Foyle Road in the maze Hill district of Greenwich a short walk from the observatory where Henry would be working dr. Hume was 30 at the time and vicious with an analytical mind and he started immediately on a spectral star study however world war ii was on the horizon and it would change the lives and the fates of the hume family as well as so many others the same month that Juliet was born in October 1938 tensions were running high with Germany and there was talk that there might be some enemy attacks so they were preparing for air raids millions of gas masks were handed out during this time in preparation the Humes purchased in Anderson the shelter an Anderson shelter was a six foot high four and a half foot wide structure built out of corrugated steel that was meant to be buried four feet into the ground to protect its occupants from potential air strikes these shelters were issued to any households that made less than five pounds a week but the Hulme's were at that time it well off family so dr. Hume paid six pounds and 14 shillings for their shelter it's so funny because obviously I'm not from the UK so I had to look up what an Anderson in a shelter was and it appears that with a lot of families after the war because the Anderson shelter was already buried and kind of almost a permanent structure some people still have these in their backyards and people planted flowers on them and you know they tried to make them look pretty and in some pictures I saw a lot of them look really cool and although I don't envy the people who had to live through that time I think it would be so cool and so historically nerdy to have an Anderson shelter in your backyard so if I have any people here from the UK who have these in their backyard can you send me pictures please and tell me stories because I would just completely history a nerd fangirl out about it and I'm just really interested in that kind of thing I love World War two it was my favorite war the Civil War comes in a really close second but World War two I'd always studied and known a lot about it or I thought I knew a lot about it but I never knew you know about the Anderson shelters so it was just an interesting thing for me to look into and learn more about while I was researching this case sorry for the tangent I'm not sure how to put this nicely but Hilde Hume did not take naturally to becoming a mother she wasn't a very maternal she wasn't very warm at least a children she was incredibly warm and friendly towards other men but she really didn't have any interest in being like a hands-on parent she was the kind of parent who would hire a nanny who would basically move in and take care of the child but because of the times this was right around the time when World War Two was breaking out that kind of live-in help wasn't really accessible so she kind of had to take care of Juliet on her own I guess if you can call it that because she was so hands-off she didn't think that children should be needy or want that much attention she didn't think that they should make a big fuss and she didn't think you should make a big fuss over them so imagine a very young Juliet as a baby you know six months old seven months old crying in her crib wanting to be held wanting to be taken care of and held of humans pretty much like oh this baby it just wants so much attention I can't even she needs to learn not to want me so much now I'm gonna go off on another quick little tangent that's historical and psychological base because it's so much different now to be a parent we are so much more hands-on and we know now because of psychology and because of science that children benefit and thrive more when they're given love and attention in fact withholding love and attention from them when they're very small can cause long-lasting psychological effects now Hilda was of that mindset right that you shouldn't give a baby too much attention and that was kind of common i I guess for the times I don't want to judge her too harshly or have you guys judge her too harshly I mean in 1944 psychologist BF Skinner created what was called an air crib and although it sounds lovely it was actually awful it was just horrible I can't believe that something like this was actually invented and used basically he invented it because he had already had one child and when he and his wife are expecting their second child he was like Oh being a parent is hard I'm gonna make this basically this climate-controlled box to put the baby in and it's gonna make things so much easier for us as parents and obviously it's what's best for the child right so the Skinner air crib it was basically an oversized metal crib a head of ceiling three solid walls and a safety glass pane at the front which could be lowered to move the baby in and out of the crib canvas was stretched to create a floor and sheeting was to be rolled on top of the canvas and could easily be rolled off from the outside when soiled parents could regulate the temperature and humidity of the crib via a control box on the top of the crib and clean air was filtered into the crib from below the crib was also higher than other cribs of the day easier access to the child without the burden of stooping over so if I can find it I'll link it but there's a Ladies Home Journal article that I think was was published in the 1940s after this air crib came out and it's titled baby in a box so if you read it you'll pretty much see how people viewed the crib that it wasn't really a great place to put your baby that you should be holding your baby and changing your baby with your own hands literally this thing had like a roll of paper in it so if the baby Peter pooped you would just like roll the paper away absolutely insane like a hamster the babies were like hamsters but anyways I'm sorry for that tangent again look more into the air crib if you want I would love to do videos where we talk about crazy things like this in history and psychology and stuff if you're interested let me know and I can do them but baby in a box Hilda would have liked to put her baby in an air crib like this and leave her there far before this air crib was ever invented I have a sneaking suspicion that Juliet as a baby cramped Hilda's style stopped her from being the social butterfly she wanted to be all her friends were volunteering for the war effort you know knitting mittens or getting stuff together for collection that was the social thing to do at that time Henry was always working or out of town that would have been her social interaction and she couldn't really do that with a baby so in my opinion Hilda pretty much wished that she wasn't a mother from the moment she became one in my opinion don't come for me on September 3rd 1939 a month before Juliet turned one war was declared and Henry was loaned out from the observatory to the British government to help on the mine design project so he was actually in charge of the mine de grousing unit and essentially what this means was there was a big issue with British ships being sunk because of enemy mines up and down the coast these mines were almost like magnetic and they'd be activated by a passing ship so as a ship passed it would activate the mine the mine would explode the ship would sink it's a big problem for the British government so Henry was put in charge of designing technology that could be placed onto the British ships which would basically keep them safe from these magnetic mines and he did very successfully actually as a result he was often called away from London but he knew Juliet and Hilda they'd be okay at least they had the Anderson shelter they had some place to go if there was an air-raid or an attack of some kind which inevitably did happen on September 7th 1943 hundred and fifty German bombers began to relentlessly drop bombs on London and the surrounding areas the Blitz had begun and would continue a day and night for nine months straight Juliet was two at the time and of course and at this point children were being shuttled out of London to get them away from the bombs this was really bad not only were the bombs dropping bad but there was constant bomb dust and dirt flying around in the air everything was just destroyed it wasn't a great place for kids to be but Hilda she didn't want to leave London although there was arrangements made for families who were less well-off for the children to be taken and you know put with other families some place outside of London the families who were more well-off and had money they were expected to make these arrangements on their own and it's kind of a a mystery as to where Juliet was during the nine months of these bombings it is understood that she was probably Assent out of London to live with her grandmother for a little bit but Hilda never a day to go with her and it was common practice when small children left London that their mothers would go with them if possible to ease the whole separation especially when they're this little like two years old but Hilda wasn't going to leave London and even though it was being bombed you know there was still things to do and places to be seen especially if you were helping with the war effort you were considered an important person is that exactly known for certain where Juliet was during these nine months of bombings in London but it is suspected that she was there for a good part of it and for the other part probably with her grandmother in the country but Hilda never left with her Juliet eventually did return to London and of course even after the Blitz there was bombs be dropped and it was still world war two so it was still going on there was constant war and fighting and bombs being dropped on and around London still so it wasn't as if it was over these people were still living in a wartime atmosphere personally I don't think Juliet spent much time out of London during the Blitz I think she was there for the majority of the time I think this because the Blitz started on September and at that following winter when it was still going on Hilda Hume was pregnant with her second child a son she would name Jonathan and she and Juliet were at their house when a pretty aggressive bombing started so what happened was hilda and Juliet ran from the house out to the Anderson shelter Hilda was running ahead of Juliet and according to some sources I've heard she would do this in order to run to the shelter get into the shelter and then motion for Juliet when it was safe to get into the shelter so Juliet would wait and then Hilda would go in the shelter and motion for her to follow but in my opinion that's absolutely ridiculous she was just running ahead and little Juliet who's like you know three years old or whatever at this time she's expected to just kind of follow and and basically every man for yourself Hilda's pregnant very pregnant at this time probably eight months along she runs ahead to the Anderson shelter but she gets stuck trying to get into the Anderson shelter through the opening so she can't get through she can't get into the shelter therefore Juliet definitely can't get into the shelter probably why as a parent you would carry your child out to the bomb shelter and make sure they get in there first before you get yourself to safety but whatever just my opinion anyways she couldn't get in she was stuck in the entrance and Juliet pretty much had to lay in the snow under a bush for hours while bombs dropped around her and not only did she develop after this what they called bomb shock which today would just be referred to as PTSD she woke up four months after with night terrors screaming absolutely terrified out of her mind but she developed a physical illness from this afterwards she was quite sick obviously from laying in the snow four hours from breathing in all the bombed us and just the the gross stuff in the air is she developed pneumonia they found shadows on both of her lungs now pneumonia we look at it in today's day as something that's easily cured and easily taken care of but in those days it wasn't so easily taken care of many people especially children would die from it and in fact even if you survived you would always have some kind of ailment or you know side effect from that now when Hilda gave birth to Juliette's little brother Jonathan everything seemed fine at first they were a normal happy family Juliette went to visit her mother and her new little brother in the hospital she held the baby all of them went home together Juliette Hilda baby Jonathan but one night Hilda felt she needed to go back to the hospital in the middle of the night so she took the baby Jonathan and she left she just left the house while Juliette slept Juliette was about five at this time so she would have awoken to an empty house by herself at 5:00 nobody around nobody had left a note nobody had said this is where we're going or woken her up and said just so you know we're not gonna be here so don't be scared when you wake up and this was a girl who already had severe terrifying nightmares and already suffered with trauma from feeling unsafe essentially and now she would wake up and find nobody in the house and nobody told her where they were in my opinion this is incredibly irresponsible not only because you don't leave a child at that age alone but because like I said these bombs were still falling all the time and how would Hilda think that if another air raid happened while she was gone that Juliette would know what to do or would be able to get to safety on her own it does turn out that Hilda thought she had to go to the hospital with Jonathan because of some postpartum illnesses we do believe at this time that she was suffering with severe postpartum depression and Juliette was not allowed to go to the hospital or see her mother or baby brother for quite a while after Hilda went in so she was basically left I think with a neighbor or a friend and she wasn't able to see her mother I do believe this is probably when Juliette began to resent her little brother for taking away her mother even though she didn't under stana she didn't understand obviously what was happening that it wasn't Jonathan's fault Hilda was too sick to be seen or she didn't want her daughter to see her that way whatever the reason it wasn't Jonathan's fault but when Hilda and Jonathan did come home Juliet had become a little bit more of a handful and according to Hilda she always was a handful she was always a willful child she was always kind of like had a mind of her own kind of sassy very stubborn when they got back from the hospital she was even more so and according to Hilda because the doctor who had diagnosed her with pneumonia had said you know it's probably not a great place to be in London during these bombings when she has problems with her lungs you should probably send her to a warmer climate so she can recover so little Juliet at about five and a half or six she sent to Barbados with a nurse to recover really I think it was just a reason you know it was a good excuse I guess for Hilda to get Juliet out of her hair this would be a lengthy separation it would be the first very lengthy separation from her mother and her family but it would not be the last in June of 1944 Henry Hume travelled to the United States in what is believed to have been a meeting in connection to the Manhattan Project at Oppenheimer 's los alamos lab an old school pal of dr. Humes bill penny went to New Mexico in 1944 and is pretty much accepted that Hume went with him that he was part of the team who helped design the first atomic bomb so like I said in the beginning Henry Hume was you know a brilliant man he was like a scientist a physicist he was incredibly intelligent and incredibly important and high up in the British government at this time so much so that he was part of the team that worked on the Manhattan Project so he definitely had a huge career and I can definitely understand why he was so incredibly busy all the time when he returned back to England he was promoted to director of naval operational research and he resigned from the Astronomical Society his interest had moved closer to the earth since the war and the stars no longer held the same appeal so if Hilda had thought that Juliet was short-tempered or hard to handle or before she was sent to Barbados she she would have a big surprise waiting for her when Juliet got back from Barbados Hilda claimed when she got back she was incredibly clingy and needy this drives me this woman drives me crazy this young child who has gone through so much trauma already who has gone through in a you know a life-threatening illness who you've sent away instead of going with her to Barbados and caring for her and getting her better you sent her away with a stranger and now she feels abandoned and she feels pushed to the side she feels like she's you know pain in your ass which is basically how you've made her feel so yes when she gets back she's going to be clingy and maybe that's the child trying to get validation from the parent that she is wanted and she is needed and she is going to be taken care of but Hilde of course was like you need to stop girl you're like way too thirsty right now I don't have time for this you know she she wasn't hands-on she didn't think kids should want so much attention so of course Juliet did not get that attention that love that care that she was basically as screaming for I think it was at this point that Hilde decided it was much easier to be Juliet's mother if Juliet wasn't around because of the pneumonia Juliet's lungs were very weak and she contracted a severe case of bronchitis when she was six she was sent away again to live in the Bahamas this time with you know complete strangers they were friends of her family I guess they knew her parents but she had never met them before in her entire life they weren't her family they were strangers and it is sad or rumoured that this family had a young son who didn't like Juliet and would constantly kind of bully her and mess with her and even sometimes physically abuse her but that's all like speculation and rumor I couldn't find any proof or evidence of that anywhere it's just something that I read so I mean basically this bronchitis was so bad they thought she was going to die she survived but she was withdrawn from any schooling she was in bed for you know two years straight and it was in 1947 when dr. Hume began to look for a different type of work he had returned to a destroy the London the place where he lived you know basically just the bombs had leveled it it was not good and he may have began to consider his work with the Manhattan Project building a bomb that would essentially bring a million times more damage than the ones that had fallen on London and maybe he realized he didn't really want to be a part of that any longer so he responded to an advertisement that was put in the paper saying at Canterbury College in Christchurch New Zealand was looking for a new rector I guess most colleges and universities had seen a rise in admission numbers since the war had started you know ex-servicemen trying to get their education things like that but they decided and from the impression I got they basically hadn't had anybody who is taking on that position of rector so rector would be like the director of the school you know in charge of the school the head of the school and they didn't really have anybody who was delegated that position they pretty much had other people doing other things who would just kind of like separate all the workload that a rector would have to do but it became too much and they decided they needed a designated director when they got Henry Humes resume they were like whoa this guy's too good for us like he's away overqualified we need him so they hired him Julia was eight at this time she was still living the Bahamas and she was sent to the Bay of Islands which was on the north end of New Zealand I believe by the North Islands to live with some more people who were strangers to her now you may think that she was sent there because her family was now going to go to New Zealand so they wanted to reunite however she was sent there months before Henry Hume ever got the letter from Canterbury College giving him the position so I definitely don't think that was their intent I don't think they were like let's just send her there so she's there when we get there I think it was just like let's just send her there because that's where people are that are willing to take her at this point it really wasn't about reuniting and here's why he was offered the position in December and he wrote back saying that he and his family were going to set sail for New Zealand in June but they didn't they didn't set sail for New Zealand until I want to say the following of fall so they were in no rush to get there they were in no rush to reconnect to the family and if I picked up on that have to believe that Juliet picked up on that as well dr. Hume and his family were welcomed to Christchurch with huge crowds they were highly anticipating his arrival you know they were kind of like intriguing and important people from London he was gonna be the new rector they had young children the people of Christchurch were like excited like celebrities were coming at first Hilda and Henry were in demand at every dinner party everybody wanted to entertain them be friends with them talk to them but the novelty of that soon wore off as the people of Christchurch got to know the Hulme's it was soon discovered that Henry had little to no interest in socialising kind of wanted to just keep to himself and he was you know described as being just boring he didn't really have much to talk about maybe he didn't think that the things he was interested in these normal people these non intellectuals would understand but he just didn't really want to talk to anybody he's kind of boring and Hilda she just acted like the biggest snob she acted self-important superior she was a cool and distant to the other women she awarded over them basically she treated them like country bumpkins you know she took every opportunity to compare in New Zealand to London and then talk about how London was better she pretty much only gave the time of day to other people who were from England or those that she considered well-traveled well-educated and progressive enough in their thinking to stimulate her mentally and it didn't take long for the other women to notice the effect that Hilda head on almost every single man that crossed her path at parties she would ignore all the women flirt with all the men and just soak up every single ounce of flattery and attention that she could get that she wasn't getting at home she hadn't been in Christchurch long before she was carrying on multiple Affairs she was described by men who knew her at that time as having a a siren-like presence and pretty much everybody knew it was happening which made it a big joke when she became a founding member of the Christchurch marriage guidance Council a huge irony that was lost on nobody Juliet did not have an easy transition into life at Christchurch or life with the family she'd been apart from for so long her mother father and brother had shared experiences and event she had not been a part of they had developed a dynamic that was different from the one she'd left and she just didn't know where she fit in but she had grown into a beautiful sophisticated for her age young woman full of a class and grace she had gained from being well traveled and living in different cultures with different people she was tall and blonde like her father but cool and indifferent like her mother Hilda Hume would later state that Juliet had always been imaginative to a fault which is a ridiculous statement to make I think especially children who are young you know five six seven eight an imagination is an amazing thing to have and it shows actually good cognitive development but Hilda you know look imagination so much attention needed julia lived in this imaginary world that she created most likely to escape the harsh reality of the one she actually occupied she didn't feel like she belonged in her family she most likely had severe abandonment issues and so she created a world with characters in it that you know became her friends and that she came to know better than the people in her real life this was not something that was encouraged by her parents but they definitely didn't have the time to discourage it either you know they kind of were like well we think it's weird but whatever kind of keeps her busy and happy I mean they realized it was going on they wrinkled their noses at it but let's be honest there's no real parenting going on in the heel household the maid of the Hulme's I thought that Juliet was just an atrocious child basically like spoiled threw fits if she didn't get her own way just kind of self-important as we've already said it reminds me of Mary from The Secret Garden where she would basically you know talk to the servants as if she was the lady of the house or she was an adult I kind of get that impression from a Juliet and a friend of Hilda's who was named Nancy Sutherland remembers then Juliet was always acting things out and and making these plays based on the the stories she'd written and if she was forced to play with her brother Jonathan which she didn't like to do because she didn't really like Jonathan she would always make him be a part in these plays with her that's how they would together and he was always given a lower role or a lower station in these plays like a submissive role a servant for example she was 10 when she was enrolled at st. Margaret's junior college which was where most of the daughters of important men in Christchurch were educated at that time but I suspect that having that their daughter gone out of the household for the better part of five years and then suddenly having her there and having her be you know so imaginative and just acting up all the time that was probably as hard of a transition for dr. and mrs. Hulme as it was for Juliet so it wasn't long before they shipped her off to boarding school this time she was sent away to Queen's wood boarding school on the North Island if she wanted to visit home for holidays or for any reason at all she'd have to take an overnight ferry and travel six hours on a train alone is this is ridiculous to me it's like there's many other schools and education options that are closer to home but you're gonna send your young daughter a ten year olds to a boarding school in which she has to literally jump through hoops in order to come home and visit once again I think it would be pretty clear to Juliet and anybody who saw what was happening that they wanted to make it as difficult as possible for her to be there with them so it's safe to say that coupled with what happened to her during the Blitz on London coupled with the fact that her family continually shipped her off and abandoned her and every chance they could you know find she probably felt at Cass to the side unwanted and it probably instilled in her this very unsafe unsettled feeling that never went away she had been to ten different schools in her lifetime she'd never been able to really make friends she was alone bottom line and yeah she did create a world and a cast of characters that were so specific and so detailed and so imaginative that they became to her what reality was she didn't just have an imaginary friend she had imaginary friends she had imaginary subjects because she was always the princess or somebody important like that in her story she had people who adored her in these stories because she did not feel adored in real life in December of 1950 the heels through a Christmas party and a belated birthday party for Juliet who had been you know locked away boarding school during her real birthday and for this party she didn't have any friends to invite the only children that were there were children that were arranged to be their friends of the humans colleagues or you know neighbors people they knew their children but nobody that Juliet actually knew or cared about or played with or had a connection with she was alone she had no one even show up for her at her birthday party not surprisingly Juliet was not happy at this boarding school she was eventually brought home at this time the Hume family was occupying the Ilham homestead the normal residence for the rector of Canterbury College and Juliet attended at the small school there for about two years where she actually seemed to be very happy but she was for her age incredibly intelligent just like her father and when her intelligence was tested she scored a 170 on an IQ test it was thought that she needed to be attending a school that would offer her more stimulation academically so in 1952 she became a pupil at christchurch high school which was a public school but a very good one additionally hilda was on the board of governors at the high school and dr. Humes office was also nearby it would be the perfect situation for the family in reality this was the decision that said all future events into motion Juliet arrived at the school she was kind of in high demand she was an enigma she was tall she had these long legs and this beautiful blonde hair and this expression of you know constant indifference and boredom all the girls in her class they clamored around her trying to be her friend but Juliet had no interest in any of them much like her mother she felt a superior and better to anybody else as she was polite but dismissive but one girl did catch her attention and her name was Pauline Reaper and you literally probably could not have found a girl at that school who was more different from Juliet Hulme than Pauline Reaper she was a short and sturdy she had dark frizzy hair that was always wild and a permanent scowl she just always looked pissed off or unhappy about something they call it resting [ __ ] now but Pauline had it down pat long before that term was ever coined I don't think that Pauline was hated or teased or bullied I think she a nonconformist who was kind of a loner and I think pretty much the other girls just didn't understand her or were scared of her or both she liked to be called Paul at school and at home they called her Yvonne which was her middle name and talking about her home life you couldn't find a girl once again who is more different in background and family life than Pauline was from Juliet's her parents were Bert and her Nora Reaper and they had an interesting story all of their own Herbert Reaper was born in 1893 on the west coast of Tanzania he went to New Zealand when he enlisted in 1915 and that is where he met his wife Louisa who was most likely a nurse at one of the base hospitals at that time now you'll notice I said Louisa and not Honora because of Bert Reaper he was only married once and he was not two Honora Reaper it was - Louisa Honora Parker or Norah issue is called came from a family that was pretty financially comfortable but her father was admitted to an asylum at one point where he later died at the age of 39 and his estate was liquidated to provide for the family but for a woman like Norris mother who was used to living a comfortably she didn't really know how to hold on to that money and it didn't last very long both Norah and Bert because if they're separate circumstances ended up in rutti he in New Zealand I hope I said that right Ricci he Rotti he Bert lived there with his wife Louisa who was eight years older than him and their two young sons he worked at an accounting firm where he kept the books and Norah also worked there and that's where they met and they connected he basically complained to her that he was in a miserable marriage his wife was mean she didn't love him he didn't love her and Norah who was younger than Bert she was 14 years younger than him and 22 years younger than his wife Lisa she was naive you know she was a young girl she just wanted to help she thought that this man deserved more and better and she was drawn to him he was a snappy dresser he had that allure of an older man who been around the world been in the military knew his stuff so they decided that they were going to run away together it pretty much knew they couldn't conduct an affair in Russia he was a small town it would have been a matter of time before Louisa found out so he pretty much waited long enough to celebrate his son Ken's 14th birthday and then he bought Nora a wedding ring in July of 1931 and then they ran off they they left he left his family he left his kids he left his wife hide your kids hide your wife at first Berta Noura thought they were gonna live this good life right everything was in the past they had left everything behind but everything had not left them behind he'd abandoned his wife and his two children they rented a pretty nice villa in st. Albans but it was only a matter of time before Bert was arrested in September Louisa was not letting him off the hook that easy she had him arrested for failure to keep his wife and children from that point on they made sure any place that they rented or purchased was in Nora's name so it would be harder to find him I suppose but it wasn't even Nora's name their property that they had in the future was under the name Honora Reaper wife of Herbert Reaper which we know that wasn't true because Louisa never gave him a divorce so he was never able to legally marry Nora as far as we know Bert Reaper never had any contact with Louisa or his two sons ever again and I'm not sure if he continued to pay support I have a feeling considering what happened later when Pauline was arrested that he probably didn't but regardless he had no more contact with them and he and Nora would go on to have four children of their own the first was a baby boy they called him a blue baby because he was born with health issues and he didn't survive the day they then had a daughter named Wendy who was a happy and healthy girl and a little over a year later they gave birth to Pauline even Reaper I'm May 26 1938 crazy Gemini by all accounts Pauline also was a happy and healthy little girl until she was 5 years old when she was 5 she developed osteomyelitis in one leg and osteomyelitis is in inflammation of the bone marrow due to an infection it's an extremely painful and at that time life-threatening condition for anybody to go through much less a child that young age she was kept in the hospital for eight months at the age of five in the hospital for eight months and then she had to withstand several operations to drain the infection two years of daily dressings and rhe dressings of the leg and after three years she finally got better but she was left with a noticeable limp and constant pain that she was prescribed painkillers for the Reapers weren't poverty-stricken but they certainly weren't flush Burt worked for Dennis brothers of fishmongers and Nora was pretty much a housewife she stayed home he was the main income but he was 54 and when talk started about him retiring they had to figure out how they were going to make a supplemental income which caused them to move to a house in the center of the city it was a rundown neighborhood at this time and there weren't a lot of kids around because families typically didn't want to raise kids in the Center City they wanted them to be on the outskirts and in the suburbs where they had a launch run around in and space to live in as a result for two years pauline was the only student in her class there was literally no other kids there was the daughter of a doctor who lived nearby the Reapers but she was sent to a private school yes she was the only kid in her class that's crazy so it's not really a wonder how Pauline kind of grew up to prefer being alone to keep herself occupied and to not really want the company of other people the main reason for the move to the city was because Burt was going to be retiring soon and they needed to start taking in boarders and this house had the room where they could take in boarders and make money from those borders the house was always shabby and just kind of haphazard it always smelled like fish and it was pretty clear to anybody who came there that the family had trouble making ends meet Nora took a job working as a secretary when both Pauline and Wendy were in school and as a result she was always tired always cranky you know didn't really have the time to be the attentive mother that she probably wanted to be they didn't have money for vacations but family would spend Sundays together sometimes they'd go for a drive to the beach other times they'd go to church together to add to the stress and uncertainty of the time when Nora was 42 she gave birth to her last child a little girl they called rosemary rosemary was born with Down syndrome and in those days it wasn't easily understood it was just understood that it was a lot of work to care for these children so Nora had to quit her job so that she could take on the added responsibility of caring for rosemary but eventually it became too much and rosemary was sent to live at Templeton farms an institution for intellectually challenged children a lot of times it says rosemary wasn't there when she was five but from the time if you kind of do the math I do believe she was about three or three and a half when she was sent there which is incredibly sad and in those days it was common for families to use these institutions as dumping grounds for kids like this they would just drop them off and wash their hands of them not see them again but to the reaper's credit they didn't do that they visited rosemary every single Sunday they sometimes brought her home for weekends and always on holidays now although Pauline didn't really get along with her older sister Wendy because Wendy was pretty much viewed as like the good one so the golden child that you know didn't give any one of problems Pauline was quite fond of little rosemary she was good to her she played with her she loved her now according to Bert Reaper until Pauline started at Christchurch high and met Juliet she was not a problem for anybody if she was a good girl she knew the difference between right and wrong she could take accountability for things when she had done anything wrong and he never remembered her having to be disciplined physically at least but when she arrived at Christchurch High School in February of 1952 she hardly seemed to be opposed to everyone and everything her relationship with her mother appeared to have been broken and strained from a very early time Honora Reaper wasn't a young woman at this point and she was stretched a very thin especially with taking care of rosemary and then having to send her off to Templeton farms now she had to work she had to worry always about money she always had to worry about how they were gonna eat or you know taking care of the boarders she had a lot on her plate so she didn't really have the patience for a daughter who was in the process of discovering herself and naturally acting out in rebellious teenage kind of way it kinda reminds me of that movie Matilda where Matilda's asking her parents all these questions cuz you know that's what kids do they ask questions they want to learn and they learn through asking questions they're not trying to be annoying but the parents are just like oh there's a Matilda she's so annoying stop asking questions why do you want to know all this stuff and they treat her more like a bother and in a pain than a child who's just trying to learn the world I have a feeling that's pretty much how the interaction was I do think Nora loved her daughter she just didn't have the time to deal with her and she would often explode and blow up they would fight and then she would feel bad and have to apologize later and I mean who hasn't been there in both sets of shoes when Juliet and Pauline became friends it was because they both suffered from childhood illnesses that made them exempt from any physical activity at school so while the other girls were running around playing sports or you know during recess Pauline and Juliet's had to sit out and as a result obviously when they're sitting on the sidelines for hours and hours they began to talk and chat and then they became friends they talked about what it was like to be hospitalized for extended periods of time when they were young they talked about writing and poetry Pauline was an artistic soul herself she liked making these little models out of clay and plaster she was also an avid and enthralled fan of Juliet she was just so impressed with Juliet and everything that was Juliet Juliet was incredibly impressed with herself so they had that in common the unlikely friendship grew and strengthened until one day in June of nineteen fifty-two Juliet went home and told Hilda mummy I've met someone at last who is a will as strong as my own Juliet had this incredible imagination and Pauline was absolutely enthralled by everything that came out of her mouth while they sat together they began to write stories and poems together Juliet invited Pauline into this world she had created and they began to create it further together and Pauline became an almost permanent fixture at the Hume home at first both sets of parents were pleased that their daughters had started what seemed to be a normal friendship the Humes had been wanting Juliet to you know get out of her faith world and make real friends for a while now so that's what they wanted and Pauline's parents were pretty much just happy that their daughter wasn't coming home in a miserable mood from school every day but the problem with Pauline is spending so much time at the Humes was she began to compare them to her own family and her own circumstances which was a recipe for disaster she pretty much adored dr. and mrs. Hulme almost as much as she adored Juliet she thought dr. Hulme was very estate Li and refined and intelligent and mrs. Hulme always looked so beautiful it was always smiling she was never in a bad mood and she didn't bother the girls of annoying questions about their lives she just kind of treated them more is if they were girlfriends than children the Humes said is a beautiful piece of property and the house had shelves and shelves of books paintings hung on the wall the Humes drank of French wine out of crystal glasses they were so sophisticated a so high-class so much better than her own parents as a result she became more and more of an issue at home as she presented her family and her circumstances and really pretty much just didn't want to be there and didn't want to be a part of them one day in August the girls went on a normal bike ride as they often did and it was then that they came upon an open field they decided to remove most of their clothes and go running through this field they danced around and they brought themselves to what has been called a state of ecstasy and this feeling this new feeling of being live of feeling is so happy and an unbridled joy was so strong and impactful for them if they completely forgot to put their clothes back on and they drove home on their bikes without them Pauline claimed later that it was at this point that she and Juliet became more than friends they developed an indissoluble bond Polly never wanted to leave the Hume home she told hilda and Juliet she was very unhappy at home then nobody understood her her mother didn't understand her her mother was always on her case she would physically abuse her and punish her and it would be so heart-wrenching to Juliet to see her friend going through something is so tragic and hard that they would just sob together they almost become one person experiencing each other's highs and lows and even still at this point Hilde Hume didn't think that there was anything strange or overly close about their relationship for the first few months it was pretty normal they did things that normal kids did they went out and rode on Juliet's horse Juliet owned a horse and Pauline had been taking riding lessons so they both loved riding the horse they loved to write and act out plays of course Pauline was always given a secondary character with Juliet being the main character and at this point the Humes made did say that she believed Juliet was the domineering personality in the - that she was the one was kind of running the show and that Pauline just so badly wanted to be like Juliet that she'd become a shadow person basically following the leader doing whatever Juliet did liking whatever Juliet liked wanting to be whatever Juliet was but eventually the girls became so excited with the stories and the worlds they were creating that they stopped sleeping and I do think that this is where some of the problem has started they were literally up all night sometimes Pauline would sneak out and she would go to alum and they would spend basically the whole night out writing Juliet's horse or laying out a picnic on the yard of the home home while the parents have slept in the house and had no idea it was happening they basically stay up all night even when they were apart they'd stay up all night writing and just you know almost manically obsessed with each other and this world lyric reading and when you're sleep-deprived for an excessive amount of time there can be a point of almost insanity that takes over your brain structure actually changes and we'll go more into that later now much of what happened in these following months we know because Pauline was keeping a diary that she'd gotten for Christmas of 1952 her first entry was January 1st of 1953 and it was a New Year's resolution to be lenient with others the Hulme's were spending a portion of their summer holidays which in New Zealand happens during December and January they were spending a portion of their summer holidays poor levy port levee beach is located in Canterbury and while they were there Pauline was basically going to Bible school or a Bible Camp sort of thing and I'm one of their field trips as she spent some time at a farm where she appeared to develop a very normal flirtation with a boy she was even jealous of another girl who she thought was kind of her competition for this boy so it just seemed to be like they were just two normal girls separately celebrating their summer holidays at the end of January 1953 Pauline began to write in her diary that her mother was planning on taking in a set of boarders from the local Teachers Training School it was also around this time the dr. heal MacLaine's both Juliet and Pauline were getting nervous about the new school year starting so he basically gave them some advice and calmed them down and you know just that was there with a fatherly kind of like it's gonna be alright you girls are brilliant kind of pep talk it seemed from what I can gather from Pauline to diary entries that there would be four boarders who would come and stay with the Reapers at that point their names were Harry Roz Ron and John and John would also be known as Nicholas at times Pauline wrote about each man's impending arrival or a part of her life in her diary on February 9th she wrote Harry arrived today he seems quite nice and he's about 35 On February 10th she wrote I do hope Ross turns out to be nice I've been looking forward to his coming so much that I will probably be disappointed and on February 18th she wrote run the new border arrived he is quite nice and is about 25 on March 4th she wrote today many people came about bored we may be getting a Frenchman I hope very much that we are and on March 9th she wrote John helped me with my homework for about an hour he says damn a lot I did a lot of homework so pretty much these men right they're like living in her house with her they have the meals with the family that's how it was when you were a boarder you would pay for your room and board and the landlady in this case who was Nora Reaper would cook your meals for you and you know just make sure that you were taking care of in that way Adam Abrams who runs a very detailed a blog about this case he theorizes that the presence of the boarders because they were from the teachers training school may have increased poland's educational abilities at this time because she did seem to become more of a prolific writer she did seem to become more inventive and creative so possibly it was the influence of both Juliet who was incredibly brilliant and these boarders who were training to be teachers on March 20th the school was taken to lancaster park for a sporting event and of course pauline and juliet they set out they found a nice shady area under some trees where they could sit together and write and on that day pauline wrote a poem now this poem is called the ones i worship i think it's a very good poem especially considering i think she was about 14 when she wrote it but i'm going to read it to you now and then we'll discuss it for a second afterwards there are living amongst two dutiful daughters of a man who possesses two beautiful daughters the most glorious beings in creation they be the pride and joy of any nation you cannot know nor try to guess the sweet soothingness of their caress the outstanding genius of this pair is understood by few they are so rare compared with these two every man is a fool the world is most honored that they should deign to rule and above us these goddesses reign on high I worship the power of these lovely two with that adoring love known to so few tis indeed a miracle one must feel that two such heavenly creatures are real both sets of eyes though different far hold many mysteries strange impassively they watched the race of man decay and change hatred burning bright in the brown eyes with enemies for fuel icy scorn glitters in the gray eyes contemptuous and cruel why are men such fools they will not realize the wisdom that is hidden behind those strange eyes and these wonderful people are you and I okay so obviously this poem that Pauline wrote is about her and Juliette and the most important thing I think to take from it are the beginning lines there are living amongst two dutiful daughters of a man who possesses two beautiful daughters she considered herself and Juliette to be sisters and their father to be Henri Hume at this point she was separating herself from her family basically almost annexing herself from them I'm not a part of you this person is my father this person is my sister this is the family I choose additionally at the end or towards the end when they talk about the two sets of eyes hatred burning bright in the brown eyes with enemies for fuel Pauline's talking about her own eyes her brown eyes and I see scorn glitters in the gray eyes contemptuous and cruel she's talking about Juliet's eyes at this point so is this out of the ordinary for a young girl to write especially one who is deeply ingrained in the world of fantasy I don't think so but I think the most important thing to take away from it is that she was at this point trying to separate herself from her family as quickly and as permanently as she could to the point where she was thinking of somebody else another man as her own father and she mentions in this poem the outstanding genius of this pair in two days before she wrote this poem she made an entry in her diary which said we have decided how sad it is for other people that they cannot appreciate our genius so they think these two girls they think they're just really so much smarter and better than everybody that they are special that they are almost gods among men right and that's gonna be important in a second they weren't private about their closeness everybody in the school knew that pretty much they were best friends to the exclusion of all others they walked around the school holding hands they kissed they were together non-stop and there began to be rumors that they were together in a way that was more than friends basically that they were having a sexual or intimate relationship it became so well known in the school that the headmistress had to call Hilde Hume and basically say you know maybe maybe there's something going on with these girls that's like more than friendships you know basically saying they're lesbians and Hilda Hilda wasn't bothered Hilda was like listen this this Pauline girls keeping Juliet out of my hair and keeping her happy right so until I see something more concrete we're all set thanks so much for your concern it is possible that Juliet and Pauline shared a relationship that went further than friendship that maybe they were in love in a way maybe they even explored their sexuality together this was an all-girls school and it is said that it was not uncommon for girls to develop crushes on each other or to explore things you know together sexually however they usually would keep that private it wasn't really accepted at that time but Juliet and Pauline they were not keeping it private they were like right out there they wanted everybody to see and know because they considered themselves to be above you know human law or human judgment they weren't worried what other people thought about them the Humes went back to port levee Beach for the Easter holidays and this time Paulina came with them this trip strengthened at the bond between Juliet Napoleon but it also strengthened the bond between Pauline and the Humes or at least the perceived bond that Pauline had towards the Humes sea mrs. Hulme Hilda Hume was very kind Pauline she almost treated her like a charity case but she never thought that she was a good enough for Juliet she never thought that they were of the same class or of the same station but during their time in port levy Hilda would sit with the girls and she would brush Pauline's hair and according to Pauline's diary Hilda Hume said you know you're my foster daughter I wish you and my real daughter and it's just cruel it was a cool thing to do for Hilda on Hilda's part because she just loved the attention and adoration from Pauline just like her daughter Juliet but as an adult she knew that Pauline was having some serious issues with her mother so instead of trying to repair the bond between mother and daughter she almost made it worse knowingly I think she would rather have been the cooler mom out of the two the one who was liked more out of the two then to help Nora repair her relationship with her daughter I'm good at Friday April 3rd is very early in the morning before the Sun came up the girls woke up and they walked up the hill behind the cottage they had what I guess you could call a a spiritual experience they saw this bank of clouds basically under licked by the moon over the ocean and as the Sun came up they had a vision in her diary Pauline writes today Julia and I found the key to the fourth world we realize now that we have had it in our possession for about six months but we only realized it on the day of the death of Christ we saw a gateway through the clouds we sat on the edge of the path and looked down the hill out over the bay the island looked beautiful the sea was blue everything was full of peace and bliss we then realized we had the key we now know that we are not Jeanne I as we thought we have an extra part of our brain which can appreciate the fourth world only about ten people have it when we die we will go to the fourth world but meanwhile on two days every year we may use the key and look into that beautiful world which we have been lucky enough to be allowed to know of on this day of finding the key to the way through the clouds by early March Pauline was writing in her diary original poems and stories and adding those to her day-to-day entries Pauline and Juliet had created this worlds together most likely based on the characters in the world that Juliet already had created it was the kingdom of Boronia but as time went on the characters and the events in this kingdom got more violent and bloodthirsty the girls were continuing their sleepless nights staying up all night writing of furiously losing themselves in this altered reality they'd created together the fourth world to them according to them was a heaven like place and when Pauline used the word Aegina which was supposed to be the plural form of genius because they considered themselves to be geniuses she meant they now discovered that they weren't geniuses but they were just special they were two of the ten people in the whole world that had this special part of their brains that allowed them to know about the fourth world to me these were two teenage girls who never felt special even though Juliet acted as if she were superior acted as if she were special she never really truly felt special to anyone besides self but she always knew she was special and it had never been recognized but now something in that universe had recognized this special quality that they both had that they shared and had revealed itself to them they used movies and actors that were popular at that time because they loved the movies they used these movies and actors in order to add more life and give themselves more ideas for these stories James Mason was their favorite they made these plans that one day they were gonna go to Hollywood and marry James Mason one of them would marry him it didn't matter which one they weren't jealous or possessive over James Mason they would marry him they would become friends with all his Hollywood friends and their great stories would be turned into even greater movies dr. Hulme had been planning a trip to the US where he would represent Canterbury College at some sort of convention and Hilda Hume was to go with him because they were going to be making a trip to London back home on their way there or back Norah Reaper had offered for Juliet to stay with the Reapers while they were gone so she wouldn't be alone and that was great the girls were getting very excited about it but then Juliet got sick she came down with tuberculosis on may 15th Pauline wrote in her diary mrs. Hulme told me that they found out today Juliet has tuberculosis on one lung poor Julieta it is only now I realize how fond I am of her I nearly fainted when I heard I had a terrible job not to cry it would be wonderful if I could get tuberculosis too on May 16th she wrote I spent a wretched night it was a relief to see Juliet looking so well we agreed it was a great pity I had not TB to and it would be wonderful if I could catch it we would be in the sanatorium together and would be able to write a lot we have decided we are the most incredible optimists so I mean of course you have a teenage daughter she comes down with tuberculosis which was life-threatening a big deal of course you're gonna cancel your trip to the US and to London right they're gonna be gone for three months of course you're gonna cancel your trip at least mrs. healin would stay home and care for her daughter but no that's not what happened Juliet was put in a sanatorium to recover and Hilda and dr. Hume went on with their plans as usual they were going to go to America they're gonna go to London and and Juliet would be fine she's taking care of by professionals they know what they're doing you're you don't need any parental support around you and you're this sick and basically in your deathbed and in a hospital surrounded by strangers you're going to be fine and of course this brought on a whole new wave of abandonment and neglect and rejection that Juliet had become also familiar with Juliet was 14 and a half and she wouldn't see her parents for a hundred and twelve days Hilda didn't seem to understand that her daughter felt upset by this in fact Hilda was annoyed that she only received two letters from Juliet the entire time that she was abroad and Hilda claimed when she returned Juliet was even more distant than usual even more cool to her parents than usual and that her bond and friendship with Pauline had only strengthened because Pauline had come to visit her while she was in the sanatorium she had been there for her and Pauline had actually had the brilliant idea that they should start writing letters to each other pretty much daily but they would write the letters from their characters in Boronia they began to write to each other as Charles and Lance Prince Charles was at Juliet's character and Lance was a pollens character so when Pauline would write her letter she basically writes six pages from Lance and then two pages from herself Pauline Juliet would respond similarly with a whole bunch of pages from Prince Charles and then a couple from herself so obviously the reason that the bond between them was strengthened was because at this point Juliet felt my parents abandoned me over and over again Pauline's been the only one who's always there she is the only one who actually cares about me and who actually loves me in one of these letters from Lance to Prince Charles Pauline as Lance writes I don't kill people I thought you might like to know since you asked me some time ago my father hasn't killed anyone for a while I would like to kill someone sometimes because I think it is an experience that is necessary to life so it's getting intense now they're writing letters to each other from each other but also from their made-up characters and they're starting to take this very seriously and it kind of is a symbol to me that the letters that were sent back and forth from Pauline and Juliette while Juliette was at the sanatorium were mainly from Lance and Charles it makes me believe that this was no longer a game for them or a fun little activity this was who they were becoming this was who they saw themselves as and that's why the bulk of the letter would be from this other character with only a couple of pages from the actual person it was as if they were losing their actual selves more and more as time went on and as they became each other's only support system only friend only confident in the next video it gets more scandalous it gets more crazy lots of stuff happens lots of stuff with Hilda hume Pauline has a sexual awakening when she has a relationship with somebody that is not Juliette it gets crazy and the two starts to hatch their plan of how they're going to basically end Norah Reapers life thank you guys so much for being here I hope you enjoyed it I know it was pretty long and I wanted some tirades and you know some tangents but I really enjoy the background of all these people I enjoy seeing how they got to the point where they got the murder obviously is interesting and scintillating and you know scandalous but there's so much other stuff so much other stuff in every single case that's just as interesting and scandalous and you know worth talking about I think so let me know what you guys thought I will see you very soon stay kind and stay beautiful bye she's like a sickness in my brain a vision standing by the window pane she ripples through the blinds in a day
Channel: Stephanie Harlowe
Views: 598,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: parker-hulme, juliet hulme, pauline parker, true crime, new zealand crime, heavenly creatures, stephanie harlowe
Id: ozCxVnXlDd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 48sec (4308 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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